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DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars

(100... that's about as strong as elite human martial artist can get without Ki use)

Hoshiko shrugged and walked on... "Seems like a waste of a beach if you're just going to sulk." She said casually. Walking off in an attempt to find a store that sells some beachwear.


I got less then 0 on this test.... ('A')
(Edama's actions will be the same for the next three rounds. Unless attacked, he's transforming. If transformation is interrupted, he parries attacks. Once transformed...well, then he's the DM's purview.)

Drawing from the deep well of primal power the Saiyan race inherited, Edama emptied his conscious mind of all thought, crowding out the nagging voices of fear and anxiety. He hated the fallout from this form, things like all the questions about "Where'd your ship go? What happened to your armor? Where's the capital city?", but if he was honest, he enjoyed transforming to Oozaru. He thought of it like a vacation for his brain.
As the Saiyan begins to transform, Merrick is met with options. Does he honor the time honored tradition of waiting patiently for his enemy to transform- or does he set them on fire while they are rooted to the ground focusing and laugh, maybe aiming for the bastard's tail.

Does he honorably wait for his enemy to finish growing stronger, as some knights of his realm where wont to do in favor of a greater challenge- or does he just throw as much raw destruction at the man while he focuses as demonically possible?

It's an easily answered question, in his mind. He snaps his fingers, as the orbs of flame from around him spin out, fading away... and he intones a single phrase.

"Demon Dance." He incants; before holding out a hand and leaning back, as his aura flares about him, blowing his coat in a self-created breeze backwards as he focuses intently on his foe; a bursting cascade of Ki-orbs that shine a purplish red, sheathed in unholy fire, begin to pound into Edama's position one by one.

(The attack is Magnitude 1, Piercing 1, with a Burning Modification. And is Burst 5. Rolling now.)


You find a figure in robes in a nearby rundown hut. They have a numebr of wares on sale, from evil eel soup, lovely maiden's screams, and what the vendor describes as "Vitae God Gel." Nice. Not really what you're looking for, but nice, right?


Merrick's blast lances out at Edama. He can evade or block it, but if not, he's taking 5 damage (6-1 from his one Toughness).

What will you do, @Thief of Words ?
Hoshiko looks around nervously, before her curiosity get's the better of her, and she questioned the robed figure as to the use of Vitae God Gel.
Edama held fast against the attack, lowering himself deeper into the Oozaru state. Already he could feel his orange and black battle armor stretching, his muscles bulking as hair sprouted over every part of his body.


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Merrick smiles, as the Saiyan seems to endure through the first barrage- and with as little effort as the last, he takes another step back and flicks his wrist- spiraling orbs of flame and ki snapping into being around his arm once more, before cascading back towards the Saiyan once more- a second volley.

"Demon Dance /Blitz/." He continues- a smirk growing on his lips as he then moves on to chide his foe. "Transforming is all well and good, you know- but not when you're not able to properly avoid hits while doing it! You need to work on /DODGING/ before you use something like that in a real fight, Monkey." He insists calmly- as his second volley winds out with little aim behind it- just surges of power casually thrown at the Saiyan, with an almost dismissive arrogance.

Edama again blocked the enemy's attack, his body bulking out as his mind slipped completely away. A deep, rumbling growl built in his throat as the concrete beneath his feet began to buckle under the sheer mass of the burgeoning Oozaru.



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vinom said:
Hoshiko looks around nervously, before her curiosity get's the better of her, and she questioned the robed figure as to the use of Vitae God Gel.
The figure coughs, and mutters," Vitae God Gel is a potent medicine from the font of Cigaal. It heals all wounds, and empowers the user with unheard of strength. However.... Many who use it become in touch with Cigaal's master. No one knows what happens to these people. Some speculate that they are sent to a far-off land to gain more power. Others say they are utterly destroyed for blasphemy...."
Merrick chuckles as the man endures the waves of attacks... a grim smile on his face.

"My... Tough bastard, aren't you...?" He murmurs softly, as he continues his barrage of flame and fire, showing absolutely no exertion visibly- internally seething. Ignoring his attacks? How dare this mongrel, this.. this monkey! How /DARE/ He? He seethes inwardly, as his tatoo's pulse angrily, and yet another volley of hellish flame bombards the Saiyan's changing form.




(By my count, Edama's blocking tanked all the attacks until the last one. Then he got blasted by the last attack, and combining Merrick's Ki, he dealt 9 damage, including the damage from the flames. THis leave Edama with 17 health).

As per the flames...


Oozaru-Edama flails about crazily, smashing the ruins of the bar, leaving little in his wake. He rolls around erratically, trying to put himself out. He finally manages to extinguish the flames, but this only gives Merrick another chance at an attack.

What will you do?
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She nods musingly... "Seems like that would be a little out of my price range." She said simply, calmly walking away... hopefully she could find a non-'creepy magic' vendor who has some beach wear. This planet was weird.


Hoshiko finds a wizened alien with bleached, chitinous skin and a prawn-like face. it has a variety of cltohes, shoes and various sun tan lotions, sunscreen, and even some nice beach treats.

What will you do now?
Merrick stares at the Oozaru rolling around in the flames- and as it panics and starts to put itself out, he grins faintly. He watches it roll around on the grass, a gleam in his eyes as he begins to charge up another volley of fireballs. He watches as it burns away- as he steps back. He continues to backpedal from the raging Saiyan- sneering.

"Didn't you hear me before, fool? I said to kneel, not roll about, wretch!" He snarls as he conjures forth another barrage and detonates it on the Oozaru- just hoping to actually damage it this time.

Hoshiko picks out a nice sporty beach ensemble, and one of the local water sport boards. She smirked, going to a changing booth, soon emerging to try her hand at this. Oblivious to the fact her joyful exuberance was in clear view of the princess.

Hoshiko's enthusiasm is met with derisive silence from the Princess, as Liika frowns.

"Please, do not be rude, Princess," Liika says, as Kumba lowers her laser gaze to her retainer.

The atmosphere is electric right now. How will Hoshiko respond?

(Bar, or I guess it ought to be Ruins now)

Edama found himself on fire once more. In his animalistic mind, he recalled to a comic he saw on his office wall once. It depicted a Makyan named Gorfuuld who hated Moondays. Yeah, this seemed like one of Gorfuuld's Moondays. Who put that up? It sure as hell wasn't Edama.


No matter the planet, no matter the organization, there's a Steve. Not an evil or saintly being, but something much worse than either. Steve is the one to correct you about paper, plastic and glass recyclables and chides you for not sorting them. He corrects you for not baking cupcakes for your child's class on their birthday, and also is the one to have you there at a party because he knows he can garner sympathy points when you inevitably get smashed. Steve is the one who enjoys being right not from any sense of goodness, but because of the superiority it grants to him.

Yeah, Edama hated that guy. While this line of thought all occurred in vague rumblings in his now-animistic mind, his rage boiled over, flinging about, setting himself out in the mosrt violent way possible.

What will you do now, @SephirothSage ?
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Hoshiko was oblivious to the princess's burning ire. She was too engrossed in joining the local youths in their playful beach revelry. She was oblivious to the princess's mood as she learned kite boarding, played a game not unlike beach volley-tether ball, and generally making new friends like a charismatic and outgoing well adjusted young girl.
And just as the giant monkey sets itself out and removes the flames, just as the giant Oozaru manages to put the fires out... Merrick grins with the arrogance of a thousand smug trolls, as he twists his wrist once more; gathering yet more orbs of flame as it seems that there is no end to his arsenal of flaming orbs- as he speaks aloud, this time, to do more than merely call out his attack name.

"Come on monkey! Scream louder- or at least dance a little so you can stop stop screaming!" He teases aloud- as the five orbs spin around his hand briefly- before lashing out in another barrage towards the giant, now significantly less furry than at the start of this, raging monkey.

The Great Monkey did not scream. It growled, and that growl built to a low roar. Standing back up, the beast sniffed the air, trying to find its oppressor amidst all the stink of burnt hair. Scrubbing at its nose with both paws, it sat back down and began to pick through the ruins of the bar, hoping to find a few intact barrels.


"Don't you dare ignore me, you twerp! The correct action is to kneel! Kneel before me!" she roars, getting up. Liika removes her glasses and approaches Kumba.

"Princess, please, think of your blood pressure, and what Master Moringa told you," Liika said, as Kumba responded with a punch to her retainer's face. You feel like they've gone through this before.

Aaaaw, it looks like Hoshiko made a friend. How will she react?

(Bar ruins)

The Oozaru finds a barrel of the finest Cognac, downing it in one massive pull before scratching itself and lounging about. Clearly, Edama is not having any of this "Epic fight between Good and Evil" shenanigans.

"Okay, I think that's enough. Clearly, you've both made fine arguments for yourselves,"Macaroon calls, standing up. Tempura is almost catatonic, seemingly from shock at the battle, and partially from having to explain this to Lord Rime.

What will you do?
Hoshiko sighed. "I'm sorry if I was not properly awed by your lounging divinity, Kumba-hime. This humble one's attention was too focused on a game you've already mastered and spare those around you the humiliation of comparison between your respective abilities and theirs." She said with a curtsy. Her voice was some how scrubbed of any hint of sarcasm, which made the statement all the sharper.

Kumba grits her teeth, "Very good for you to finally show some manners, scum. Had it been my forebears, half-breed trash like yourself would be off dying on some forgotten world, and not addressing me like we're equals. Yes, I know. It's evident on your face with your odd hair color and facial cast. Purebloods don't exist like that, and even then, clans like my own with our red tails are ostracized. What is your other parent? Brench? Yakisoba Race? Hera Clan? It doesn't matter. Be on your way," she waves away, turning to Liika, who is rubbing her swollen nose.

"Thabk you for your conshurn, mithtreth," she manages, bowing, as Kumba leaves.

"You muth forgibe her, mith," Liika says, turning to Hoshiko," Printheth is of the Redtail Clan. They are a volatile family, and were it not for Lord Rime'th generothity, we'd be dead. Mithreth ith jutht a bit tenthe becauthe of how the other Eliteth treat her. You are a Thaiyan, tho I know you underthand. Good day to you," she says, and runs off to join Kumba.

What will you do now?
Hoshiko should have been quiet... it really was the most tactical advisable, diplomatic, and sensible thing to do. But let's be honest, the girl was a bit more daring and reckless then that. "So your defense for your racist attitude is that people are racist toward you, crazy..." She muttered, not really minding if the red tail over heard her. She couldn't help but wonder what Lord Rime was expecting in return for his 'generosity'. Perhaps he was planning on upgrading his title from Lord to Prince Consort or King.

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