Deaths Door RP


Junior Member
Alex sat down, next to the trash can, as zombies gurgles, and moaned their hunger.

Alex, being 8, started to cry, silently, due to the fact that his parents were not here to

comfort him.
Kristianna keeled over, gagging. This has been going on for such a long time, how can she still get sick over the zombies? She sighed, standing up and wiping blood off of her forehead with the sleeve of her hoodie and looking around. 'If I can get up on the roof before the sun sets, I'll be okay for the night..' She thought to herself, looking up at an old hospital building and walking towards it.
Alex had climbed to a hospital roof, and lay down, weeping slightly louder than his silence.
Bryant woke up in his house. He was startled by the figure stood over him, about to punch out, the figure said "Wow! You finally wake up!" Bryant groaned, it was his brother.

"How long have you been stood there?" Bryant asked. "About half an hour or so." Bryant sighed, informing his brother that he is weird. "What day are we on now? four isn't it?"

"Yeah, thats right" Dwayne, the brother, replied. Bryant sighed, getting up. He walked downstairs and inspected the cupboards. "We're running out of food you know!" Bryant called to Dwayne. There was no reply, Bryant just groaned and started to eat corn flakes, from the box. There was a low groan from nearby. "Another got in Dwayne!!" there was still no answer, but the groan was getting closer. Bryant grabbed a knife from the drawer and got ready to ambush this groaner. As it came in front of Bryant's view, He stabbed out, many times, not looking, he still couldn't watch as he killed a walker. As he turned back around he collasped to his knees, as his brother lay at his feet, bleeding through many stab wounds.
Alex sniffed a few times, then saw someone go into the large building. He planned on leaving soon, due to Zombies on the 3rd floor, where there were stairs to the roof. He gulped, hoping the person would live long enough to rescue him. 
He looked from side to side, a deep loneliness causing a lump in his throat. He swallowed it, then sat back a little bit.
"Oh hell.." Kristianna muttered to herself as she made her way to the third floor of the hospital, she pulled out her machete from her bag and started slicing the heads off of the walkers, but she didn't get out of it without a few scratches. One of the walkers had her arm, almost sinking their teeth into it before she pulled away. She pushed the walker to the ground and shot it with the old pistol, making the gunshot ring throughout the whole hospital.
Alex cried out, startled by the gunshot.

He looked from side to side. The walkers outside the hospital

seemed only to notice their own gurgles and moans, which drowned the sound of pistols.
Kristianna put the gun away in her bag, sitting down on the stairs for a bit, shaking. 'Get ahold of yourself, Kristianna! You can't cave in to this kind of thing.. Stay strong!' She thought to herself as she rested her head in her hands.She's been completely alone for four days already, the social deprivation was getting to her now. She had nobody to talk to or to comfort her, which wasn't much of a surprise.
"are you still alive?! ummm... Person?!...." Alex yelled, being as quiet as possible.
"No! No please!!" Bryant was crying, trying to stop the blood from pouring out of his brothers body, his hands covered in his brothers blood. "Please Dwayne! I'm sorry!!" Dwayne looked up at Bryant, pity in his eyes, Dwayne went to say something, however all that came out was a weak gurgle, followed by blood pouring from his mouth. "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I am so sorry" Bryant said, tears covering his face. He felt for a pulse. Nothing. He had murdered his own brother, the last thing to keep him safe. Now Bryant knew what he had to do. The tears were still streaming down his face. He had to leave the house, with all the supplies, and safety, or destroy his brothers brains. Bryant couldn't bring himself to mash up his brothers brains with his foot, so he left the safety and comfort of his house, and began to wander down the street, into an unknown fate.
"you are dead aren't you?..." Alex said, broken hearted. Yet another chance of rescue... Gone... Just like that...
Kristianna thought she heard a voice for a second and stood up, making her way to the roof. "Hello?" She hadn't seen the boy yet, but continued looking around, she knew she heard something, she wasn't crazy...Yet. "Hellooo?" She called out again, waiting for a response.
As Bryant walked, he started to realize how desperate his situation was. No food, drink, comfort, at least he had his cleaver and pocket knife. He missed his phone, if only he hadn't left it in the mall on the first day of the apocalypse. The street was oddly empty, he supposed most were inside their houses. It had only been four days he supposed.

"Hello?" he called out, to no answer. It was what he expected, in his small village, there was nothing around for three miles, other than houses and a phone booth and a corner store. Bryant sat down, and started to think. "I need to travel, this village wont keep me alive long." Bryant looked around, many cars were parked around him, yet to be stripped for parts. Bryant went over to one that suited his fancy, and went to open the door. Locked, of course. He got out his cleaver, and hacked at the window. The second the glass shattered, an alarm started blaring. Bryant swore. He knew that they were attracted to noise, he had to get out, fast.
Bryant was now faced with two problems, the first was the alarm blaring across the village, probably attracting each walker in the entire village, the other was, how did he start the engine? Bryant was now rooted to the spot as he saw walkers coming around the corner, he counted ten, but more were probably coming, whatever he was going to do, had to be done fast. The only way he could figure to start the engine would be to have the keys. He recognized the car from the Ward family, so it must be them with they keys. He ran to their house, and knocked, over and over. No answer. Bryant started to kick down the door, kick after kick, finally the door fell off of its hinges, to the ground. "Now, to find the keys" Bryant thought to himself.

Bryant walked into the house, and started to up-end the place, pouring out drawers, emptying cupboards, there was nothing downstairs, so he went upstairs, into the master bedroom, and was met by a sight no person should ever see. The couple were hand in hand laying on the bed, a gun in the mans hand, and a clear bullet hole through both of their heads. Bryant swore. "Is this really what this has come to? They might have had a chance." he thought to himself. He continued the search for the keys, they were nowhere to be seen in the house.

Bryant had almost given up help,when he heard a loud groan from behind, he turned, pulling out his cleaver, and was met by a teenager, about the age of fifteen, he was clearly a walker, and whats more, the keys were clearly on display hanging from his pocket, but the only way Bryant would get them, would be to kill the boy...
Alex was panicking. He HEARD something, and now... silence. He started to whimper a bit, then, with a shaky voice he said, a little quieter- "I take it that you are dead then... I am sorry about that... ooooh..."

he sat there for 30 minutes, then fell asleep, still shaking.
Kristianna sighed and grabbed her head. 'Am I going crazy?!' She thought to herself, sighing and sitting down on the ledge of the roof. Her vision was impaired from lack of nutrition and sleep. Kristianna's hallucinations started to go crazy, she thought she could actually see the streets flooded with people, she thought the sky was bright and clear. If she hadn't had the smell of rotting flesh creeping up her nose, she would've just jumped right down from the roof.
Alex walked to a dis-oriented- looking teenager. "are you okay?...." He asked, his eyes wide with worry, yet happiness.
Kristianna turned to the boy, the first person the boy reminded her of was her youngest brother, who had passed away from cancer at the age of 8. "Jameson?" She tilted her head, her eyes making the boy resemble Jameson in every way. "How are you alive? I thought you were gone!" The hallucinating teen ran to the child, pulling him into a hug.
"I am alive... ummm..... Who is Jameson?... And who are you?...... And MY name is Alex..." Alex said,

before realizing that she was in a haze. He was thin, and hungry though. He would take anyone as a companion. "I think... You are ill... Maybe a bad fever?..."
Kristianna's eyes widened as she let go of Alex. "I-I'm so so sorry. I just thought you were my little brother.." Kristianna facepalmed, embarrassed at herself.
Alex sighed. "ssssfine." he said, feeling a little less alone. 
Alex sighed. "This place isn't safe. We have to go." he said.

Before turning to her. "I know a safer place, anyway."

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