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Damian smirked at the duo, observing their stances carefully. Charging at Todd, he sent the larger blade (the sword in his right hand) at Todd, while jabbing lightly at Barbara.
roxas roxas Flame Demon Flame Demon
"Come in" Rose says and she sighs, she figured her annoyibg personal butler must've send him to talk.
Valyn puts her arms around him til hug him tightly."Well least you do, though it's got me second guessing my self that talk with Bruce." She sighed.

Barbara just counters it and tries to disarm the smaller boy, but wasn't as sloppy as she thought she was but she was trying to be gentle with him.
“Come on Barbara… You can do better,” Damian said, after Barbara countered his attack. Watching her attempt to disarm him, he gracefully leapt out of the way, before sending a kick towards Jason.
Jason dodges and aims a hit towards Damian's leg while he takes a dagger from his sleeve for extra protection.
Barbara uses Jason to kick for a little boost as she jumps over him and comes at Damian from above, aiming to pin the kids uniform into the mat.
"As well as possible" Rose says sitting up and she gets off her bed "Just... I wish I could tell Bruce, but..." she trails off "The less people who know the better".
Valyn smiles slightly from that, kissing him softly."Okay okay." She grasped his hand again walking outside."
Valyn goes around the manor grounds with him, hugging his arm and leaning into him."Do you really think I should even be part of this team?" She asks him.
"Yeah" Rose says "I mean, my self control is good, but if he learns about it and the downside of the fact I'm half human I'm afraid he'd send me back to Central City" she says looking at him "And well... I haven't exactly killed anyone since I came here"
Dick says "I think you may have the wrong idea, Bruce doesn't care what you are, it's who you make yourself to be with who you are, we can talk to him together if you want" Flame Demon Flame Demon

Mitch says "Of course you should, it's better then being with that meta dude, plus like me, he could track you down if your alone and attack, not saying you can't handle yourself, you for sure can, our first encounter proved that right away" roxas roxas
Valyn smiled a little at that."I totally almost kicked your butt there." She snickered teasing him."No, I wouldn't want to go back with him..." She mumbles though she giggled."Never underestimate girls." She pokes him.
"I know that Bruce is overprotectivea of you guys" Rose says "Hence my hesitation to tell him, I mean, I'm sure he could figure it out if he tried but..."
((Sorry for the wait))

Dick says "We can tell him together, when YOUR ready, he knows we all have our secrets and maybe he knows them or maybe he doesn't you can never tell him but even he knows we'll talk to him when we're ready" Flame Demon Flame Demon

Mitch says "My sister already taught me that lesson when I was 10, a boy said she couldn't go off a ramp and flip in the air on her bike, she proved him wrong.....broke her arm on a mailbox but she thought her pride was more important.....mom grounded her for 3 months" he says laughing about that moment, his sisters arm the wrong way and she gave zero shits roxas roxas
Valyn smirks."Your sister sounds like a tough girl, when do you think I could meet your mother and sister? I would like to get to know them." She smiled at him."So, who's tougher, your or this sister of yours huh?" She pulls on his hand.
"If he hasn't figured it out by that time, Sebastian still isn't entirely adjusted to the face he has to walk everyone at night" Rose says looking down "And the only reason Barry knows is because he may or may not gotfen his hands on a blood sample, which is completely useless after about five minutes"
Valyn smiles at that."Then your sister must be something." She pulls away from him.
"If you're sure that's a good plan" Rose says getting up and she stretches "But where could be possibly go in Gotham that isn't dangerous?" she asks with a small grin.

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