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So I read that there can only be one dragon heir? Or can there be more?
The original idea was just for one, but the alternate rp is about each heir going on the quest.

So if you wanna make a heir you can. They can even be a knight or a rogue but probably more suited to a knight
Now why
Do I
Spy with my eye
A statement that isn't true
Or A lie
Hi! I'm interested! ^^ is this the right place to say that? (also, I hope this is still open for more players, if so let me know ;) but overall this looks super interesting and cool. I love the competition between heirs).
I imagine so. This is where I started before making my character for the RP.

All the characters are here, in case you want to see what everyone has made.
Oh awesome, yeah! I was checking that out. I was kind of embarrassed to just pop out of nowhere and pop in my character in the CS without saying anything, haha. But, i'll pop it in and see how it goes. Thank you! ;)
Oh awesome, yeah! I was checking that out. I was kind of embarrassed to just pop out of nowhere and pop in my character in the CS without saying anything, haha. But, i'll pop it in and see how it goes. Thank you! ;)
Thanks for the courtesy aha
and thanks DapperKnight DapperKnight for answering quickly as I’m not at home lol

will most likely read cs when I’m home

For any on this page who are keen you may as well go here

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You know the whole point of my character was she was supposed to be the only half human half dragon sibling. That’s why the siblings treated her differently. But now there’s two more half human half dragon siblings which defeats the whole point of my character....I guess no one read my cs? 😅 ......Guess I’ll have to change up my character now.
They are all human with the ability to turn into a dragon, The king didn't bed a dragon aha

Just seems to be the trend to put a heir as half Dragon, proves people read your cs if anything
Yeah I found that confusing too. I thought that the first character was the only half dragon but I just assumed I missed something lol
I might need to check it over again, pretty sure It was along the lines of

"All of the Kings children have mana to turn into a dragon, their mothers determine what sort of magic the Dragon spits/breathes"
They are all human with the ability to turn into a dragon, The king didn't bed a dragon aha

Just seems to be the trend to put a heir as half Dragon, proves people read your cs if anything
You never said that though nor did you bother to correct my cs or tell me other wise.
I might need to check it over again, pretty sure It was along the lines of

"All of the Kings children have mana to turn into a dragon, their mothers determine what sort of magic the Dragon spits/breathes"
.......That doesn’t mean their human though. Also my character was made before you wrote that. Well anyway guess I have a character to edit

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