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Barbara following him though she does glance at Bruce and Aflred, she knew he could handle her so she sits down and relaxes while curling into his side."Its not just about gifts, it's about family time too." She poked him.

Tim nods at that."Oh so she brought drinks and snacks for them? They should like that." He quickly texts Conner to check on how he was doing with decorating there."Oh oh can I hand out presents?" He raises his hands.

Jon walks over with a few plates of the snacks, he was helping his brother and others with setting up at Mount Justice before he had to go to Titans Tower."Do I put these on the table over there?" He shows them the snacks."I don't get why you won't tell me why you're so broody lately." He mumbled while Raven finished with the decorations."He's jealous over someone or something." She tells him.
"Just drinks" Rose says sitting down and she smiles "But I wonder who will get drunk the quickest" she says with a grin. She know exactly what she's doing by taking drinks to the party, espedially since that wine has been in the cellar for a long time "Killian won't drink enough that he gets drunk though".

"Master Bruce, let's join the others" Alfred says "And little miss Julia might be more comfortable in the crib I build her" he adds mentioning to the object none of the boys seems to have noticed yet. "Of course master Timothy, just wait until everyone is seated and has some pudding" he says while going to the kitchen.

Jason chuckles "Hey Rose is that a green highlight?" he asks, spotting some unusual green color in the hybrid's hair "What was your Halloween costume that you ruined your hair, a zombie?" he asks, it was weird, since Rose valued stealth over strength.

Killian chuckles "She went as Medusa" he says "Scared the hell out of everyone too, she styled her hair so that it looked like she had snakes in her hair" he says "And she won best costume of the year, again" he adds.
Barbara gently swats Jason for saying that before just sitting quietly as they talk before she speaks."We decided on a couple theme costume, so we'd match and Jason and the boys just had to pull a prank on the neighborhood kids that got them in trouble with their parents." She giggled a little.

Tim nods."Okay." He sits on the ground near the tree at that and he waits on the pudding of everyone to join them in the family room."I put my money on Richard being the one who does Rose." He tells her.
Damian says "Yes North thank you V"

Mitch says "beats him calling me south when we first met, as for the party, Idk before I turned 18 I really got to know the Young Justice team but it's not everyday you get to hang with Justice League"
"I hope not, we've both been busy" Rose says "So I am hoping to spend some time together without him getting too drunk" she explains. She facepalms at Mitch "You realize the party isn't for Justice League members right?" she asks.

"It's true master Mitch, they will have their own party" Alfred says "Though I really would prefer it if you stopped sneaking around all the time miss Rose".

"Well I think M'gann" Jason says looking at Tin "Because she will try it if she doesn't know it. Last party Cassie had to carry her back to bed" he adds "And she didn't remember anything"

Connor sighs "Put those with the rest" he says "And I am not jealous" he adds as he keeps focusing on his task of hanging slingers. He sends a message back to Tim telling him they're doing okay.
Tim shrugged at Jason."It's just us older kids who are adults Mitch, the Justice League are going to be having their own party like Alfred said." He checks his phone and smiled before telling him they'd be there in a bit and that he has a present for him."It would be cool to have a sleep over after the party." He tells them.

Barbara pokes his cheek."You be careful not to drink too much either, you know how you get." She mumbled."Alfred would you like some help with giving out the pudding?" She asks him.

Jon walks over to the table and sets the plates down with the rest of the food."Then why are you so broody?" He goes for one of the jello's not knowing there was alcohol in it but Raven quickly takes it from him."You are, I'm picking up on your emotions Conner." She mumbled.
"Jon just about everything here has alcohol in it" Connor deadpans "And I an not healous Raven" he adds finishing up with the decorations "And I've had enough of people who do can 'feel' someone else's emotions" he says, obviously referring to M'gann with that.

"I don't mind that, but I know better than trying to get some sleep with a bunch of drunk people around" Rose points out "So I might go to my room. Also a warning there's a freaking mind reading Martian would've been nice when I first joined the team! She went poking around in my head, so I lashed out at her".

"Babs" Jason warns her "You need to take it easy and you need to have fun, Alfred can handle it and he's humming a song, so he probably doesn't need the help either" he adds, he knows that Barbara liked helping out, but she needed to think about herself too.
Mitch says "Well I didn't know that Rose you guys kinda suck at the whole fully explaining everything"

Dick says "He isn't wrong but I feel that's more pron to someone" he glances at Bruce who is giving Jason his Daughter and says "Very funny Dick" he says smiling
Barbara sighed and she moved her hand to his."Okay okay." She did like to help especially when Alfred did so much for them but she should take this chance to relax and have fun with them."just thought I'd offer." She says quietly.

Tim pulls out the presents and starts to put then in piles of who's present is who's."One of the reasons I left the team or else she could've figured out my crush and probably get jealous or something." He mumbled."Why did you join them anyway? You're an assassin as you said and none of them kill either." He tells her.

Jon smiled sheepishly at his brother."Oh." He walks towards him."Since Tim has been with some girl named Stephanie you've been moody and brooding when he's here, come on I'm your brother you can tell me anything." He shrugged, Raven turned away from Conner."Sorry, sometimes I can't help but pick up on people's emotions, when those emotions are strong." She says quietly.
"Well..." Rose trails off "Keeping my social life busy" she settles for eventually while pulling slightly on the sleeve of her jacket "Besides, I made a deal with the Flash, I continue what I've been doing in Central, but the condition was that I'd join either the Young Justice team or the Titans".

"Just don't do it on purpose" Connor says "At least you weren't there when Phantom first joined" he adds "It was a mess" he adds. He could understand though, Phantom had joined as part of an agreement with the Flash, who had warned them not to do anything stupid. "M'gann tried reading her mind, but before anyone could react M'gann was pinned to a wall with a dagger at her throat".

Jason sighs "Barbara, you need to focus on yourself and Julie" he says "What's she going to do if you pass out because you need to help out every flipping time?" he asks putting Julie in the crib after dragging it over.
Barbara wraps her arms around herself."Jason, I know okay." She watches him and she does give her daughter a kiss to her forehead before Jason puts her in the crib, she knows Jason means well."It's just my nature to want to help out, but yeah I need to focus on our little family." She tells him.

Tim puts the piles infront of those, this was how he was handing them out since there were alot of them and he goes to sit down by his pile."He just wants you to make more friends, learn about teamwork which is good...I might rejoin." He tells her."Not sure what Mitch wants to do." He shrugs.

Jon gives his brother a hug then pulls away, he was going to wait for Damian to go to the tower with him, Raven raises a brow."That was a mistake, Rose is a friend of mine so I know how she gets and she told me about that, even I wouldn't dare to use my telepathy on her." She smirked a little."I won't, you have my word Conner." She nods."But whatever this jealousy is over, talk to the person or someone." She sits down.
Mitch says "I might hang around the time for a bit"

Dick says "Beetle has been wanting to go on another guys night, which he told me was Connor, Tim, you, beetle and Impluse, what do you guys do?"

Mitch says "Dudes Justice Oath we can't say" Dick looks confused and looks at Connor and Tim
Tim raises a brow."Why do you ask? We just do the usual guy stuff and you know how we do just like when we go out as brothers." He explains."Dumb and fun guy stuff." He chuckled at them.

Valyn fiddled with her fingers."Do you think I should join a team Mitch?" She asks him.
"The deal is pretty straightforward though. I had to join or I would have to find another city to patrol. Though I did promise to be a tiby bit more careful" Rose says leaning against Dick.

"Though I applaud her self control, she threatened M'gann before walking off to claim a room" Connor says with a shrug "I think she was just caught unaware though, it seems to me that as an assassin she trained to block mind readers" he explain "And I don't know what to say" he adds.

"Here we go everyone" Alfred says walking in with two trays and he adds "I had to see if I could make the pieces equal, so it took a bit longer" he adds handing everyone a plate.
Barbara thanks Alfred and she pats the cushion by her for Jason to come back to sit down with her after he was done handling the baby."It's okay to give you your presents now right?" She asks him.

Tim takes his plate ans he doesn't hesitate to start on the pudding."Delicous as always Alfred." He smiled at him, he glanced at Rose."I'm sure you'll fit in then Rose, I'm just surprised you did join but you'll be able to do last more with you've got people who have your back." He tells her.

Raven pulls out a book as she opened a portal to her room and dismissed it."People can be trained to resist that, you just have to clear your mind of thought or you just think of one thing, prevent them from breaking through and into your mind least that's what you do to not let someone read your thoughts and memories." She shrugs."Oh? Perhaps try an action, sometimes actions speak louder then words Conner." She simply tells him.
Mitch says "Well your already on one V, but maybe it would be good for you to be on a team with people our age like Damian"

Damian waves his hand as he eats "Yes I'm bad at making friends....aside from Jon he didn't let me have a choice" Dick chuckles as Damian wasn't wrong but it was also his way of saying he does cherish Jon as a friend
Rose shrugs "As long as they don't put me with M'gann and I'm fine" she says taking the pudding "And I've pulled a Batman on team Flash more than once, they're used to it and I hope that given how many Bats have joined the team will be used to it" she adds before eating a bit.

"I think we can start giving presents now" Jason says sitting back down "Rose and Alfred already gave Julie something, how about the we go in a circle with me going last?" he asks.

"I think that's acceptable master Jason. Is there a reason you prefer to go last?" Alfred asks, but he knows why, he had helped Jason pick out the ring.
Barbara nods."If that's what you want to do Jason." She was curious about why he was wanting to but she shrugged it off, she pushes her presents towards him."Who wants to go first?" She asks them.

Tim raises his hands."Well I did already put everyone's presents in a pile for who's presents are who's but you guys can open my presents first or one person opens from their pile and we move onto the next." He offered and set his plate aside before snickering at Damian."Uh huh, you and Jon are like me and Mitch." He chuckled a little.

Valyn shrugs."I suppose so, I'm okay just partnering with you and Tim but maybe I could try a bigger team of people our age." She agreed with him.
"I was thinking that one person opens the presents one by one and guesses who gave it to them" Jason says "That way we can see how good we know each other" he adds with a grin.

Rose smiles "Fair enough, but Killian and I picked most presents together" she says "So I don't know if you guys like it". She was sure about two of them, three counting Jason and Barbara both seperatly. "Also, can you teach this pudding recipe to Sebastian?"

"Of course miss Rose" Alfred says "Although we're still missing someone" he adds looking outside, maybe she was late.

"Like what?" Connor asks sitting down on the couch "Besides, I'm pretty sure he's not single" he adds with a sigh.
Barbara smiles warmly at him."That sounds like a good idea, let's do that." She agrees with him and she curls up in his side again."if we're going in a circle then should I go first or should we pick someone else?" She asks quietly.

Tim nods at Jason but he shrugs at Barbara though."Usually anything that Alfred makes is delicous, he's just that good." He smiled at him.

Jon sitting by his brother."He? You like a guy?" He didn't really know that."You'd really hide things from your own brother." He pokes at him and Raven turned towards him."Boy? Huh, I didn't know you liked boys and who in particular are we speaking of? You could ask or have someone ask for you." She tells him.
A knock is heard at the door and Bruce and answers the door and is shocked to see who he sees and some talking in heard "Uh Mitch your aunt is here" everyone sees a red hair woman walk in with a smirk on her face and Mitch walks forward a bit "Aunt Kate what are you doing here?" She says "Mitch I know this internship is really being a superhero" Mitch eyes widen and asks "What I huh?" Bruce steps in "Mitch she knows cause I told her about Crow and she figured it out" Mitch asks "So she knows about the bat family?" Bruce says "She's part of it, Mitch your aunt is Batwoman" Mitch's eyes widen "I'm sorry what?!" Dick says "Wait Mitch how is Kate your aunt" Mitch says to Dick "My mom Maiden name was Kane"
Valyn sighs."To think this was everyone in this family..." She mumbled, she placed her plate down."Got anything else to share Mitch?" She folds her arms as she glanced a him.

Tim waved a little."No one said they were inviting her and really Mitch? You didn't know?" He raises a brow."Would've thought you'd known who everyone in this family was." He shrugged.
Mitch looks at Valyn and Tim "Don't blame me, Blame him" he points at Dick and asks "Why me?" Mitch says "I remember when I was first Red X you had me meet everyone in this house I asked, is there anyone else in this family?" Dick says "I thought you just meant here in the house" Mitch says 'What part of this family didn't you get you were talking about THE bat family" Dick says "Hey in my defense......" Damian asks "Go on?" Dick says "Oh shit I don't have a defense" Mitch faceplams "Diiiiiiiick one of my own relatives was a crime fighting superhero" Dick says "Wait that's my defense you never mentioned you Kate was your aunt" Mitch asks "How do you bring that up in conversation plus my aunt isn't the only Kate in the world" Dick says "......fair point"
Valyn glanced at Richard."Wouldn't you have figured out the others along the way? Though in his defense this is the family those actively here and work as a team not those who occasionally show up or so my opinion." She mumbled which Tim agreed with, no way would he consider Steph part of the family even if she's worked with them plus it was just awkward with how he's dated her.
Kate walks over to V "So your Valyn? I'm Kate when I come down for the funeral Mitch wouldn't stop talking about you" Mitch says "uh oh....." Kate says "Yeah I asked him if he just wants to talk about his favorite thing and he started with you, course he didn't spill you were hero but I can take hint that you are"

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