Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils


I can but now I'm having issues uploading

Not good quality but...

xD I have sims three I'll try copy it though and so far sims are good so that's good lol other than Azura trying to scare everyone....

... xD sora is flirting with analise and I didn't give him the flirty trait (I'm trying to figure out how to upload the videos brb.)
Caits said:
I grew weary of not hitting Jagen.
Short or writing "she hit him" I don't see how I can and that's boarding on controlling another persons character. Which I don't like to do.
I agree. I feel like Jagen is too immortal. You know? Like, he needs to have some kind weakness, he can't just always dodge.
What's wrong with Jagen being superior to his students. Afterall what's the point of the class if he has nothing to teach, he's meant to teach the students to do what he can do. Therefore his ultimate victory would be training students and one day having them defeat him.
No one can miss every single attack but someone can dodge every single attack.


In the above gif you saw the girl kick the guy's face but actually the guy could've dodged and embarrassed her infront of her whole squad but he instead moved back in the way and took the kick. Jagen is not nearly as nice to those who don't recognize him as master, he'd rather dodged and generally embarrass his attacker.
Still be realistic and at least show some close calls

And he does have a point teachers should not be easy opponents..

But not invincible
[QUOTE="Dark Elfling]Hi! I didn't think anyone was here. Was Sacelia at Supernatural Conditioning?

No I don't think so hold on...

Great I can't even RP in this because I never know what to do....

(Not saying I'm leaving just both my charas might be gone if I can't figure out what to do :/ )
I don't know what to do now so I'm just going to hang back and read.

I wanna try and get Kalinda soeaking with everyone but I don't know how
The plan was for them to be getting ready to become the leaders of the two major end of the roleplay they have a tournament or mean time how about a fate of the world type of plot or na?
I'm down for it! End of the world kinda thing's always inspiring. How would we start it? Would the headmaster call a meeting or something?
I tried to write it off like only the furniture was burned, because Ankasha froze the fire. Idk how that would work, but it'd suck if Kali lost all her belongings, so..
Mmm trouble is...what she values most was on her bed. I hadn't written that in yet, because Kalinda wasn't ready for it.

Now I don't know what to do with Kalinda

I have to go for a bit. Somehow, all my socks have disappeared and I suspect my brother. He's not home,

So I'm raiding his room

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