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Realistic or Modern Decadence [Accepting]

Luxury Hotline

GM - Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
Co-GM - VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal

Miami, Florida. 1989.

The situation only seems to be getting worse. The death toll is in the hundreds at this point, and detectives have little to no leads as to who exactly is behind the murders of several members of the Russian mafia and high-profile political figures. Descriptions range from 'psychotic crazed killers' to 'organized hitmen' to 'masked vigilantes'.
Little is known about these agents, save for that they work for an organization called 50 Blessings and receive their locations through encrypted, pre-recorded phone messages.
But what nobody knows is that if something isn't done about all this, and soon, this can escalate to something far, far worse...

Current date - December 31st, 1989
Detective task - Investigate beach house break in/murders.
Agents task - Kill Vadim Ivankov.

OOC | CS | IC | History

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~*RP Start*~
Cyrus rubbed the bridge of his nose, giving a long sigh outwards at the scene before him. Several dead bodies littered the house, making the once pristine home covered in red. He carefully leaned down next to a set of two corpses, eyeing the gruesome wounds. Well, one was gruesome, with what looked to be a knife wound cutting across their stomach. The other was simply a clean shot through the temple. He then stood up carefully, making sure to not slip on the blood-slicked tile.
"Which ones are like this again?" He asked out to the group of investigators in general. "Octopus and coyote, right?"
He grumbled slightly to himself when he saw small nods of agreement. "Do the security tapes show anything?"
"Still being developed, sir." Someone else called out as they photographed a particularly broken corpse.
"You'd think they'd be more careful. Who knows what kind of evidence there's left of them." Yuki spoke as he moved up beside Cyrus, pulling a face at the mangled bodies. He'd never done too well with blood and gore, but work was work. Even after seven years, the criminals of Miami consistently surprised him with their creativity. "If they keep leaving messes like this then they're going to get caught up with soon enough. Unless that's exactly what they're looking for."
"Well, the thing is that we know nothing about the killers' motives or why they attack these specific spots." Cyrus began, carefully stepping around the crime scene as he looked across the walls of the room. "Typically the one in the octopus mask takes out all the cameras, but then we have that." He added, nodding to an intact security camera pointing down at them. "And I know these guys aren't idiots. They're trained killers, they know what they're doing. I don't think they'd be careless enough to just leave a camera."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki followed Cyrus around, scanning the corpses surrounding them. "But we know how quick the Coyote can be. With the two of them together, they must've cleared this place in minutes. Could be that they're getting overconfident." Still, one sole camera seemed odd. There could be any reason behind it; propaganda, making a statement, instigating a game of cat and mouse... "Those two are the most prominent killers right now, aren't they? Are they setting an example to the others we haven't seen for a while?"
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"We'll see when the tapes are developed, I suppose." Cyrus replied with a shrug. "I just hope I don't watch hours of nothing followed by the screen just going black." He sighed, rubbing his eyes a bit. He stayed quiet for a bit, looking down at the ground at a corpse.
"Yuki, I need you to do something. At least later today." He spoke, getting out a notepad and scrawling down a name, address, and number before tearing off the page and handing it to Yuki. "Call ahead of time and say I sent you. Ask for Vadim Ivankov and... He might know something, maybe. But also see how he's doing. If you don't mind. I'm just too tired to do much else at this point..."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"There'll be something." Yuki affirmed, taking the piece of paper and looking over the details. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Cyrus' request. He'd heard rumors and read what little there was about Vadim, but hardly expected to be the one to go and actually talk with the man. None of what he'd heard was exactly good, either."I'll get a hold of him later," he added, glancing up at Cyrus for a moment. The poor man didn't look too good at all. "Why don't you try and have a break while you're at it? This'll be at a standstill for another couple of days, at least. I'll make sure everything is under control and keep a look out for anything new."
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"Thanks, but I have to stay just a bit longer. Last I heard the tapes were nearly done and I need to be the one to watch them." Cyrus sighed. "I'll just think of it as a shitty movie and use that time to relax." He chuckled, rubbing at the dark circles under his eyes before letting his sunglasses settle again. "But yeah... Talk to Vadim. Let him know you're on his side. The kid's been more than paranoid as of late and I don't think all this helps."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"I've heard. Don't worry about it, I'll talk to him and make sure he's okay." Yuki replied, almost admiring Cyrus' dedication. He privately thought to himself that he should really be learning more lessons from him, but those would come later. Right now, he had a kid to go and ensure he wasn't going to implode from the stress, even though the thought of talking to someone so potentially unstable sent butterflies into his stomach. Being comforting and lending a shoulder to cry on was never his strong suit. "I'll be back if he tells me anything new." he called, turning and slipping carefully away through the throng of investigators and bodies.
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"Thank you, again. And be careful. And try to call me when you make it back." Cyrus called out, now slightly worried that he'd just sent Yuki to do something far beyond his level.
No, he'll be fine, they're always fine.
He assured himself, taking in a deep breath. He felt like he was going to fall asleep on the spot, but kept vigilant.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki hopped back into the car, putting the piece of paper into a spare pocket and the key into the ignition. He drove off back to the station, all the while mentally rehearsing the phone call. The absolute last thing he wanted to do was bring the wrong kind of attention to the force, but as he pulled into the station he forced himself to relax. It wouldn't be a problem, it never had been before and he wasn't about to start screwing up now. Walking back inside and to his desk, he sat down and pulled the number back out of his pocket, picking the receiver up and balancing it between his head and his shoulder as he dialed the number.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
Meanwhile, at one of the office buildings for the Russian mafia, a mobster was running front desk. Not that he enjoyed the job. Hardly anyone ever came in, and most calls were just people looking for interviews for documentaries that the boss wanted nothing to do with. So, when the phone rang, he sighed, letting it ring twice before picking up.
"Name and business." He demanded sternly.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Oh, hello. I'm calling on behalf on Cyrus Fontaine, Chief Inspector of the City of Miami Police Department." Yuki began, smoothing the paper out and raising an eyebrow to himself at the commanding tone on the other end of the line. "We're looking to speak with a Vadim Ivankov in relation to the murders that took place between last night and the early hours of this morning. We're not looking to find any suspects, just to talk. is he available?"
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Oh ah..." The mobster flipped through an appointment book, humming to himself. "You can come in any time before 6 today. After that, you'll probably have trouble finding time." He spoke, dropping the sternness. As he moved to pick up a pencil, he flinched when he heard a particularly loud thud from upstairs, followed by some yelling he couldn't make out the exact words of. "Also, no weapons when you come in. No notes. No cameras." He added, brow furrowed when he heard another thud.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki could just about make out some commotion going on over the speaker, thinking nothing much of it. Probably just background noise. "Don't worry, I won't bring anything but myself." he assured him, glancing up at the clock on the wall. There was still plenty of time to get there, but the muffled, barely audible noises gave him enough reason to decide to get down there as soon as possible. Even if it truly was nothing to be concerned about, it wouldn't hurt to move the investigation along a bit faster. "I can be there in about a half hour."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Alright, I'll let the guards know to let you in." The mobster replied before setting the phone down. He listened to the noise upstairs and sighed. "That poor man's going to die..." He grumbled before standing from his seat and heading out the first set of doors leading outside. "We've got a detective coming in about half an hour, sent by Fontaine." He spoke to the armed guards posted.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki sighed as he got out of the seat, moving out to his locker and dumping everything he had on him except for his badge and the slip of paper inside. He hoped that would be enough to give him some kind of authority over the Russians, but he wasn't counting on it. Shutting the door and going back out to the car, he pulled out of the station and made the drive over to the offices, making sure to park nearby in case he needed to make a hasty retreat. He got out and went inside, immediately scanning around the entrance for any possible threats.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Stop." A standing to the side caught Yuki by the shoulder. "Name and business." He asked, much in the same manner as the other mobster.
The second guard quickly patted down Yuki, not making that much of an effort due to the fact that a cop wouldn't get themselves in fuck all trouble by killing one of them. Especially with all the bribery and control they have over other gangs going on. Just make their jobs easier, and they leave you alone.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Yuki Hayashi, Commander at the City of Miami Police Department," Yuki spat out without thinking, the answer practically automatic at this point. "I'm scheduled to visit Vadim Ivankov on behalf of Cyrus Fontaine." He glanced between the two guards as he spoke, thankful that they seemed so lax about letting him in. He somehow expected a lot more resistance than he was getting.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
The guard nodded, gesturing for Yuki to follow him as he made his way through the second set of doors to the lobby. "I hope you know what you're getting yourself into." He spoke lowly. "Last night was uh... Not easy for boss." He added, walking into an elevator and pressing the number for the top floor. "So why isn't Cyrus here? Is he doing alright?" He asked as the elevator began to move.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Cyrus is fine, just has a lot to do at the moment after all that. He asked me to come so he could stay back and review the tape since they left one security camera intact." Yuki explained briefly, cracking his knuckles out of habit. "He said he was worried about Vadim, but didn't want to leave the case behind. Is there anything I need to expect?" he asked, hoping to glean even the slightest bit of information from the guard before he faced the boss. He didn't think there'd be too many issues, anyway. What was he going to do, fight a police officer?
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"There's nothing you can expect." The guard sighed, rubbing the nape of his neck. "Just be on your guard, stay calm, make sure he knows who sent you. If anything, he's probably tired out after his breakdown not too long ago." He spoke, walking through the elevator doors as they opened. He walked down to the end of the hall, knocking on a heavy door. "Boss. You have a visitor." He called in.
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
Yuki followed after the guard, pleased that he guessed correctly about the muffled noise over the phone being an indicator of something going on. Still, the fact that the racket managed to filter so far down was rather worrying. He found that he wasn't too afraid of him after getting the time to ruminate on it for a while. The boss was young, he knew that much, so he could handle him if he tried to lash out. Keeping his held held high, he waited for some kind of response from inside, not wishing to interrupt or startle Vadim.
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline
"Let him in." A strained voice from inside called out.
The guard nodded, giving one last apologetic look to Yuki before opening the door. "I'll be outside in case anything happens."
Vadim was at the far end of the room, lounging back on a large couch. To say he looked a mess would be an understatement. His hair was disheveled, eyes red and tired, broken skin across his knuckles. He glared at Yuki, eyes narrowed. "Do you think I know anything more than you do? Because I fucking don't." He gave a dry laugh, absolutely no humor behind it. "I don't fucking know anything..."
VariksTheLoyal VariksTheLoyal
"Mr Ivankov, I'm sorry to hear about what happened." Yuki began carefully, doing his best to hide his expression at the state Vadim was in. When he imagined a big bad mafia boss, he saw some beefcake with a heavy accent, covered in scars and ready to squash him like a bug. Vadim was reasonably far away from his expectations, but he didn't dare try and crack a joke about that now. "My name is Yuki, Cyrus sent me to talk to you about it and...ah, make sure you were okay. He couldn't come today."
Luxury Hotline Luxury Hotline

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