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Decay (superpowered RP)

"Okay, that's cool." Alexa shrugged, then turned to Freya "I'm an investigative journalist.. I Investigate crimes and write about them, stuff like that. Sounds like such a serious job, I know, I was surprised it was what I ended up doing too." Alexa laughed slightly.

Her and April were actually both looking into the same thing right now, but she left that part out. Freya had just come from a Crime boss, and she seemed pretty shaken up about that, a serial killer was probably the last thing she needed it to hear about, especially one who did the things this person did.

"We should probably go to sleep, can I borrow- you know what, never mind." Alexa said, muttering some words and her costume transformed into an old shirt and pyjama shorts to sleep in. She'd never seen these clothes before, which sometimes happened, but she didn't know if she'd conjured them from nothing or if they had appeared from somewhere, she kind of hoped it was the first, otherwise she'd possibly just stolen someone's pyjamas.

"Lead the way." She gestured at April.
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"Good night Freya. There's a blanket on the back of the sofa for you." April smiled.

The young girl said good night back, hopefully she felt more comfortable now. April walked up to her bedroom and frowned at the smashed lamp on the floor. She cleared it up and got into bed, she hoped this time her sleep would not be interrupted especially by that shape shifter. She curled up into the bed and smiled at Alexa, it was strange to be sharing a bed with someone she only knew as a partner but it was some how comforting.

"grayson has the ability to inflict illness on other people, we are going to have to be extra careful when it comes to him, I'm not sure what we are going to do about it all but we have to do something quickly because he knows a lot about me. you're the only person he doesn't know about really."April said.
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Alexa lifted up the covers and climbed into bed next to April. The bed was big enough for the both of them, and so luxuriously soft that Alexa smiled as her head hit the pillow. She turned to face April and looked at her for a moment, it was almost funny seeing her at home in a nightie given how serious and put together she usually was on the job. April's ash blonde hair flowed down her back, a sight Alexa had basically never seen since it was usually piled up in a neat bun. She was actually pretty good-looking, Alexa noticed idly, looking into her eyes that were the same pale green as the ocean on a calm winters day.

"Don't worry about it right now, your big brain stresses too much. I doubt they'll come back tonight, and if they do you have me and Freya here and we'll...hit them with a frying pan, or something." Alexa shrugged lightly.

She was afraid of Grayson, just a little, but she wasn't going to let April know that. Still, he could inflict any illness on anyone with just a touch? That was a pretty scary power, and he didn't seem like the kind of guy who was afraid to use it. She decided that they should look him up, find out what they could about him in case there was something they could use against him, but that could wait until tomorrow. Right now they were all tired, and the soft light of sunrise streaming through the curtains told them how late...or well, early, it was getting. Even superheroes needed their sleep, especially if those superheroes were called Alexa.

"I'm here to talk and junk, if you want, I mean." Alexa shrugged "Hey, y'know, I'm pretty sure I warped gravity in there a little." She said, remembering Midas and the way his gun was dragged to the ground. "Maybe I could learn to fly by doing that. Me, flying, just imagine the possibilities." She laughed, just to change the subject from the depressing topic, hoping to put both of them in a better mood.

They were all still learning their powers, it seemed like, and none of them knew their limits. Freya especially seemed to have a lot to learn about her powers, and Alexa didn't know what Freya's plans were, but if the younger girl wanted then Alexa would be happy to help her figure it out. This whole thing was a lot easier, she'd learned, when you had someone on your side. Alexa let her thoughts trail off, blinking to try and keep her eyes open. This bed really was comfortable, more so than the paper thin mattress in her own apartment.
April chuckled slightly, She thought about how nice it was not lying in bed by herself. She had such a big house and it was often so lonely and quiet. This was a state of security she'd never felt before.

"Well logically you could learn to fly with your powers, Your power is reality warping so the possibilities of what you could do are endless...I would imagine. I mean, We really don't know enough about these powers to say for sure but there is always a chance. Would be pretty crazy if you could fly as long as you perfect your landing of course."April laughed.

April had never really taken time before to notice her partner's feature. Alexa's eyes were so dark but filled with so much light. Her skin looked almost air brushed, It was beyond perfect and her blue, curly hair fell effortlessly onto the pillow. April couldn't imagine her partner with any other color hair.

"Well, We should probably sleep. Good night Alexa."April smiled.

She looked at her bedroom door once more before curling down and drifting off to sleep.
Alexa woke up from her sleep groggily, as she always did. She'd never been a morning person, ever. She needed two cups of coffee before she could even function most of the time. The sunlight was streaming full force through the window now, lighting up the neat bedroom even through the curtains. The birds were no longer chirping outside the window, instead there were the sounds of light conversation and sprinklers going off. She took a look at the clock on the bedside table, the LED numbers reading nine thirty. Nine thirty? Why the hell was she up so early, she'd only fallen asleep at about six o'clock, that was not nearly enough sleep. She lay back down on the pillow, planning on falling straight back asleep, but her plan was interrupted by the sound of a thump from downstairs. Alexa shot up drearily, immediately jumping up on her feet despite her lack of energy. She looked next to her, but April was still lying there asleep. She ran out into the hall, prepared to fight off any intruders even if she was still in her pyjamas. She made her way down the stairs, just in time to see Freya walk out the front door.

Alexa ran back upstairs and made her way back into the bedroom. Why would Freya leave without saying anything? It wasn't a good sign, really. Had Freya gone back to Grayson? Had she been lying to the this whole time? Or maybe they had found a way to drag her back to them, despite her wanting otherwise? Alexa had no idea, but they needed to find out, so she shook April awake.

"Uh, Freya's gone." She said bluntly, raising her arms up in a gesture of not knowing.
April shot up in bed and began to curse under her breath slightly. April wouldn't of been concerned but they'd had a tough night and she was assuming the worst..The girl had just come from a crime boss and they didn't know a single thing about her. It was best to go after her.

"Well, wish yourself dressed and let's follow."April frowned.

April quickly got changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, A red bustier and a pair of boots. She flung her nightie on the bed and headed for the door. She was sure this was the first time ever she'd left the house with her hair down and without her glasses on. Luckily, She could see Freya up the road and followed as quickly as possible. She barely even took notice if Alexa was following. She wasn't sure if she was angry or scared anymore, She hated how emotions worked. They all kind of piled together.

Freya had tried her hardest to sleep but pure fear had kept her awake, She needed to walk it off and check her family was safe. More specifically her sister Riley. She didn't work far from April's house so she had waited till an acceptable time before heading to where her sister worked. They hadn't seen each other in about a month because Freya had gotten caught up in a mess and she didn't know how to tell her sister what was going on in her life so she figured staying away would have been the best option...But she could of gotten Riley killed in the process.

She arrived at her sister's work place, tears filling in her eyes when she saw her sister was fine. The weight suddenly being lifted off of her shoulders.

"R-R-riley."She stammered.
Riley turned around at the sound of her name, brown ponytail flicking behind her. She lost all focus for the car she was working on, even though she was normally completely focused when she was at work. She hadn't heard that voice in a month, and she almost thought she was imagining it until she saw her sisters face. The wrench in her hand clattered to the floor and Riley strode towards to Freya.

"Oh my god, Freya..." She pulled her sister into a hug, then put her hands on Freya's shoulder and looked at her "Where the hell have you been? You just...disappeared. I've been trying to call you, I've been round your place more than once, I was worried to hell!" She said, not sure if she was hurt, worried or angry.

Alexa walked through the streets next to April, now wearing a blue crop top and acid wash jeans. They'd been keeping their distance, but Alexa was almost surprised that Freya hadn't noticed them, wherever Freya was going, it was all she was thinking about. She turned the corner that Freya had just walked down and then her military booted feet drew to a halt. Freya had finally stopped walking, and she'd stopped at....a mechanics? Well, at least she didn't seem to be betraying them...but Alexa wasn't sure what was going on. Freya was talking to a girl, a girl with the same dusky brown skin and light brown hair as her, but without the ombre ends and drawn back in a ponytail. The same eyes too, like sunlight shining through a glass of whiskey with a ring of earthy green at the center....right, family, Alexa kind of forgot about that sometimes.
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Freya just looked at her sister, She knew her sister was going to be mad but she was okay and that was the most important thing. Her sister had always been protective of her ever since she was little but it was understandable. Riley was her only family and her best friend.

"I am s-so sorry. I have been away for a while...and I did not know how to call you and tell about what was happening because I knew you would get angry if you knew but I got myself into something...something bad and it has put you in danger and I am sorry. I did not mean to do it, I was just confused and I was trying to work things out and..."Freya rambled before almost bursting into floods of tears.

The idea of telling her sister about everything was terrifying Freya down to the core, She had gotten into small fights at school and Riley always got so frustrated and Freya couldn't imagine how she was going to react when she would have to explain that she got involved with a murdering crime boss who would probably kill the both of them due to the fact she'd betrayed him. She was sure Riley would never speak to her again, she was always reckless but this was a step too far without her knowing that she these powers.

April stopped when she saw Freya's face and she spoke to the brown haired girl, She couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl and even more so for the brown haired girl who looked worried out of her mind. She began to read Freya's thoughts, She was mainly thinking about how much danger she had put her sister in. It was heartbreaking . She suddenly had all the doubt for Freya disappear from her mind, This girl was not going to run back to Grayson.

"Maybe we should go back to mine, This looks kind of personal? Or maybe we should stick around and give Freya help...In case Grayson does show up?"April asked.
Alexa barely heard what April was saying, too busy paying attention to what was going on in front of them. Alexa had never had any siblings, she didn't even have any family, since her mother had practically disowned her, not that Alexa blamed her, and right now Alexa was almost glad, family looked stressful.

"Honestly, it's up to you, I'm not really an expert on stuff like this." Alexa said, looking over at April "You look great in that shirt, by the way." She winked jokingly, not that it wasn't true.

Alexa didn't know what she would do if she had a family to look out for, she didn't know if she'd still be out fighting crime, or if she'd tell them about her powers. She'd had one relationship in her whole life, and that had ended when she was eighteen, and she'd had had plenty of friends in her life, but she'd never had someone she was so close to that she had to worry about them when it came to her lifestyle.

Riley didn't know what to say, she'd spent so much time over the past month worrying about Freya, and as bad Freya's story was Riley was just happy that she was safe. Still, this sounded serious and Riley wanted to know what the hell had happened in the time that her sister had been gone. She'd spent most of her life looking after her little sister, she wasn't going to stop now.

"What happened? Are you okay, Freya, what the hell did you get yourself involved in now?" Riley said, voice serious.

It wasn't until then that Riley noticed two girls watching them.

"Yo, can I help you?" She said, slightly on edge after Freya telling her that they were in danger. She could not be in danger when she was around her sister, weird things happened when she was in danger, really weird stuff.
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" Thanks, Usually you just call me nerd."She chuckled.

Then the girl had realised they were there....April's first thought was maybe she should use her powers to put some form of Amnesia on the girl but that seemed a bit far and a waste of energy. April just shared a look with Alexa, How could they explain who they were? They weren't really anything to Freya considering they had only technically met her that day and they couldn't say we're superheroes because that sounded ridiculous without knowing the entire content. April was about to say 'friends' but something caught her eye. A man dressed in an all black costume with the four elements on and the flame mask.

"Brother motherfucking nature."April scowled.

April watched Alexa build her energy beams as they ran in front of Freya and the other girl, Their first instinct was to protect the civilian from the guy. They didn't have their costumes on but April knew first hand, Brother nature was dangerous..They had no time. Brother nature was hit by every single energy beam, The pain clear on his face but he just gritted his teeth slightly and kept approaching. He put his hand up and used a powerful gust of wind to knock Alexa to the ground. Hard.

April noticed the wrench on the floor, She used her telekinetic ability to bring it to her hand.

"Freya, You're going to have to run. Distract him for me."April said sternly.

Freya looked between April and what was clearly her sister, She could hear Freya thinking about how her sister didn't know. This was a good of time as any for it to come out. Freya used her super speed to appear behind him, He turned around swinging his fist towards Freya and April smashed him in the head with the wrench. He stumbled slightly and spun round quickly, His fist ready to make impact but April was much smaller then him. She managed to dodge the first punch and hit him in the arm with it, she kept dodging all his attempts.The guy only managed to get one lucky hit on April,Splitting her lip. April then used all the force she had to hit him in the stomach with the wrench, He howled.

"You little bitch."He spat.

"That was for this morning."April scowled.

She smashed him around the face with it knocking a few of his teeth out., He looked pretty beat but he gave it one last try. He created a fire ball and aimed for April's face but his aim was off and it went straight towards Freya's sister. The girl looked stunned at the ball of fire heading towards her and then suddenly...She turned to metal. April hit the guy in the stomach again, He had obviously had enough because he took off running swearing that 'he'd be back'.

April turned her attention to back to the other two. Freya's face was stunned.

"Y-you just turned into metal?"Freya stammered.
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"I- You just...You just ran behind that guy and I didn't even see you?!" Riley replied, in shock.

Her body turned from hard titanium back into flesh and blood, but she still stayed where she was, not moving a muscle. Riley had known about her...her thing for a couple of months now, but she'd thought she was alone, and she'd ignored it hoping that it would just go away. She'd never told anyone, not even Freya, she'd wanted Freya to have a happy, simple life, even if that meant hiding things from her. Riley had worked hard so that both of them could have as normal a life as two orphans who'd grown up moving through the system could have. She'd looked after Freya as best as she could, worked hard in school, gone to college, paying for it with some of the fairly large inheritance that their parents had left them. Riley had a passion for mechanics, and a talent for it too, enough of a talent to own her own workshop at the age of twenty one. She was proud of everything she'd achieved, the last thing she'd needed was to be some kind of...freak.

But now she was standing in that same workshop, and it still smelt of the same motor oil and was filled with cars and parts as it always was, yet it felt like everything had suddenly changed. Apparently she wasn't alone after all, there were other people like her, if not exactly the same...and one of those people was her little sister. There was also someone out there trying to hurt them, maybe more than just one person. Riley had never been good with change, and now definitely wasn't any different. Her and Freya had been through enough, they didn't need this, and they definitely didn't need to be hunted down by some guy with control over fire. Riley had felt ten years old again as she'd watched that fire fly towards her, and in those few seconds all she could see was her childhood home up in flames, her parents telling her to get Freya to safety and saying that they'd be right out...they'd never made it out.

Alexa pushed herself up off the floor, wincing as she did it. She'd hit the ground hard as she'd went down, and she was pretty sure she'd heard something crack. Whatever it was, she'd attempt to heal it later. She quickly scanned the workshop with her eyes, making sure that no one was injured, then muttered a wish to heal herself, although all it did was ease the pain a bit, damn, why did healing have to be so freaking difficult.

"So, everyone here has superpowers, huh? We should start a club or something." She said sarcastically, with a hint of a smile.

She limped over to April, trying not to let the pain show on her face, although she wasn't sure how well it was working.

"Damn, April, that was pretty badass." She smirked, remembering the way April had smashed brother nature over the head with a wrench "It was very me, I like it. Maybe you're not such a nerd after all." She said teasingly.

The air in the workshop was thick with tension, Freya and her sister were staring at each other, and Alexa felt awkward as hell. So she used sarcasm, it was how she got through every situation, with varying degrees of success.
Freya could of screamed, The only thing Freya had ever wanted was to not be alone with these weird powers...She had searched hard to find others like her and it turned out the closest person in her life was powered. She let out a sigh.

"Can we talk about this in private? Later!"Freya exclaimed.

Freya knew that she couldn't be angry at her sister for not telling her because she was just as bad, Instead of telling her sister the truth about the situation....She put her trust into bad people. She was much worse than Riley.

April cleaned the wrench and put it down, She laughed at Alexa. A club for people with powers...probably a bad idea.

April would probably never do anything like that again but that guy was strong and she was still pretty angry from the fact he had burned her skin plus Alexa was hurt so no warping. It was the only option.

"Hey, He hurt my partner in anti-crime! He deserved that but I am in fact still a nerd regardless of the fact that I knocked some of his teeth out... He's going to remember this face for a while."April laughed.

She realised she didn't have her phone on her, She looked around and noticed the clock in the mechanics...She needed to get home.

"Hey guys.. I know you need to catch up and stuff but we need to get somewhere remotely safe and I really need to go home so...Let's go! I'm April by the way and this is Alexa. Nice to meet you Riley."April smiled.

She waited for Riley to close up the shop and they walked back to April's.
Riley spent the entire five minute walk to April's place thinking in her own mind, thinking about everything that had just happened. She didn't want to go back to this strangers house, but Freya had followed without hesitation and if Riley wanted to find out what was going on, then apparently it was her only option. Besides, Riley could protect Freya better if she was actually with her, she didn't want a repeat of the past month. She was so busy thinking that she didn't even realize that April had known her name even though she'd never mentioned it.

Riley was still wearing her slightly dirty work overalls, and she felt slightly bad about it when they entered the seemingly spotless house, she carefully avoided the white walls and tried not to track any dirt on the shiny hardwood floors. She turned to her sister as soon as they were all in the living room, but she wasn't sure what to say first. No matter what, Freya would always be her little sister, but right now Riley almost felt like she was looking at a stranger. Freya had said that she'd gotten involved with something bad, but that didn't seem to have anything to do with these two. Freya seemed comfortable around them, and in this house. Riley wasn't the most easily trusting person, but if Freya trusted these two, she would go with it for now, if only because they'd been all too ready to jump in front of her sister when the fight had broken out.

"Okay- I've decided to trust you-"

"A horrible decision, really." The girl with blue hair, Alexa, cut in dryly.

"-But someone better tell me what's going on, now." Riley continued.

Alexa collapsed on April's couch, relaxing into it. She had a million things that she could say, but it seemed right to let Freya be the one to tell her sister the story, especially if there was any of it that she didn't want her to know quite yet. Alexa may have not had a sister, but if she did, she doubted that said sister would be very happy to hear that she'd gotten involved with a superpowered crime mob, however accidentally. Besides, Alexa had done far too much considering she hadn't even had any coffee. Coffee was essential, it was a fact.

"Does anyone want coffee?" She asked, not waiting for an answer before getting up and finding the kitchen.

She found the kitchen quickly, not bothered about making herself at home in April's house. The kitchen was as neat as the rest of the house, and completely modern. She still wanted to know where April had gotten the money for this place. She'd have to ask at some point, some point when things were a bit less crazy. She flicked the switch on the coffee machine, smiling as the rich smell filled the kitchen. She poured four cups of coffee, filling her own with milk and as much sugar as possible. She then piled the cups, milk and sugar onto a nearby tray and used her powers to teleport the tray to the living room, following after.
Freya didn't know where to begin, the story was so long and complicated and it was filled with a million bad stories.

"I have always been I guess scared of my powers? It always confused me and I never really knew how to control them. I went in search of people with powers and I met this guy, He told me that he would help me master my powers and figure out why I have them if I helped him commit crimes which I never did before you ask. Well, I met a lot of people with powers. I even became close to a few of them... They obviously felt sorry for me because I was the youngest member. When we joined the group, he made us give him our information which I never really thought about till today but that was a dumb move. I felt so lost that I did not want to tell you because I did not know how too really. Anyway, Yesterday they did a bank job and it failed because these two showed up so the boss got one of the team members to kidnap April to find out who her partner was. I am a good person, I knew it was wrong so I tried to help then Alexa showed up and well...We ended up back here. That guy, Brother nature is one of many members. I am sorry I got you into this."Freya sighed.

Freya just kind of slumped herself into a chair and put her hands on her face, She felt like such a terrible person. Grayson had always seemed so trustworthy but when he had killed a man, She had tried to find a way to get out of the group safely...What happened to April didn't give her a choice about how to leave. She had to betray them.

April grabbed a cup of coffee and sipped it slightly, She headed up to her bedroom to get ready. She debated putting her hair up but it was comfier to not bother. She put on her makeup, Mainly eyeliner and red lipstick and headed back downstairs.

"Good coffee Alexa, Very strong."She laughed.

April pulled out a box from under the coffee table and sat on the floor, It was filled with various mechanical parts that she had bought. Each bit of equipment more expensive then the last. She knew she'd have to build better objects in case someone did break into her home again. She wasn't sure what she was going to build, maybe a motion sensor but if she got up in the middle of the night and forgot it was on. She'd probably drive herself mad. She just sat looking at the scattered parts that were slowly building up on her floor.
Riley's expression was stony as she listened to Freya's story. She felt bad that Freya hadn't felt safe to come to her about her powers, but then again Riley hadn't said anything either. It took her a minute to wrap her head around the whole thing, and when she did she didn't feel any better about any of this.

"A crime mob? What were you thinking?! Look I don't care that you put me in danger, I care that you put yourself in danger. I just- I need to sit down." Riley said, muttering some curses under her breath in Spanish. She picked up a cup of coffee off the table and gulped down half the cup, not bothering to add milk or sugar. She ran her hand through her hair and turned back to her sister.

"I'm glad you're safe, and we'll work this out. We can move away, change our names, it doesn't matter, these people won't find you again." Riley said "Thank you, for getting my sister out of that place." She addressed April and Alexa.

"It's what we do." Alexa shrugged "But you don't have to run, we can take care of Grayson and his mob...as soon as we figure out how."

"Maybe you can, but I'm not going to just leave my little sister in harms way." Riley said sternly.

"Well, just an idea, but how about you ask you sister what she wants?" Alexa said, sipping her coffee.

After listening to Freya tell the whole story of what happened, Alexa suddenly related to the younger girl a lot more. Alexa was reckless too, and impulsive...which didn't always work out in her favor. Sure, she could make decisions quickly, but they were rarely smart decisions. She'd also made her fair share of mistakes when she was younger, a lot of mistakes, including getting on the wrong side of the law, though not quite as badly as joining a crime mob.
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Freya knew that running would be a pretty simple solution to the problem, They could run away and be entirely new people...Grayson wouldn't care enough to hunt them down because he only cared about money. Going searching for them would probably cost a lot of money but running wasn't her thing...ironically. Plus, Southway City was their home.

"Riley, I know that I have never been good at looking after myself. I have always been all over the place and I make really bad judgement but skipping town? No. I can not do that. April and Alexa are going to work to take down Grayson, I am going to help. I have the inside on everything Grayson. I know all the his team members, Their abilities, The way they work as a team and some of his upcoming plans. I am helping, You can either help or not but for once...I am making the correct decision."Freya said sternly.

Freya knew that if she worked on her powers, She could be useful. She could actually do some good for once.

April was really grateful to hear that Freya wanted to join them, They really needed to be one step ahead of Grayson and she was the key to that. Plus, April secretly deep down really wanted to see what other things Freya could do.

"That's good to hear, We could use the help. I mean our team consists of me and Alexa and we're great but the more the merrier? We only have a few powers between us. Alexa has the ability to warp realty and shoot these cool beams and I have telekinesis and mind reading abilities. Super speed and well, whatever your powers are Riley could really be useful."April rambled.

When April got into her nerdy state of mind, She had a tendency to ramble on but she couldn't help it. She began to smash a piece of equipment into pieces just to get one component out of it.
Riley sat back and thought about what her sister had said. Freya was right, she had always been all over the place, she was a trouble-maker as a kid, and it had only gotten worse after they lost mom and dad. Riley would know, she was the only one raising Freya most of the time. She'd always made the wrong friends, chose the wrong decisions. If you asked Riley, she thought her sister was trying to find herself, and it seemed like she had. Riley had never seen her sister so sure of something as she was about this.

The decision was still reckless, powers or not they were still just a group of young adults trying to take down a crime mob on their own. This whole thing was insane, reality warping? Mind reading? It all seemed completely ridiculous, and if Riley was that kind of person then she might doubt her own sanity. But as it was, Riley was sure of herself as a person, and she was sure that this was real, however crazy it was. She still wanted to just get away from it all, but Freya wouldn't come with her and Riley wouldn't just leave her.

"Fine, We'll help. I don't know much about my...abilities, I've never tried to activate them purposefully. As far as I can tell, my body just...adapts, If i'm in danger then my body just automatically deals with it. I don't think I can use them when I'm not in danger, and I don't know how far they go...I'm gonna need to know more, if i'm going to help you, I don't even know how to fight, I'm good at a lot of things, but that's not one of them. How did you guys get into this anyway? Who just decides that they're going to become...superheroes?" Riley said, pausing at how ridiculous the word superheroes sounded when talking about real people.

"That's pretty cool. I mean-" Alexa started saying excitedly, but she was interrupted by a loud dinging sound.

Alexa looked around for a minute, confused, before realizing that April's doorbell was going off. She looked to April, but she didn't seem to have even heard it, too busy with whatever she was doing with the tech and equipment that littered the carpet. Alexa jumped to her feet, she doubted that anyone planning to attack them would ring the doorbell, so she figured she may as well be the one to go open the door if April wouldn't.

She pulled the silver handle and the warm June air radiated in from the outside. There was a man on the other side of the door, tall, handsome and brown haired, smiling widely at her with kind eyes. Alexa didn't know who he was, but he didn't seem like he was about to attack them. Alexa was about to ask who he was, but then she noticed that there was a smaller figure next to him, looking at her with confusion.

"Uh...April? There's a small child at your door." She yelled into the house.
"Well we can help with training, I am studying the whole power thing so hopefully me and Alexa can help you train up and see what else you can do. I met Alexa a few months back when strange murders started...I'm a detective, She's an investigative journalist. She went to ask me a question and I answered before she had even said anything. We got talking and decided that our abilities could be used for good so we became superheroes if you want to call it that."April laughed.

April was in her own world that she never heard the door bell go and then she heard Alexa say that their was a child at the door, She scooped up her mechanical things and shoved them in the box before running to the front door.

"Ahh how are my two favourite boys in the whole world!"April grinned, She kissed Brad's cheek and Picked up Oscar."This is my Ex and my best friend, Brad and our son, Oscar. Boys, this is my friend Alexa."

"Hello, It is lovely to meet you Alexa. Oscar has a new found obsession with Lemurs, He made me take him to the Zoo yesterday. He's cute which is how he gets daddy to do whatever he wants."Brad laughed, His smile was almost infectious."Beautiful...You have a split lip??"

"You do realise how clumsy I am right?"April laughed."I'll see you later, If you have to stay on at work just give me a ring! Say goodbye to Daddy Oscar."

Oscar giggled and kissed his Dad goodbye.

"They're really good people Riley, They will be able to help us figure out our powers. That would be amazing right?"Freya smiled.

She grabbed a notepad she noticed on the side and sat writing down all the known members of Grayson's team, The list wasn't very long but some of the people he had on his team had some pretty intense powers like brother nature and Grayson was also very good at recruiting people...He had a certain charm to him that made people believe everything he said. What Freya was even more worried about was that, No one really knew why these powers happened or how far they could go...So Grayson's teams abilities could advance more and more each day. They actually worked on making themselves stronger so the list was only helpful for a small amount of time.
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"You...you have a son?" Alexa said, voice disbelieving.

Alexa didn't know what to say. She hadn't ever thought that April had a child, April had definitely never mentioned a child, she had no reason to ever think that April had a child. Except....okay, so maybe there were a bunch of photos around the house, that maybe Alexa had never noticed until just now. She was tired last night, okay? Alexa's brain sort of felt like it was short-circuiting right now. She didn't know why, she'd just...never expected this.

"Wait, why are you out fighting crime every night if you have a son? I'm not saying you should be a stay at home mom and housewife or anything but...." Alexa trailed off with a gesture.

"Yeah, if it's what you want then it's what I want." Riley smiled slightly.

Freya was right, these two girls honestly did seem like good people. There weren't many people who would put their lives on the line to fight crime every night, and they'd been nothing but kind and welcoming since they'd found Riley at her shop. Besides, Riley would like to understand her powers. She'd just been ignoring them until now, but she felt a lot more open to learning about them now that she knew she wasn't the only one.
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It was a touchy subject for April, She didn't really know how to respond.

"Alexa, I know that it's utter madness for me to be fighting crime at night...But it's also my day job? It's the same risks and I know the risks more than ever now. Grayson knows about my son and about Brad. All I wanted was a better future for my kid to grow up in....I screwed up and got myself into this tangled mess ay? I know if something were to happen with me Oscar would be without his mother and it pains me but i'm trying to make things safer for him. Besides, It wasn't like I set out to become a superhero really. I never told you about my kid because would you really have been totally comfortable with letting me get into dangerous situations? No."April frowned.

She sat on the floor and cuddled up to Oscar, He was thinking his usual things about toys and food, She kissed his forehead gently.

"Thank you for always being on my sides and always looking out for me. I love you Riley."Freya smiled.

She curled up into a ball, She realised how exhausted she was. A weight finally off her mind, Her sister was safe and had special abilities. It was like all the stress she had felt for a month had slowly drifted away. She yawned slightly.

"I am going to sleep for a bit, Pure exhaustion."She said.

She closed her eyes and let herself drift off.
"No, I understand. I mean, It's not that much riskier than being a cop. And if anything, you doing this makes more sense than me doing this, you have something to fight for. It's complicated, don't get me wrong, but I'm not going to suddenly try and stop you." Alexa said.

Alexa completely understood April's reasoning, and even thought she'd do the same in this situation. Really, she was just more surprised than anything, although that was probably just because she knew so little about April's life and had never really thought about it.

"Uh..Hey." She said, awkwardly waving to the child cuddling up to April.

"Get some sleep." Riley smiled softly at her sister, kissing her forehead.

Riley sat awkwardly on the sofa, not sure what to do now that Freya had nodded off. She didn't really know April well enough to be just sitting in her house, invited or not. She didn't want to invade on April's time with her son. Riley could just go back to her shop, but she'd already closed up and she wasn't that busy for the day anyway. Besides, she may trust these two girls, but she still felt a little awkward just leaving Freya with them quite yet.

"Cute kid." She smiled, nodding to April in an attempt to ease the awkwardness.
April nudged Oscar slightly who looked between Alexa and Riley before shying away into his mother again.

"I am glad it makes sense to you because it doesn't even make sense to me half the time, Alexa you may think you have nothing to fight for but you do, even if you haven't figured it out yet but you will."April smiled."Thanks Riley, I guess he is kinda cute."

April couldn't help but smile a little, She was sure everyone forgot she was a mind reader which always amused her. Listening to Alexa thinking about how little she knew about her made her feel awkward because they were only supposed to be partners. It was never supposed to be come into their real lives. Listening to Riley, She felt awkward and April understood how it must have felt...She was in a strangers house who had just beat the living crap out of a bad guy. It can't have been comfortable...She wasn't sure how to make her feel comfortable but she was sure over time, it'd feel right.
"Rejected by a five year old...that's a new low, Alexa." Alexa sighed jokingly.

She sat on the floor, leaning back against a chair. She wasn't freaking out over the whole kid thing anymore, although it would still take some getting used to if she was going to be staying here at the same time. It wasn't that she didn't like kids, she just had no experience with them. But she could roll with it, she was used to being thrown in the deep end and having to work her way out from there, it was like a talent she wasn't always very good at.

Alexa noticed a white piece of paper on the coffee table, looking out of place, and picked it up. It was covered in neat, cursive handwriting, all curly L's that took Alexa a moment to read. It was by Freya, a list of Grayson's henchman's names and powers, although not their real names, Alexa guessed Freya hadn't been around long enough for that, and there was something else that caught Alexa's eye.

"Well kids, who feels like partying?" She asked, smiling.

"What?" Riley asked. She may of been new to this, but partying didn't seem like their biggest concern right now.

"Well, acording to sleeping speedy over there, Grayson and his henchman are going to a party tonight. Some high class, corporate thing." Alexa explained.

"Right...and why are we going?" She asked, features squinting in confusion.

"Because it would give us a good excuse to spy on them, find out who they are behind the masks and everything. Also for the free martini's, i've always wanted to try a martini." Alexa explained, eyes glinting like she knew this was a bad idea and wanted to do it anyway.

"Okay, but what about them finding out who we are? They'll recognize April, not to mention Freya." Riley mentioned.

"...I'm still working on that." Alexa said.
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April grabbed her tablet and the piece of paper Freya had written information down on. Searching up on the party, it was clear every person on the guest list was accompanied by a couple of million dollars. It took less then a minute to hack the guest list.

"Well, We're all on the guest list now. Obviously I didn't put our real names down but yeah, We're on the list. Looks like everyone at this party is beyond rich."April laughed."I think we can hide our identity's, I doubt Grayson will be looking for us with eagle eyes but this is a terrible idea, If he finds out who we are....Me and Freya are dead."

April had her determined face on, She wanted to take down Grayson more than anything...Now they had a small chance of doing that even if they didn't take him down at the party. He would probably have his team with him which meant they could find out the actual identity's of his team and take them each down one by one.

"Freya will be felicity, Alexa you will be Alicia, Riley..Roxy and I'm going to be Amelia. Try to remember these because I know i'm going to forget."April laughed.
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They left the house a little after dusk that night, twenty minutes after the party had all ready started as they thought they'd draw less attention if they arrived fashionably late. Alexa had teleported them there, and they appeared in an empty side alley a few streets down from where the party was taking place. Alexa walked down the street towards the building, warm summer air hitting her bare shoulders as she walked past closed businesses and store fronts in heels that were just a bit too high compared to what she was used to.

She'd wished up fancy disguises for all of them, and Alexa's blue curls were covered by a wig of longer, auburn ones. She was wearing a dark blue dress, short and strapless while hopefully still being what these people would consider classy evening wear, and her eye makeup was on point if she did say so herself. April's disguise was even better than her own, in a floor length red dress with a neckline just low enough to be alluring and a long blonde wig a few shades brighter than her real hair. The detective had taken her contacts out and her lips were covered with bright red lipstick, and if she didn't know any better then Alexa might not have even recognized her.

Alexa felt animated as they turned the corner and came to the front of the building the party was being held in, impossibly tall even for Southway city and made up of glass and polished steel. Grayson wasn't the host of the party, just one of the many guests, so April had no idea what this building was used for. April may have explained it earlier, but if she had then Alexa had stopped listening by then. They made their way into the building, doing their best to look like they belonged there, and pressed the button for the penthouse.

"Okay, it's pretty busy in here so we should split up. Ri- I mean Roxy and Felicity, you go over there and mingle, and me and Amelia will do the same over here, that way we both have a way to recoginse these assholes, since Amelia can read their minds and Felicity has seen them before, even if they were in costume." Alexa whispered.

She watched the two sisters head off in the other direction and turned to smile at April when something caught her eye.

"Oooh, martini's!" She said excitedly, grabbing one of the tray as a man in a suit walked past, and she took one sip before spitting it back out again "That is disgusting."

Riley grabbed her sisters hand and pulled her towards the other side of the room, her silver one-shoulder gown touching the floor as she went. Riley felt uncomfortable in it, she was never a dress type of girl, not that there was anything wrong with being one. At least she'd managed to get away from wearing the wig, as neither Grayson not any of his mob knew who she was or what she looked like. She had been forced to brush her light brown hair down rather than back in a ponytail though, but she'd adamantly refused to put on make-up, even when Alexa had offered to do it for her. She didn't feel like herself at all, but she guessed that was why they called it going undercover.

Freya seemed to be a lot more comfortable with her disguise, but she'd always been the more traditionally girly one out of the two of them. Freya was wearing a light pink dress, modest and embroidered with sequins, the skirt proofing out to her knees. Her sister's long brown and blonde hair was scooped up under a wig of a black bob, as she was the most recognizable out of the four of them and she'd been all too happy to put on some eye-shadow and baby pink lipstick. But Riley could see that she wasn't feeling as comfortable now, no doubt scared of being caught, and Riley squeezed her hand a little tighter.

Riley took a look around the large penthouse, the walls were as red as blood and plush sofa's and fur rugs adorned the mahogany floor boards and crytal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The huge speakers were playing smooth jazz into the room as the guests milled about, and there were a lot of guests. The penthouse was packed with men and women, a range of ages,races and styles's but all clearly very rich. Riley started making her way across to the mahogany bar, she didn't think it was wise to have a drink right now, but it was where most of the guests were gathering. She sat down and a man offered to buy her a drink as he looked her up and down. Normally she would say no, as she wasn't interested, never had been interested in any man, woman or people of other gender identities in that type of way, but she knew that they had to mingle so she nodded with a polite smile.

"So, is there anyone you think you recognize?" She asked Freya as the man turned back to the bar.
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