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The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
The Dragon king is dying, attacked by a assassin which the Three Dragon knights apprehended but sadly not fast enough... The dying king gave his three loyal, trusted, valiant knights a final quest.
"protect my family, these fiends will strike again, you must cut the head off of the beast lest they hunt us forever... these people will help you fight the Shadowhand, they are your-"
The poison took his final message, but he had letters from three individuals which upon deciphering...
The Dragon king had three others investigating the Shadowhand. As it was inevitable they would attempt to userp the throne.

The Dragon knights took their kings dying request to heart. They would destroy the Shadowhand, but to do so they would need to find the dragons king's rogues. From the letters, they to were a team of three loyal to the Dragon King but these three were the Kings hunters. Masters of subterfuge, murder and thievery.

The Dragon king always had six body guards, the three knights who worked valiantly in the in the light and view of everyone,
And the hunters who stalked the night unseen, protecting the kingdom from the shadows in various other ways.

The Dragon knights must find the Kings hunters to even begin their dead kings last request. With knowledge of the hunters deaddrops. They knights begin their hunt for the hunters.
Rp for five-six people in a medieval fantasy setting with soft magic.
Three knights honorable, valiant, combat tested and masters in their respective fields of weaponry and magic.
One would be a child of the Dragon King, (A Dragon Prince or princess)
able to breathe fire and shapeshift into a flying beast. A royal knight by their own choice and skill.

And three spies cunning, sneaky, and just as masterful in taking a life with magic or not.

Would be the roles needed to fill. The three knights will team up with the Three hunters to avenge their king by any means necessary for great rewards and revenge etc etc
Alternate rp, the Dragon kings dying words is for his current wife to hold the throne whilst a suitable heir is chosen. Upon his death the new Dragon queen Limon Bluflames gives each heir a quest to determine their worth.

"avenge your father, crush the shadow hand and prove to the people, myself and the soul of your father that you are fit to rule"
Each Dragon Prince or princess of age could take three escorts to embark on this campaign. They are to meet with the leader of the Dragon rogues for information on the shadowhand...
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Let's me know someone is into my idea so yea it's the place to say hey aha
If some more feel the same as you I'll throw up a sheet to make characters.
Though at this point the least someone can do is call dibs on one of the six spots

Three knights
Three rogues
*sinister laugh* aye, well it would be rude to decline such an invitation.

Ooooh ho ho, look at this! I would be especially interested in this. I got a dibs on a knight
Sounds cool! Can I claim the child of th dragon king?
Ooooh ho ho, look at this! I would be especially interested in this. I got a dibs on a knight
*sinister laugh* aye, well it would be rude to decline such an invitation.

Nice to see people keen, the cs page is up and I look forward to seeing some sheets posted
Suppose could make this a larger group rp called the Dragon kings throne.

Focusing on each heir to the throne competing against each other in a campaign to avenge their father and secure the place as Dragon king/queen

Each heir would get two followers, knights or rogues or 50/50
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Suppose could make this a larger group rp called the Dragon kings throne.

Focusing on each heir to the throne competing against each other in a campaign to avenge their father and secure the place as Dragon king/queen

Each heir would get two followers, knights or rogues or 50/50
Oh boy....well It’s not a bad idea but your going to need a new interest thread I’m assuming your going to need to add some stuff to the cs if not make a new one altogether to fit the new plot. Then there are things you need to figure out for example: How many siblings will there be? How exactly do they get the throne? Is it a wife for each child or did some wives have mutiple children?

It’s a good idea but your basically are going to need to start over now if you do this. If you do change the plot I can help you figure out this stuff and restart this, if you need any assistance.
Oh boy....well It’s not a bad idea but your going to need a new interest thread I’m assuming your going to need to add some stuff to the cs if not make a new one altogether to fit the new plot. Then there are things you need to figure out for example: How many siblings will there be? How exactly do they get the throne? Is it a wife for each child or did some wives have mutiple children?

It’s a good idea but your basically are going to need to start over now if you do this. If you do change the plot I can help you figure out this stuff and restart this, if you need any assistance.
I think your over thinking it,

There's a large number of siblings as the king has gone out of his way to have many wives and children.

Some women might have had a child or two but mostly it's just the one before the king moved onto the next.

The heir earns the throne by avenging their father, a vague quest given by the new Dragon queen because she would rather rule but is still adhering to the Kings dying request.

(( A new check might suit it better but it's literally the same rp just more players can join aha ))
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interested! ^^
Nice to know, if you don't mind me asking are you interested more so in the original idea

Or The one that pits the children of royalty to compete for the throne aha
Nice to know, if you don't mind me asking are you interested more so in the original idea

Or The one that pits the children of royalty to compete for the throne aha
I read through the original post but now that you mention it, a competition for the throne is just as intriguing. Whichever one you go with, I'd be down either way! ^^
I think your over thinking it,

There's a large number of siblings as the king has gone out of his way to have many wives and children.

Some women might have had a child or two but mostly it's just the one before the king moved onto the next.

The heir earns the throne by avenging their father, a vague quest given by the new Dragon queen because she would rather rule but is still adhering to the Kings dying request.

(( A new check might suit it better but it's literally the same rp just more players can join aha ))
It’s confusing though if your going to change the plot you need a new interest thread to attract people and I’m not over thinking it the details are important you will need to figure out how many siblings you want there to be. Which actually I wanted to ask you about anyway. Be nice to know how many siblings my character actually has.
I was thinking the current king had sixteen children of varying age during his long reign, though the eldest three had set off to travel the world to bring glory to Drawin.

(Doubt sixteen players want to be royalty. I expect four at the most)

The plot is still avenge the king by destroying the criminal empire with enough power/strength/resources to assassinate a king who could transform into a dragon.

The only thing that has changed is instead of five players I will allow more
You really need a new interest thread and cs or this going to be a bit messy. You’ll need to have list up so you can keep up with what roles are left (siblings/Knights/hunters). I’m fine with the slight plot change I actually do like it a lot.
For now I'm leaving it as is cause I only needed 3 knights and 3 hunters to start
And we are one Hunter away from me making the rp starting page.

On the off chance five extra people join it wouldnt be hard to keep track of roles an such.

One heir, Three knights (Think a fourth is being made)
And two hunters.

Can make it work either way
What are the limitations on species we can make, and what roles are still open?

Edit: Jumped the gun on the questioning. Figured it out myself. I'll get to making a character sheet now.
Humans and beastkin, as in humanoid animals.
The original role play was for three knights and three rogues,
Whats left is one spot for a sneaky sort but instead the three roles are...

Dragon heir- a child of the Dragon King potential heir to the throne, proof of this is the mana in your blood allowing you to become a dragon like only true royalty can.
Each child with a different mother would have a variant of breathing magic.
Ice Dragon
Black Dragon
Etc etc

Dragon Knight or plain ol knight- there's only three Dragon knights but that doesn't mean the other warriors to be given the title of sir can't kick ass and use magic.

Dragon rogue or regular ol spy- there's only three Dragon rogues but they oversee a small guild funded by the throne. A guild of professional thieves killers and spies who are almost just as good as the main three.

I'd prefer someone make a rogue so the big six can be chosen but you make whatever you like

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