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Dick and Rose soon arrive and Dick looks at Mitch and is gonna walk over but Batman says "Nightwing" and just shakes his head and so Dick doesn't move
Barbara gives him her angered look."You know I don't like it when you boy fight eachother so I'll intervene if I want to intervene." She then smiled at him and walks off to the cave to use the computer and get to work.

Tim raises."Uh nobody asked you and nobody else is around to hear what I said, I'm not an idiot." He dismissed Rose as he starts his bike, Valyn rubs Mitch's shoulder gently."Don't beat yourself up about this."
Batman says "Red Robin enough.....let's get Desmond's building" he gets on his bike and Dick gets back on his

Red X nods "Right..." he starts his bike up as Clematis gets on and the whole team drives to Desmond's building and Batman parks in a alley and climbs on a rooftop to scout the building out and Red X and Nightwing follow him
Tim drives after them and he hops off hia bike to park it, he uses his teleporter to get to the roof and waits for the others.

Valyn sits on the bike with him and held on before sliding off when they got there, she followw behind him.
Phantom sighs and she follows Tim, climbing to the roof after him with the grace of a cat "So now what? We can't go in and take care of everyone"

"I know" Jason says "So do you think Dickie bird knows something we don't?" he asks "Considering how pissed off he was when he found out we were in Rose her room?"
Barbara sits down in the chair and pulls up some schematics for the building and tried hacking into any cameras there."You noticed that? He knows, why else would he get so bothered from snooping around her." She sighed.
"Though that sort of confirms our theory" Jason says "Although we should probably get a hair or something"
Barbara nods at that."Told you we should we a DNA sample from her." She sighed."Be prepares incase you need to go help them on the mission."
Batman says "Well that depends Red X" Mitch snaps out of his sorta thinking trance and looks at Batman "Have been in that building?" Mitch says "uhhh once.....it was one of the times I saw my brother back when I was 10 it was during a school tour a few weeks before I met Tim who transfered into my class.....he had left the family 3 years ago....." Batman says "What can you remember?" Mitch says "Batman don't start with me, it's been 6 years since I was in there and who knows what could have changed.....it'd be just another half made blue print in my head....." Batman says "Red X I know today wasn't how you planned it and now your worried your going to get everyone hurt.....but I'm not asking you to lead......I'm asking what floors your school toured......anything helps" Red X sighs and looks at the front door and starts thinking "5 men in the lobby........one by the front door inside.......2 by an elevator and the other 2 by a staff only member door I think if I remember right.......those two had guns which I found was really scary when I was young" Batman says "That more then likely leads to the basement unit he has the kids in" Mitch keeps thinking "floors 1-5 are just normal office buildings.....then there's Desmond's office......there was something.....some kid pushed me while in the elevator with my brother giving us the tour and he fell forward and I think I saw his finger touch apart of the keypad that looked like just metal but......I think I saw a scanning light.....I think it scanned the badge on his shirt? he was real mad about it.......and that's all I remember" Batman says "That's plenty"
Damian kicked butt. Afterwards, he gathered with everyone, listening to their conversations quietly.
(Sorry for the short post; didn't want to write too much))
"Yeah yeah" Jason says "But are you forgetting that Desmond still thinks I'm dead?" he asks, at least Desmond would be surprised if he showed up.
Barbara turned to him."If you're needed you go or I'll go and you stay here." She would if she had to but for now she had to back them up there because Jason wouldnt let her go.
"Alright, but we'll see if they need more help first" Jason points out, not that he could do much else when it comes to investigating Rose, considering Sebastisn just got back "Hey Babs" he says taking the wrapper from his pockets "Think we can do anything with this? It say here it's made by Knight Industries in Central City, that's her families company".
Barbara glanced at him then does a search on the computer for it before pulling the pages up about them."We could check through these, if it gives us any clues." She tells him.
"Yeah I'm here Bats" Jason says "Do you need any help?" he asks, so far there hadn't been any trouble yet. He reads through the info on Knight Industries and raises an eyebrow. It's been around pretty long, starting as a small clinic in some unknown year until it expanded into the company it is now. However the most interesting thing is that despite the fact it's on top of modern medicine and equipment they still sometimes uses old fashioned methods.
Barbara raises a brow."You realize Bruce that me and Tim are the more versed in tech? What I am here for just to sit and let the boys take over? I've already been working on it." She was annoyed by that but turned to him."So? There is some questionable stuff."
Jason chuckles and says "What questionable stuff?" he asks looking at the screen "Also she's right. I'm more a fighter then a thinker" he adds, he hoped they would be able to do something though.

Rose is scanning the city from the roof and she narrows her eyes as her eyes start to glow "I'm concerned about the fact that there don't seem to be any villains or criminals in the immediate area" she says as her eyes stop glowing.
Mitch says "My brother knows if he let his goons like a meta solider or anything like that right outside his building and sees the batfamily sneaking around he knows people will take and he'll lose money and power, he's waiting for us to come to him"

Bruce says "Jason or Barb it doesn't matter just do it"
Barbara shrugged."You look like you found some questionable too when you read it." She gets to work on hacking into company's cameras."what is it you want me to be looking for?" She asks him.

Valyn stands behind Mitch, waiting on the orders to be given.
Jason continues to read the information on Knight Industries, while some things make no sense, like the fact the company has never been in the hands of Rose her father's family, the fact that they know the exact history of medical developmemts is one of the weirdest things.

Rose sighs "Right, he knows we're coming though, so maybe he's laying a few traps?" she asks, that wouldn't surprise her though.
Barbara does what he says and sends them to him, she glanced at Jason briefly while she gets it done then leans into her seat quietly.
"Hey Babs, read this" Jason mumbles pointing to the part he found the weirdest "And Bats, will you guys be okay?" he asks "I doubt a group that big is very stealthy"

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