Degrassi: A Brand New Year

Liam read the note and shrugged, he had nothing to do after class anyway. He smiled at the little smiley face sketch and was about to write back when a pretty looking girl burst through the doors. He stared at her, while she blushed and backed out, and he wondered where she was headed to. The note lay forgotten on his desk. while he began to sketch her in his book.
Devan chuckled when he saw some skater punk girl walk in randomly and the teacher tell her she was in the wrong class, she looked new to Degrassi and he thought he might help her when class was over for now he waited for Liam to write back 
(lol, I think Liam and Devan are gonna fight over Dita next...)
After forty five more minuted, Liam had a full page sketch of the skater chick, and he sat back in his chair proud of himself. He saw the note that lay to the side, and quickly scribbled a reply. -Yeah, sure, there's a pizza place right next to here, wanna go for lunch?-
(lol oh god I thought the same)

Dita put her foot on her skateboard and started moving it back and forth waiting for the bell. She had her head on her hands which rested upon her knees. I have my locker number I just have no idea where it's located. She thought. Being a new student always sucks, especially a female new student, in her opinion. She feels that people expect so much from each other. "Pfft" she silently said. She just wasn't ready for all the judging from people she's never met before.
(lol, things are going to get interesting.._)

Devan smiled at the note and looked up as the bell rang quickly grabbing his things and walking out the doors to see Skater Chick outside and walked up to her looking slightly downward his black/blonde emo hair cascading a shadow across his face, he smiled and shook her hand "Devan, I take it your new here?"
Dita looked up and a smile grew upon her face. "Heyya Devan, I'm Dita." she replied to him, shaking his hand back. "It's that obvious huh?" she giggled. She stood up and grabbed her skateboard, looking around the hallways, observing all the students that go to Degrassi.
"haha, sorta... you want me to show you around?, do you know what your next class is?, mines Art, then Math..." he rubbed his neck shyly out of habit
Devan is so attractive. She thought to herself. She loves shy and soft spoken guys, she thinks it's the cutest thing ever. Dita handed Devan her schedule, "See for yourself." she replied. "Could you also maybe show me my locker... If you wanted?" she asked softly.
(Aww... xD I think a love triangles forming)

Devan looked at her shcedule "we have Math together, your next class is Biology I can show you where it is and actually your lockers not far from mine either..." he smiled up to her "follow me, I'm buds with the art teach so he'll cut me some slack for being late..."
(teehee maybe ^_^ )

Dita smiled. "Alright, thanks" she replied sweetly. She started walking next to him. She moved her skateboard to hold it under arm instead of carrying it by hand.
Preston walked out of his class and onto the next one. He always felt as if the day dragged on, even if it was just the start of the day. Preston headed into the art room, glancing around curiously. It was his first year taking this class but he really just needed another extra credit course. He sat down far in the back, leaning back a bit in his chair. He really just wanted to eat, not worry about such a boring class.

Dahlia sighed as the bell rang. Apparently a double class of study hall was what she was headed for. Unlike her incredibly lazy and stubborn brother, Dahlia had already completed most of her extra credits earlier in high school and now was stuck with several study hall periods until next year when she could fill them in with her senior classes. She sighed heavily, shifting in her seat, wondering who may enter next.
Devan led Dita to her locker letting her put up her things and then walking her to Biology where the teacher smiled at the two "you'd better get to your own class boy" he snickered "haha, yeah see ya later teach" he waved at both him and Dita and left for his art class, he had gotten to pick most of his classes this year, and of course most he was interested in... except gym, god why did they make him take gym... he smiled at the art teacher, he was actually his father... Keith, Grey he smiled at his son "don't expect special treatment Devan" the boy chuckled "no, you know how good my peices are so if anything you'll expect more from me" he smiled and took a seat in the back by window so he would always have light to draw
Preston noticed Devan's interaction with his dad. Everyone knew his father worked as a teacher here but Preston didn't know it was the art teacher. He looked at Devan out of the corner of his eye, not really studying him. Preston turned his body just slightly so he would be able to look towards the other side of the room. He didn't really talk to kids like Devan, especially kids in his age group.
(If anyone wants info on Devans big bro he's in the sign ups thread)

Devan got to work as he noticed his brother walk in late, it was like a mini family reunion in the art room... he smirked at his little brother when he saw him, Devan sighed "oh why god..." Lysandre sat next to Devan with a wide grin his lip piercings sticking out even more he flipped his hair in synch with his brother, you could definitely see the resemblance the were both slim with dark eyes and emo hair, only Lysandre wasn't the sappy emo kid his brother was he was a pure screamo goth... they gave emo's a bad name he was that guy you'll see stealing your girlfriend and starting a fight... Lysandre chuckled "heh, love you too"
Dita waved back at Devan and continued into the class. She sat in the back as far as she could. She grabbed her notebook and started sketching random things since the class hasn't started. She looked around the room and sighed. Dita wasn't really to fond of Biology. Honestly if it wasn't Art, Writing, or Lunch she didn't like it. She continued to sketch away in her notebook.
Jade was at her locker in her new school, it was the first time she had ever been in a school like this, most of her old schools had uniforms, they were all private schools. But after years of begging she was finally at degrassi. She put her note books and school suplise in her locker, closing it shut after words, she had science first thing, then band. She was excited about band, but not so much as science. She hadn't made any friends so far, but it was the first day, things could change right? She only ever had the one or two friends at her old schools, and she never had a boyfriend, mostly because she was a lesbian, but she wasn't very open on telling people that. She just hoped there wasn't much drama this year at her new school.
(I feel bad, now that @Hollipop left the only other lesbian left... maybe I could play Lacey in her place? so Jade could get a girlfriend eventually)
(you can just make another character. or i could? to keep the rp going bc im beyond bored!)
(lolol yeah I know thats why I didn't offer for you to. but ill go make another one. its nbd)
(I'm gonna have Devan and Lysandre talk to Dita and skip art)

---Time Skip To After Class---

Devan walked out awkwardly with Lysandre's arm wrapped around him *Oh great people are gonna assume were a couple...* he thought as his big bro walked onward with a cheeky grin, they stopped by Dita "Hey... Dita meet my brother Lysandre" he said removing him from his shoulders, Lysandre nodded his head "hey..." he said looking the skater girl up and down "dude, is this your girlfriend?" He asked and Devan stepped back defensively "N-No!"

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