Demon On Your Shoulder { Grim Fairy & Reality }

Sky raised an eyebrow as she spotted him tossing away a note. The girls in this school were so fickle. Rolling her eyes, she glanced over to where her brother was chatting happily with Keith and paying no mind at all to the teacher. She sighed again. No wonder he was failing. She continued to watch them talk and chimed in occasionally until the bell finally rang. She climbed to her feet, smacked her brother over the head and wandered over to Jason. "Need help finding your next class?" She asked, tilting her head to the side and ignoring as her brother mocked her behind her back. She'd get him later.
Cirus was falling asleep when suddenly Sky had popped up asking if he needed help finding his next class "Quoi?" Cirus said, he then sat up when he noticed he had just spoken french all of a sudden, didnt know where that came from. He honestly needed to stop hanging out with his sister who always speaks french frequently since she was born there though he was actually from new york. "Oh uh..yeah sure.." Cirus said as he brushed some of his brown hair away from his maroon eyes and sat up from the desk he then looked behimd Sky only to see the boy that had caused such a frantic in the classroom mocking Sky "Are you aware of that guy mocking you behind your back?" Cirus asked with an eyebrow raised.
Sky couldn't help the sigh that escaped her lips at his words. "Yes, yes. I am well aware of that. That is my twin Tyler. He is being an idiot and will be dealt with later. " She said, shooting a glare over her shoulder. "Anyways, where are you headed next?" She asked, watching out of the corner of her eye as her brother stuck his tongue out again before wandering off. She was just really hoping that he wouldn't be stuck in a class with the Maverick twins. They were horrible if she did say so herself. Then again, getting stuck with her brother and Keith in study hall wasn't very good either.
Cirus couldnt help but laugh a bit before pulling out his schedule and looking at thw paper "Apparently I have math right now.." Cirus said handing her the paper "Can you show me there..?" he said with a small smile forming on his face, he had to try to make friends with this girl so he had to be near her as much as possible without smother her or anything, he didnt want to seem like a weirdo but he was a demon, any human would find that weird... and scary...or cool, why was he thinking about this? Honestly ot was a stupid subject.
Sky nodded her head and began weaving her way through the crowd again. The math room was on the opposite side of the school from her study hall, but she didn't mind. It spared her some time before she had to go deal with Carvson. Sure, he wasn't as bad as his sister. Actually he was kind of nice to her sometimes in that creepy sort of way. It was almost as if he were trying to hook up with her just to spite his sister. The big thing was that he hated and tormented her twin just as badly as his sister did to her. A small sigh escaped her as she pushed the thoughts out of her head. She'd deal with him when she got to study hall. Finally, she came to a halt in front of a door. "Here you are." She said, turning to him with a smile on her face. "Good luck, Tyler's in this class. Last I heard he planned on super gluing the teacher to his chair today."
Cirus followed Sky as she leaded him to his math class, when Cirus saw his sister he put a book up to his face so she wouldnt see him, dealing with that women was the last thing he wanted to do, he might just rip out her tongue just to get her to shut up about stupid girl crap. When they reached the classroom Cirus looked over to Sky with a little laugh "Uhhh thanks for the heads up.." he said "Thanks for takung me here. Bye." he said as he entered the class he looked at the teacher and nodded his head no meaning that he didnt want to be intorduced, the teacher shrugged and Cirus sat in an empty deat near the back of the classroom.
Sky wandered off to her study hall after she gave Jason a small smile. She settled herself into the back of the room only to sigh as Carvson plopped down next to her. "Hey, Sky-bird." He said, giving her a mixture of a smile and a grin. Sky's eyes narrowed. "Only my brothers can call me that. To you, it's Sky, if you must address me at all." Carvson shrugged and began talking to her, paying no mind to the fact that Sky was rolling her eyes and paying absolutely no attention. She was to busy reading her novel.

Tyler waltzed into the math classroom like he owned the place and took one of the back corner seats. He gave a barely noticeable nod to his friend Keith and they both shared a smirk. The plan was going through today. They'd had some minor setbacks before, but today was the day. Keith had gotten into the classroom early enough. The teacher settled himself in his chair to do attendance only to find out the he couldn't rise again to walk to the board. "Mr. Tillany, would you mind explaining this?" He said. By this point there was no reason for him to find the culprit because he knew who they were. "You to Mr. Vantstil." He said, looking over at Keith who was trying not to laugh. "Do I even have to say it this time?" With those words both Tyler and Keith burst out laughing as they wandered out of the room to the principal's office.
Cirus's eyes focused to the door when the Tyler guy had walked in and sat down at a desk in the back of the classroom by the corner, he shugged as layed his head down, this school wa sboring abit but the classes were entertaining since there was always some type of prank or something going on. Cirus watched as the teacher sat down, he wondered how he would react when he found out he was glued to the seat, he responded to it normally so now he was positive these type of things happen nearly evreyday here. When the two guys walke dout Cirus yawned, well the teacher was glued to the seat so really it was just a free period so there was mo point in him being here. Cirus stood up out of his seat and walked out of the classroom, he decided to go wonder around the school just out of boredom.
Sky sighed, it was getting really hard to ignore Carvson. He just didn't want to take the message and shut up. Grumbling under her breath, she slammed her book shut and whipped around in her seat. "Would you shut up already!" She yelled, causing everyone in the class to turn and look at her. The teacher asked her what the meaning of this was and she started on a rant about the idiot next to her causing him to get up and argue back. The teacher just sighed and mumbled: "Here we go again..."
Cirus stopped walking when he was at the library, he saw that Sky was throwing some type of fit at the guy that they ran into in the hallway but he was with a girl but she wasnt there. Cirus leaned against a bookshelf and decided to watch the ranting girl "What are you doing?" Cirus turned around to find his sister behind him, dang it. "Nothing.." Cirus said with a sigh "Arent you suppose to be in class?" Cirus asked "I could ask you the same.." she said in reply "My teacher was glued to their seat what you excuse?" his sister shrugged "I just dont like classes, I've been through half of the history here." she said with a laugh before walking off Cirus just rolled his eyes andwent back to watching Sky.
Finally after hearing enough of Carvson, Sky pitched her book at him and nailed him in the forehead. He instantly started complaining to the teacher that she just assaulted him. "I did not! The book assaulted you, I merely threw it." She said, crossing her arms over her chest as she rose to her feet. "I'm going to go find Tyler." She declared as she strode out of the classroom. Ha, she'd show them. Once she was out of the room, she allowed a sigh to escape her. Sometimes it was hard to keep up her tough girl facade. It was even more difficult without any of her brothers around.
Cirus watched as sky threw a book at the guy which slammed right into his foreheas, which made Cirus laugh, humans were so entertaining they've been like that through out history. When Sky walked out of the class Cirus followed behind her curious to what she was doing "What was that about?" Cirus asked automatically popping up beside Sky "Im pretty sur ethats not how you ise books in these school."
As she heard Jason's voice behind her, she allowed a small smile to grace her face once again. "Oh, that?" She said, turning around. "That was just me handling a thorn in my side. My brother and I don't really play well with the Mavericks." She said with a laugh. "..and you're right. I had been trying to properly use the book, but he was making it difficult for me to do so.." It was about that time that she realized that he should be in class. "What are you doing out here anyways, if you don't mind me asking?" She said, tilting her head slightly to the side once more. Usually the only ones to cut class were her, Tyler, and a few of their friends.
"Oh, well ai see." Cirus said with a small laugh when Sky had answered his questions "When you throw a book at a person you must not like them." he said with a little smile as scratched the back of his neck "Well I probably would have done the same if someone was annoying me that much." But he would probably rip their heads off. When Sky asked what he was doing out of class he shrugged a bit "My teacher was glued to their seat so there wasnt anything to do in there." he said with a little smile.
So apparently Tyler had gone through with his plan. She tried not to laugh. She could almost picture the look on the teacher's face. "So, what now..?" She asked, looking at him curiously. "There's this nice place on the roof if you want to hang out until our next class." She said with a small smile. It was the place where her twin, herself, and their friends tended to hang out during school when they cut class. Only they really knew about it.
Cirus could tell that Sky was trying not to laugh he guessed she was a little prankster herself though the situation was pretty funny so he would understand why she wanted to laugh. When she asked what now he shrugged "I dont really know." he said with a little sigh escaping his lips he wondered what his sister was doing right now though, she had skipped class since they were just talking to eachother not to long ago, she was probably sinking her teeth into someones neck or something, that idiot they were probably going to get caught because of her and her carlessness. Cirus looked over to Sky when she mentioned the 'nice place' , he thought about it for a moment, if it was a place where they would be alone he could probably kill her. Cirus smiled "Alright. That would be nice." he said.
"Okay then." She chirped happily. "Follow me." She said, giving him a small smile before turning on her heel and setting off down the hallway. There was one close call in the hallway where Tyler and Keith had the assistant principal chasing them, but other than that, they made it to a small staircase past the teachers lounge without being spotted. After climbing the staircase, they came to a wooden door that only the janitor was supposed to use. The door seemed old and worn like it was barely used at all. Sky pulled a small pin out of her hair and proceeded to pic the lock which exposed an old room. On one side of the room there was a ladder. At the top of the ladder was an entrance to the roof. "Tada!" Sky said softly as they finally emerged into the late morning sun. As far as she could see, none of her friends were there, it was just the two of them. 'Isn't it nice up here.?" She asked, as she turned once again to look at him.
Cirus followed Sky as they walked, they had almost been spotted by the guy Tyler, who had glued the teacher to the seat and his friend who were being chased by what he assumed was the aassistant principal, he was glad they didnt see them or they would have followed. He followed pass the teachers lounge and up the staircase which came to a wooden door that looked like only teachers could acsess. He couldnt help but laugh a bit when Sky pulled out a hair pin and started to pick the lock, wasnt she a little criminal. Cirus followed up the ladder with Sky and they were finally at the roof, when she turned to him Cirus smiled a bit "Yeah its nice.." Cirus saidas she stepped closer to Sky with a smile.
"This is where my friends and I hang out most of the time. If you want, you're welcome to have lunch up here with us..." She said, her smile growing. Even if her brother hated it, she enjoyed bringing new friends into their group. As he stepped closer to her, she had to tilt her head up slightly to see him. She was rather on the small and petite side. This was part of the reason that her two older brothers, especially Ethan, tended to dote on her and protect her. They were the reason that most of the boys in the school stayed away from her. Well, other than Carvson anyways.
Cirus shook his head at Sky's offer to have lunch with her and her friends, Cirus didnt each much really, human food was a bit weird to himespecially school food, he has heard horrible storied about that kind of food, howbit would move or breath and maybe even wink though it actually sounded like his sisters cook which he would avoid anyway possible even if it ment blowing up the kitchen or tieing her up, he food was the worse, could barely call it food. Cirus shook his head, he should focus on the task at hand. When he was face to face with Sky he grabbed her wrist tightly so she wouldnt try to run or anything "I am trying to decide if I should just throw you off the roof or just drink you dry, so many things I could do." Cirus said as his devil tail started to appear.
Sky's blue eyes widened as he grabbed her wrist. She tried to yank her wrist from his grasp, but to no avail. As she heard his words, she tore her eyes away from the appearing tail to glance up at him again. "W-what are you..?" She said, her voice almost a whisper. She was regretting bringing him up here. Maybe this was some kind of cosmic lesson that's trying to tell her to listen to her brothers and torment the new kids, not befriend them.
"Please dont struggle, I want to do this quickly..." Cirus said as he grinned which showed his sharp teeth fangs "It doesnt matter what I am really, im just a guy trying to get this job done.." Cirus said with a sigh as he pushed Sky against a wall which held a generator above it, his tail wrapped around Sky's leg, the end of it was like a sharp triangle as it unwrapped from her lwg and pointed at her neck, he couldnt help but feel guilty about doing this, they didnt give him no reason to this to her and she didnt really seem like a bad person.
Sky's eyes darted about quickly as she tried to think about how she could get herself out of this situation. What had her brothers trained her for?! It was no use though. The arts of mischief were currently lost to her in her panic and confusion. With a soft sigh, she realized that it was pretty much pointless. She could feel the sharp edge of his tail against her neck. All she could really hope for at this point was that it would be quick. She closed her eyes for a second before opening them once more only to look at him with a sad smile. She supposed this would be it then.
Cirus groaned "Ughh! Dont look at me like that!" he said punching t e wall with his free hand which made him crack the wall, his stupid heart kept feeling guilty, he was actually quite pissed, why did it start working now! After all the other times his heart starts to work now! Cieus took his tail off of the girls neck and growled "Now what the hell do I do.." he mumbled to himself, this girl already knows that he isnt human now and if he doesnt kill him the council will start to annoy him and eventually sen danother demon to kill her, why do they even want to kill her. Cirus turned back to Sky and sighed his tail wrapped around her leg and picked her up which resulted her being upside down he then dangled her over the edge "If you tell anybody this I will kill you this time literally!" he yelled.
Sky couldn't help the surprised noise that came from her mouth as she was lifted into the air. Her first response was to hold onto her skirt to stop it from flipping up. Her eyes were then drawn to the ground which was very far beneath her. The school was five stories, after all. "I-I'll keep quiet..!" She said, her voice a pitch higher than it usually was out of fear. She despised heights with a passion. Dangling like this was bound to give her a heart attack if he kept her there much longer. "This will stay between the two of us, I swear.." She added, blue eyes darting away from the ground to glance at him again.

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