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Fantasy Dead ED. 101

Maddox Rainer

One must see the humor in the darkside
Still need one or two people. xD

When you die, your soul will be freed of mortal toment and find peace in paradise...but what happens if that isn't quite how it goes for you?

When a young soul can't move on they get stuck here in Dead Ed. Located in a place between the living realm and 'paradise'. Limbo is like any other town, you have that grumpy guy who shouts about hsi lawn, the cringe-worthy couple that slurps when they make-out in very public places, and teenages. Granted everyone is a lot deader than they once were, but still a perfectly normal town.

Everyone knows being alive is just a temporary condtion.

The best thing about Limbo is school, shockingly. In Dead Ed. the souls of the young that died too soon learn what it is to be a Haunter, or those who cannot move on. They dwell in dark places and learn the best ways to scare the living; someone has to remind them they aren't invincible.

This rp follows the lives of several newly dead students who must find thier place in thier new home, while balancing grief, loved ones who can't let go, love and of course thier new way of life...or death.

..and easily fixed.


Limbo is a big place, a gothic city built by the first Haunters. Always lit by a blue moon, and plagued by morbidly humorous parodies of the things the residents once enjoyed when living.

Such as:

The Boovie theater

The Maul


Bowling Bones Alley

Tombstone Diner and much more.

All site rules apply.

Cussing is allowed just don't overdue it.

Just because your character likes someone else doesn't mean that person has to like them back.

Be creative.

Check in as often as possible.

Be active.

Have fun.

Make ghostly teenage drama, because everyone loves teenage drama.

Note: Please make your death somewhat beliveable.
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Don't be annoyed silly! This will be fun and if it bombs, you always re-make it later. Not that I think it will bomb. :bigsmile: I think it will be fun sauce.
The beginning...

The world is black for a while before pale blue light filters through the large windows of the room. Lyric isn't sure what is going on, he is sure however, that sitting in this room so early means that someone new is coming to the lovely room labled as Dead. Ed. It has been four years since someone who fits the bill to be a haunter has died. Lyric sighs and lays his head on the cool carved up desk before him. A new class is coming, from the other desks in the almost empty room it won't be as big as last time.

Lyric is the only haunter to ever fail graduation, as such he never got out of Dead. Ed., never got to go out in the undead world, never got the privilage of aging and having a life in Limbo. Instead he was locked away in his tomb, watching the outside undead world move along without him, until the day another class was formed. Who knew haunters were so hard to find? Lyric shifts and leans back, his new classmates are going to be here soon, he wonders if any of them will be freshly dead or if, like him, they were made to wait in their tombs until they could start life here in Limbo, all together. He really hopes he doesn't fail this time; his bones are horribly uncomfortable to look at.

In the distance, lightening flashes, thunder rolls, ravens caw, and he nods; here they come.
Annabeth sits still, looking around the room she has found herself in. There is a boy and the others desks surrounding her but she pays them no mind. Her head is spinning and her hands grip her throat, her fingers digging into her pale skin, pain radiates through her throat, like metal grinding, she coughs harshly and a small clatter sounds. A slice of glass stares up at her, blood splattered on the desk. She thinks of screaming for a moment before realizing her throat feels so much better now.
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Damien opens his eyes, and for once, he is glad to be in a place he had never seen before. There in his mind lies the vague memory of his father, whom he wished he hadn't brought to wherever this is. But wherever this is, he knows it's far, far from where he was then. The only thing he remembers is... he doesn't want to think such a scene is his death, but it seems very much so. He looks around, seeing desks and a few people around him, but his attention to them fades when he realizes that his body is full of wounds, blood, and scars. He stares at every one, remembering the very last of what he witnessed before all went dark.
Amantha woke slowly, her eyes feeling like they weighed thousands of pounds. She slowly moved her head from side to side. She lifts up her head and notices other people around her. "Wh-..." her voice sounded strange. Like her blood had frozen.... Wait... It had...She remembered the accident, if only vaguely. She took a deep breath and tried again. "What happened? Where am I?" She asked shyly and quietly.
Lyric looks at the girl who spoke, noting the icyness of the air as she appeared. He would bet his black heart she had frozen to death. "Your dead. Welcome to Dead Education. Nice to meet you." holds out his hand to her, "I'm Lyric."
Amantha looked at his hand. She lowered her eyes. "Amantha...Grace.." She held out her hand and froze as she noticed the icy tint in her skin. She shook his hand. "S-so this is b-being dead?" She stammered. She wasn't used to people talking to her out of the blue...Unless they wanted help with homework of they wanted to tease her. She looked around and saw all of the other students. "How long have I been dead?" She asked Lyric.
Annabeth watches the others interact as she coughs randomly dislodging glass from her throat, blood dripping down her pale neck.

" Dead education? We need to learn to be dead?" Her voice is rough and she coughs again, another shard shooting from her mouth and landing on the tall boys desk. Lyric he said his name was.
Lyric nods, picking up the shard of glass and playing with it, not minding the blood in the least. "Not sure about when you died, I've been dead for 4 years, I failed my first Dead. Ed. class so here I am again. You could have died 10 minutes ago or 34 years ago. " he shrugs and draws a picture in the blood on his desk, 'As for learning to be dead, thats not what this is about. If you have the potential to be a haunter you get thrown into dead end, I mean Dead Ed."
"Haunter? Like haunting people..." She contemplated that for a moment. "Th-That could b-be fun." She gave a small smile. Being dead wasn't going to be so bad after all. "D-do we get free t-time? I mean, I c-can't imagine that th-there would be much to d-do, being dead and all."
"There is actually a lot to do. The place we are in is called Limbo, it's a town, a whole little village between the living and the dead. We even have a mall." he smirks, "You'll get to see it soon enough, though you won't really see it without all of us around. Being a class in Dead ED. means you are bound to each other. My failure is your failure, your failure is mine." He looks unconcerned as he explains. "Plus there is at least one more, theres an empty desk. Prolly got lost somewhere."
Annabeth nods slowly listening silently. She isn't sure what she expected of death but this was not it.

"So even dead we have to go to school...hope we graduate and live our undead lives..." she almost likes the sound of it as she watches him doodle.

"Why do we have to be haunters?" Annabeth frowns "what exactly are haunters?
Lyric makes a sound of agreement, looking at both girls, "Pretty much, once you graduate you get the privilage of aging and being what ever you want. " he shrugs, "Pretty good gift, if you can hack it. " he tosses the glass away, "A haunter is basically a boogyman of sorts. Every human is afraid of things that go bump in the night, we will becomes those things. It's our duty, being the dead and all."
"D-do we get assigned...live people...or c-can we choose? Are there quotas to be f-filled or is it just for the heck of it?" She asked quietly.
"Not really, you are bound to wherever you too your last breath, when you haunt you will go there. The only exception is if we all do it together at the same time, then we have the energy to pick a place, but it won't been for more than a couple hours. Then we fade, come back here and lounge around. " Lyric points to the black board in the fron of the classroom, "There will be a new assignment on the board everyday, you complete that assignment or you get an F for the day. When the last of us get here you will have five minutes to choose: become a haunter or be locked away in your tomb watching your bones bleach. " he taps his fingers on the desk, "You have to make sure you really want to try living here, some of the assignments are harsh. " 
(Yo peoples, I'll be back later, got a doc. appointment. :bigsmile:)
"Well...I never failed while I was alive....Why start now?" She smiled. She knew she was more grim than other girls in her school while she was alive. She walked in graveyards and talked to the tombstones. And now she could haunt the stretch of high way where she had died, people where always driving down that high way at night.
Annabeth can't help but feel a bit concerned by the tone he takes when explaining, like something bad could happen. Annabeth didn't like the thought of haunting the insane asylum she died in.

"What do you mean harsh?"

(Hope your leg is better Mads. See ya in a bit.)
(Be safe Maddox..)

"I think h-he is implying, other p-people could die as well..." She replied to the other girl. "I'm A-Amantha."
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Annabeth, bites her lip before smiling and waving, an odd habit from life.

"Annabeth. How did you die?" she feels an odd desire to know, she hopes none of them suffered, though she has a feeling Lyric did, there is just something disturbingly dark about him.
"A c-combination of freezing, b-blunt force t-trauma and internal b-bleeding. My car hit a p-patch of ice on the h-highway and...w-well...Here I am. S-sorry for the s-stutter. I guess that's w-what happens when you f-freeze to death." She rambled. "H-how did you die?" She asked politely.
"I ate a mirror." Annabeth answers simply, coughing up yet another piece of glass, "It's ok about the stutter, I sound like a frog." she smiles sweetly and pats the other girls cold back, "I'm sure it will pass.'

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