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Fandom DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

vinom said:
Right now, the knowledge of the Dragon Balls shouldn't have spread too far beyond Freiza's personal guard (mostly dead), Vegata, the earthers, and the Namekians.
That's true. Although, I'm not ruling out other, equally powerful magical devices to be out there.
I promise, by the way, that I didn't plan to have my character totally out of my control for the whole first scene when I made him. @.@
Or heck, someone finding the black box of Turles's scouter could tell them about the dragon balls, but they're be an idiot to spread that data around.
And now Dietaku attempts to tie the party together once more. Let's see how long this lasts.


SephirothSage said:
Lmao. "And a Saiyan who vaugely resembles Abraham Lincoln."
That's what I thought when I first saw Thief's version of Edama from Xenoverse, and I thought Hoshiko would know about him. Although, knowing Dragon Ball, DB-Lincoln was probably an alien wizard from the planet Beard, or something.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]26 is not middle-aged! D:

To a 13 year old it sure looks like it.
I thought he was in his mid-late 30s. My apologies. I guess we can take this as Hoshiko's youth,talking or I can edit it. Either or.
It's all good. It was a mistake on my part. I'm sorry if I insulted you. I'll just edit my post.
Sure thing old man... I'm sure Saiyans respected their elders back in your day. ( :P )


Even if you were in your middle age ( 30-40)... You wouldn't look it.

Saiyan Middle Aged is like.. late eighties- neither Goku nor Vegeta have visibly aged while numerous other characters like Krillin have, and I believe it's even cannon that that's on purpose; Saiyan's visibly look like they are in their prime until they die, insofar as I know.
@SephirothSage speaks the truth. He means even if you WERE 35+, you'd look youthful and healthy. Saiyans stay youthful and full of moxie well into what humans would consider to be old age. For instance, Nappa was at least 30 in the first Bardock special and yet he doesn't look any different 25+ years later. Also, I feel like Hoshiko is going to get a LOT of Zenkais at this point. Between Kumba and Edama, she's going to get curbstomped. A LOT.
Well I mean. If he lives of beer and potato chips, he still won't look healthy- being a Saiyan doesnt guarantee good health forever. (Working out enough to maintain a decent power level does that).

Just means it's easier for him to stay in shape, and that he need never worry about old age making him any uglier.
SephirothSage said:
Well I mean. If he lives of beer and potato chips, he still won't look healthy- being a Saiyan doesnt guarantee good health forever. (Working out enough to maintain a decent power level does that).
Just means it's easier for him to stay in shape, and that he need never worry about old age making him any uglier.
I wouldn't think his diet would be a problem. It seemed like, between what we see of Nappa, Vegeta, and Bardock's crew, they eat any old thing, and are no worse for wear. Saiyans, between innate ki manipulation, their youthful vigor, transformations, and lycanthropy, are seven kinds of haxx if you even consider all the various other weird powers other races get in Dragon Ball.

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