Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

Yeah, and sometimes it's okay to do something dramatic because otherwise what will happen? But like, the people who do it constantly or do it out of nowhere get under my skin. 

Yeah, I understand you there. I don't mind concentrating on one character, it is just when that character tries to steal the spotlight every time it is on someone else. 
When people have a length requirement! 4+ paragraphs all the time will get stale fast. Sometimes there's only so much that you can describe in one scene. And to strictly enforce the 4+ paragraph requirement even when there's a lot of dialogue going on makes it a real drag to try and read.

It often leads to 4 paragraphs of useless prose with ""No." She said" put on at the end because all that was in the middle of a conversation.

This has turned me off more than once. Mabye it is because I am mostly a beginner, but how am I supposed to write 4 freaking paragraphs just to have my character say "my name is (insert here)". 

Also, one for me is if there is not alot of people in the RP. I mean, i don't expect an RP to get 1000 roleplayers (has there ever been an rp like that?) but if there are only 3 people there in an rp meant for many, i get the impression that it isn't that great. I need to see at least 6 active roleplayers before I am interested.(exception: rps that are supposed to be limited).
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Maybe it is because I am mostly a beginner, but how am I supposed to write 4 freaking paragraphs just to have my character say "my name is (insert here)". 

I would imagine the GM and other players would prefer a collaborative post for those quick back and forths.  That allows detailed RPs to not get tangled up with brief introductions, simple questions, and comedic one liners.
I may catch some flak for this, but people who only roleplay females or "bottoms". And people who only roleplay one character (though when I get desperate I do my best to work with this one).

I really like my partners to have diversity in their character cast and abilities. I should add here that I quit group roleplays a long time ago, so I mostly only have to deal with issues from one individual rather than several.
I may catch some flak for this, but people who only roleplay females or "bottoms". And people who only roleplay one character (though when I get desperate I do my best to work with this one).

I really like my partners to have diversity in their character cast and abilities. I should add here that I quit group roleplays a long time ago, so I mostly only have to deal with issues from one individual rather than several.

I talked about this earlier. I will not even give you a second thought if all you like to do is be the submissive. Mostly because it is usually a bland character, and you usually end up writing most of the plot. 
I'll admit it does tend to give me more than a little pause when you define your character solely by their bedroom position. It just seems perplexing to me, especially since on this site you can't roleplay explicit content anyway.

Now that doesn't mean every character has to be "strong and independent" no you can have a character that is more of a follower or timid and that's fine. But if I could replace your character with a lamp and get about the same amount of characterization and plot contribution out of it than we're gonna have a problem.

Plus it's honestly annoying. Like who in real life thinks a grown person ( or even a teenager ) that cannot function on their own is sexy? If my character has to do your thinking for you, not to mention physically carry you around everywhere than they're likely not going to find you remotely attractive. At best the more kind-hearted ones will pity you. At worst the more asshole-ish ones will leave you to your own self-destructive tendencies and peace out.
Now that doesn't mean every character has to be "strong and independent" no you can have a character that is more of a follower or timid and that's fine. But if I could replace your character with a lamp and get about the same amount of characterization and plot contribution out of it than we're gonna have a problem.

Plus it's honestly annoying. Like who in real life thinks a grown person ( or even a teenager ) that cannot function on their own is sexy? If my character has to do your thinking for you, not to mention physically carry you around everywhere than they're likely not going to find you remotely attractive. At best the more kind-hearted ones will pity you. At worst the more asshole-ish ones will leave you to your own self-destructive tendencies and peace out.

You hit the nail on the head, sister. My problem was never that they were shy and didn't speak much, it is that they seem to be coma patients, because they do nothing. In fact, THAT is my biggest peeve. When your character does nothing, thinks nothing, and says nothing.
You hit the nail on the head, sister. My problem was never that they were shy and didn't speak much, it is that they seem to be coma patients, because they do nothing. In fact, THAT is my biggest peeve. When your character does nothing, thinks nothing, and says nothing.

lol that's actually a trope, it's called a Pretty Lampshade ( cuz it mostly happens to ladies ). Where literally you can replace the person with a lampshade and have no aspect of the story changed whatsoever. 

Grant you that could happen to more anti-social characters too so it's a bit of a broad definition but the idea is - if the person doesn't contribute to the story they don't need to be in said story.
I'd have to say I don't mind a bit of rules with request threads, most of them have those things people would rather not see in the roleplay. What would make me not bother is rules set in concrete which the other person is unwilling to change. Example, them choosing a picture for my character. The picture has to be a certain one or the plot is preset with no room to talk about it or they want your character to be how they want them to be.

I've seen request threads where the person has actually said 'these are my terms, I won't change them.' Stuff like this is a big turn off. 
I'm the opposite of the above. No matter how good the idea is, I'll walk away from an RP that has no rules. I like everyone being on the same page and knowing how things work. A total lack of rules makes me feel the GM isn't organized.

This one doesn't apply to Fandoms so much, but (depending on how much I like the idea) I'll walk away from many RPs that don't establish much lore or history somewhere. I need to know what's going on in the world around my character. I don't like to just "wing it". If a player's character sheets is longer than your established information, that makes me ... very uneasy.
I'm the opposite of the above. No matter how good the idea is, I'll walk away from an RP that has no rules. I like everyone being on the same page and knowing how things work. A total lack of rules makes me feel the GM isn't organized.

This one doesn't apply to Fandoms so much, but (depending on how much I like the idea) I'll walk away from many RPs that don't establish much lore or history somewhere. I need to know what's going on in the world around my character. I don't like to just "wing it". If a player's character sheets is longer than your established information, that makes me ... very uneasy.

I don't mind rules either as I mentioned in my post. What would make me turn away is if said request thread has rules where I'm unable to choose a picture for my character or the plot has to be preset with no room for me to add to it or help contribute to the story. Rules are fine, but if there can't be even a discussion about things like what I mentioned that says it all to me.
I don't mind rules either as I mentioned in my post. What would make me turn away is if said request thread has rules where I'm unable to choose a picture for my character or the plot has to be preset with no room for me to add to it or help contribute to the story. Rules are fine, but if there can't be even a discussion about things like what I mentioned that says it all to me.

Ah, my apologies if I was misrepresenting you with that. Seems I misread a part of your post.
I don't like it when a GM isn't tyrannical or stringent enough. Fucking crazy, I know, but I like stability in RP's and GM's who know how to say 'no, fuck off' are usually 'stable' most of the time. I want RP's I join to really last.
An rp filled with underage girls. No matter what i do, that always turns into an ERP...

What makes it Scary is that i usually use my 49 year old character Leonardo

Leo: "Dear god my reputation is crap because of those young punks..."

"You are a Demon and an Angel?"

Leo: "Complicated stuff, Terumen"

"Dont confuse me for a false Susano'o"
I nope out when the following stuff occurs:

1. When one or more people have several 1 or 2-dimensional characters, all of which act the same, behave the same, talk the same, and just respond to things the same. It's so robotic.

2. When people try and cram words in just to make it look like detail, when really all it is is a mess of simple paragraphs that don't actually contribute anything.

3. Characters that are overly-diplomatic and agree with both sides of every argument and always try and resolve things instead of actually trying to get involved.

4. Damsels in distress who contribute nothing to a plot.

5. "Romance Required" - No. Romance-driven plots where romance is the only focus usually fail within a week. Some last, yes, but not many.

6. Poor English and Grammar - I know this sounds big-headed of me, but I can't stand reading sentences like the following "i think that if i did went to school id like to be doing the science" - I get that English isn't everyone's first language and I respect that, but, there's only so much I can cope with in that sense. Minor errors I don't mind, but if it's impossible to read I'll cut things loose.

7. High School RP's - Hahaha. Never again.

8. [Insert title that indicates the RP is full of nothing but angsty teens who hate the world here].

9. 'Perfect in every way' characters.

Not exactly a short list and I'm sure there's more, but hey, something to get me started xD
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People who use the word fun to try and get you to not think hard about the plot. :3 If you even post to stop over thinking a situation, then I'm out.

if you even say I'm here just to have fun, but are not interested in collaborating. Then I'm out 
What i find weird and or annoying sometimes is the CS asks for every single last detail about your charicter that has nothing to do with the RP...

I'm talking about stuff like their sexuality, blood type, size of their assets (now realized it's mostly for female characters), ext....

and yes I been on RPs that asked for all of that...
What i find weird and or annoying sometimes is the CS asks for every single last detail about your charicter that has nothing to do with the RP...

I'm talking about stuff like their sexuality, blood type, size of their assets (now realized it's mostly for female characters), ext....

and yes I been on RPs that asked for all of that...

Bonus points if all of them are required fields, and your character won't be accepted if you don't fill them out to precise detail.
Bonus points if all of them are required fields, and your character won't be accepted if you don't fill them out to precise detail.

Yea, I missed out on some cool RPs due to that.... Only thing I'm somewhat okay with is sexuality, but I'm still kinda ehh... sure? about that....
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Yea, I missed out on some cool RPs due to that.... Only thing I'm somewhat okay with is sexuality, but I'm still kinda ehh... sure? about that....

Yeah, things like sexuality, sure, I'm totally fine with filling that out. Some people want to ship their characters with people, and that kind of information is useful to them to make that decision.

But for some things it's like "Well... I don't know what 34A is or what it means, but I guess that's this character's bust size now!"
Yeah, things like sexuality, sure, I'm totally fine with filling that out. Some people want to ship their characters with people, and that kind of information is useful to them to make that decision.

But for some things it's like "Well... I don't know what 34A is or what it means, but I guess that's this character's bust size now!"

Yea and I'm not gonna lie I have done this a few times, but when a male player makes a female charicter they seem to quite often give them a large bust size and very curvy....

I hate myself when I do that....

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