Deception [Closed]


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Murder #4 was published in the newspaper just days after it was committed. Many people were raving over whether or not the fact that this murder was bloodier than usual meant that the killer(s) were sending a message. As Ivy and Moet walked along the uneven pavement in front of their house, Ivy grinned in maniacal satisfaction. Ivy's short blonde hair bounced the rays of morning light into her adoptive sister's eyes. Moet was not as ecstatic as her sister. "Sloppy." Was all she had to say as they walked towards the crime scene, arms crossed in front of her. In reality Ivy had just wanted to see how long someone would die from internal bleeding. She beat the man's arms purple and waited with her sister, who sat back with cleaning supplies as usual. He began to cough loudly and crimson blood dribbled down his chin. He had woken up and Ivy had no choice but to pull out a knife and stab the man, whose blood was so messy that Moet had no time to clean it all. Ivy was still proud of the murder, as she was every time someone's life was taken, and she tossed the newspaper into a corner trash can.

Moet knew the route to the crime scene well and stopped abruptly, her sister bumping into her shoulder. "Did you even read the file I sent you?" Moet snapped, turning on her heels so that her jet black, silky hair swiped her sister's cheek.

"Sure I did!" Ivy exclaimed, looking around. She was obviously confused and Moet sighed in frustration.

"This is the crime scene dimwit! According to my own intel which I did on my own," She eyed her sister angrily. "it will only be a matter of time before-"

"Before those two investigators show up right? Then we say we're the man's private investigators, work with them, hopefully I can try out a new method on one of them, and while the guy's partner is grieving boom! Both of 'em dead without a trace!" Ivy's sea blue eyes twinkled in excitement.

"That's where you're wrong again genius. If they both die right around the time we meet them won't that be suspicious? What we do is get close to them, earn their trust and kill only one of them." Moet said, turning back to the street and awaiting the arrival of the two investigators. "Oh, by the way sis," Moet said, talking towards the street.

"Their names are Lukas and Nelly. Got that?"
The said detectives were both getting ready for the investigation. In their house at the equestrian center, each one had their own room.

Nelly put on a white shirt and black jeans shorts. She ran her fingers through her pure white hair and looked at the mirror. Her hair was nicely pulled up into a ponytail and her bright blue eyes didn't have a tired look. Good.

She turned around and picked up her usual short-sleeved brown jacket, putting it on. Before going outside, she got her black shoes.

Lukas wore a beige waistcoat over a white long-sleeved shirt, black pants and black shoes. His reddish brown hair was kinda messy, but that's just how it was. He went outside to meet with his superior detective, who greeted him with a smile and a pat on the back.

"Ey." said Nelly, followed with a yawn. "Shall we go to the crime scene?"

"Sure." he replied with a smile. "I've checked on Scribbles and Archer, they're both resting right now."

"Right." She nodded. "And Bullet..?"

"Fine as well." he answered. Nelly had asked him to go check on their horses before they went to their job. They had to make sure they were okay, resting, and relaxed, or else Nelly would be worried about them. "So.. about this case.."

"Oh, yes." Nelly got from her bag some papers about the case; they were copies of the reports from the crime. "First beaten, apparently, then stabbed with a knife. Poor guy.."

"Sooo... probably some thief wanted to rob him, and ended up killing him..?"

The white haired girl shook her head. "That's not the case. See, it seems that the guy was kinda tortured."


"I don't know all the details yet, but it looks like we've got a big case on our hands."

With that, the two detectives headed for the crime scene. They walked there, since it wasn't too far from the equestrian center.
Ivy was granted the job of counting the cars that passed by. She had been talking into Moet's ear so quickly that her voice went raspy. As each car passed Ivy idly went through a number, until the flurry of multi-colored cars made her drowsy. "9...16... 94..." Ivy said, her eyes drooping. Every time her cheek brushed the cold metal zipper on her black sweater she straightened up with a start, but it was never long before she would let her head droop again.

Moet's bony shoulder ground itself into Ivy's lowered cheek and Ivy's eyes shot open. "Ow!" She groaned, looking down at a black spaghetti strap.

"They're coming! That has to be them... right?" Moet said, turning to her sister. Ivy bit on the zipper and leaned forward to inspect the people walking up to them. "I think I'm still half asleep. One of 'em's an albino. She would shrivel up in this heat." Ivy crossed her legs and dug her hands into her jeans, leaning back on the building and closing her eyes.

"No, that has to be them. The Nelly one was exposed to some kind of chemical and she's all... white now." Moet said, getting off of the building and straightening her clothes. "Groovy." Ivy piped in, turning her head towards the two but not making an effort to straighten up.

Moet flashed her sister a glare and then cleared her throat. "Excuse me!" Moet said, raising her hand and waving it at Nelly and Lukas.
Lukas noticed both girls and blinked. "Oh, look." He poked Nelly's shoulder and pointed at the females. "Someone's calling us."

"Eh?" Nelly blinked and tilted her head. "What could they want with us?"

"Maybe they want to ask why your hair is so ridiculously white..." Lukas started, a mischievous smirk on his face. He knew how to tease Nelly in the right way, in the right moments. The girl shoved him away from her playfully and said a "Gimme a break!" to him. She didn't feel offended, not by him anyway. Her hair was something that didn't bother her much, but if brought up in a playful way, she would be teased in a good way.

They both walked to the girls and greeted them with a "hi" at the same time. "You wanted to speak with us?" Nelly asked.

((Sorry for the late reply, I fell asleep xD ))
Ivy stayed by the building and lifted her black beanie slightly. She inspected Nelly and then Lukas and nodded, taking particular interest in Lukas. Even though it may seem like she was 'checking him out' she was probably only thinking about how good he would look in blood red. Moet couldn't help but feel like her sister was a homeless person, what with the messy state her clothes were in and the way holes for fingers were sloppily cut into Ivy's gloves. Moet, on the other hand, had taken the effort to put on presentable clothing and even brought a notebook with her, which she pulled out and flipped to another page.

"You're Nelly and Lukas, right? Investigators?" She asked and looked down at her notebook briefly. Notes on what to say were scribbled down in Ivy's extremely sloppy handwriting. "My name is Moet Aita, and this is my sister Ivy Olitzky." She waved a hand at her sister absently. Ivy's chicken scratch read "Wait for reply" and Moet flashed the two people warm smiles, hoping her sister was doing the same. Ivy had her eyes closed and was leaning her head back against the building, soaking in the sun.
Lukas felt slightly uncomfortable for having a girl looking at him so intensily. He was a pretty shy boy when it came to that topic, and he really thought the girl was looking at him in a different way. He flashed a quick look at Nelly with the corner of his eyes, which made her smile, and she had to force herself not to laugh. It was so cute the way he reacted! Nelly looked at the girls and wondered why they had such different outfits..? Well, maybe they had extremely different tastes..

"Oh, um.. yeah." the female nodded. "Nice to meet you, Moet and Ivy." She smiled as a greeting, and looked at Lukas, who grinned awkwardly to them. Nelly raised an eyebrow and smirked, but put the thought aside. She'd have to tease him about it later.

There were two things that bothered her, though. One wasn't really important, that is why did they have different second names if they were sisters. However, what bothered her the most was... "Ah, wait a second.." she said, looking back at the girls. "How do you know us..?"
Moet noticed the strange look Lukas was making past her and she closed her eyes, sighing deeply. Ivy, she thought, I turn my back for a couple of seconds and you're already creeping on them? She opened her eyes quickly as she remembered there was serious business to be done and she shrugged lightly. "Well," She started walked towards her sister. Ivy had pulled her beanie down below her head and Moet snatched it off quickly. "We're private investigators for this man's family. We found out you guys were going to be on this case as well." Moet held up her notebook and shook it slowly, playfully. "Besides, what kind of private investigators don't know how to get information on people?" She smirked.

Even though they were murderers, it wasn't uncommon for a criminal and a detective to think alike. The criminal needs to know what the detective is thinking to get away from him and the detective needs to think like a criminal to catch him. In the end it comes down to who thinks the fastest. Ivy and Moet hoped, what with Lukas and Nelly being the some of the best in their field, they would get some kind of an idea of what not to do when they killed next (which they were certainly planning to do).
"Ah, I see!" Nelly put her closed right hand on her opened left hand, in a sign of undestanding. "Yeah, we're taking this case."

Luke, in the other hand, smiled brightly as he saw the girl was carrying a notebook. Taking notes was a habit of his, and he was happy to see that there was someone that maybe shared the same way of thinking. All the information is never enough, was what he told Nelly when she said he was writing too much. He nodded at her last statement, "Good point!"

"Well then.." Nelly started, "Do you have any leads on it? I mean, the guy was pretty much tortured to death. What I want is motive. Did the man have anything to be hated for or anyone against him? That may raise suspicion on some people, depending on what he did in his life." As she talked, Luke was taking notes on what she said. He was an extremely fast writer, and even if he didn't catch an information, his memory was pretty good, so he could put it on the files later.
Ivy perked up, just as Moet had intended. As long as they passed the acceptance process any thing Ivy did or said could easily be waved off. "Well," Ivy said, her voice still a little raspy. "his family says he worked as a child social worker, you know for abused kids. Moet and I assumed that there was the possibility of some parents seeking revenge, but he moved recently for just this reason. He was very good at his job and the company he worked for helped wipe him off of the records in his last town. As far as we know he hasn't been working again, but double checking would be smart." Ivy always liked to know their past just so she could get intimate with the person she was erasing from existence. This was all like sex for her, in a sick sadistic way.

"We should get inside the crime scene too." Moet said, anxious to see how the place was left. Usually Moet cleans the entire house when Ivy is done and this time she hadn't been able to do a thing. She was warned by her sister that the police had recognized her clean-freakness, and she wanted to be sure they left the place as it was so she could kick herself in the meantime.
"Ugh, sick.." Lukas mumbled, frowning at the thought of someone abusing kids. Nelly frowned and crossed her arms, sickened by that thought as well. How could someone do that to kids? She pictured some creep trying to do those things with her missing little brother.. argh! The girl shook her head and focused on the crime again.

"So.... I-is the body still on the crime scene..?" the boy asked, not sure if seeing the body would help with the investigation, or make him too sick to investigate. Well, Nelly was there, she sure would know what to do to calm him down, as the almost sister she was to him. Nelly, however, was thrilled to see the body. If she could see the details of the murder, no matter how gory they were, she would want to see them. Anything to help the investigation was good! She knew her assistant wasn't too good with dead bodies, but eh, she would manage something.
"The police probably took the body away to perform an autopsy." Moet said, making a mental note that it might be safer to steer clear of the police, just in case they start to quesion Moet and Ivy's role in the whole investigation. "Lucky for us they left all of the little pieces of him that weren't connected to the body, which is pretty much just the blood." She hoped that she didn't sound as sick as her sister saying 'lucky for us' and in a rare stroke of luck Ivy happened to save her.

"Are those shudders for child abuse or the murders, because I know how you feel. My mom wasn't too pleasant. I was saved by a social worker and now I live with her and her family." Ivy said, nodding at Moet. That must have cleared up any confusion the two might have felt over the last names but silently kept in for the sake of being polite.
"Oh." Both the detectives replied, Nelly with a sound of disappointment, and Lukas with a sound of relief. Well, at least they had the whole crime scene, that was enough. They could deal with not so many details. Lukas was relieved to be saved from seeing a dead body, as he would be forced to do in many times, as a detective's assistant.

"Ah, um, yeah.." Nelly nodded, crossing her arms again with the thought of abusive parents. She wasn't abused by her parents at all, in fact she did miss them. They were good parents, she and her brother were happy with them.. until, well, that happened. "I don't have personal experiences, no, but I feel bad for those who are abused. Much for the contrary, my parents were nice and all, and.. um..." she looked at her assistant with the corner of her eye, and he was looking down a little. He never got to meet his parents, he didn't know if he was abandoned, or if they had died.. Nelly gave a sad smile and put a hand on the boy's shoulder, rubbing her thumb against him softly for comfort. He made a small smile to her, then quickly changed the subject.

"S-so, we should go to the crime scene, right? Time's valuable in the crime world! C'mon!" He said, tugging on Nelly's arm.
Ivy ran ahead of them enthusiastically and hit the superintendent's doorbell. She and Moet had noticed that the police rang his office often and, assuming he wasn't attending to the people in the building, he would open the door. Thankfully he wasn't busy and a shrewd buzzing sound signaled that the lobby door was open. Moet stayed behind briefly, making a note that parents were also a sore topic for Lukas. She made the page in the middle of the notebook where no one would notice it and where it wouldn't matter if it went missing. She was planning on ripping it out later for Ivy when she had her fun with Lukas, or Nelly.

The lobby was dimly lit and was very grand. Only the richest and most successful lived here, which proved another great place for a social worker to hide. Moet didn't know the details, and had to run into the elevator to catch up with the others. The elevators had mirrors on every wall except for the small one next to the door, where the buttons were. Ivy jammed her thumb into 12, the penthouse, and it lit up as turned to the partners. "So, what's your lives like? We are going to be working together a lot lately so we might as well get friendly." Moet inspected herself in the mirror behind her and fixed her clothing accordingly before she needed to pause. The elevator lurched upwards and made her stomach do flips, and she continued once the uncomfortable feeling passed.
They followed the two girls to the building, as it seemed like they had knowledge about the crime scene already. That would save them a lot of time searching or asking around to where exactly was the crime scene, as the details hadn't been all given to them.

Lukas looked around, amazed by the lobby. Such a grand place! Shame that such a gory incident had to take place in that building... Upon entering the elevator, he looked at the mirror and frowned. Okay, elevators were creepy enough, but why put mirrors in them? Why? Oh well... Nelly blinked at the girl's question and smiled. "Oh, well.. we started working together about a couple years ago, when I started my detective career. He showed up in the same equestrian center I live in, and since he wanted to be a journalist, and he's two years younger than me, I took him in as my assistant." She looked at her parter and smiled, receiving another smile in return.
Moet stopped fixing her hair to turn her head towards Nelly, ruining the ponytail she was putting together with a black hair band. "Equestrian? Like... ponies?" She asked, her face lighting up. Moet had a soft spot for animals and always wanted to have a pet herself, but Ivy was allergic to animal fur. "I would love to visit one day!" Moet said. The elevator stopped, interrupting her. She let everyone step out as another queasy feeling passed and put up the rest of her hair, making sure not even the smallest strand fell out of place.

"A journalist huh?" Ivy asked, cutting between Nelly and Lukas. "So you like writing? Or are you just a gossip?" Ivy stared up at Lukas excitedly, craving more information on this boy.
"Like horses, ponies.." Nelly said with a smile. "Feel free to visit!" She was happy to see someone that liked animals.

Lukas looked at Ivy and blinked, "Oh, yes, I'm a journalist! I always loved writing and all that, so I decided to become one! It's not for the gossip though, it's to help my partner most of the times! If it wasn't for Nelly, I wouldn't be a journalist today, sp what I do is for her sake, and for the sake of justice!" he said with a smile. It was all true, Lukas was a very loyal assistant, and everything he did had Nelly as a reason. She helped him so much that he decided he'd help her as much as it could, having extreme and reckless ways when needed.
Ivy glanced at Moet quickly and nodded, a movement so slight that even Moet had to take a couple of seconds to register what her sister had done. Moet opened the notebook to the page in the middle of the book and noted how close Lukas and Nelly were. As she did this Ivy walked them down the hallway directly in front of the elevator. There were six different halls to go down, but Ivy remembered this part of the murder very well and walked with a skip in her step to the door at the very end of the third corridor. The door was labeled 3-C and had police tape over it, like a Halloween decoration. Ivy looked past Nelly and Lukas down the hallway before bending down and grabbing a key from underneath the carpet. Moet and Ivy had made a copy of the man's house keys before the murder and they always hid the key near the victim's house, so the police wouldn't find it suspicious.

"You guys ready?" Ivy said as the lock clicked and she pushed the door open with her shoulder.
Lukas looked around the hallway and then locked his gaze onto the tapes. He grimaced a little, not really wanting to see blood, as he had a weak stomach for those kind of things. Once Nelly fell with the horse she was taming, Bullet, and she had a cut on her forehead; once Lukas saw it, he almost passed out, while Nelly was giggling of his reaction.

"Sure thing!" Nelly's voice took him away from his thoughts. She was the opposite; Nelly was always thrilled to see a dead body. She was the kind of girl who liked some suspense and horror, that type of girl who'd choose "Friday the 13th" rather than "Twilight". Lukas found it funny how she was such a psycho when it came to that matter. Also, she loved the detail. Every inch of the crime scene was important, and it was even better if the body was still there, so she could examine literally everything.

Nelly stood next to Ivy, while Lukas stood a little behind, afraid of what he would have to see.
Ivy had expected that the two would walk past her but laughed when they didn't. "Fine, let daddy Ivy lead the way." She said, stepping inside. Once inside there was a living room with a dining table, laptop and a couple of paintings. It wasn't anything special and certainly did not seem like the kind of place that belonged in such a fancy building. She knew the rest of the apartment was furnished the same way, and inhaled deeply. "Smell that guys? Guy owned a couple of cats." Moet wrinkled her nose in distaste and hid her nose under the collar of her shirt, stepping past the group.

The house branched off into four different directions, much like the hallway. One was the small kitchen, the other was another living room, and two bedrooms. "We should split up." Moet suggested. "I hear the guy died in his bedroom. Who wants to take that role?"
Lukas and Nelly grimaced at the smell of the place. Probably smell of kitty litter and blood.... ew. Lukas walked behind Nelly, and he paid attention to each detail of the room. "Cats? Should we look for them..?" He asked, concerned about the animals.

"Sure, but right now the main priority is the murder case." Nelly told him, looking around.


Both looked at the girls, and Lukas began to speak, but was cut by his superior. "Well, that's--" "I'LL GO~!" Nelly said cheerfully. "It's investigation time!" She looked at the boy, who blinked in surprise, and she knew he wouldn't like to see much blood, so she volunteered to go instead. She began walking to the crime scene in a happy manner.
"I'll go with her!" Ivy said, walking along behind Nelly. As she passed Lukas she grinned deviously. "Lukas is a scaredy-cat!" She sang. Moet pushed Ivy on her way and she ran away, giggling maniacally. Before Nelly entered the bedroom Ivy stood in between her and the door. "Are you ready, Nelly, for the bloodiest thing you'll ever see in your life?" She asked.

Moet sighed and shook her head. "I'm sorry about her, Lukas. I'm sure her parents dropped her on her head or something." She said and smiled up at him, regaining her business-like attitude. "Where do you want to go first?"
Lukas blinked and frowned slightly at her comment. "A-ah, w-well, I..." He didn't really reply to that, as he knew it would be useless. Meh, he was used to being adressed like that anyway... he sure didn't have the stomach to see too much blood, so he'd rather be called a scaredy-cat than actually look at the mess.

Nelly looked at Ivy, grinned, clapped her hands together and nodded. "Of course! I wanna see as many details as I can!" She, then, waited for the other girl to open the door so they could investigate.

The 17 years old boy sighed and gave Moet a half smile. "Don't worry, I'm pretty used to that. I don't have the strongest stomach to those kind of things, so people usually tease for it." He straightened up and looked at her, tapping his index finger against his lips. "Hmm.... well, we should probably check any signs of struggle here, maybe the victim had a fight against the murderer before his death."
Ivy turned around and hummed a horror movie theme as she opened the door slowly. She had gone in too confidently and was taken aback by the sudden strong wave of blood that hit her nose. Her eyes teared up in response and she dug her nose into her elbow. "Oh, gnarly!" She groaned, half laughing and half disgusted. The body was gone, but the bed was pushed to the side. A wooden chair sat in the middle of the room and blood poured from the chair to pretty much everything else in the room. Some spots were just red, but the thicker spots dried up and were now thick, dark cases of blood.

Moet nodded and waved her arm. "You lead the way, Lukas."
"Woah." Nelly mumbled, but didn't hide her nose or even made a face of disgust. She was so used to the scent of blood from her investigations, that it was almost natural for her the scent of death. "Holy crap.... what a mess." She stepped inside and looked around, inspecting the blood. "Whoever did this, they did it good. It seems the killer didn't just kill him to steal something. From the looks of it, they were having fun. Probably torturing the poor man, judging from the amount of blood.... sick!"

Lukas nodded and walked to the living room. "The killer probably didn't break in, as the door didn't have signs of strong blows. So if the victim was a regular man, he'd first take the visits to the living room."
"I almost don't want to walk in. What if we step on something important?" Ivy said, forcing herself to think like her sister. She stuffed her hand in her pocket and, even though she had gotten used to the smell, grinned behind her elbow. She was proud of her work and wanted to take it all in. She knew this brilliant moment would have to end soon so she stopped smiling and removed her elbow from her face. "So, Ms. Nelly, what do you wanna do first?" She asked. "Private Investigators don't usually get this down and dirty."

"Good point." Moet said, walking into the living room. She wondered whether or not sitting on the couch was rude and decided against it. Her legs ached from standing outside for so long but she would endure it. "Well, then again, this man was in hiding so the amount of people that would visit are very limited. That should make things easier for us, unless we're assuming the killer was a stranger to him." She offered.

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