Degrassi: A Brand New Year

(shes on the sign up thread)

Dita moved her hair out the way and looked at Lysandre. "Hey," she replied and laughed at him asking if I was his girlfriend. "Nah I just met him today, since I'm new he took it upon himself to show me around." She smiled. "Thanks by the way."

Bailey rushed in Degrassi quickly being super late she tried to hurry to the next class. She noticed everyone was in the hallway so she figured the bell already rang. She walked to her locker and took her jacket off and hung it on the hook.
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Devan smiled back at her "your welcome" Lysandre laughed "yeah, he's always been the good kid in the family" he smiled and looked at her shirt that had their band logo on it "heh, you don't recognize me do you?" he put his hands in his pockets and again the brothers flipped their hair in synch looking back at her they were definitely brothers... very dark, slim, pale brothers
(Yeah.. I changed my character up a bit.. In case you wanted to check that out.. xD )

Dahlia headed out into the hall. She spotted Devan and a few other people so she casually headed over. Devan was the only person she had really talked to so she wanted to continue that. "Hey Devan.. um, what class do you have next?" she asked, glancing at the other two people before focusing on Devan.

Preston walked out of the classroom, stopping for a moment to glance at his sister. Why is she talking to them? He didn't really pay much attention to it. Preston wandered off in the opposite direction. People were too judgmental around here that even Preston found himself thinking ignorant thoughts sometimes.
(I did ^_^ and @MattieLee whats his band name?)

Dita looked down and looked back up. "Oh my god you're the lead singer for ReaperzMilitia, I honestly didn't notice it." She replied. She felt so silly because she listens to their music all the time. She looked over at a girl who was super cute and smiled at her. "Hey I'm Dita.. I'm new here." She said softly.

Bailey got the rest of her books out of her locker and closed it. She was walking down the hallway towards the bathroom. She was dreading her next class.
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Jade was walking down the hallway, looking down at the ground, it was a habit of hers. Her last class wasn't to bad, it could have gone better. She looked up for a moment but before she had time to react, her and Bailey crashed into each other, knocking them both to the ground. She sat up and grabbed her glasses so she could see, "I'm so sorry!" she said to the girl. "Sorry...i wasn't watching...." she said, first day of school and her clutzy side was already showing.
(lol, Lemme think... ReaperzMilitia *random name*) 
Lysandre smiled "haha!, always happy to see a fan!, if you want I can sign something for ya" Lysandre really got sucked into his fame they had just gotten their first song on the radio and were finally becoming well known Devan sighed at his brothers world of screamo music and partying "yeah, hi Dahlia you doing well?"
Bailey didn't see what was going on and sat up and saw a cute girl with glasses. Bailey giggled, "Its okay, it was my fault just as much. I was in a rush." She stood up and helped the girl up. "My name's Bailey, what's yours?" she said as she was pulling her up and helping her pick her stuff up.

Dita's smile faded a little bit. "Ummm. Sure? If you want." She slowly replied. She wasn't sure if he was used to asking or he thought I was just some rabid fan. She moved her hair out of her face again.
Dahlia nodded, giving a puzzled look Lysandre's way before looking back to Devan. "I'm okay.. I was just wondering what class you had next?" He must not have heard her before but she didn't mind repeating it. She kept her eyes focused mostly on him, only glancing at Dita once since she seemed preoccupied.
Jade helped pick up he stuff, and said "My names jade!" she said, pushing up her falling glasses. The girl in front of her was pretty cute, nothing she would say out loud, but still. Maybe this could be her new friend? Maybe even more if she was brave enough to tell the girl that he liked her. "Hey, what class do you have next?" she asked, hopping they would have a class together,
Bailey shift her books to her other hip. "I have study hall next but I was thinking about just going to the library. Study hall always has the same people causing drama." She replied. "What do you have?" Hoping it would be study hall or anything she could skip going to, she wanted to get to know Jade and hangout. She knew she was new because she hasn't seen her around before.
Devan smiled at her "good, Maths next, and you?" he was still shy even though the day so far had gone pretty well... Lysandre noticed her frown and raised an eyebrow "if you don't want it its fine I just thought you'd sell it on Ebay or something..." he sighed "well, whatever I just wanted to thank you for actually talking to my brother, he's so soft spoken he hardly ever talks to people... it looks like he's made some lady friends though... haha, just like him he's so feminine... I worry about him sometimes, you know he designed that logo of ours on your bag" 
(Off too bed)
Dahlia smiled, "Okay good. I have math too," she needed somebody to talk to at this point. She didn't really care who it was but Devan was nice so this was working out fine. Dahlia was too awkward to simply makes friends in random classes. Although, maybe Dita would become a friend.
Jade looked at her with a sad face, "i have band, to bad we couldn't hang out.." she said to her, she wanted to hang out with Bailey, but she really wanted to show her skills in band class, playing the piano was the only thing she couldn't mess up or be a clutz at. So showing off her skills to the band class might be a good reputation, she had heard public schools were bad for reputations.



"No I do, its cool." She handed him her cardboard side of her notebook, "Here sign it there. And oh no problem, honestly he's so sweet. He was the one who came and helped me, I had no idea where I was going." She said. "He designed that? He's really talented." She overheard Devan and Dahlia talking about math. "I have math next too." She said smiling.

Bailey slightly frowned. "I can go to band with you? That's my last period and the teacher is really cool." She said. Hoping that would make things better.
(Back from my nap)

Devan smiled "that's great!, we can go together then" this year was going great so far and he was making friends Lysandre signed her notebook and gave her a peace out walking off for gym class "later, nice meeting you Dita"
((Well damn, go to sleep for a couple hours, and there are five more pages. xD ))

Liam sauntered into the boys locker room and dumped his stuff into a locker. Glad to be done with the hard classes for the day, he was ready for a little competition. He took his leather jacket off and put it into the locker, and his shirt followed to show off his sculpted abs. Never feeling self conscious of his body was a perk to playing sports all the time. He hoped he would meet more guys in this class, there seemed to be a whole lot of girls at this school.
Lysandre noticed Liam before, he didn't play sports but Lysandre was definitely fit with the dances he did for his concerts and whatnot he never talked to Liam before but he had seen Devan talking to him earlier, today they would just run a few laps so he could talk to him today he did seem interesting and not to be stereotypical but with the way he dressed he was probably familiar with ReaperzMilitia when they were out of the locker room he ra up behind him "'sup"
Liam finished getting dressed and headed out the door. Of course, when he got outside the teacher was already making everyone run laps. He joined in quickly, making his way to the front when he heard a voice saying hi to him. Well damn, I must be some kind of emo magnet today,Liam thought to himself, but decided this one was kind of cute. "Hey there."
Lysandre smirked "I saw you talking to my li'l bro earlier, I'm sure you see the resemblance anyway, as you noticed he's kind of a sappy kid he hasn't got any real friends so thanks for talking to him" he reached into his pocket and handed him a ticket to his next concert and winked
Liam blinked, and took the ticket. "Thanks. You play?" He asked, immediately interested, thinking of his various instruments in his dorm room.
he nodded "I'm the vocals, We'd be happy to see you there you can even visit me backstage if you'd like" Lysandre had a dark glow to him everywhere he went he got stares, especially when he was with his shy-boy brother when there's two cute emo guys together like that it tends to happen and both being known bi-sexual they turned the heads of the ladys and the guys alike while Lysandre flaunts his stuff his brother feels uncomfortable and awkward from too many stares, Lysandre loved attention Devan hated it, they're so different and yet so alike at the same time
(I wasnt getting alerts that you guys were playing sorry im so late)

Dita walked into math class and sat in the far back. Thinking about how good of a day she's been having, she really expected it to be different. She flipped her notebook over and read the signature. She smiled and flipped it back over, opening it. Ugh I hate math man. She thought.
Dahlia headed into the math room, looking around for familiar faces. She didn't see Devan there, yet, so she headed towards the back. Noticing Dita, Dahlia made her way over beside her. "Hey," she forced out a smile. Math sucks and I don't really know anyone in here. Great. She thought.
Dita looked over and and saw the girl who was talking to Devan earlier, Dahlia. She scooted her desk over a little closer to Dahlia. Dita wasn't a shy person at all. From all the skateboarding tournaments she's been too, meeting people is always easy to her. She's just a really easy person to get along with.

"Hey Dahlia." she replied smiling.
Dahlia smiled when she scooted her desk closer. She was really just happy to see people enjoying her presence rather than being entirely ignorant towards her. Dahlia figured Dita seemed like a nice person and talking to her was coming easy for her at this point. Not knowing what else to say, she said "What's up?" then kicked herself internally. Really Dahlia? 'What's up'? Is it because she's cute or because you're an idiot?

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