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DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

The now-towering creature crouched when speaking to Samatsu, placing itself at her own eye-level. It didn't know why it did so. The action simply seemed the thing to do. It listened to her words very carefully, then turned to look first in one direction followed by another before turning its red-eyed gaze back upon Samatsu. "Northern direction? Which direction Northern?" Scuffing idle swirls and scrawl into the ground beneath their feat as it waited, it piped in with an inquisitive tilt of its head, "What honor? Can eat?"
Hoshiko cheers with the Lagosians as the prince rallies them. Rather then speak up to her own worth, she leaves that to the prince, waiting instead until the cheering to die down. "Tell me, when shall I have the honor of battling besides your troops?" She asked, perhaps a little too eagerly, but that was sayians for you.

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