Death Note: Wammy's House

Death Note: Wammy's House Character Sheets

Wammy's House is an orphanage in Winchester England. This orphanage was founded by Quillish Wammy, also known as Watari, a brilliant inventor. Wammy's House is a facility that trains exceptionally gifted children. However it also has another purpose, to train those children to be successors for the great detective L. Those that are especially brilliant may be given a letter after they leave Wammy's house. This honor is bestowed by Watari and there are only 26 with letters at a time. Competition runs high at the house and some of the residents even feel tremendous pressure because of this. Rivalries crop up easily due to this pressure and some even crack.

The year is 2001 in October before the Los Angeles BB murder case. Not long ago A committed suicide and it has taken it's toll on all the residents. However, life goes on in Wammy's house like it always does. The children compete among themselves as they try to

be noticed, try to be the best.

Even though I will be the one starting the RP and it will be under my name, Pyre is also the co-owner and co-moderator of this RP. She has the same amount of rights as me so she also has the right to deny or question your application as she sees fit. This hopefully will not be a plotless RP - I hate those

xD - and although we have a few minor plot ideas already any thoughts/plot ideas you have would be great to hear as well! :)

Main Characters: If you wish to be one of the main characters please put up an application below for them. If the character has not been taken yet, they will be played as an NPC until someone takes the character. The main characters are below and if taken will have the RPers name next to them. Watari and Roger will be NPC characters: any RPer could be them if needed, such as if you made their character go visit him in his office, you would RP as him briefly then, rather than waiting for someone else to be him, and then later someone else would be him.

Linda: open

Near: taken by


Mello: open

Matt: taken by


Beyond Birthday: open


1. Literate roleplayers only. This means that you need to write at least a paragraph, preferably two, about five to eight sentences per post minimum, with reasonable grammar and spelling.

2. To try and keep it simple for everyone the maximum amount of characters allowed will be three. If you really, really want to have four characters for a reason or another, and have told me or Pyre why and proven yourself capable of handling that many characters, then you may be allowed a fourth.

3. No one liners allowed. OOC posts are allowed if you put them either before or after an IC post. No posts that are just OOC posts please as it blocks up the RP: If you need to check something with someone else - such as an interaction involving their character or just checking a rule with me or Pyre, please send them/us an inbox instead or a wall message.

4. Characters must show evidence of considerable thought put into them. It’s true that sign ups are a starting point, but we would like to see that characters will have some depth and personality to them. Previous characters from other rps are allowed if you would like.

5. No godmodding, no harming another character seriously without permission of rper, any major plot points that seriously affect other characters should first be discussed/approved by them.

6. Violence and swearing are fine, sex should be a fade to black, we're fine with innuendo. Also fine with homosexual characters.

7. No Mary-Sues or Gary-Stus. This is a character who is perfect or always centre of attention, no flaws and almost always better than everyone else: another example of this would a character who is a better detective than L/Near. This also includes the rule that no characters are allowed Death Notes or Shinigami eyes.

Any characters you have who are in line to become L's successor - though we preferably don't want too many of these as L probably wouldn't have any more than 5 or 6 successors at a time - need to have their own letter. N, L and M are obviously already taken as these are Near's, Lawliet's and Mello's letters.

Keep in mind that Wammy's House is HUGE. Massive even. Each character would have their own bedroom to decorate as they wish, there would be many classrooms, a dining room, garden, sports court, the woods nearby, a kitchen and even more. If you would like to say your character has a favourite pond they go to or even some sort of special area they've set up; that's fine.

Your character needs some special skill! After all, it's the Wammy House. The school is for geniuses, so your OC will need a special talent.

Min. Age is 4, Max. Age is 25. Depending on what category you choose, you must pick a strong spot and a weak spot. (Example: Your OC Alex's talent is Academics. He is strong in Math and is weak in Reading.)













5.Art History


1. Singing

2. Dancing

3. Instruments

4. Composing

5. Music Theory







So yeah, here's the sign up sheet, just fill it in, post it below and wait for me or Pyre to respond! :D


Alias(if they have one):



Special Talent:

Appearance: please post a picture, preferably anime.


Any other hobbies/random skills(example:cooking):

Length of time at Wammy's:

Relationships with other characters?:


Anything extra you wish to say about them:


My Characters:

Name: Wilhelmina "Anya" Antoinette Alfons

Alias(if they have one): Anya

Age(4-25): 9

Sex: Female

Special Talent: Anya's gift is a bit, unusual. Unlike many at Wammy's, hers is more supernatural than anything else, she could be called an Empath, or even a Pathokinesis. An Empath is someone who feels the emotions of another. They have a strong desire to help others, but this is only good if they can control their power if the situation gets out of hand. The difference between an Empath and Pathokinesis could be that Pathokinesis is the ability to reflect/project emotions and/or memories back onto a person or onto another being. It is a highly evolved form of Empathy, and has proven to be an extremely strong power. Anya therefore can both feel other peoples' emotions and can reflect or project emotions and/or memories back onto that person. She can use this power to calm down others by protecting good emotions, or use it in the opposite way to project bad emotions. She cannot however sense why someone has the emotion they are feeling or how they plan to get rid of it. An example is that she could tell that Mello is angry, but would not be able to know it was because he had an argument with Near unless she pieced it together on her own.


Personality: Anya is what you'd expect of a typical little girl. Very sweet, kind and caring. Though most of this has to do with the fact that she's an empath, since she can sense other people's emotions she's very aware of people's feelings and tries her best to cause only good ones - making her the nice person she is. She also has boundless amounts of energy and despite her sweetness does sometimes get roped into helping Allie play pranks on the other residents' of Wammy's. She can be quite serious for her age at times though, as she can sense others' emotions and knows sometimes they just need to be left alone. She is overall a sweet little girl who will try her best to make her 'family' as happy as they can be, even if it means she has to miss out sometimes.

Any other hobbies/random skills: Cooking, although she isn't very good at it just yet. She's very good at climbing, and has a small habit of dropping from trees right infront of people and accidentally scaring them. She is a rather good detective in her own right, being observant enough to piece things together, though she is not even close to being half of what L or Sage were at her age.

Length of time at Wammy's: 3 years

Relationships with other characters?: Anya has a very good relationship with Allie. The two are almost inseparably close, and Anya views Allie as her big sister at Wammy's. She cares for her very deeply and will do almost anything to make her happy. Anya is pretty close to L as well, and this is mostly because of her power. Unlike the other kids at Wammy's, Anya can see when L is feeling upset, angry, hurt or even just happy, so she can understand him better than most others - making them get along well as she knows just how to deal with him. Anya isn't very close to Alexius, but this is mainly because whenever she is around him all she ever really gets is emotions of extreme sadness or even irritation, and she doesn't know how to fix it, so she doesn't like spending much time around the older boy. With both Maci and Tula she has a good relationship, but not as close as Allie or L. She gets along with both of them - playing with Maci and chatting with Tula - and she doesn't really prefer one over the other; liking them both for different reasons.

Background: Anya was born into a family of three, her birth making it a quaint little family of four. She had her Mother, who was kind, if not a bit distant, her Father, who had to be away for work a lot, but always showered her with affections when he got home, and her older sister Francessa Andrea. Their family was quite rich, and very traditional in their ways. They seemed the perfect family, but no-one knew that Anya's Dad was a secret Serial Killer. However, he was always kind to her, her sister and Mother, he never showed any meanness to them. So to them he was perfect, sweet and Anya loved him with all her heart. Then, one day when Anya was five, someone decided they should take the law into their own hands and killed her Father for his crimes, rather than having him arrested. It was only then that the family found out about the Father's 'hobby' of being a Serial Killer. This gave Anya her strong sense of justice.

A year later and Anya's mother had spiralled downwards, she was on medicine for depression, drinking all the time to drown out the sorrows of her husband having been killed and discovering he was a serial killer. Anya couldn't bear to look at her Mother anymore, because she could see and feel her empty emotions, her absolute loss of hope and love, and it overwhelmed the child. Anya's big sister Francessa - older than her by seven years - did her best to keep Anya happy though, always taking her out and playing Princess with her. Anya could see that Fran was suffering badly from their Father's death as well though, and she didn't realise quite how bad it was until she noticed Fran had been gone 'on a walk' for at least five hours now. Her Mother was too drunk to understand anything her six year old daughter was telling her, so Anya put on her raincoat, and wellington boots - as it was raining by this point - and headed out to find Francessa.

She didn't know how long it took to find her, but she finally managed to spot her sitting out alone in the rain in nothing more than her summer dress and shoes. Her sister was pale with the cold, shivering, and when Anya tried to get her attention by telling her she'd catch a cold out in this weather, Francessa didn't respond. Anya managed to help her sister back to their home and put her to bed immediately. Francessa died several days later from pneumonia. Their Mother snapped out of her depression state then at her oldest daughter's death, organized the funeral and seemed to be heading back on track despite the traumatic event. Though Anya could see otherwise. She could tell through her power that her Mother had lost all hope for everything, and her suspicions were confirmed when her Mother committed suicide a few days later.

Anya was soon found by Wammy himself, and when he asked for her name she told him it was Antoinette. She realised she no longer wanted the first name that connected her to her deceased family.

Anything extra you wish to say about them: No-one knows Anya's first name. They all believe her first name is Antoinette. She is also addicted to hot chocolate and has it even in the summer.


Name: Alexius Kane Lozier

Alias(if they have one): He just calls himself Alex. He hates being called Alexius.

Age(4-25): 16

Sex: Male

Special Talent: Alex sees dead people. Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, he hears that joke all the time. Alex's 'special talent' is a simplistic version of being psychic basically, he can see and interact with the dead, and that's about it. He doesn't choose who he sees or speaks to, though once he has managed to bring a spirit to him and interact with it by using an item of theirs. The item that would work the best in order to contact a spirit would actually be the murder weapon - though Alex doesn't know this - but a personal belonging of theirs works fine too. He has only done this once as it is difficult to do and needs more practice. Many people think the reason Alex can see and talk to the dead is because he was legally dead himself for three minutes. (See past)


Personality: Alex is a loner, plain and simple. He always keeps to himself and doesn't interact with the kids or even the staff at Wammy's house unless it's absolutely necessary of if he is being spoken to first - even then sometimes he'll ignore you if he feels like it. He's pretty gloomy overall, but extremely snarky and witty if he wants to be. But that's only usually if he's being teased - he'll retort back with something clever enough to make the 'teasers' go away. He's the 'cool, yet dangerous silent guy who rarely talks to anybody' Except the ghosts of course, as his favourite saying goes: "The dead are way more sociable than the living"

Any other hobbies/random skills(example:cooking): Alex is very good at kick-boxing and capoeira style fighting. It's recommended not to start a fight with him.

Length of time at Wammy's: 11 years

Relationships with other characters?: Well, he's distant with pretty much everyone, so it's unlikely he'll have any friends yet, he may have a few enemies or people who he dislikes/people who dislike him, but that's about it.

Background: Alex was born to a happy couple living together in England, they had been trying for a baby for a while, and were absolutely thrilled when they had their healthy baby boy Alexius Kane Lozier. The happy trio lived together for a whole five years before the incident happened. It was Alex's fifth birthday. They had just celebrated with a meal out and were driving home. Alex's dad was driving, and he had had a drink, but not enough to put him over the limit. Unfortunately, another idiot driver did. The drunk driver crashed head on into the car with Alex, his dad and his mum in it. Alex's mum was instantly killed from the impact. Although fatally injured, Alex's dad still managed to call the emergency 911 number and give them their location before passing out on the phone from blood loss. When the ambulance arrived, they found Alex's dad had passed away from his severe wounds and that the child in the back seat - despite being also seriously injured - was still breathing. They rushed him to hospital and took him straight into the emergency room where they proceeded to try and save his life. Alex was officially dead for three minutes. He surprised the doctors by having his heart beat again three minutes after being declared dead and they made sure he was stable before taking him to a secluded cubicle to recover.

Of course, the issue that the child was now an orphan was brought up immediately. It was decided that he would be taken into social care as soon as he was fully recovered. So for the next week Alex was cared for at the hospital, but one of the nurses became increasingly concerned when she found the child talking to the thin air as it was a person. It was suggested that maybe he was talking to his imaginary friends - as he was still so young and had just suffered a life tragedy. But when one of the nurses came running out of Alex's room in tears and told the doctor that Alex had just spoken to her about her recently deceased father they knew something was wrong with the child. After a few more similar incidents of Alex apparently seeing the apparitions of people's dearly departed the news quickly spread - the combination of the child being dead for three straight minutes plussed with his apparent ghost seeing abilities was enough to cause Wammy to visit the child in hospital and once he was discharged it had been agreed he would go to Wammy's House.

Anything extra you wish to say about them: He doesn't sleep very much - usually because of the ghosts - and can often be heard of sneaking downstairs at midnight to get cheesy puff crisps.
My Characters:

Name: Alice Sabela

Alias(if they have one): Tula

Age(4-25): 20

Sex: Female

Special Talent: Tula's special skills are mostly deductive but her high intelligence means that she excels in all of her subjects - the main general subjects as well as criminology and others. She can speak; English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese and Japanese fluently.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Tula.jpg.f90fc430e116558e99f5805c862525cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Tula.jpg.f90fc430e116558e99f5805c862525cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Tula is secretive and rarely seen by people due to her introverted nature which is not out of shyness, she would simply prefer not talk to people since she quickly loses interest; however she appears to be a cool, calm and calculated character. She is a well-mannered, rational and a mostly responsible individual.

Any other hobbies/random skills: While thinking she likes to sit in swivel chairs and claims that the spinning stimulates her thinking and many stare at her in amazement since she doesn't get dizzy at all. She enjoys eating cherries and ice-cubes and in her spare time she likes to read and stroll around the house when Tula is feeling well enough. She also likes to people watch - when they aren't talking to her - she is more interested in watching them interact with others.

Length of time at Wammy's: 15 years.

Relationships with other characters: Tula has a strong relationship with her twin. The two are incredibly close and one would be lost without the other. They both compliment each others personalities well and as per usual with twins they wouldn't need to verbally communicate to know what each other is thinking of. When they were younger they used to dress as each other fool the entirety of the Wammy's House - just for fun. She also has a strong relationship with L and the two can bicker and tease each other but are overall very good friends.

Background:As children, Alice and Lacie Sabela lived in a family home in Oxford, England, and they were perfectly happy. They got by with money fine and their parents loved each other and their twin daughters. In fact the future looked entirely brilliant since as the girls grew they were both exceptionally genius with their studies; it was obvious that they would both get bored very easily by children toys and opted for more mind boggling puzzles to interest them.

At the age of 5 years old it was rumoured that the 'Midnight Valentine', a notorious killer, otherwise known as Cale Valentine, was in the direct area. The public were reassured that the police were close to capturing the killer; they were merely waiting for the opportune moment. Unbeknownst to them, he had already monitored and chosen his next victims. The Sabela family. The killer had an unknown motive but most suggested that he was a lunatic that killed merely for fun however what was clear is that he attacked each victim at the dead of night; midnight.

That night, the family went to bed calmly wishing each other good night. The two twins slept soundly until the heard the shouts and screams of their parents - they jumped out of bed quickly and Alice ran to the phone and quickly dialed 999 while Lacie ran to aid her parents in some way. First she saw her father lie on the ground with his throat clearly slit with a serrated blade. She ran to aid her struggling mother, knowing that crying over her father would only loose time at that moment. Then she spotted the killer, strangulating her mother. The small girl raced to the discarded blade on the floor and quickly stabbed the man's leg and continued stabbing until he let go of the woman.

Soon flashing blue lights appeared from the window and Alice ran to pull her twin away from Valentine, who was shouting and screeching, and they both fumbled to pull the long wire that was embedded into their parent's neck. Despite their actions, it was clear that she had died. The police stormed the house and arrested Cale Valentine. Afterward, both children were brought to the hospital to be checked over for any damage. The inventor, Quillish Wammy, visited the twins and offered them a place at his orphanage for bright children. Claiming that he only had three children as of yet, (A, Beyond and L), and they were more than welcome to stay. They both agreed to go with him.

During the years, the girls took up their new names of Tula and Maci, also known as S, and they were in league to become L's successor but soon decided to make their own name and title and withdrew from the rankings. They both joined forces and became one of the world's renowned detective named Sage.


Name: Lacie Sabela

Alias(if they have one): Maci

Age(4-25): 20

Sex: Female

Special Talent: Maci's skills are mostly deductive but she excels in the main general subjects as well as criminology and others. She can speak; English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese fluently. Her main talent is athletics and martial arts.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Maci.jpg.ce8c0237debfc20d4520463ca1435a5e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="527" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Maci.jpg.ce8c0237debfc20d4520463ca1435a5e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Maci is playful, aloof and always has a boundless amount of energy. She is easily one of the most athletic person in the Wammy House. This woman enjoys talking to and teasing anyone in her sight; also Maci is very impulsive and excitable however she can very easily calm herself down to take matters seriously and act calm, collected and well-mannered although not for long.

Any other hobbies/random skills: She is constantly running around; never sitting still during her spare time. Maci also tries to organise many activities for the Wammy's kids to play and bond with each other.

Length of time at Wammy's: 15 years

Relationships with other characters: (See Tula's relationship with Maci)

Background: (See Tula's background)

Anything extra you wish to say about them: She also has an issue with ordering too much room service food at any hotel that she stays in so her sister has had to resort to hiding telephones or telling the receptionist not to allow food to be served to their room. However back home at Wammy's, Maci excessively eats and her all time favourite is pizza. Do not steal any of her pizza because she'll hurt you in ways in which you cannot imagine. She'd protective of her darling pizza slices.


Name: Alexis de Chastain

Alias(if they have one): Allie

Age(4-25): 13

Sex: Female

Special Talent: She has the ability to hear other people's thoughts; telepathy. This power varies in strength as each day goes by meaning that one day Alexis can barely pick up the thoughts of others and must retain eye contact to hear them or having every thought within a 10 mile radius amplified and causing the girl strong migraines until the power fades back down to it's usual level. The usual level for her telepathy is to hear the thoughts without having to look into people's eyes but she can choose to 'turn down' the thoughts she doesn't need to hear and 'turn up' the thoughts that she is interested in listening to.

Although the talent she chooses to focus on is languages. She excels in learning languages very quickly and so far she speaks fluently: French, English, Spanish, German, Japanese and Chinese. She is currently learning some of the older languages like Latin.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Allie.jpg.b4cf03ff033de7c5be0b873a39a565a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="528" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Allie.jpg.b4cf03ff033de7c5be0b873a39a565a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Alexis appears to be rude, cold, unruly and extremely determined to have her own way. This pre-teen is not afraid to tell someone about what she truly thinks of them due to her being telepathic - hearing the real thoughts behind what others say - which has left her bitter and crude regarding other people's emotions.

Any other hobbies/random skills: Allie is very good at manipulating people for her age as she always manages to rope her young companion, Anya, into pranking the other residents of Wammy's House.

Length of time at Wammy's: 4 weeks.

Relationships with other characters: Since being at Wammy's House for only a short time and also Allie pushes people away - she hasn't made built many relationships with people other than Anya who has become much like her little sister during her stay at the orphanage. They are incredibly close to one another and loves her very much. She has a love/hate relationship with L. She can get along with each other very well at times and she views him like a big brother of some sort but due to L's stubborn streak and Allie's temperament issues they can often be at each others throats.

Background: Alexis was born and raised in France. Her mother, Inès de Pagerie, was a kind-hearted, friendly, sensitive and caring lady. She was an intelligent individual and was very dedicated to her family. At a young age she fell in love with a man named Jacques Chastain; who her family disapproved of since he had a very lowly paid job and the family believed that he had no stability to support Inès. Despite the family's obvious disapproval they continued their relationship and soon Inès fell pregnant with Jacques' illegitimate child which created great controversy within the Pagerie family but they supported their daughter even though they disliked the 'tainted, bastard child'.

Unfortunately, Jacques passed away in a car accident during 6 months of Inès' pregnancy. After grieving for her lost love for the next few months - she gave birth to a child on March 24th. She named her Alexis de Chastain officially but was referred to her as Alexis de Pagerie to suit her family's wishes. As Alexis began to grow it was obvious that she wasn't a normal child. At a young age she developed a love for learning other languages and becoming a multilingual child at a very young age. That wasn't all - she was also a telepath - which isolated her from her family although her mother still loved and cared for her child.

At the age of 5, Alexis' mother married another man by the name of Adalric von Lamarliere and they soon produced the twins: Élise de Lamarliere and Lucien von Lamarliere (January 11th) and Alexis was now referred to as Alexis de Lamarliere. Despite Alexis not getting along with her step father (which involved him beating her for being a freak or a 'bastard child') her relationship with her step siblings thrived and she took great pride in caring for them. Later on in the years, Adalric was now known for his terrible temper and his now alcoholic habits. It was taken to another level when he lashed out on his step daughter and was furious that she fought back against him; during his drunken rampage he searched for her in the sleeping house - and set the house on fire in attempt to kill her. It quickly got out of control and all of the family members, a part from Alexis and Adalric, died from smoke inhalation or burnt alive.

Adalric escaped and evaded the police while Alexis was taken into care as she had no other family relatives. Soon the word spread to Wammy's about a young girl's genius gift with a high level intelligence and extraordinary multilingual abilities. Her telepathy was also of great interest. So Wammy offered her the chance to live at his orphanage.

At the age of 13, Alexis is now known as Allie and lives at Wammy's House for gifted children while her step father remains at large. It is unknown whether or not the man is in pursuit of Alexis to exact some sort of revenge.

Anything extra you wish to say about them: Allie enjoys eating sweet and/or savory deserts that originate from French recipes and often refuses to eat any other desert-like food that doesn't follow her rule. But since becoming a fuss in the kitchen and pestering the cooks, Ms K and Louise - Allie is now one of the few who has been banned from entering the kitchen at certain hours. So to bend the rule, Allie has bargained to teach her young companion, Anya, Spanish if she collects/bakes her deserts. Alexis also has a love for fish; not eating them, looking at them. She finds them fascinating and becomes like a subdued child whenever she spots them - looking wide eyed and curious. Allie would love to have her own little aquarium in her room.



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(I'll join up in a bit, dears- I'll need some time for the bios. Thank you for inviting me. This looks splendid.)

(Here's bio #1.)

Name: Constance Lucas

Alias: Pola Midgard

Age: Pola has technically been alive for eighteen years, but she only looks fifteen. (This is explained below.)

Sex: Girl

Special Talent: Pola has a talent for computers and technology, with a strong point in programming and hacking and a weak point in Applications. She’s okay at most other subjects except for Art- the only assignment given in an Art class that she passed was the splatter paint assignment. (She covered herself in paint, rolled around on a long piece of paper, and got a B.) She originally got started with computers after emerging from a three year long coma- while she was in a coma, she created a program to help Italy’s military defense.


Personality: Pola is normally very upbeat, even in the face of trouble. She speaks her mind if she feels what she has to say is important, but other than that, she’s excellent at communicating with her facial expressions. Pola loves animals, especially cute little woodland creatures, but she can’t have pets because she’s kind of a space case. She’s not exactly kind or mean, but if she likes or dislikes you, you’ll know. She’s considered something of a rarity at Wammy’s, because instead of pursuing her talents with computers or trying to become a detective, Pola wants desperately to be a doctor.

Hobbies/Random Skills: Pola can sing and burp her ABC’s backwards. This impresses even geniuses. (She has to have beans in her system before she can do the burping bit, though.) She likes to rescue birds, fish, lizards, frogs and rodents she finds hurt.

Length Of Time At Wammy’s: Pola’s been at Wammy’s for just under three years.

Relationships With Other Characters: Pola either gets along with you or she avoids you. She gets along with most people, though.

Background: Unlike most of the children at Wammy’s house, Pola was not removed from her home because she was an orphan. Pola uprooted her little brother and ran away with him into Italy when they were eleven and nine years old, since she feared her stepfather’s alcohol would reduce the family’s money and her little brother would starve. She got several jobs- working part time as a waitress, a maid (for hotels) and as a secretary for a local college professor. One day the year after, while cleaning out a hotel, she came in contact with a mysterious glowing yellow substance. Whatever it was, it made her very sick and she became completely paralyzed before going into a coma. Her younger brother got her to the nearest hospital but she was declared brain dead. A notable professor doctor (her old boss’s brother, even) disagreed and ran extensive tests on her, paying hefty amounts of money to keep her alive. He created a machine that translated specific brain waves into words and used her as his continual test subject. Eventually, she was able to transfer part of her subconscious into her conscious and was taken off life support. Two weird things happened during the time she was off life support: first, a military commander from Italy showed up wanting the brain wave translator- and was informed that it only worked with Pola. So, since her mum was dead and her stepfather was a drunk, he legally adopted her. It was in his home that she designed a cyber-defense program…while still technically asleep. She woke up three years after she originally fell asleep, having not aged at all. Her military friend died in battle and Pola was unable to track down her brother, so she contacted L for help. After getting her story from L, Wammy took her in.

Extra: Pola has a male pet toad named Kim and a small female lizard named Genie.
If this is 2001, I have to ask which timeline we're going with, Manga or Anime, if the former, wouldn't Matt and Mello only be about...ten years old? I might be interested in porting an OC of mine into this, but just in case, I'll leave a couple sample posts for Near and Matt here.

I do want to note that the posts are from a pretty decent amount of time ago, and I'd like to think I've grown since then, shrug, ignore my obvious attempt at an excuse. If required, I'll remake sheets and all that good stuff that I lost as time went by.
That is true, Mello and Matt would be around ten or so years old and Near would be around the age of nine; If you guys are happy to RP them as that age then that's fine. Although Jo and I are happy for the ages to be changed for the sake of the role play but obviously not a drastic age change, for example older than L - that would be a tad strange.
Yeah I'm fine with the ages being changed, though Pyre's the one to ask 'bout stuff like that ^^

Sloth, we'd love to have another OC in the RP but if you decide not to have one, then would it be alright to ask if you'd just do a sample post for Matt? Just because Stik's already asked if they can be Near. If ya' wanna play him for a specific reason like he has a good relationship with your OC, then I'm sure Stik wouldn't mind having it that if you ask 'em.

Oh, and if anyone has any ideas for plots that'd be cool as well, since we're still fishing around for a few.
Ehh, I think it'd be different if I ported Seamus into being in Wammy's at the same time as Near, as a matter of fact, I'm not quite sure what they'd be like if they were active at the same time...something to think about, at least.

And sure, why the hell not. Ten year old Matt sounds like it'd be fun....sit around playing Gen 1 Pokemon and stuff. :cool:
SorrowfulJoy said:
Okay :D
Have you got some sample posts for Matt then? Just so we can see what you're like at RPing him :)
Yes. Just click Matt's name in my first post for the sample, though that was...16 or so year-old Matt and not a ten year old, if that's what you mean....
Oh sorry, didn't notice that xD

Yeah that's fine, you're a really good RPer by the way :D

I'll edit my first post to say that Matt's being RPed by you then, oh, just to let everyone know, we'll probably be starting the RP tomorrow, I'll post a link up here when it's ready
Name: Nate River

Alias: Near

Age: 9

Gender: Male

Special Talent: Same deduction skills as L



Personally: Shares a lot of personality traits with L, not showing any pure emotions like happiness or depression. Has a strait-to-the point attitude and thinks of every possible outcome of everything in his everyday life.

Other Hobbies: Playing with plastic toys like train sets or dominos.

Relationship with other Characters: No romantic relationships with any characters. Is Mello's "partner" in becoming L's "replacement".

Background: Is one of the youngest people in Wammy's House. Has been told before that he is one of the two people that could be chosen to be L's successor in the event that he dies, despite that all of the children at the facility were being prepped for the possibility to replace L. Didn't have much of a past outside of Wammy's House as he was an orphan that was being cared for in the building, his special talent of deduction showed that he could become a successor to the, at the time, great detective in training, L.

Anything Else: This is a character from the anime/manga so nothing else should need to be said.

dististik said:
Name: Nate River
Alias: Near

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Special Talent: Same deduction skills as L

Appearance: (Picture)

Personally: Shares a lot of personality traits with L, not showing any pure emotions like happiness or depression. Has a strait-to-the point attitude and thinks of every possible outcome of everything in his everyday life.

Other Hobbies: Playing with plastic toys like train sets or dominos.

Relationship with other Characters: No romantic relationships with any characters. Is Mello's "partner" in becoming L's "replacement".

Background: Is one of the youngest people in Wammy's House. Has been told before that he is one of the two people that could be chosen to be L's successor in the event that he dies, despite that all of the children at the facility were being prepped for the possibility to replace L. Didn't have much of a past outside of Wammy's House as he was an orphan that was being cared for in the building, his special talent of deduction showed that he could become a successor to the, at the time, great detective in training, L.

Anything Else: This is a character from the anime/manga so nothing else should need to be said.

((I will have the picture up as soon as I get to Internet that doesn't limit me to what I can do, sense I'm on the mobile version.))
Oh dististik, since this is set in 2001 - before the BB case, Near is 9 not 16 xD Are you still interested in RPing him?
Question before I post, do we all have rights control idle characters (L, other orphines at the house, ect.) or just you?
I would love to play Beyond, if that's alright with you guys. I'll be posting an application for him in a moment, but if you'd rather have someone else play him I completely understand and will put up an application for an OC instead. 
My application for Beyond, if it's all right for me to take him up...

Please keep in mind that I am using British English spelling.

Name: Beyond Birthday

Alias(if they have one): B (B for Backup)

Age(4-25): If we are basing this off the manga, since this is set in 2001 Beyond would be somewhere between 19 and 22, if we're basing this off the anime he'd be somewhere between 15 and 18 (based on the fact that it's assumed he's no more than five years younger then L and L died at the age of twenty five in two 2004 according to the manga and 2007 according to the anime). So if we're basing it off the manga I'll be placing his age at...


and if we're basing this off of the anime I'll be placing him at


Sex: Male

Special Talent: Beyond was born, for reasons unknown, with the ability to see people's names as well as their time of death down to the second, an ability later known as the possession of Shinigami eyes. Beyond that (pun not intended) Beyond is highly intelligent, bordering on genius levels, a fact that is tragically mediated by his precarious balancing on the edge of madness. Because he was one of the original attempts as training a successor for L his mind has been highly trained in the areas of criminal psychology, criminology as a whole, the justice systems of most major countries (and those of some minor ones as well), basic and advanced logic, biology, chemistry, and basic to advanced computer hacking with light extra training in programming. He's been trained from an early age to take tests for a desired result (though that result might not necessarily be all "correct" answers - for example he's been trained to take mental ability tests and score anywhere between an idiot savant to a drooling fool, should he so desire to change his apparent mental range for the sake of those reading the results), and has had quite a bit of training with elaborate puzzles and pattern recognition tests. Standard studies for those close to the line behind L.

Appearance: While no one knows Beyond's true apperance due to the fact that he's constantly painting himself to be L's identical twin he generally appears as such:
A living, breathing duplicate of L , though it is suggested that he has red tinged eyes.

Personality: Like most children at Wammy's, Beyond is eccentric, though at this point it's likely that normality would be considered the eccentricity among the top range of students ranked at Wammy's. He has a tendency to stare openly at others, eyeing them up more like someone would a particularly interesting insect or animal (or, on occasion, a piece of meat) then another person. He watches unabashedly and is usually very attentive to details, sometimes to the point where he'll find himself mimicking people's movements when he's not deeply entrenched in his performance as the role of L. When he's not staring at people he can usually be caught staring above them as he watches their lives tick away. Because of his unique birthright Beyond has always been slightly off-kilter, and the stress inherent with growing up in the fierce competition for the spot behind L did nothing for his natural lack of emotional and moral ballast. He has next to no sense of morality considering the death of others - what point is there in feeling bad about helping to cause someone's death, or in putting someone in a situation that might cause it if their numbers had lined up when he could tell that it was or wasn't going to happen before the fact? Could it even really be called his fault when they would have died then anyway? That being said, he does often wonder at the logic of the numbers - why do people have a set time, and why that time specifically for them? Accompanying this is a rather morbid sens of curiosity. Whenever Beyond finds himself noticing a death time that's near or seems an unlikely time for the person he's watching he likes to speculate about what might cause it, and often likes to see if his theory on their finale is correct.

Beyond's inability to see the numbers above his own head has also nestled into his head as an incessant curiosity. Why? Is he simply not allowed to know his own time? Or does the lack of a count down mean that he's immortal - of course, the latter is a silly notion, he knows his body to be just as mortal as everyone elses, so it must be some other reason for his lack of knowledge, but it seems perposterous to him that he should see everyones but his own. It's just illogical, to have a gift with a random exception to the otherwise universal rule. But then again he cannot see numbers over bugs or animals or inanimate objects - things which, according to most major religions, have no conception of a soul. Is that why, then? Is it that he has no soul? But that he doubts as well because something as logical as the numbers shouldn't be confined to metaphysical logic born from superstition. In any case its a quandry that often strikes him, because he cannot stand to have a question or a puzzle that he can't solve and this one has escaped him longer than any other.

Aside from his morbid obsession with death and philosophical questions about the nature of the empty space above his head Beyond is a highly competitive individual. Being second (well, first after the tragic but completely expected death of A, though he still sees himself as second because L is first, L will always be first unless he can find a way to surpass him) in line for L he would have to be, and Beyond cannot stand to be one upped. His obsession with being the best comes not just from the inherent competition at Wammy's for those in line to inherit L's name, but from the nature of his introduction at Wammy's House. With is placement as B in the original three set of A, B, and C (A for Alternate, B for Backup and C for Control) he was already set behind someone he found automatically inferior. After all, A was set to go, and not too long after his arrival. How could anyone as close to going as that be better than him? His pride wouldn't allow him to be simply Backup, no, no he was determined that it would be B for Best. Always Best. Better than L. Beyond L. Best best best. And so his competitive nature grew to the point where he found himself with a compulsive need to beat out the one he saw as his only truly worthy adversary in this world. The only true challenge he would face - the only one who was truly worth taking on. And what better way to beat L then to be L? To B L, even. And to this day he strives to do exactly that - so in his mannerisms and his adopted personality he tries with every fiber in his being to be the calm, collected and logical L.

Any other hobbies/random skills: Beyond has put extensive work into learning to mimic people, having spent the majority of his life at Wammy's training himself to be a replica (no, a replacement, B for Best, not Backup, B for Best) of L. His abilities to mimic and recreate another person are remarkable.

He also seems to be able to consume insane amounts of jam and other sweets without getting diabetes. Pretty remarkable, that.

Length of time at Wammy's: 16 years, give or take a few months

Relationships with other characters?: Being one of the first to ever enter Wammy's house upon it's founding, Beyond has seen just about everyone whose ever come through the doors, though he only takes interest in special cases. He tends to focus on those closest to him in rank, and has developed a special interest in "Near" as his alias labels him due to the fact that Nate is lucky enough to share L's eyes - the one thing that Beyond cannot fully imitate, as his have a faint reddish tinge to them and will never quite match the perfect slate black that Lawliet and Nate seem to possess. He was close to A during his life, though his constant whispering to the other at night likely helped to push the poor boy to take his own life (as hinted briefly in Another Note). Beyond has no interest in romantic or familial attachment to anyone at Wammy's, as he tends to be a solitary creature, though he harbours a deep, borderline disturbing, obsession for Lawliet.

Background: Watching your parents time tick out is never a healthy way to start a life, and even if he hadn't been slightly off kilter before the untimely (or, as Beyond would insist, perfectly timed) death of his parents their loss would have been sure to aid in his mental and emotional deterioration. From an early age Beyond was not only exposed to death, but immersed in it, and as such it's become rather an obsession with him. The numbers, the life and it's loss that they represent, has been all consuming part of Beyond's life since he was first able to grasp the concept of the numbers. He first figured it out on the day his father died, watching the numbers tick down to zero out exactly in time with his father's passing - an event which Beyond watched with a passiveness ill-befitting a young child who just lost his parent. Death, it seemed, was so much a part of Beyond that it effected him just as much as the awareness of his having arms did. The idea and understanding of death was just as commonplace to him as the ability to wiggle his fingers - it required little to no conscious thought. When his mother passed shortly thereafter he was quickly transported to Wammy's house to begin the thorough training of his rather extraordinary young mind (thanks to his extraordinary results during IQ testing and the rather interesting nature of his very being when he was first checked out by the house's personnel).

Part of the original programme designed to raise a child that could replace (or perhaps someday even surpass) the at that point fabled L, Beyond was informed that he would be referred to as B. It didn't take him long to understand that B didn't stand for any variation of his name, but rather for Backup. It wasn't hard to deduce - there were three of them originally, A, B, and C, and he had no doubt that they were not simply following the Alphabet down. A... A would stand for Alternate. The original copy made to be able to stand in as an, well, as an alternate for L. B, then, would doubtless be Backup, in case Alternate failed. C, of course, would have to stand for control, that was the first one he'd figured out. It's considered bad practice and utterly irresponsible to run an experiment without a control to test your results by.

B, then. Backup. No, he wouldn't stand for Backup, he quickly decided that. A mantra of "B for Better, B for Best, not for Backup, B for Best, B for Beyond, Beyond A, Beyond L, Beyond" quickly made itself a regular repetition inside of his head, which was how he eventually settled for the name he decided for himself. Beyond, for he planned to be beyond everyone here, someday. Beyond everyone, ever, in fact. It served another purpose, too - for he saw no numbers over his head, he was beyond counting down, beyond birthdays, and therein he found his new name for his new self. Beyond Birthday.

A wasn't a trouble to pass - not a trouble at all. One look above his head told Beyond that much. He didn't even have to try, time would do it for him. With that distraction out of the way he set his sights on the prize. L. After some thought he came to realise that while he might hope to match L intellectually through hard study in addition to his natural genius that wouldn't be enough to allow him to surpass the idol of his mixed worship and envious loathing. No, the only way to do that was to become L. To become L and from there to improve himself beyond L. To be a better L then Lawliet himself could ever be. Through careful study of the legendary man Beyond began to craft himself into a variation of him. Over the time spent trying to mold himself into L's carefully laid out mold Beyond's mental and emotional awareness of Lawliet began to shift and warp. There was - is - no one in this world that B loves more than L, just as there's no one he hates more. A strange amalgamation of admiration, worship, envy, loathing, and a deep seated love came to form his raw, unconstrained passion for all that was L. The man, the idol, was all to once the reason for his existence and the reason that he could not exist. Because there could not be two L's, it wasn't possible. There was one. There was one L, one Lawliet, and Beyond would be him, had to be him, but at the same time he found himself living for him, living to chase after the existence of one man.

And that... well it's enough to drive anyone insane.

Anything extra you wish to say about them: Beyond never refers to people by their aliases. He finds it pointless when their name is as easy to find as looking up.

While Beyond is a canon character we don't actually know that much about his back story or his honest mental and emotional state, as we only get to see him when he's stepping out of the guise of L for a few brief pages and for the rest of the time we only know him by his portrayal of L. As such, I've taken some liberties in the way that I choose to characterise and write him.
Maybe in a few hours after I've had a nap - I just pulled an all nighter taking care of a critical care patient so I'm kinda exhausted. I'll have to think on making an OC - while I could handle two of my own characters no problem Beyond is... mentally fatiguing to write, comparatively, so I might just stick to him for the time being and only bring Samantha in once I've gotten myself settled. If... if that's alright? I've noticed that quite a few people are playing two characters, but because the one I'm starting with is B I'd rather start with just him. I want to make sure I can balance him and school work first, yanno?
That's completely fine - it was only a suggestion so don't feel as though you have too :) . I feel you'll roleplay Beyond very well. Have a nice nap.

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