Death Weapon Meister Academy (Soul Eater)


Elder Member
The goal in this RP is to turn your weapon into a death weapon, but Shinigami or Lord Death has assigned you in a group in order to be in success. But what happens when your group doesn't go well?

My characters :

Meister :

Name :
Joseph Kiryu

Nickname : Josh

Gender : Male

Age : 14

Looks :

->Black hair with golden streaks

->Dark blue eyes

Weakness : Teddy Bears

Personality : Easily annoyed , stubborn

Abilities in weapon :

->Silver Wind - it is a move that shows a strong gust of wind moving to the enemy that your pointing towards to.

->Lost trail - it would make the scenery foggy until you would get distracted and move around too much, after you would try your best to slap the air away he would shoot shurikens out in the fan.

->Flowing Song - it is a move that the fan sings a soft song that would make the opponent into daze.

Weapon :

Name : Katherise Lyaine

Nickname : Karise

Gender : Female

Age : 15

Looks :

-> Silver glowing hair

-> Red eyes

Weapon : A silver fan that would make you think it would be weak

Weakness : N/A

Personality : Easily ignores everything around her


Rp :

Joseph was laying down on the ground not moving a bit, on the other hand Katherise is standing in front of a kishin trying her best to protect her meister. "Jo...seph.." The kishin stood there laughing wondering why she was still standing. Not knowing what to do Katherise continues jumping up the air avoiding the attacks, " So..somone--" she stopped talking once the kishin grabbed her leg and spun her around, afterward threw her hard on the building.
yay thanks!


name:Nichole Lowe





black hair short in back long bangs

hazel eyes

wears glasses


african american with light skin


weakness:dark aura and water

personality:shy, she's hyper and loud with friends.

abilities in weapon:

sacred arrow:arrows glow magenta with her aura and never misses their target

flame scar:her arrows glow dark dark red and hit their target repeatedly setting them on fire

poison mark:her arrows go a sick purple and even the smallest scratch can be deadly


name:satoshi kanstana





black hair messy


emerald green eyes



weapon:black and red bow and arrows

weakness:Nichole getting hurt

personality:cold to others,stubborn,badboy,kind and gentle to nichole


Nichole sighed as she sat through the lecture. sure she loved learning as much as the next guy but this was boring. she felt a tap on her shoulder and saw satoshi. he passed her a note. if you hate it so much why not skip?

she wrote back: i am not getting in trouble for you're recklessness!

oh are you sure coco and btw here comes the teach
( The girl reminds me of my neighbor~ xD )

"" Katherise was feeling unstable, without her meister around she couldn't fight, that didn't stop her. Slowly she stood up, looking around her eyes widen, 'where is it--'. The kishin was gone, 'this is impossible!'A loud voice of laughter came from above, she didn't see that coming did she. Joseph weakly opened his eyes and saw a blury image of his partner, his leg was fractured and couldn't stand, his left arm was bleeding from the attack of the kishin, it was hopeless. Suddenly he realizes it wasn't Katherise fault nor was Lord Death, but he was right they weren't prepared for this, it didn't matter. Right now his main objective was to protect his weapon. "Karise...Flowing... Song" he sent a weak smile, the best one he could do until he blacked out. "Joseph...." she couldn't move, or say a word instead she shouted as load as she can. "Shinigamiiii!"

The teacher gave those two a look and coughed. "Is there anything you would like to share to the class? Hmm?"
Nichole sighed and said''satoshi quit it!'' satoshi smirked and said''if i get a kiss..'' she blushed and said''no.'' he said''PLEASE JUST ONE KISS?!" smirking more. Nichole blushed brightly. mr.stein said''is there anything you'd like to share nichole,satoshi?''glaring at them. Satoshi said''yes.''pulling Nichole close. Nichole blushed deeper.
Some students stared at them with excitement, some just didn't mind and kept reading while the teacher stood there quite annoyed. "Satoshi--" A loud explosion from outside interrupted the class.
Meister -

Name: Rozen Guardian

Nickname: Rose

Gender: Male

Age: 16


Ø Dark blue hair that goes down to his neck, bangs cover one half of his eye

Ø Average build

Ø Unnaturally purple coloured eyes

Weakness: Hates being late

Personality: Brotherly, Cryptic and patient

Abilities in weapon:

Ø Time drift blades – Slowing time and physics briefly, Rose throws up to 10 blades before time returns to normal.

Ø Ticking Tumble – Rose speed himself up to evade most incoming attack.

Ø Second hand strike – Each tick of the fop watch, jumps rose in any direction to strike.

Ø Soul resonate: Last Countdown – Creates a large Fop watch that tick down 60sec, when the time finishes the monster will be as well

Weapon -

Name : Alice Temoire

Nickname: Temi (Rose)

Gender: Female

Age: 8


Ø Childish build

Ø Long white hair, has a pigtail on one side.

Ø Wears blue overalls with a pink t-shirt

Ø Grey eye colour

Weapon: Fop watch chained to a dagger.

Weakness: Separation from rose

Personality: Childish, cutesy, perky and is shy in front of others


Rushing down the hall, Rose drags Alice by the collar. Alice is flails trying to keep her balance. “WE’RE LATE!!!!” Rose screamed. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO PET THE LIZARD” he adds, as he drags alice in a hurry. “Im sorry! It was just too CUTE!” Alice screamed in her high childish voice. They burst into the room, Rose was panting, and Alice looked like she was going to pass out. “sorry we’re late” puffed Rose. suddenly an explosion was heard, starting Alice back in to consciousness.

((sorry if it's out of place))
Laioath said:
Meister -
Name: Rozen Guardian

Nickname: Rose

Gender: Male

Age: 16


Ø Dark blue hair that goes down to his neck, bangs cover one half of his eye

Ø Average build

Ø Unnaturally purple coloured eyes

Weakness: Hates being late

Personality: Brotherly, Cryptic and patient

Abilities in weapon:

Ø Time drift blades – Slowing time and physics briefly, Rose throws up to 10 blades before time returns to normal.

Ø Ticking Tumble – Rose speed himself up to evade most incoming attack.

Ø Second hand strike – Each tick of the fop watch, jumps rose in any direction to strike.

Ø Soul resonate: Last Countdown – Creates a large Fop watch that tick down 60sec, when the time finishes the monster will be as well

Weapon -

Name : Alice Temoire

Nickname: Temi (Rose)

Gender: Female

Age: 8


Ø Childish build

Ø Long white hair, has a pigtail on one side.

Ø Wears blue overalls with a pink t-shirt

Ø Grey eye colour

Weapon: Fop watch chained to a dagger.

Weakness: Separation from rose

Personality: Childish, cutesy, perky and is shy in front of others


Rushing down the hall, Rose drags Alice by the collar. Alice is flails trying to keep her balance. “WE’RE LATE!!!!” Rose screamed. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO PET THE LIZARD” he adds, as he drags alice in a hurry. “Im sorry! It was just too CUTE!” Alice screamed in her high childish voice. They burst into the room, Rose was panting, and Alice looked like she was going to pass out. “sorry we’re late” puffed Rose. suddenly an explosion was heard, starting Alice back in to consciousness.

((sorry if it's out of place))

Rose sighed in relief. He pushed Alice’s head down and bowed to Stein. Alice rubbed her head with a little pick of tears in her eyes, and then follows Rose to the window. Rose looked out the window to see what caused the explosion. The expression he gave clearly showed that he was unamused at the scene. However, when Alice stood on her toes to view what was doing, she left out her cheery voice. “Hahah! Look, look People are fighting! Hahah!” Alice cheered.

Rose turned to Stein and said “It’s a student fight. I think it’s unsupervised as well.” Alice looked up at Rose and began speaking “hey rose? Didn’t one of them cry out help, but you ignored it then and you called me a mor-Ack!” she was interrupted by Rose’s chop to the head. “Would you like me to see what’s the fight about?” rose asked Stein, as his palm rests on Alice’s forehead, keeping Alice at a distance as she flails her arms trying to hit rose.
Stein just stared at the cage which the bird used to be, "Well, alright, but then after this we would continue our lessons." he said then kicked the floor to slide going outside.

On the other hand outside a big fight was happening, "You ignored us didn't you?" Katherise asked the student while she was completely confused, she continue attacking using her sword but then misses. "It's your fault... that Joseph got hurt!" with a plain expression she raised her hand to the sky as shurikens began appearing, she took one last glance at the girl. "It's all your fault..." Joseph on the other hand was laying on the ground weakly being completely ignored in the whole fight.
Satoshi kissed Nichole and her eyes were wide. her eye twitched and you heard a loud smack. satoshi had a red hand print on his cheek. Nichole was blushing brightly. Nichole looked back to the front. Satoshi felt kinda bad. he said''sorry Nichole...''placing a hand on her shoulder. she turned around fire of heck in her eyes.
Rose rushed with Alice out of the heading outside. They spoke along the way.

“Rose, Rose!” Alice yelled

“What is it, Temi?” Rose responded.

“Do I need to transform when I get there?”

“No, you don’t need to. However, if things get too out of hand then yes, you do.”

“Okay, but Rose..?”


“Don’t get hurt like mum, okay…?”

Rose stopped running, and so did Alice. “Rose?” Alice said in a questioning tone. Rose had a grim look upon his face. He walked slowly towards Alice. “eh!” Alice gasped out. She was hit on the head softly by rose before he crouched down to her level.

“I won’t, okay?” he said.

“promise?” she asked back.


Another loud explosion was heard, and Rose and Alice continued running until they were outside. They watched the fight from the side lines, the sound of battle was too loud for Alice so she buried her head into Roses stomach, covering her ears. “Hey! What’s going on!” he screamed, in hope they saw and heard him.
Laioath said:
Rose rushed with Alice out of the heading outside. They spoke along the way.
“Rose, Rose!” Alice yelled

“What is it, Temi?” Rose responded.

“Do I need to transform when I get there?”

“No, you don’t need to. However, if things get too out of hand then yes, you do.”

“Okay, but Rose..?”


“Don’t get hurt like mum, okay…?”

Rose stopped running, and so did Alice. “Rose?” Alice said in a questioning tone. Rose had a grim look upon his face. He walked slowly towards Alice. “eh!” Alice gasped out. She was hit on the head softly by rose before he crouched down to her level.

“I won’t, okay?” he said.

“promise?” she asked back.


Another loud explosion was heard, and Rose and Alice continued running until they were outside. They watched the fight from the side lines, the sound of battle was too loud for Alice so she buried her head into Roses stomach, covering her ears. “Hey! What’s going on!” he screamed, in hope they saw and heard him.
Joseph slowly opened his eyes and saw more people coming in the picture, although it was too blurry he couldn't find his partner. "Karise..." he groaned softly, " baka" 'Leaving me here alone huh?! What happens if i get stepped on? or maybe kidnap or--' by the look at his face he was clearly annoyed.

Katherise places down her hand as the shuriken stopped moving in thin air, she stared at Rose and tilted her head, "You're an idiot to come here..." she said plainly and pointed at Alice, "And you brought a little girl in a battle, she's your sister right?" she rose her hand again and smirked, "This would be really fun..." The other girl with her partner was running away, Katherise quickly rose her hand as two shurikens struck them both. "You wouldn't want to end up... like them right...?"

Stein slid back and yelled to Satoshi and Nichole, "If you two won't get up and get outside i'll make sure you both have remedial classes," he said teasingly then slide away.
Nichole sighed walking out. she grabbed her gloves. she said''hey break it up!'' pushing the two apart. she wasn't in the mood at all. ne said''get outta the way girlie!'' her eye twitched and she punched one and said''if you dont stop this fight right now i'll turn you in to Shingigami and let him deal with you!'' the headmaster was scary when he wanted to be.
Rose watched as another student walked into the fight and hit one of them. Rose just stared at the female student with a dumbfound look upon his face. The heat of the battle as still in the atmosphere. He ducks down to Alice's ear and tells her to hold the back of his shirt if she doesn't want to hear the battle. Alice nodded and grabbed the shirt, still covering one ear. Rose cautiously walked towards the small group and began speaking.

"Hey, why are you guys fighting for?" Rose asked with a stern voice.

he continues walking awaiting a responce, as he gently held Alice's wrist, in case he became the new target
"I would advice you to watch your tone, if you wouldn't want her to get hurt." Katherise said placing both her hands down, she stared at you as if she was challenging you. For a few seconds she remains quiet and continues staring at you, as if she was concentrating. "You wouldn't want your partner to be hurt, right Rozen-kun."

Joseph he uses all his energy and sat up then lets out another groan, 'dammit... it hurts.'
Rose stared into Katherise eyes. he sucked his teeth in disapproval. He could feel the friction in the air. rose sighed.

"A fan can only move the air around itself, passing it to other people. If the air is hot, people around will become hot as well, rending a fan useless.
remember that. " said with a wise but cryptic voice.

"I'm not here to fight, so don't make me your enemy" he added before he walked back inside.

"I'll tell Stein that
Nichole stopped the fight with her bare hands" rose said walking away.

As he walked away, Alice turned her head and stare into
Katherise's eyes, with innocent eyes.
Laioath said:
Rose stared into Katherise eyes. he sucked his teeth in disapproval. He could feel the friction in the air. rose sighed.
"A fan can only move the air around itself, passing it to other people. If the air is hot, people around will become hot as well, rending a fan useless.
remember that. " said with a wise but cryptic voice.

"I'm not here to fight, so don't make me your enemy" he added before he walked back inside.

"I'll tell Stein that
Nichole stopped the fight with her bare hands" rose said walking away.

As he walked away, Alice turned her head and stare into
Katherise's eyes, with innocent eyes.
'Eto? That's it?' Katherise thought, she sigh and stared at Alice. So innocent, of course everyone was, the more reason i... "Well, i did tell you to watch your tone didn't i? Oh and besides, did you know air could travel fast depending their move?" at a fast moment she was already standing behind Alice, she held a strand of her hair, "Your really a child are you... so cute and innocent. But i'm guessing there's more Temi-chan." she closed her eyes and hugged Alice, "Do you mind, if i killed you Temi-chan?... Do you?" her voice was gentle, almost like she was singing a soft lullaby.

"Karise, you idiot. You're taking this too far" Joseph said from afar, he's never seen her that stupid to pull a stunt like this.
Nichole stomped back to class and sat down. she was in an unusually sour mood. Satoshi said''did i do something wrong?who was fighting?'' nichole stayed quiet she was not in the mood for talking. she stood up and said''mr.stein may i go and practice?'' he said''just stay ok.'' Nichole let out an aggrivated groan. she punched her table and it cracked. Satoshi jumped and said''nichole is something bothering you?'' Nichole's bangs were covering her face and eyes from view. blood ran down her hand but she ignored it.
[QUOTE="yullen-chan]Nichole stomped back to class and sat down. she was in an unusually sour mood. Satoshi said''did i do something wrong?who was fighting?'' nichole stayed quiet she was not in the mood for talking. she stood up and said''mr.stein may i go and practice?'' he said''just stay ok.'' Nichole let out an aggrivated groan. she punched her table and it cracked. Satoshi jumped and said''nichole is something bothering you?'' Nichole's bangs were covering her face and eyes from view. blood ran down her hand but she ignored it.

Joseph sighed and gave up, Katherise would never listen to him unless they were battling a kishin. Now was not the time to start a fight now with her, while he was standing up he realized that his right leg was broken and held into the wall to guide him inside the school property, it's better if he got treated first, he thought. Then again he got lost around the hall, he punched the wall softly and talked to himself while others inside was staring, "I'm an idiot too."
Nichole stomped out of the room. she ignored stein all together. Satoshi ran after her. he said''Nichole what's wrong?!''grabbing her arm. he spun her around and saw tears going down her cheeks.
[QUOTE="yullen-chan]Nichole stomped out of the room. she ignored stein all together. Satoshi ran after her. he said''Nichole what's wrong?!''grabbing her arm. he spun her around and saw tears going down her cheeks.

Katherise held Alice's hair gently and twirled it a bit, "You have pretty hair to Temi-chan, i'm sure you don't mind if i--" she stopped talking once she finally noticed Joseph was gone. 'Nani?! Where's Joseph?!'

He stopped walking and saw two students outside, maybe they know where the nurse's office is. "Excuse me--" He stopped when he figured out he was ruining the moment.
Satoshi hugged Nichole tight. He said''shhh its ok...'' Nichole said''can we just go outside?'' Satoshi nodded picking her up smirking. Nichole eeped and blushed as he ran outside. He sat under a tree putting her in his lap. Nichole blushed and said''let go.....'' he pouted and she walked inside to help the teen,. she said''go down the hall and turn right,then go straight and you'll see it.''
[QUOTE="yullen-chan]Satoshi hugged Nichole tight. He said''shhh its ok...'' Nichole said''can we just go outside?'' Satoshi nodded picking her up smirking. Nichole eeped and blushed as he ran outside. He sat under a tree putting her in his lap. Nichole blushed and said''let go.....'' he pouted and she walked inside to help the teen,. she said''go down the hall and turn right,then go straight and you'll see it.''

Joseph stared at Nichole then at Satoshi, "If your boyfriend doesn't mind, can you lead me there?" he said normally even though it sounded awkward. What? He's easily forgetful even in the simplest thing.

While inside Stein looked at the window while adjusting the screw, "I see, they're back again are they.." he said softly as the class just stared at him. "Anyway.. let's begin disecting this precious bird" there was a hint of sparkle in his eyes while the bird was panicking.
Nichole said''he's not my boyfriend he just flirts with me alot.....'' she said''follow me''leading joseph to the nurse. she walked back to class and satoshi said''nichole!!!!!!!!''glomping her. she hit the floor with a thud. (@.@) the class stared at them and she blushed. now she usually doesn't hurt Satoshi but she was kinda pissed. she upper-cutted him. he said''OW GOD WHAT DID I DO?!''
Joseph blinked when they left and sigh, 'Maybe they're having a secret relationship?' he thought then sat down letting the nurse do the work. He sat there wondering if Katherise would be fine, he hoped he wouldn't hurt the guy and his sister otherwise there would be more trouble.

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