Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils

*sigh* I feel like I'm getting left behind. I suppose I can just drag Noctis with kalinda

Never mind.
Change of plans Newtype I have something in mind for my character to do, but it requires a favor from you, this could potentially push my characters limits to its max and then some, all he needs is to go to the heavens once

Sorry it's so late but it came to me now so I couldn't help it, this could also be one of the biggest fight scenes I will ever do

I'm just going to give a heads up to who ever it may concern

One of my upcoming posts are going to be on the high end of the advanced rank so its going to be forever long

Just a heads up though
While I try to figure out what to post to actually stay in this, what has been happening? I'm all confused.

I feel like im not apart of this anymore and I hate it
Well if you were in the halls I probably just stormed off right past you as well as Ana and Ankasha going past you as well

I'm not quite sure how to keep you in it either
You could ally with Xavier. Maybe Ankasha speaks to Kali and recruits her because Kali still holds a grudge against Sora?
Hmm, I'm looking at the partner list but since we have so many people and idk who's active, I'm unsure how to start it. Anyone who's currently active, please like this post so I can sort out the partners. I'll edit this post as people like it, I just need a list of active characters.






Sora (assuming he'll be back soon?)



Anyone else? Even if your not posting right now, but wish to find a place to reenter the RP.

On that topic, if you want to rejoin the RP, you need to choose a side. The two sides are Xavier and Ankasha versus the humans. If you want to join Xavier, have your character speak to Ankasha or Xavier. And we still need a leader for the humans side I think. Anyone up for it?
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To be honest, I don't see Kalinda on either side. I see her doing what she thinks is best for herself, and aside from that, she wouldn't want to fight her friends, not now in anycase.

Can I just have a rough idea where everyone is? I might make a post once I know that. And the team lists?
me dark and new are all in the angels dorms, hot head and dark are at the beach, thats all i know >.> probably shouldve paid closer attention
Kai shall lead the human side, Sora probably won't be coming back. He's like something you put in the attic if you find him needed for some purpose then he'll be back.
" Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"

Name: Kalim

Title: Patchy official #8

Age: 27

Gender: Male


(Like all the other Patches, Kalim wears Native American cloak, that has a silver plate on the chest, resembling a bull seen from the side, referring to his g ghost Black Sickle. On each of his legs he wears what appears to be the spinal cord from a bull and on his crotch he wears the skull of a bull. While in battle he removes his Patch Cloak to reveal a bare upper body with bracelets around his upper arms and glows. In a neckless around his neck he wears a chest amour made of long blue straws)

" Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'

Species: Angel/human Hybrid

Which type of that species?

Mark: Bison

marks location: His back

Powers: He has a spirit bison that can be applied to any part of his body, increasing his strength, speed and power immensely He is able to call multiple to make a stand-peed of bison, able to shatter the spirit of someone, weakening them

"well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"

personality: He is very calm person, he hates pointless bloodshed. According to the rules, he is not allowed to intervene in oofficialfights, but hates them none the less. Loves peace and quite and watch out: even though he is here on official business, he will still try to get money.

biography: Kalim is one of the Ten Patch Officiants that was, when the Destiny Star was seen, he was assigned to travel from The Unites States("The Desert of the West") to here and find, test and qualify them to the Tournament.

weapons, or special items: Buffalo skulls and skeleton.

crush/bf or gf: None

family: None

are they dead: No responces

likes: Peace, farming, crafting

dislikes: Noise

pets: Spirit Buffalo


extra: Likes to try and sell his merchandise,

"well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"

motto: "It is the duty, as the people of the Patch, to watch over this.

what they say a lot:

quirks?: Not able to hold back, has to many scars to count so it scares away his customers, tries to sell merchandise to everyone

other/extra: Introducing the Offical member of the Patchy send to watch over the Island for people joining the tournament.
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Kalim's accepted. Wow, I'm tempted to make another character now too. Though I prob shouldn't until I can start posting regularly again.
right when we get a plot, someone returns but the person who's supposed to be running the plot vanishes too, this horse seems to dying fast.
Hello, Kameil, jump in at any time. Just say JD had to leave for training/family issues/make something up

Quick catch up:

Demonic Angel left, I was put in charge

There's a war brewing between Sora, Kai, Ana, Ash who want to save the humans vs. Xavier, Ankasha, and Kalim who think the humans are destroying the earth and want to kill them

There's a tournament battle thing happening where the two sides will face off. Right now, preparation for the qualifications round are beginning.


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