Deal Breakers. What makes you "walk" away?

Yea and I'm not gonna lie I have done this a few times, but when a male player makes a female charicter they seem to quite often give them a large bust size and very curvy....

I hate myself when I do that....

What confuses me is that often times, they'll also require a picture too. So, like... Why do you need this information again? What, you can't just make a guess based on the picture I gave you -  Which I personally avoid pictures that are only faces, I prefer to have a wardrobe for my characters too - you have to know her exact measurements? Honestly that's kind of creepy.
What confuses me is that often times, they'll also require a picture too. So, like... Why do you need this information again? What, you can't just make a guess based on the picture I gave you -  Which I personally avoid pictures that are only faces, I prefer to have a wardrobe for my characters too - you have to know her exact measurements? Honestly that's kind of creepy.

Me personally I don't mind pictures, but I enjoy describing my character's appearance, sometimes If I'm lazy or can't describe how a partial article of clothing looks I might throw in a picture or two.
I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but roleplays that require a certain amount of paragraphs, words, etc. Like, I get wanting to avoid one-liners and such, but maybe phrase it more like, you want replies that move the story along? I came across someone who said 'I usually write 700-1,000 words per reply, and I expect you to do the same.' Everything else they listed was cool, but I had to walk away. I like detailed posts as much as the next person, but I've roleplayed with someone who posted 1,000 word replies all the time and it got SO EXHAUSTING. I like writing what I think is appropriate for the situation and having fun.

Also people who only play one gender/always the role of the victim when it comes to pairings. I don't mind people having a preference, but if I see you listing all of the 'damsel in distress' positions as yours? Ehhhhh. Puts me off.

Whew. That felt good to get off my chest haha.
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I'm sure it's already been mentioned, but roleplays that require a certain amount of paragraphs, words, etc. Like, I get wanting to avoid one-liners and such, but maybe phrase it more like, you want replies that move the story along? I came across someone who said 'I usually write 700-1,000 words per reply, and I expect you to do the same.' Everything else they listed was cool, but I had to walk away. I like detailed posts as much as the next person, but I've roleplayed with someone who posted 1,000 word replies all the time and it got SO EXHAUSTING. I like writing what I think is appropriate for the situation and have fun.

Also people who only play one gender/always the role of the victim when it comes to pairings. I don't mind people having a preference, but if I see you listing all of the 'damsel in distress' positions as yours? Ehhhhh. Puts me off.

Whew. That felt good to get off my chest haha.

For me it's literacy and the person themselves. I like to try and write a well thought out post, but if my partner doesn't seem capable of that I don't want to bother with it. If the person in charge of the RP is flakey or has other negative qualities I don't want to waste my time with them. I have limited time and I've grown bored of wasting on RP's I don't care for. 
I often get invited to RPs late into the rp, but it usualy for good reason from one of my friends. Whenever its not them, this happens

When im the backfill in an ERP.

I get called in for trouble, i have Leonardo with DreadStrum and Red Moon ready, Coil and Obelisk (handcannon and handmade auto pistol) for good combo potential, and suddenly i walk into a Dragon person doing it with a vampire... The minute this happens i say "Do this yourself for christ sake" and leave. Next time, im using my Cross Dressing Shadow Mage.

Also when someone already near Mary Sue brings in Metal Gear Ray out of nowhere for some stupid reason
> People who dictate your character. By this I mean both in terms of god-modding (writing out your character's actions), and by placing a bunch of restrictions on a character - or more specifically an OC before the roleplay even starts. I don't enjoy telling people how to write their characters, or how to make their characters. By default I expect the same level of courtesy.

> People who want anything and everything to have a happy ending. I am not personally opposed to happy endings. I would much prefer a well written happy end over a poorly written sad end. That being said trying to force everything so that it all has to end up happy is not what I'm into. I very much so like the realism of not knowing if things will work out for our characters or not. It adds to the suspense.

> People who place character race/gender bans/restrictions. No, just no.

> Word counts. Just by skimming through this thread I can see that a lot of people agree on this point. I would much rather you write a post that helps to keep the forward momentum of the story, rather than trying to meet a word quota. I once roleplayed with a friend and our threads could go from 1000 worded posts, to one line, to back to a 1000. It was whatever we felt like we needed to write at the time. The quality is superior to the quantity.

> This is one is kind of eh for me. I wouldn't say it's a complete deal-breaker, but it's something I dislike. That is when you roleplay with someone but they don't talk to you OOC. I love getting to know the people I'm writing with, as I find it makes the whole process more enjoyable. I have roleplayed with people I didn't talk to OOC, but by a massive margin those roleplays I always found myself groaning at.
> People who dictate your character. By this I mean both in terms of god-modding (writing out your character's actions), and by placing a bunch of restrictions on a character - or more specifically an OC before the roleplay even starts. I don't enjoy telling people how to write their characters, or how to make their characters. By default I expect the same level of courtesy.

:$  lol i tend to do this to a certain extent. not in the sense that you must play sheila a well endowed elf maiden who worships my fierce warrior thad like the god - specimen that he is.

but like if i don't think your character quiet fits the scenario as it's laid out i might speak up. ex. when your servant woman who grew up in poverty and chains acts like a modern woman of the twenty first century who is bold and expects men to treat her with courtesy then it's not going to fit.

or if like your character doesn't fit the estabilished lore i might ask you to tweak it.

but i'm never going to tell you you HAVE to play this specific character exactly as i dicate. just - um maybe we could change this or that so it makes a little more sense or flows better?
:$  lol i tend to do this to a certain extent. not in the sense that you must play sheila a well endowed elf maiden who worships my fierce warrior thad like the god - specimen that he is.

but like if i don't think your character quiet fits the scenario as it's laid out i might speak up. ex. when your servant woman who grew up in poverty and chains acts like a modern woman of the twenty first century who is bold and expects men to treat her with courtesy then it's not going to fit.

or if like your character doesn't fit the estabilished lore i might ask you to tweak it.

but i'm never going to tell you you HAVE to play this specific character exactly as i dicate. just - um maybe we could change this or that so it makes a little more sense or flows better?

> People who dictate your character. By this I mean both in terms of god-modding (writing out your character's actions), and by placing a bunch of restrictions on a character - or more specifically an OC before the roleplay even starts. I don't enjoy telling people how to write their characters, or how to make their characters. By default I expect the same level of courtesy.

i hate it when the person does indirect dictation through using the sack of horse bile called supernatural drugs to change your character's bodily proportions to better fit their preference. you wanted to RP with my character and well, she is on the small and underdeveloped side, if you really wanted a curvy and buxom barmaid, you can find plenty of those on the new characters listing every day on most RP sites, don't use magical or chemical means to change my characters proportions because you were too lazy to click the new characters section and pick a character who already has the proportions you desired you sicko. i know you can't be that lazy because you literally have to hunt to find my character profiles.
I don't know if anyone has posted this reason but I hate it when I post 4-5 paragraphs and then only get five or less sentences as a reply.  Like, I've taken the time to think about my character and have described their surroundings but my partner has barely even taken the time to read my post and ignores my details.  

I also hate having to describe what my character looks like when I already have posted a clear picture of them.  Especially when I have to post a minimum of 50 words.  
Excessively anime character, like even just using some weird anime demon girl thats actually 200 years old as the face-claim/picture or whatever just throws me off, it's so cringy.
Excessively anime character, like even just using some weird anime demon girl thats actually 200 years old as the face-claim/picture or whatever just throws me off, it's so cringy.

i guess 1,760 year old faeries that take the guise of human children are a no-no? even if their personality cannot be defined by 1 or 2 tropes?
Oh for me its simple. If the GM is an asshole, I leave. If someone is causing trouble, I suggest they leave. 

But serious talk, I rarely give up on RPs here. So many times I see a good idea in theory but... They just... Fall apart like a rotted banana. But the true dealbreakers is when the GM says the RP is over, cause you know... Its over. Other times its cause some people can't seem to get the idea that the GM's world is their world and try to force their own way in. In those cases I just watch and wait. If its too much, I'm outta there. Too much negativity reminds me of my previous RP site. Something which I hate remembering. 
Excessively anime character, like even just using some weird anime demon girl thats actually 200 years old as the face-claim/picture or whatever just throws me off, it's so cringy.


Another type that makes me cringe are the so-called "experts" that try to argue about everything. Le cringe is real. 
In my humble opinion, yes.

well, Faeries taking the guise of human children to get themselves out of trouble is technically a thing that dates way back to mythology more than it does to anime. so is the problem with the ancient supernatural? or is it that the ancient supernatural is taking a youthful human guise with the intent to reduce attention towards themselves? anime merely stole that trope from mythology.
i guess 1,760 year old faeries that take the guise of human children are a no-no? even if their personality cannot be defined by 1 or 2 tropes?

Well to me, faeries are a grey zone of sorts. They can be small, child-like pixies to monstrous spriggans so I guess it really depends on the setting of the RP.
Well to me, faeries are a grey zone of sorts. They can be small, child-like pixies to monstrous spriggans so I guess it really depends on the setting of the RP.

what about a small and childlike nymph of 155 centimeters who impersonates the persona of a 12-15 year old human female? i normally play a lot of deceptively childlike nymphs more than the more monstrous spriggans.
what about a small and childlike nymph of 155 centimeters who impersonates the persona of a 12-15 year old human female? i normally play a lot of deceptively childlike nymphs more than the more monstrous spriggans.

Ah. A nymph! Well you see, I'm more of a... wood sprite kind of person. Or maybe undines so I'm not too sure. I guess if they like to do that to screw around with people AND it fits in with the RP lore, I'm game. Annoyed about it but game. :3
Ah. A nymph! Well you see, I'm more of a... wood sprite kind of person. Or maybe undines so I'm not too sure. I guess if they like to do that to screw around with people AND it fits in with the RP lore, I'm game. Annoyed about it but game. :3

Dryads and Undines are both a Type of Nymph. i'm more the Nyxad Type. i normally have said Nyxad impersonate the role of a child as a means to keep herself out of trouble by using it as a self defense mechanism. but she isn't the type to mess with people, she grew up around humans, and tries to get along with them, because she is fully aware of what cold iron can do to her.
Dryads and Undines are both a Type of Nymph. i'm more the Nyxad Type. i normally have said Nyxad impersonate the role of a child as a means to keep herself out of trouble by using it as a self defense mechanism. but she isn't the type to mess with people, she grew up around humans, and tries to get along with them, because she is fully aware of what cold iron can do to her.

OH. MY. GOD. You actually put in the cold iron weakness fair folk have....? *Praise worthy indeed.* 
OH. MY. GOD. You actually put in the cold iron weakness fair folk have....? *Praise worthy indeed.* 

i treat it more like an allergic reaction than a supernatural thing though. something where if the faerie wore thick enough heavy layers of heavy clothing, including heavy gloves or mittens, they could reduce the risk of wielding say a cold iron knife as long as it didn't make direct contact with their body. though wounds inflicted by cold iron weapons take twice as long to heal and directly touching cold iron objects for prolonged periods without protection causes rashes, breakouts, allergy based illnesses. and the like.
well, Faeries taking the guise of human children to get themselves out of trouble is technically a thing that dates way back to mythology more than it does to anime. so is the problem with the ancient supernatural? or is it that the ancient supernatural is taking a youthful human guise with the intent to reduce attention towards themselves? anime merely stole that trope from mythology.

[SIZE= 12px]Are you talking about Greek mythology, Welsh, the romanticized English, or the original Celts? The latter, I believe, is the one that created the very concept of Faeries — which are to denote spirits commonly, often of a malevolent nature. Banshees, Dullahans, Goblins, Satyrs, fall into this category. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]Even if the fae is of a social nature, they're still taken to be harmful in some way, an example being the Amandáns, whose touch means death or a paralytic seizure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]And nymphs are more of a minor deity — of a watery element — than an actual Fae, or so I seem to presume; really, I don't read much about mythology, and most of these were picked up from books that were centered primarily around a study of culture and society, so not the most reliable of sources, I believe.[/SIZE]
When I see a romance roleplay and the first thing someone asks is how old I am. I'm like yeah no. Cuz 100% of the time that's just the prelude to smut.

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