

The Village Idiot
Usually, I am pretty much known for being peppy, 'uppity', upbeat, or something like that. But one thing really scares me to the point where I really had to do something in order to stop thinking of it.


Just thinking about it is scary. I'm 15, and the thought of not being able to do things everyone else does, to pass a school or fail, to fall in love, to get a job, marry, have a wife and kids, to be bored of your job, have an argument with your special one for no idea whatsoever, heck, I don't even have a girlfriend yet.

And growing old to almost not do anything, just basically inviting 'it' over. Gives me the shudders.

But the fact is the possibility of being ended of it, was not just it.

Now, this turns into a question of science and religion, and I only want to hear ones that respect others.

But, what will happen once you pass?

Will you be scraped of your last life and go the next? How about going to heaven or hell? Were you good enough, or maybe bad?


Will it be an endless nap?

I wanna hear you guys on this topic. Be free, just be respectful of others.
Here's me quoting myself:

[QUOTE="Desu Juice]
Well, there have been Out of Body experiences, and what's so very interesting about them, is that they are consistent, no matter what region of the world they are from.

[/QUOTE][QUOTE="Desu Juice]

Similar to this phenomenon, we have "reincarnation." A few hundred cases of remembering reincarnation were recorded- cases where young children, children who can't even fathom the concept of death and rebirth, are able to remember their past life completely.

Another interesting thing is, well, this might blow your mind, but every species possesses one, "universal DNA," in other words, every species on this planet has one part of their DNA that is identical. This gives way to the idea that God indeed made us, from him, from one creature, as in, "we are one".

Finally, one idea that has captivated me, is the idea of the beginning of time. Nothing can just... exist, right? That is why I believe that all those atoms that appeared at the beginning of time, all of those random gasses, had to have a beginning. They had to be made by some kind of force. Even the darkness of space itself.


My grandma used to have these dreams... she'd dream of her parents when someone was about to die. It was always the same dream- my grandmother's mother coming to my grandma's old house in Poland.

Listen, every time I lay down in bed, speculating, and dreaming, I would always be engulfed in fear. What if there is no God? What if we die, and we cease to exist? What if we go out like a light, or like a snuffed candle, what if existence ceases abruptly after death?

We won't know until we die.

And as a last, comforting thought, I tell you this. Just don't think about it. You have a long life ahead of you, there's no need to fear death quite yet.
I honestly think that life is just one massive dream, the people you know are your mind's creation and everything around you is just a scripted event that you are unaware of, so if I were to 'die', the dream would be over, as well as everything that I had 'thought' of.

If I were to describe death, or what the afterlife would look like in my opinion, it would be nothing, just nothing, no light, no thought, no anything, nothing would exist, it would just be a never ending empty space that would last forever.
Now don't try stuff like some suicides do they kill themselves because they want to know what happens after death. I am Christian but I believe in the Big Bang. Nobody knows what created the start of the universe. The answer to me is God. It takes a lot of energy to create something out of nothing. Nothing in our known universe posses this power. Every night the thought crosses my mind what if I'm wrong and another religion is correct and I will live in Hell for not believing in them.

(Note) Sorry I didn't even cross the subject we are speaking of I just needed to get this off my chest
Hunnyhelp said:
Now don't try stuff like some suicides do they kill themselves because they want to know what happens after death. I am Christian but I believe in the Big Bang. Nobody knows what created the start of the universe. The answer to me is God. It takes a lot of energy to create something out of nothing. Nothing in our known universe posses this power. Every night the thought crosses my mind what if I'm wrong and another religion is correct and I will live in Hell for not believing in them.
(Note) Sorry I didn't even cross the subject we are speaking of I just needed to get this off my chest
It is all good. Just speak it was good you spoke your mind here.
Death has always been the great uncertainty that has plagued Mankind for as long as we have had cognitive thought. It has been a subject up for debate countless times, by those with wit and those without it. However, I have a firm belief that once my time in Midgard is through, I will be taken either into Valhalla or cast into Hella's embrace. I cannot say which for certain, for certainly my life is far from over and I may die dastardly or noble. The future is thus obscured.

That is just how things are. Whether or not you honor the Gods reflects absolutely nothing on your standing in the next realm. Either you die with honor, or in battle, and you celebrate until Ragnarok or you go to Hel, consort with the mistress of the Underworld, or be chewed upon by Fenrir's great and powerful fangs for working against your fellow man. It is as simple as that. Do not fear Death; Embrace it. Walk not in its shadow, but beside it, and you will conquer all fear and take charge of your own destiny. Be strong, be honorable, and live gloriously. Take care, brothers and sisters.
I know how you feel.I used to fear death when I was younger and not get any sleep, making sure nobody was going to murder me and everything.But life is just a plan, really.(Counting on me being a Christian) We don't really know how we'll die or when we will, but our plan is unfolding right in front of us, we just don't realize it.When you die, according to Christian beliefs it's either you go to heaven, or you go to hell.That's what happens when we die, we will live eternally in either one.If we believe in Christ and actually accept him *don't know how to explain everything* And we use our Gifts of the Spirit, which we don't know what they are, they vary, but then also doing good deeds in life, but mostly believing, and we'll go to heaven.Going to hell, it varies also, I'm not very sure.Going to either place does NOT count by how many good or bad things you have done, just be simply faith and belief.But not to get too far into this to where I start preaching and I DON'T want to do that, because it makes me seem like I'm forcing you to believe this, don't fear death right now, you still have a wonderful life ahead of you.(Reminds me of the move It's a Wonderful Life) Fearing it right now will cause you to not enjoy the life that you're living.(I'm sorry if I trigger anybody with this >.<)
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Death itself wouldn't be a fear for me... Mostly just the cause of it. What I mean is that I'm not scared of dying, I'd actually welcome it(though I won't go as far as killing myself. I'm just here hoping that I'll die at the hand of something else... I'm not sure if I want it to happen soon or not), but then: I'm also scared of what that something would be. I know I'm going to die. I mean, I'm not going to try and pull any Nicholas Flamel scite. No one can live forever(though I know of some people who have gone pretty far). What I fear about dying is how I die. I'd be all calm and relaxed if I knew that I'd be shot and die immediately(or maybe going in my sleep), but if I found out that I'd die of some disease, slowly and probably painfully, I'd be terrified. Though I'd be comforted to know that death would be waiting to end my pain and misery. That's the thing about death; it's technically a friend, not an enemy. It's just there hoping to end your suffering and take you somewhere else; someplace nicer. Or if I were to be slowly murdered by some sadist. Again, I'd be mortally scared out of my wits.

Now: What do I think happens after death? I think that either a)you die and go into an endless oblivion, just to wake up as a new baby OR b)you go into the oblivion, just to wake up in your place of death, but as a ghost or spirit. Of course, option b would only be if you have some sort of unfinished business.

So basically, I believe in reincarnation and spirits and scite. Honestly, I don't believe in Heaven or hell. I think that they're just a bunch of crap that we people made up to fill in that void that is after death. Like, imagine a kid before the whole Jesus and Moses eras asking a parent, "What happens when we die?" and the parent replies with, "Well, when good little boys and girls die, they go to a place where they are surrounded with lots of fun stuff and toys and candy. They never have anything to be sad about, and they have all the playgrounds they could want. BUT, all the bad little boys and girls got to a place where they have to work all day, and their feet get burned every time they step on the ground because they didn't behave when they were alive." Heaven being a place where well behaved children went after death, and hell being the place where the other, bad and misbehaving kids go to be punished. Then being translated to suit adults.

In truth, I never expected much from myself. I've already had more than a few failed relationships(the most recent of which left me unable to trust), I'd be a horrible parent, I don't have anything going for me career-wise. I'm just another person that was born to fill in the space until someone important came along. Nothing to be expected of ol' Cinder here. Like I said before, I'd actually welcome death. It'd get me out of this pathetic excuse of a life I have here.

Note: I apologize if this post offended any of those out there who have great religious faith. I'm American, and believe in the First Amendment.
I believe in the Christian religion, of course I am not going to shove that down your throat. I mean no offense to other religions, and here is my thoughts.

I am not scared of death, wherever it may lead me. I really hope there is no reincarnation, I don't want to live over again. I don't want to die twice. I don't want to go through that life if it's anything like this one.

I like the idea of heaven, but telling the truth, I'm not sure. I'm not sure on anything and there is no way to be exactly sure. In the end, it all comes down to faith and your beliefs, whatever they may be.

Anyway, that's my thoughts.
Death itself is inevitable. For whether if we go to heaven or hell, We don't know. It only actually depends on who believes it. Most Christians believe that there is a heaven and hell. Some believe you are born into a next life. Others believe it is an eternal rest. To be honest, I prefer it to be a Endless nap.

You've already done your part in this world, And It's best to rest after a long life of work.
Death scares me as well. I mean, typing on my laptop, knowing these English words, are all fueled by life. When I was cast into this world, this life is all I have. I can't prove if anyone else is actually alive, maybe they're just imagination programmed to interact with each other.

I have created two theories. The second one is a slight variation of the first.

1. When you die, the last vestiges of your mind is able to create a new world, an exact copy. It then casts you in, unallowing you to return to the real world. Now, you don't know this is a fake world because in the fake world, you survived however you died (disease, bullet, whatever) and continued to live on your life. However, in this fake world, you can't die. You're invincible to death (but not pain) and you are immortal. That way, you stay in this world forever, doing whatever you wish to.

As an example, say you drowned in a lake, and no one saved you. In the fake world, you were saved by a lifeguard, and revived by an AED. You now live forever.

2. Same thing as the first theory, except when you die, you don't remember it. It's simply cast away from your memory. The same fake world thing happens, but you don't remember dying, and therefore just continue on with your live.

As an example, say you drowned in the same lake, and no one saved you. In this fake world, going into the lake never happened. You stayed out of the lake, and therefore avoided your death, which means there are no issues with creating a new, alternate timeline in which you almost died and everyone is thankful.
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I think trying to know what is after Death is futile. Religion just provides an answer, it may be a true answer, maybe not, but we cannot know.
Death is a scary thought, but you won't be alive to know that you're dead. Even though that scares me...I find a slight...Calming notion to it...It calms me down when I think about death to think about it. It's an eternal slumber...
Death is a frightening thing, but its something that I seem to hold in a love hate relationship. I think that is something we have to fear, but only to the point were we know it should be avoided. Taking risks is something that has to be done, in my opinion. I think it seems scary and far away, but so close that you can almost sense it when you walk down the street at night. Its the same question of were all these stories came from or why we think this way? There questions that can never be awnsered, but need to be embraced from time to time.

Now regarding life after death. Theres alot of theories on it, but its grasping at straws for the most part. Its impossible to know weather we will still inhabit our bodies, or will be taken to some kind of 'heven', or will we just be gone, or perhapes we won't even know we are dead. The true awnser is that their is no awnser, but we could wonder about everything as we always seem to wonder. Thats what humans do right? :P We think untill we can no longer think and than we when we aren't thinking than it doesn't seem to matter where we are.
when i attempted suicide and almost died, i remember when i was close to death, feeling like i was floating, and everything around me was milky blue...

i've never had the chance to describe that place until now, if you don't mind.

inside there was nothing except a feeling of relief and weight removed from my sternum. no obligations or fear; it was beautiful. it was like floating on your back in the middle of the ocean in silence. imagine that, but with no sound and endless time to drift. all the voices, life sounds were slowly overcome by blood rushing to my head slowly but fast, like i was drowning in milk. and everyone moved in slow motion.

i could elaborate further but i don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. it was an experience i enjoyed.

personally i don't believe in a paradise. death is different for everyone.
How you describe it is similar to what I thought it would be like. If we aren't living for a purpose than why are we living? I guess it would be a pleasure, but there would be sadness mixed in. If you make it so far than its hard to say that the pros out weigh the cons. But I guess everything comes to an end.
My response to this thread is like a CreepyPasta I lived through.

See, when I was around 6-7, I was forced to "physically engage" with five teenage boys in a gang assault. Later, I was seduced in broad daylight by a teenage boy behind some bushes in front of an out doors apartment building. People caught us, and I guess I didn't get in trouble for it. But they made me watch while they took the teenager who raped me, and cut him to death with an axe, and if I recall, he was mutilated from all his arms and legs, and I don't even remember what the killing blow was like. But I had to see everything.

The story doesn't end there. I had been permanently marked by another boy in Elementary School later, and they did something very evil to me that I don't want to share with the message board. I was a target for the entire Elementary School for mental, emotional, and sometimes physical abuse. Not just students but also teachers.

Not to mention, that there's been a lot of brainwashing by some ignorant men of faith, measuring me up by comparing me with other children, as if I was some dumb-ass who deserved to be treated that way. Publicly. People have seemed to dominate me, mock me and treat me as a slave since my early child hood. This state of being has calmed down and not been active for years now, so things have at least gotten better.

My sister even threatened to slit my throat when I was a child, and she was abusive in many different ways as well, along with my father who beat me, his wife, after he divorced my mother, was a bitch that made Cinderella's step mother look like a stereo typical 1950's-1960's sit com mother/wife.

I had been tortured, not just raped but tortured through electric shocks, for the purpose of brain washing, and other ways of pain than just electrical shocking. I had already been physically troubled before all this with heavy difficulty in breathing because of asthma, and I had a seizure. The seizure was possibly induced by the electric shocks.

Oh God, who the hell knows how much I've been through. Later in life, some assholes told me in front of a crowd of people that no one cares, and they clapped in applause, like fairy worshiping puke stains littering the Church pews.

If I kill myself, even though they are still evil fools who don't deserve to be wasting the oxygen of Humanity, they will have somehow won a victory over me, again, if I kill myself. Evil always wins when Good turns on it'self. I certainly don't respect them enough to give them that victory. They can go straight to whatever after life they're going, whether Good or Bad, and they can leave me alone and suck themselves off before I waste another moment with them.

Suicide's not on the menu.
I am not afraid of death itself.

I will never be afraid of what follows dying, or where I go.

Now, I'm just afraid of not living my life the way I aspire to in time.
Well, I am closer to death than most just by sheer age and medical issues. (I find out in a few weeks just how bad my health is. But I figure if I can get past the current hurdle, I have at most 20 years. If not, maybe only a few painful months. But I am going to stay optimistic.)

I have found that the older you get and the more you've experienced life, the less you'll be afraid of it. Don't waste your life in fear of dying - hard, easy or otherwise. Young folks, plan to live a long life. save up for those later years. But take the time to travel, explore, try new things. Nothing ventured; nothing gained.

I have already completed my bucket list - well all the ones that are within a reasonable budget. (I can't afford that space shuttle ticket. And they haven't built resorts on the Moon or Mars yet... so no offworld vacations. But they are on the list anyways.)
I cannot really say aout death. I generally do not like to think about it. I am a huge Thanatophobe. I fear dying, as I suppose most people do.
As amany do, I too have a major fear of death and the end conclusion of it. See, I guess the fear of the unknown is much more suitable to say.

See, I was raised in a southern christian family and you know how depicting on how you're raised is how you kinda grow out to be? Well that.

Mind you, I am not about to throw a Christian rant at you xD ;

But see, I've heard the story just about every Sunday. Accept Jesus Christ as your holy lord and savior and you shall prosper and live an eternity in heaven or burn an eternity in hell. And that's that. it's just me but I really REALLY hate that idea.

Lets start off with the perfection of heaven and all it has in store.

See- I'm that type that can't stand living your days one by one in monotony without creating some kind of...self worth, per say. If you have no purpose then that's just depressing. Hell I don't care if it's just creating a non-profit web-comic that a hundred people enjoy. That's enough self worth for me.

Then heaven- you're just there- living as a young, sinless, perfect entity and live an eternity in tranquility.

That...unnerves me in so many ways I don't even find it funny.

  1. What is this perfect entity that it speaks of? What would we even know, or rather who? Would we naturally be perfect and sinless or would we be aware of our sins and have to live in a type of paranoia that one screw up could leave us cast away?
  2. Eternity...

  3. infinite or unending time.
    "their love was sealed for eternity"
    synonyms:ever, all time, perpetuity More
    • a state to which time has no application; timelessness.
      endless life after death.

Eternity is overwhelming kind of time limit. And living as some kind of purposeless mysterious entity without a care in the world or not even probably feelings or much self-worth, I find both depressing and unbearably boring.

Like, I like and both dislike having a time limit, though you can never be sure when your end really is. It makes me less well an procrastinator?

Anyways, I'm not even going to explain the whole hell thing rather than >fear of fire >burning and torture >...eternity again.

I mean, me and my friends make constant jokes on how "we're going to hell for this but's a consuming and overwhelming fear." Because on christian terms, you have to sacrifice everything you know and love and give it all to God. And then build a relationship with him.

I won't lie. I've tried....I feel nothing and don't want to give up anything. I'm sorry. I'm human. know, how'd I'd much rather believe in would be either having multiple past lives and soon future lives that I just do not remember about. You know...that or just stay in the ground dead and rot- my mind nonexistent and null. At least I won't really know of anything.

And for the life of me, I'd love to believe in that but the consuming paranoia of what could actually be based off of the way I was raised overwhelms me because it's always a possibility.
Uhm ... that isn't Christianity. It doesn't say anywhere that you have to give up everything. Read John 3:16. Then find just about any verse with the word repent in it. That pretty much covers what Christianity says it takes to go to heaven. In short: Belief and asking forgiveness. Look up that conversation Jesus has with those two others hanging on crosses with him.

However, you are pretty much going to give up everything when you die. Only thing you get to take with you are good memories. That's why I work on making good ones.
I believe in ghosts. I believe there are two dimensions: this dimension and the ghosts' dimension - life and death. On top of that, I believe whenever we lose consciousness, we visit the death dimension. Ghosts visit our dimension, too...Maybe they sleep as well. That is why I believe we dream and sometimes see things that aren't there.

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