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Valyn slows down at that."You want to know about my family? Niklaus did snatch me from my family...I miss them." She sighed."What so you want to know?" She questions him.
Valyn shrugs."Have you done anything to look into them or asked Bruce or Tim?" She questions him."I did have a little brother, he was sweet and a creative little guy." She tells him.
Dick nods "Exactly" he opens the door "Shall we?" Flame Demon Flame Demon

Mitch nods with a smile "I have, after Jason showed me where to make my own little base in the city, I run a search after getting my computer set up down there, I first started it when Ivy made everyone love crazy, we can go and check on it through my laptop if you want?" he asks her roxas roxas
"Alright" Rose says following him and she fetches her gloves from the dresser, putting them on "Let's go"
Valyn bites her lip in thought."We should, if theres a chance my family is out there I would want to know and maybe I could go find them...I miss them." She grabbed hold of his hands.
"That probably depends on where we're going and what we're going to do. My bike is usually only reserved for patrol" Rose answers.
Valyn walks over to sit down on the bed with him and watches what he does, she let's him do his work.
Valyn moves closer and grabs it to check what it had to say but she quickly pushed it away after reading it, wrapping her arms around herself, it did say her brother was missing though."They're gone?..." She says quietly.
Valyn moves closer and grabs it to check what it had to say but she quickly pushed it away after reading it, wrapping her arms around herself, it did say her brother was missing though."They're gone?..." She says quietly.
((Oh wow I personaily didn't see that coming)) Mitch puts his laptop down "V....I'm sorry......" he puts his hands on her shoulders
Barbara uses Jason to kick for a little boost as she jumps over him and comes at Damian from above, aiming to pin the kids uniform into the mat.
Damian scowled, spotting Barbara from above.

"Tt. There is a benefit for being this short. And no cheating Todd," he muttered, dodging Jason's attack. He attempted to push Jason so Barbara would fall on top of him.
Jason dodges and chuckles "Hey you never said I couldn't use an extra weapon" he says.

Rose gets on as well and she smiles slightly "Don't forget your helmet" she mumbles.
Valyn quietly sits and clenched her fists, she was going to hit his hand away but slowly leaned into him."It has to have been Niklaus who did it...but it says my brother is missing? Do you think he's out there?" She asks quietly.

Barbara lands on her feet and she pouts, she goes for a bit more practice before jsut setting the sword down and goes to sir down on the bench."You two go." She tells him.
Mitch holds her "Yes I do and Nikalus knows......wait......" he pulls away and looks through some files "........That explains the girl from before so how does....." he keeps looking "Your brother's alive" he says as if he came up with something tossing his laptop on the bed and goes to his closet and has a little system to reveal his suit roxas roxas

Dick says "No Worries" he puts his on and heads her one Flame Demon Flame Demon
Valyn quickly stands when he threw the laptop."Did you find something on him?" She asks, following him over to his suit and wonders if she needed to grab hers.
Valyn quickly stands when he threw the laptop."Did you find something on him?" She asks, following him over to his suit and wonders if she needed to grab hers.
Mitch says "Oh yeah, Nikalus is grabbing metas from the street, from familes and everywhere and selling them to my brother, it all makes sense, remember when you and Rose talked to him when he had that kid named Ace, you tell me what could he gain from taking a meta of the street unless he was selling her to a psycho who plans to make his own super army to replace the team he lost years ago" He says telling her what Desmond is now up to and possibility how he got powers "He must have machine in his office building and took different powers from other people to become Phantom X"
((Also Red X maybe giving himself a true bird name to truly make himself his own hero, his hero name Crimson Trogon or just Trogon it's a type of red bird))
Valyn gestures to herself."Then why was I not given to your brother?" She taps her chin a little, it would make sense but it wasn't the only thing he did with the kids."He has an army himself so he doesn't always give them away, he's soft towards kids or so it seems like through the years but you could be onto something." She listens to him explain and she watches him with his suit."So should I go suir up, it looks like you've got a plan or something."
Mitch says "Nik seems to give away metas he deems have no hope so he sells them to my brother to be his high school biology projects and I'm betting my brother tosses them if they aren't good enough, according to my scan your brother has been missing for a month, the same time your parents........yes go gear up I'm getting Jason Barbara and Damien I don't know where Rose and Dick are" he goes to find Jason Barbara and Damian in the house Flame Demon Flame Demon roxas roxas Gish_Sky Gish_Sky
Valyn walks over to the door."You mean about five years, that's how long I've been with Niklaus and his gang well til now." She corrects him."Or has he turned up and gone missing a month ago?" She questions before going to get suit up in her outfit.

Barbara sits while the boys went at it and she noticed Mitch, she waved at him.
Rose puts the helmet on and asks "So where are we going?" she asks curiously.

Jason raises an eyebrow at Barbara "You alright Babs?" he asks, wondering if she was pushing herself too hard.
Barbara puts her hands on her knees."Huh? I'm okay..." She was lying a bit there, she did need a break from trying to keep up with Damian's speed and she tried to push herself a bit too fast there.

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