Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils

Name: Erela Luna

Nick names: N/A

Title: Angel of Dusk

Age: 18

Gender: Female






Species: Angel

Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Protector of Darkness



marks location: left ankle

Powers: Can create light to guide those who are blinded by the night as well as blind others who are evil. Is able to summon the darkness to protect from those who may cause harm, but is extremely noticeable if used during the day. She does not know of these powers yet however, so they shall be revealed to her in the rp.

personality: She is sweet but shy. Erela loves people, but she doesn't speak much to others due to lack of trust. If she thinks she can trust you though, Erela will begin to open up to you and break her barrier of shyness. Erela always tries to motivate herself and other people she knows by trying to make them happy. Erela is also somewhat of a klutz.

biography: Erela's life started regular. Mom and Dad, along with a little sister. Her mother owned a flower shop while her father would play the piano around the local area. When Erela was around five or six her mother was diagnosed with cancer in the lungs. Only seven months later did she die, and both of the sisters found out what death was. The father was devastated by his wife's death and shot himself a week later. Because neither of the girls had parents to care for them, they began to work as maids in the Candelaria household. There they would work day and night to fulfill their wishes. Having only her sister to speak to, they would always chat with one another when they got the chance. After some time has passed, the sisters had began sneaking out of the house at night time, and now Erela cannot even go to sleep now without seeing the beauty of night.

weapons, or special items:


crush/bf or gf: N/A

family: Mother, Father, Younger sister

are they dead:

Mom and Dad: Yes

Sister: No

likes: Nighttime; the sound of virtually any instrument; kind people; her sister

dislikes: The concept of death; Rude people; Going to do something and forgetting what to do ten seconds later

pets: N/A

partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)

motto: If you believe in yourself, you'll definitely get the work done!

what they say a lot:

If she doesn't know you - I'm sorry, I have to go now and do (insert excuse here)!

To everyone - How is your day? / Have a nice day!


Prone to running away

Very clumsy

Somewhat forgetful

other/extra:Her favorite food is chocolate chip muffins since her mother would bake them all the time. She has not had one since her death.

Oh the pictures won't pop up--

Here, sorry!

Human Pink and Purple Hair/Anime_Girl_13823_1600x1200theAnimeG.jpg


Again, I'm so sorry! It just happened...
No problem. Erela is accepted. And just so you're aware, we're about to begin a 'war'/championship thing? So you're just in time for the qualifications round. If you're joining the pro humans side go to the arena and talk to Sora or Kai. If you're anti-humans, go to the main foyer where Ankasha and JD are talking.
" Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"

Name: alex armadues

Nick names: the fluffy guy

Title: the god of the infernoes

Age: 16

Gender: male

Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)


" Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'

Species: kitsune

Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): god

Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture):

marks location: tail


"well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"


shy, but talks little even to the ones he isn't shy to.

biography: (there is none)

weapons, or special items:

chain scythe, swords, daggers. staffs.

crush/bf or gf: none

family: none

are they dead: no

likes: cats, foxes

dislikes: dogs


celestia the celestial baby dragon

partner: (fill this out when it says your partner) ?



"well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"

motto: if it doesn't work, break it till it is replaced.

what they say a lot: hi...

quirks?: shy, clumsy, socially illogical.

other/extra: nothing
Last edited by a moderator:
Well, this is a college for Demons, Angels, Devils/Lucindas, and Gods/goddesses, so I'm afraid I can't accept a kitsune.
Alright. Just mark it down the species as god and the type can stay as kitsune, so there's no confusing. So, as soon as the cs is finished you'll be accepted! :)
Each person got a mark when their powers manifested, it's basically a tattoo that usually has something to do with your species. It can be anywhere on your body and any picture. It's not very important, just any picture you find interesting.
Oh, Demonic angel isn't the moderator any more. She left and put me in charge. We were thinking of starting a new forum with me as the official moderator so its not as confusing but I haven't gotten around to all that yet.
Alright, you're accepted! We're in hell right now, so I don't really know how you want to introduce yourself. It'd be illogical for a god to be in hell, so you could join us under the pretense of being part of another group that's fighting Xavier, or just wait till we leave hell. I'll be offline for a while, I'm going to sleep, so if you need a summary or something, try one of the other people. I think everyone's asleep right now, but you never know.
Name: Jackie Lockworth

Nick names: JayJay

Title: Fang

Age: 17

Gender: Male


" Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'

Species: Demon

Which type of that species?: suffering


marks location: Hand

Powers: Make people feel pain, can release venom when touching people, and run fast.

"well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"

personality: to be revealed

biography: to be revealed

weapons, or special items: dagger filled with dark magic

crush/bf or gf: N/A

family: no, I got abandoned and lived on the streets

are they dead: I don't know




having company



annoying people


Boa constrictor

partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)

extra: he has great eyes, he is cocky

"well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"

motto: "Don't be an idiot"

what they say a lot: interesting

quirks?: he is cocky, he overthinks, he is a hothead


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