Demon,Angels,Gods and Devils

[QUOTE="Demonic Angel]I'm guessing a devil of knowledge?
That's what type I meant

What do most of their powers have in common

Anyway accepted so you may jump in when you want

I've updated my sheet.
" Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"


''I am Anglus Eradioq.''

Nick names:

''As of now, I go by no such thing.''


''People would know me as the New World Destroyer, as well as the Eradicator of Bliss.''






Human appearance


Fallen Archangel form


Devil form


" Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'


''I am a Devil, a fallen Archangel.''

Which type of that species?:

''A Devil who enjoys destruction, one who finds joy in obliteration. A Devil who harbrings destruction.''



Marks location:

''The Mark of End lies dormant on my back, but it can be seen in the glimps of my eye should my anger or desire for destruction rise too great.''


  • Empathic Creation: ''The Reaper holds the ability to create and enslave, to create life out of nothing, so that they may serve. They shall serve their enslaver with fiery bliss in their eyes, eyes full of contempt and anger, only so that they may unleash it upon those the reaper dislikes.''
    Anglus holds the ability to create physical life, all so that they may serve him as slaves. Giving them either sword, shield, or bow and arrow for them to utilize in his service.
  • Demonic Elemental Prowess: ''The Reaper, the ultimate ender of worlds, holds power unbound and unchallenged by seemingly anyone, about the world which his desires face him towards.''
    Anglus holds knowledge over the elements which can be found in Hell, taking great pride in his hellflames. whilst his ability to counter water is most certainly apparent.
  • Rip: ''The Reaper, Destroyer of sentience finds no challenge in reducing the land, but he finds the joy of demolishing man.''

    Anglus holds great destructive capability as a Devil of Destruction, a harbringer of the black clouds. Due to this, his ability to seemingly reform and shape the lands to his liking are grand, Rip is what defines this power, seemingly ripping the land to his will, at the great cost of souls formed out of his empathic creation. Grand reforms demand grand sacrifice, small reforms demand small sacrifice. There can never be no sacrifice to the Ripping.
    Only those willing may be sacrificed.
  • Destruction Incarnate: ''The reaper, brought here from the pits of hell where he was spawned, exists only because of the destruction of all worlds, he is, and was ment to be, a destroyer made by the Dark Lord himself.''

    Anglus is a manifestation of all the worlds destruction, he was forged by the Dark Lord fo that general purpose, and he was forged out of it as well, beneath his feet, the ground would quake if he would so will it, however, a creation made to destroy, cannot save nor cherish his work, his mental stability ever in conflux due to the destructive thought, and the sentience which all minds and souls hold.

"well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"


Anglus has, and always will be, a being made with the sole purpose of mind being the destruction of all solid, it was not his choice, but he was made to be, and to uphold this purpose, to keep the balance firm in the name of the seven Princes of Hell. Even whilst he may seem nice and cool under the influence of the Five Point Seal, he will reveal his true self when put unto the battlefield, it is only on the place of battle where the school would grant his powers to run untarnished and pure. Due to the creation of a seal, the sealers thought it appropriate to create another personality as well, so that he may not show his destructive persona in the times of class and other training than that of battle. Therefore he may seem more human whilst the seal takes power, and less so when his true self is unleashed.


Anglus is a manifestation of destruction based on a captured Archangel during the war between heaven and hell under the original supervision of Leviathan, one of the seven princes of Hell. Leviathan would be his creater, and with the additional influence of Satan, Lucifer, as well as Asmodeus. Throughout his uncountable life-span he has carried out many tasks in the name of his superior princes, and he even became a Warmaster under the command of Satan himself, however that would all fly away when he was sent to the mortal realm for the final time. He ended up captured bu the work of many professional excorcists and he endured for years upon years, however he would inevitably lose, and when that day came, he was sealed within a lifeless body crafted by the hands of many, upon many human magicians, and when that day came, the day upon his reawakening, he would see that his power, his greatness would be sealed, only to awaken during times of battle. He was forced into this school due to requested supervision made by the Order of Magus, they who sealed him.

Weapons, or special items:

Anglus uses a countless amount of malefically crafted energy weapons. Weapons crafted from the malefic essence of his surroundings, mostly his own, given the strenght of the malefic essence, the greater the weapon his can arrange into his hands. Whilst I am using the word weapon here, it can really be anything from weapon to armor.

Crush/bf or gf:



''The closest thing to family I would hold is probably Leviathan, although he is no good father, or mother, he is still the being who created me.''

Are they dead:

''Leviathan may never truly die.''


''I am neutral to all, my beliefs, and my desires, are neutral.''


''I like nothing, and I hate nothing, if you prove me wrong, then I will reward you with life-long interests.''




N/A (As of now)



"well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"


''He who destroys, and he who create, are both the same. That which is light, is also dark, all the same. Therefore good cannot exist without evil, much like things cannot exist without eventually no longer existing.''

What they say a lot:

(He uses a rather wide vocabulary)


  1. His unsealed self suffers from great depresssion, and finds it troubling to sleep at night, therefore he prefers to drown his thoughts of studying. Due to his asocial lifestyle, he is therefore greatly disliked by other students.
  2. When he is unsealed, he is fully unable to pick a suitable opponent, and tends to just target those who are deserving, and not those who rank the highest, therefore he makes himself most easily flanked and countered.
  3. Although this doesn't apply to his unsealed self, but he is surprisingly unathletic, and is more of a mind, than a brawn. Therefore when he is confronted with situations which demand great stamina during his unsealed self, he will most likely fail.

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[QUOTE="Kaiser Auto]
" Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"

''I am Anglus Eradioq.''

Nick names:

''As of now, I go by no such thing.''


''People would know me as the New World Destroyer, as well as the Eradicator of Bliss.''






Human appearance


Fallen Archangel form


Devil form


" Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'


''I am a Devil, a fallen Archangel.''

Which type of that species?:

''A Devil who enjoys destruction, one who finds joy in obliteration. A Devil who harbrings destruction



Marks location:

''The Mark of End lies dormant on my back, but it can be seen in the glimps of my eye should my anger or desire for destruction rise too great.''


  • Empathic Creation: ''The Reaper holds the ability to create and enslave, to create life out of nothing, so that they may serve. They shall serve their enslaver with fiery bliss in their eyes, eyes full of contempt and anger, only so that they may unleash it upon those the reaper dislikes.''
    Anglus holds the ability to create physical life, all so that they may serve him as slaves. Giving them either sword, shield, or bow and arrow for them to utilize in his service.
  • Elemental Prowess: ''The Reaper, the ultimate ender of worlds, holds power unbound and unchallenged by seemingly anyone, about the world which his desires face him towards.''
    Anglus holds great knowledge over elemental manipulation, even to the extent where his hellfire may challenge that of the sun.
  • Rip: ''The Reaper, Destroyer of sentience finds no challenge in reducing the land, but he finds the joy of demolishing man.''

    Anglus holds great destructive capability as a Devil of Destruction, a harbringer of the black clouds. Due to this, his ability to seemingly reform and shape the lands to his liking are grand, Rip is what defines this power, seemingly ripping the land to his will.

  • Malefic Force Manipulation: ''He who reaps that we hold, he who hunts us in the cold dark void, he brings life, to the darkest of our imaginations strife.''

    Anglus is willing, and able, to shape the anger and malefic force around him so that he may give it any shape he'd will. To create darkness requires the existance of good, whilst it stands well against light as light stands well against dark, neither can exist without the other.
  • Destruction Incarnate: ''The reaper, brought here from the pits of hell where he was spawned, exists only because of the destruction of all worlds, he is, and was ment to be, a destroyer made by the Dark Lord himself.''

    Anglus is a manifestation of all the worlds destruction, he was forged by the Dark Lord fo that general purpose, and he was forged out of it as well, beneath his feet, the ground would quake if he would so will it, however, a creation made to destroy, cannot save nor cherish his work, his mental stability ever in conflux due to the destructive thought, and the sentience which all minds and souls hold.

"well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"


Anglus has, and always will be, a being made with the sole purpose of mind being the destruction of all solid, it was not his choice, but he was made to be, and to uphold this purpose, to keep the balance firm in the name of the seven Princes of Hell. Even whilst he may seem nice and cool under the influence of the Five Point Seal, he will reveal his true self when put unto the battlefield, it is only on the place of battle where the school would grant his powers to run untarnished and pure. Due to the creation of a seal, the sealers thought it appropriate to create another personality as well, so that he may not show his destructive persona in the times of class and other training than that of battle. Therefore he may seem more human whilst the seal takes power, and less so when his true self is unleashed.


Anglus is a manifestation of destruction based on a captured Archangel during the war between heaven and hell under the original supervision of Leviathan, one of the seven princes of Hell. Leviathan would be his creater, and with the additional influence of Satan, Lucifer, as well as Asmodeus. Throughout his uncountable life-span he has carried out many tasks in the name of his superior princes, and he even became a Warmaster under the command of Satan himself, however that would all fly away when he was sent to the mortal realm for the final time. He ended up captured bu the work of many professional excorcists and he endured for years upon years, however he would inevitably lose, and when that day came, he was sealed within a lifeless body crafted by the hands of many, upon many human magicians, and when that day came, the day upon his reawakening, he would see that his power, his greatness would be sealed, only to awaken during times of battle. He was forced into this school due to requested supervision made by the Order of Magus, they who sealed him.

Weapons, or special items:

Anglus uses a countless amount of malefically crafted energy weapons. Weapons crafted from the malefic essence of his surroundings, mostly his own, given the strenght of the malefic essence, the greater the weapon his can arrange into his hands. Whilst I am using the word weapon here, it can really be anything from weapon to armor.

Crush/bf or gf:



''The closest thing to family I would hold is probably Leviathan, although he is no good father, or mother, he is still the being who created me.''

Are they dead:

''Leviathan may never truly die.''


''I am neutral to all, my beliefs, and my desires, are neutral.''


''I like nothing, and I hate nothing, if you prove me wrong, then I will reward you with life-long interests.''




N/A (As of now)



"well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"


''He who destroys, and he who create, are both the same. That which is light, is also dark, all the same. Therefore good cannot exist without evil, much like things cannot exist without eventually no longer existing.''

What they say a lot:

(He uses a rather wide vocabulary)


  1. His unsealed self suffers from great depresssion, and finds it troubling to sleep at night, therefore he prefers to drown his thoughts of studying.
  2. When he is unsealed, he is fully unable to pick a suitable opponent, and tends to just target those who are deserving, and not those who rank the highest, etc.
  3. Although this doesn't apply to his unsealed self, but he is surprisingly unathletic, and is more of a mind, than a brawn.


His powers make him op and the Malevich force manipulation can control or manipulate anger, that is close to my characters power of controlling darkened hearts or anyone who is tainted by anger

Please dial down his powers

From elemental powers to reforming lands he is to powerful to start off as!

The last quirk isn't a quirk it more of a perk, it's saying something good about him...quirks are his flaws

Everything else is good to me
Well, I wanted him to be the ideal villain, but I will heed your wisdom.

The rip ability has been balanced with the addition of soul sacrifices.

The Elemental Prowess has also been limited to Demonic Elemental Prowess, therefore granting him a knowledge of hell's flames, but no other elements.
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Just introduce Angus by him walking randomly through campus, someone will find him and talk to him. :) classes will be starting soon
" Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"

Name: Countess Belia

Nick names: Countess, Bel

Title: Countess of Fear

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d11ba48_unnamed(6).jpg.9b69d64e6654093b8bef9dd9e2750ee1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34596" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d11ba48_unnamed(6).jpg.9b69d64e6654093b8bef9dd9e2750ee1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

" Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'

Species: Demon

Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Shadow

Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d11e9d2_unnamed(2).png.89c8681c669522ce93b5e70af57d7552.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d11e9d2_unnamed(2).png.89c8681c669522ce93b5e70af57d7552.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

marks location: Left shoulder

Powers: Unlike her brother Noctis, Belia can't travel through shadows. She can, however, control shadows to an even greater extent, allowing her to create even semi-sentient creatures.

"well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"

personality: Belia isn't much of a talker, and the only people she really likes are her brother and Beelzebub, having never really met anyone else, and strongly dislikes being seperated from her brother, afraid that she'll never see him again.

biography: Belia was seperated from Noctis at birth and had been living on her own until she was taken in by Prince Beelzebub, who gave her a noble title and reunited her with her brother.

weapons, or special items:

crush/bf or gf: None

family: Her brother, Noctis

are they dead: No

likes: Pizza,

dislikes: Talking, people, being seperated from Noctis

pets: Her 9 foot tall slaughter demon servant/bodyguard, Castellax

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d12307c_unnamed(5).jpg.da5aa728ec6abd99ab09203d05f43ea6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34599" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0d12307c_unnamed(5).jpg.da5aa728ec6abd99ab09203d05f43ea6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)


"well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"

motto: None

what they say a lot: She doesn't really talk much

quirks?: (at least three no one is perfect not even gods or goddess) Has an almost emotional breakdown when seperated from Noctis, her quiet nature makes it hard for her to make friends, she tends to look down on others who she believes inferior


Is Belia accepted?



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Daimao said:
" Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"
Name: Countess Belia

Nick names: Countess, Bel

Title: Countess of Fear

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)

View attachment 87049

" Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'

Species: Demon

Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Shadow

Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)

View attachment 87050

marks location: Left shoulder

Powers: Unlike her brother Noctis, Belia can't travel through shadows. She can, however, control shadows to an even greater extent, allowing her to create even semi-sentient creatures.

"well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"

personality: Belia isn't much of a talker, and the only people she really likes are her brother and Beelzebub, having never really met anyone else, and strongly dislikes being seperated from her brother, afraid that she'll never see him again.

biography: Belia was seperated from Noctis at birth and had been living on her own until she was taken in by Prince Beelzebub, who gave her a noble title and reunited her with her brother.

weapons, or special items:

crush/bf or gf: None

family: Her brother, Noctis

are they dead: No

likes: Pizza,

dislikes: Talking, people, being seperated from Noctis

pets: Her 9 foot tall slaughter demon servant/bodyguard, Castellax

View attachment 87053

partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)


"well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"

motto: None

what they say a lot: She doesn't really talk much

quirks?: (at least three no one is perfect not even gods or goddess) Has an almost emotional breakdown when seperated from Noctis, her quiet nature makes it hard for her to make friends, she tends to look down on others who she believes inferior


Is Belia accepted?
Oh yeah sorry, yes she is!
So, if there's now a demon, can Belia be Ankasha's partner, because that other guy still hasn't started, I don't know what he's doing.
  1. " Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"
    Name: Layla Van Soulis
    Nick names: Princessa, Lala
    Title: Princess
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)

    " Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'
    Species: Angel
    Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Archangel/Demonic

  2. Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)
  3. marks location: on her lower back, right above her bottom
  4. Powers:
    Mind manipulation. She can also change her form, to manipulate, or "imagely mimick" others to deceive them./ Teleportation/ Elemental Fire and Ice usage
    "well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"
    personality: Layla comes across as self-obsorbed. She keeps to herself, avoiding contact from others. Commonly thought of as unapproachable.
  5. biography: Layla was born December 13, on the outskirts of an old town, a place of which she was raised by her mother and father to behave and develop as an angel. Tragically, years later, her house was invaded my the dark angels, ones going on a rampage to find a suitable child for their master. This being said, they couldn't let her parents live, for they could come and take her back, thus they killed her parents, sealing Kayla's knowledge away soon after, so she would never know the truth of her origin. They raised her under their !asters orders, being sure to teach her their ways, attaching their mark to the one of which she already had.
    weapons, or special items: She has a single black ironed sword.
    crush/bf or gf: N/A
    family: Mother, Father
    are they dead: Yes
    likes: Ramen
    dislikes: Cats
    pets: Tigra
  6. partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)
    extra: N/A
    "well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"
    motto: "You are what you are, they will never accept you. You are alone."
    what they say a lot: "You're alive, so shut it."
    quirks?: (at least three no one is perfect not even gods or goddess) Afraid to speak in large crowds, accident prone, afraid of boys.

Tigras Picture :

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[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]

  1. " Who are you? I don't think I have seen you around"
    Name: Layla Van Soulis
    Nick names: Princessa, Lala
    Title: Princess
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: (anime or real are allowed)

    " Well How did YOU get here what makes YOU special?'
    Species: Angel
    Which type of that species?(this lets you know your powers): Archangel/Demonic

  2. Mark: (if picture is possible please use picture)
  3. marks location: on her lower back, right above her bottom
  4. Powers:
    Mind manipulation. She can also change her form, to manipulate, or "imagely mimick" others to deceive them.
    "well since I know who you are sorry bout being rude. anyway can you tell me bout yourself?"
    personality: Layla comes across as self-obsorbed. She keeps to herself, avoiding contact from others. Commonly thought of as unapproachable.
  5. biography: Layla was born December 13, on the outskirts of an old town, a place of which she was raised by her mother and father to behave and develop as an angel. Tragically, years later, her house was invaded my the dark angels, ones going on a rampage to find a suitable child for their master. This being said, they couldn't let her parents live, for they could come and take her back, thus they killed her parents, sealing Kayla's knowledge away soon after, so she would never know the truth of her origin. They raised her under their !asters orders, being sure to teach her their ways, attaching their mark to the one of which she already had.
    weapons, or special items: She has a single black ironed sword.
    crush/bf or gf: N/A
    family: Mother, Father
    are they dead: Yes
    likes: Ramen
    dislikes: Cats
    pets: Tigra
  6. partner: (fill this out when it says your partner)
    extra: N/A
    "well nice to meet you. hope you like it here!"
    motto: "You are what you are, they will never accept you. You are alone."
    what they say a lot: "You're alive, so shut it."
    quirks?: (at least three no one is perfect not even gods or goddess) Afraid to speak in large crowds, accident prone, afraid of boys.

Tigras Picture :


Cute character, although we already have a lot of mind manipulation magic here could you change the powers?
Cool, just the magic is very similar to two people

Azura who can manipulate what people see from eye contact and (I forgot...) Uriah who can completely use mental abilities or it seems..
[QUOTE="Demonic Angel]Cute character, although we already have a lot of mind manipulation magic here could you change the powers?

Sure can.

Powers: Can be in multiple places at one time, and change form to pose as another person to deceive others.

That better?
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Ask @HoneyBear\-Kat

Her character is the one that can changer herself with eye contact, if she's okay with it then yes
If she's not, let me know and I'll change it again. I have no problem with changing it.

She said "uhm.sure." xS
Name: Ashatera Rin Gollare

Nickname: Ash / Windigo /Demon

Age: 45000 years old

Appearance in human form:

Appearance in demon form:

Titan form: and stands 300 Ft tall but yet to be discovered by him

Species: Titan

What type of species: Banished Titan of Cannibalism

Located on the front of all of his teeth but is hidden by all the blood stains.

Powers: Vanishing into a cloud of ionised sulpher, regeneratoin (is slowly over time), incredible speed, heating my hands to several hundred degrees

Personality: absent minded, care free, but wont hesitate for a good fight or killing to eat

Weapons or special items: Scythe, claws and a special black magic bag that he keeps raw meat in when he gets hungry

Crush: His Sister Styx


Family: Father, Tanatos : Mother, Atropos : Sister, Styx

Alive: and kicking

Likes: Killing or watching any type of blood shed, sleeping, and eating

Dislikes: Eregance

Pets: None

Partner: None

Extra: Spirit wurm

Motto: "Kill or be Killed"

What they say a lot: I see, Well then

Quirks: Showing off his Broken Jagged Blood stained teeth, showing off his eight deep blue two foot razor covered tounges, cutting the stitches from the side of his mouth to speak in a super deep tone

Other/Extra: None

Bio: He was once a god but was put to judgment by Dike when he started eating Gaea, only five votes were in his favor, Atropos, Thanatos, Styx, Hades, and Hephaestus, so he was banished from the realm of the gods and a hand full of memories removed from him as well as a weakness added to him. He spent a lot of time with Hades and Hephaestus so he's used to extreme heat and hard labor, he helped Hephaestus on the forges and assisted Hades in the Underworld. They were like family to him, Hephaestus and his cyclops's worked with the fires from the very pit of the Underworld, coming straight from Hades, to make his scythe as a token to not forget about the two of them when he was banished. The time he wasn't with Hades or Hephaestus he spent with his mom and dad, Atropos and Thanatos, both spent the time with him that they could when they had the chance from their work, which was rare since they were both reapers. The remainder of the time he spent with his sister Styx, mean, rude, violent, cold-hearted, on the outside, but he saw more than that, she was a loving and caring person, she enjoyed guiding souls across the river Styx, funny isn't it same name, she made a hell of a profit from it too, but after spending quite a few thousand years together the fell in love with each other, which wasn't that uncommon in the realm of the gods, but she was heart broken when he was banished and she went back to being the mean person she was before, but she sometimes pulls a few strings to get her out of work for a bit so that way she can come visit him, but it's rare that Hades is willing to pull double his weight in the messing of souls, but he still does on occasion so that she can visit him.
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