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Fandom DC Universe Boarding School AU: Character Sign Up

Harley Quinn

The Akatsuki are my passion✨
Heyyy looking for people that would be interested in a DC Universe roleplay that's set in a boarding school (a big one lol).

People with powers still have them, just not in control of them/ they are weaker. 

Oh and if your character is old, then they would be younger Ofc. Unless people would want to be members of staff and such. 

Also! Everyone will be new so they won't know each other, unless they are related Ofc  :P  

Rp takes place here

Character Sheet:












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I would love to make an Ivy character love, though I will warn I may not be able to get it fully completed and up for a few days and roleplaying will be VERY scattered here up until fall break for me. Back to university, *sarcasm* yay!
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I would love to make an Ivy character love, though I will warn I may not be able to get it fully completed and up for a few days and roleplaying will be VERY scattered here up until fall break for me. Back to university, *sarcasm* yay!

That's fine, I'll be waiting for more people to join anyway :)

hahah good luck :P

Carol Ferris


Star Sapphire








download (1).jpg


Carol is a little bit sassy on the edges although when you get to know her, she will love you like you are her own sibling. She does get a little (a lot) emotional when others do bad things in any way to her even if it's a light prank. She's kind of like the kind of person who gets broken up in a relationship and goes insane and kind of wants to kill the ex. That is probably just an ex stereotype but she does act like that stereotype. She is also a very hard worker and determined to succeed.


Carol Ferris was born daughter to an aerospace worker. As she grew up she often liked planes and grew very attached to them. She was planning on becoming an engineer and working on planes when she grew up. Eventually a Star Sapphire went to Earth and for some reason, chose here to be one of them. She was very confused but eventually joined them and took the sapphire, which would give her powers beyond imaginable.


Being able to summon different objects out of light and flying. 


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Carol Ferris


Star Sapphire














Being able to summon different objects out of light and flying.



Accepted , you've got time to work on those WIPS ;)  

Richard 'Dick' Grayson


Robin (first ever. Formally)







Simply Human





He’s in a way the perfect big brother : the nicest, most popular hunk in college, only 5 times as gifted, 5 times as cool, 5 times as smart – and 10 times as dedicated.

He will approach everything with the confidence born of amazing talent and incredible training. Yet he manages to never seem pretentious in the slightest, always caring for others and being genuinely attentive.

At times, a casual observer might think his Motivation is Thrill of Adventure. He finds rooftop acrobatics or driving the Nightbird just plain *fun*, gets an obvious sense of satisfaction from bringing justice and happiness to the people, and has always some light banter ready for combat.

Although he’s not a motormouth like Spider-Man, he usually seems very relaxed when doing the vigilante thing.

However, what actually makes him tick is a deep, burning desire to make the world a better, safer place where justice actually exists. Like the Batman, he wants no kid to ever suffer the losses he went through. Unlike the Batman he does not see the world as a cruel and harsh place, but remembers the wonderful childhood he had.

This profound difference in their memories of the time before the loss lets Nightwing fight for a better, safer world for honest people around him while his former mentor fight to crush evil. While Batman follows his own obsessive rules, Nightwing is actually sane and a part of society.

Like the Batman, he has a very strong “nobody dies on my watch” code.

Nightwing’s courage is amazing. He has faced so much danger and monstrous opponents straight from a nightmare since his early teens that he seem to be fearless and take physical pain in stride without much of a shock. To him it’s a mere part of his job, and he can actually defy physical or mental torture with a smile.

Even when badly hurt, he’ll still act in a stalwart and generous way, saving innocents and bearing little grudge. Likewise, although his life has been a terrifying emotional grinder, he’s outgoing, gentle and well-adjusted.


Dick Grayson was the only son of the famous Flying Graysons, a husband and wife acrobatic and high wire circus act with Haley's Circus. When he was ten, Dick's parents were killed by the mob when the owner of the circus refused to participate in a protection racket. Dick watched his parents fall to their deaths after a mob man, under the control of Tony "Boss" Zucco, cut their high wire lines during a performance.

Orphaned, Dick was adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne, who attended the circus that night, witnessed the murder, and saw a unique combination of pain and suffering in the young boy's eyes that he himself had once possessed. Bruce watched Dick for some time, always struggling with how best to help the boy, until he decided to allow Dick a unique outlet for his pain. You see Bruce Wayne was actually Batman The Dark Knight Detective, Gotham City's infamous masked vigilante. Bruce took Dick under his wing and augmented Dick's own acrobatic prowess, a nearly life long pursuit, with Bruce's own skills that he had aquired in pursuit of becoming the Batman.

Dick became Batman's partner, the first Robin, The Boy Wonder.

After being tested for the roll of Robin, surviving a 24 hour "gauntlet" of challenges without help from anyone, Dick took his rightful place alongside his mentor. Batman, all ready an inner city legend feared by criminals, would also be know as a half of the Dynamic Duo Batman & Robin. With the help of the Gotham City PD the duo would take on all forms of organized crime that plagued the city.

After a near fatal shooting by The Joker, Batman felt strongly that he could no longer endanger Dick's life. The two split and Dick soon abandoned the identity of Robin and became Nightwing


Acrobatics (climbing, athletics, dodging, hard target), Artist (actor), Charisma (persuasion), Charisma (Interrogation, intimidation), Detective, Gadgetry, Martial artist (EV, RV), Martial artist (AV, OV), Medicine (first aid), Military science, Scientist, Thief, Vehicles (SEAL), Weaponry, Master Seducer.

Thanks to his training, Grayson has developed into a human at peek condition, being able to take hits from some super strong people. He is also extrememly strong minded, being able to stay calm under preassure, immense pain and fight off illusions and drugs with some difficulties.


Richard 'Dick' Grayson


Robin (first ever. Formally)







Simply Human



He’s in a way the perfect big brother : the nicest, most popular hunk in college, only 5 times as gifted, 5 times as cool, 5 times as smart – and 10 times as dedicated.

He will approach everything with the confidence born of amazing talent and incredible training. Yet he manages to never seem pretentious in the slightest, always caring for others and being genuinely attentive.

At times, a casual observer might think his Motivation is Thrill of Adventure. He finds rooftop acrobatics or driving the Nightbird just plain *fun*, gets an obvious sense of satisfaction from bringing justice and happiness to the people, and has always some light banter ready for combat.

Although he’s not a motormouth like Spider-Man, he usually seems very relaxed when doing the vigilante thing.

However, what actually makes him tick is a deep, burning desire to make the world a better, safer place where justice actually exists. Like the Batman, he wants no kid to ever suffer the losses he went through. Unlike the Batman he does not see the world as a cruel and harsh place, but remembers the wonderful childhood he had.

This profound difference in their memories of the time before the loss lets Nightwing fight for a better, safer world for honest people around him while his former mentor fight to crush evil. While Batman follows his own obsessive rules, Nightwing is actually sane and a part of society.

Like the Batman, he has a very strong “nobody dies on my watch” code.

Nightwing’s courage is amazing. He has faced so much danger and monstrous opponents straight from a nightmare since his early teens that he seem to be fearless and take physical pain in stride without much of a shock. To him it’s a mere part of his job, and he can actually defy physical or mental torture with a smile.

Even when badly hurt, he’ll still act in a stalwart and generous way, saving innocents and bearing little grudge. Likewise, although his life has been a terrifying emotional grinder, he’s outgoing, gentle and well-adjusted.


Dick Grayson was the only son of the famous Flying Graysons, a husband and wife acrobatic and high wire circus act with Haley's Circus. When he was ten, Dick's parents were killed by the mob when the owner of the circus refused to participate in a protection racket. Dick watched his parents fall to their deaths after a mob man, under the control of Tony "Boss" Zucco, cut their high wire lines during a performance.

Orphaned, Dick was adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne, who attended the circus that night, witnessed the murder, and saw a unique combination of pain and suffering in the young boy's eyes that he himself had once possessed. Bruce watched Dick for some time, always struggling with how best to help the boy, until he decided to allow Dick a unique outlet for his pain. You see Bruce Wayne was actually Batman The Dark Knight Detective, Gotham City's infamous masked vigilante. Bruce took Dick under his wing and augmented Dick's own acrobatic prowess, a nearly life long pursuit, with Bruce's own skills that he had aquired in pursuit of becoming the Batman.

Dick became Batman's partner, the first Robin, The Boy Wonder.

After being tested for the roll of Robin, surviving a 24 hour "gauntlet" of challenges without help from anyone, Dick took his rightful place alongside his mentor. Batman, all ready an inner city legend feared by criminals, would also be know as a half of the Dynamic Duo Batman & Robin. With the help of the Gotham City PD the duo would take on all forms of organized crime that plagued the city.

After a near fatal shooting by The Joker, Batman felt strongly that he could no longer endanger Dick's life. The two split and Dick soon abandoned the identity of Robin and became Nightwing


Acrobatics (climbing, athletics, dodging, hard target), Artist (actor), Charisma (persuasion), Charisma (Interrogation, intimidation), Detective, Gadgetry, Martial artist (EV, RV), Martial artist (AV, OV), Medicine (first aid), Military science, Scientist, Thief, Vehicles (SEAL), Weaponry, Master Seducer.

Thanks to his training, Grayson has developed into a human at peek condition, being able to take hits from some super strong people. He is also extrememly strong minded, being able to stay calm under preassure, immense pain and fight off illusions and drugs with some difficulties.


Accepted :)

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