Demon On Your Shoulder { Grim Fairy & Reality }

Cirus gave her a look to see if ther ewas any sign of lies but the only thing there was fearhe then sighed and placed her back onto the ground slinging his tail around his own arm he then went over to Sky and pulled a braclet out of his pocket only to placw it on her wrist, it instantly tightened and glowed red "If you try to take it off it will stick inside of your arm." he said folding his arms across his chest as his tail slipped back into his shirt. Hiw wa she going to explain this to his sister, he would never hear the end of it from his sister "Lets go back into the school.." Cirus said as he pulled Sky back into the school.
"Alright then.." She said softly, she could still feel her heart pounding in her chest as she was pulled along after him. She couldn't really make heads or tails over what had happened. The only things she knew for sure were that he wasn't human and that she couldn't breath a word of this to anyone. Besides, even if she did they think she was crazy. Well, up until the moment she died anyways. A small sigh escaped her as she found herself back in the familiar hallways of the school. "So, what now..?" She asked quietly, looking up at him again.
Cirus looked down at Sky then shrugged "I dont know, do what you normally do, just act like none of this ever happened.." Cirus said as his sharp teeth soon became normal again "And I'l take you on that offer to have lunch with you." Cirus said with a little smile, he didnt need this girl telling any of her friends or anything but they would probably just think she was crazy but then again there was a glowing bracelet on her wrist but they would probably think it was battery powered "When does the period end?" Cirus asked looking to sky with a yawn.
Sky glanced at a nearby clock. Their little escapade on the roof hadn't lasted as long as she'd thought. We've got about fifteen minutes." She replied with a smile of her own. Believe it or not, she was still happy that he was having lunch with them. Maybe she could put this whole thing behind her. Although, with the bracelet, it would be hard to forget. "We could always go hang out in the library until thin period ends. She suggested, pointing to a set of double doors down the hallway. "There's never anyone in there.."
"Oh.." Cirus said stretching his arms, he looked over to Sky to see a smile on her face, that was surprising, he had just threatened her life and dangled her from the roof of the cieling and she was smiling, oh well. When she had suggested to go to the libary he shrugged "Alright, we can do that." it was weird how everything just went back to normal but he shouldnt really think about that right now, she now knows that he was a demon, well not really all she knew was that he wasnt human.
Sky's smile grew as she wandered down the hallway to the library and pushed open the large, wooden doors. Just as she had predicted, there was no one there. The only study hall this period was the one she was in, and that was mostly filled with people who slept through it all, goofed off, or was studying like crazy. She settled herself down at a table in the far corner. Her blue eyes gazed at him with a curious glint, as if she were dying to ask what he was but was trying to piece things together herself without ever muttering a word.
Cirus followed the strange smiling girl through the hall and through two wooden doors, and there wasnt anybody in the libaray which was sort of expected, he knew that most humans didnt like going to this place due to laziness or pure boredom. Cirus sat in the seat across from Sky and sighed, all this time he thought his sister was going to blow there cover but instead he did, god he was stupid! Cirus looked over to Sky who was just staring at him like she was trying to figure something out "Yes..?" Cirus said raising an eyebrow.
"Oh nothing.." Sky said, a smile playing at her lips. She was going to figure this out if it was the last thing she did! Tilting her head to the side, she turned over possibilities of what he could be in her head. There were tons of options, but now she just had to narrow them down based on what she knew about the supernatural. After a few minutes of thinking, she thought she finally had it. The only thing that could fit the description of him. "Are you a demon..?" She asked, her eyes returning back to him.
Cirus raised an eyebrow and then sighed "Ok then.." Cirus said, well this was just awkward for him. He attempted to kill this girl and now they were sitting in a empty library together and she was taking the situation well amd for some reasonhe was to. They were probably going send another demon to kill her which was a bit said to him but he should also be worried for himself, the council was probably going to annoy thw hell out of him which was something he did not look forward to. Cirus's eyes soon returned to Sky's when she had randomly asked if he was a demon, well she was slow. "Nooo what gave it away..?" Cirus said as his tail soon surfaced again and started to wave in the air.
"That, actually.." She said with a small smile. If it were either of her other siblings they would have been here all day trying to figure it out. "Hey, at least I thought about it and didn't start randomly tossing out species..." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. Suddenly the silence in the library was broken by yelling in the hallway. She couldn't help but to sigh. "That would be Tyler after he popped into my study hall only to see I'm not there.." She muttered. A moment later another voice joined the fray. "...and that would be Carvson provoking my brother...."
"I was being sarcastic.." Cirus said with a little eye roll. Cirus laughed a bit at her comment about throwing out random possiblities of what species he could be "What other species do you know has a devil tail? It was pretty obvious.." Cirus said with a smirk but then again she probably didnt know about demons because they were suppose to be kept secret but she probably read those supernatural books or something like that. When Cirus had heard voices his tail quickly snapped and disappeared, when Sky explained who the people were and the situation he laughed a bit "Im guessing rhey dont like eachother.."
"Tyler and Carvson have as much of a chance of getting along as a cat and a lake..." She said with another small sigh. Then again, she couldn't really complain about her brother and his rival because she would take any opportunity to shred his twin, Carilyn. The yelling in the hallway continued for a while longer until there was a loud bang. "That would be Tyler getting fed up and slamming Carvson into a locker..." She muttered, shaking her head. "Along with a week's suspension for both of them especially when..." She was cut off by a thud that sent vibrations through the floor."... Carvson throws my brother flat on his ass.. Okay... Now this is personal." No body kicked her brother's ass except her. "I'll be right back.." She said, shooting him a sweet smile as she climbed to her feet and marched out into the hallway. Soon after she exited the room everything got quiet until there was another loud bang followed shortly after by a high pitched yelp.
"Some cats can swim.." Cirus said with a little laugh. Cirus listened to the yelling and Sky who was again explaining what was happening, he guessed this happened alot because she said it like if was normal and that she knew exactly what was happening, she was like a narrator. Cirus watched as Sky sat up and stated she would be back, and what was she planning to do? It had gotten silent when she had stepped into the hallway then there was a loud bang then a very high toned yelp "Ok..." Cirussaid standing up and walking out of the library ti see exactly what was going on.
In the hallway, Carvson was on the floor clutching his groin which was just on the receiving end of Sky's knee. Tyler laughed loudly from his place on the floor. "Serves you right, Carvson!" He said, grin on his face as he laughed at the grumbling boy. Sky stood over him with an irritated look. "How many times have I told you, Carvson, I'm the only one that can kick my brother's ass?" She said, unable to help the small smirk that graced her feature. In her glory, she had failed to notice the blonde girl who stood in the doorway of a nearby classroom with a scowl on her face. With an almost inaudible hiss, Carilyn stalked up behind Sky and yanked on her black ponytail causing her to jerk backwards with a slight cry. "..and you can keep your hands off of my brother as well!"
Well this was absolutely funny to Cirus, he was trying so hard not to let out his laugh, if he did a teacher would probably come into the hallway because of the loud laughing though he was surprised that a teacher hasnt already came due to the loud yelling and banging. Sky seemed pretty happy about kicking Carvason where the sun doesent shine because she was smirking with glory but she didnt notice was the blnde girl from the hallway stomping behind her and grabbing her by the pony tail, for some reason that made him a bit angry. Cirus grabbed the blondes wrist and squeezed on it hard "Let go." he demanded as he glared the girl down, squezzing her wrist harder.
Carilyn let out a squeak as he grabbed a hold of her wrist causing her to release her grip and Sky to fall backwards onto the floor. "What's the big idea?!" She screeched, trying to yank her wrist out of his grasp. No one but the Tillany's ever dared to lay a hand on her or her brother. From across the hall, Carvson glared. "You let go of my sister!" He growled. His expression darkened as he heard more laughter from Tyler. "Man, maybe you're not so bad after all!" He called to Jason.
Cirus didnt really cared if the girl was squeeling, if she didnt let go of Sky's hair he was going to break her wrist of shove her into a locker. When she had finally released her grip feom Sky's hair he happily released his grip from her wrist "If you touch her again I will shove you in a locker, I dont care if you are a girl." Cirus simply stated he then looked over to the blonde who had yelled at him before "And you, shutup. You were kicked in the groin by a girl, all respect for you is lost." Cirus said before helping Sky to her feet "Are you ok?" Cirus asked.
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"I'm fine..." Sky said softly as she rubbed the back of her head. Her ponytail was crooked a top her head now, but she decided she'd fix it later. "Thanks for the help." She said, smiling at him. Carilyn rubbed at her wrist as she made her way over to her brother. Once he was on his feet, the two of them stalked off in the direction of the principal's office. Tyler swore. "Sorry to cut things short, but we should all probably.. I don't know.. Get the hell out of here? If I get suspended again, Ethan said he was gonna kill me.."
"Alright." Cirus said, it was good to know that she was fine, the only thing that was messed up was he pony tail. When Sky had thanked him he smiled and flicked her pony tail causing it to sway a bit "No problem, she was annoying anyway." Cirus said not really caring if the blonde had heard. He watched as the two siblings stomped of into the direction of the office. Cirus shrugged to the boy Tyler's suggestion then looked over to Sky "What do you want to do?" he asked.
As she mulled over what to do, she pulled the band from her hair. This caused it to tumbled down in black waves until it reached a little ways past her back. "Well, part of me wants to see Ethan kill Tyler... It would be funny. Especially since I know he wouldn't yell at me for getting suspended." She giggled, causing Tyler to swear at her. "However, I really don't want to deal with Principal Bunther today, either..." She sighed. The principal was a pain in her ass. "I say we get out of here.. Maybe head to the roof since Bunther doesn't know about it and skip fourth period?" She suggested.
Cirus laughed a bi at Sky's choices, she was pretty evil for a girl which he thought was a bit cute, shaking that thought off Cirus just stretched his arms and yawned a bit, he sort of wanted to see this Ethan person kill Tyler but hey whatever."Thats fine with me.." Cirus said to the suggestion of going to the roof, where he had almoat threw her off of the edge of the edge of the large, tall building. He didnt really care about getting in troubke for skipping because the next class she had was music which was something he wanted to avoid, he didnt want to hear thirty people singing at the top of their lungs in his ear.
"Alright then." She chirped. "Just give me a moment." She said, flipping her head forward and collecting her hair back into a neat ponytail. "There." With that done, she set off for the roof. "You coming or not, Ty?" She called over her shoulder to her brother who was still sitting on the floor and swearing. At her words, he shot up and followed after them. "Don't leave me here!" At that moment, they heard the principal's door slam open along with a yell of. "You rotten Tillanys!" Sky giggled again as she took off down the hallway like a bat out of hell followed shortly after by her brother. "Did I mention that the principal hates our guts?" She chuckled.
Cirus watched as Sky flipped her hair a bit so she could grab all of it and fix her used to be messed up pony tail. Cirus followed Sky as they started to the path of the roof that they had taken before. He looked back when he had heard a yell of the principal. He walked after the two, not really caring if he were to get caught by the prinipal, its not like he was going to get in trouble or anything because he never had any problems with him probably because he was new. "Yeah I pretty much assumed that." Cirus said in reply to Sky's words.
A grin spread across her face as she darted up the small staircase and quickly set to picking the door lock again. Tyler skidded to a halt at the bottom of the stairs, a mildly worried expression on his face. "Hurry up, Sky-bird!" He quietly called up the stairs. "I'm moving as fast as I can, Ty!" She hissed in return. Finally, they heard the satisfying click that signaled Sky's attempts had been successful. Tyler darted up the stairs, nudging Sky out of the way in the process and almost causing her to tumble down the stairs. She hissed in annoyance. She should have just got in trouble and let Ethan kill the ungrateful jerk.
Cirus watched as Sky dashed up the staircase in quick movemwnts and started to pick the olsd door lock again as she dis before whenjust her and him had went up to the roof, when Cirus had looked over to the brother Tyler he looke dqorried like someone was going to pop out of nowhere and lock him up, like an escaped prisoner. When he had heard the click he walked up the steps just in time to see that Tyler had nearly pushed Sky down the steps which soet of made him laugh. He looked to Sky and just pushed her forward "Lets keep it going.."

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