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DBZ-Piracy on the Sea of Stars


Crimson Cool Sage
In another time, in another place...Well, in this place, this will actually start up. Hopefully.
Anyways, let's begin, shall we?

You find yourself on the planet of Issi, the capital of Stellar Region 17, the realm of Lord Rime. Before you is the hustle and bustle of one of Issi's many cities, where the natives ply their trade As the natives go about their business, you can see several craft flying above. Most of them seem to be going north, to where Lord Rime's estate is located. Nearby, you see a building made in the round, minimalistic style of the standard PTO type. Outside, you see several beings of varying sizes and stripes in battle jackets, chatting over drinks.

What will you do?
Merrick swaggers down the street- clad in a rich fur coat worn with no shirt beneath it, baring his lithe and muscular chest. His pants are black and tight silk, smoothly matching his flowing fur coat. His poise is confident to the point of arrogance, as he looks around and yawns, stretching his arms out as he looks to the kid who brought him here after his concert on that planet a few sector's back.

"Yo, so, Kid... you sure this is where I go to sign up...?" He inquires with a faint grin. "I mean, I'm not to keen on working for anybody, but if these are the guys you say they are, this really could all work into my master plan, so... but I gotta be sure- your not like, pulling my leg or anything, right..?" The demon inquires of the youth, a relaxed smile on his face. His golden hair frames a handsome enough face, all things considered, as his red glowing eyes settle on the Alien fangirl who called him up to give a concert on her homeworld- and then told him about this place... this...

Planet Trade Organization? Seems crazy to him- but it also reminds him of home. The cutthroat atmosphere, the malignant domination of other worlds... yeah.

It really reminds him of Hell. He grins wide as he looks for a recruiting officer to find- figuring that if he makes a big enough show of a large enough range of missions, he'll make enough of an impression for them to recognize his worth, and give him real authority- and that from there, he can work on dominating their organization from within!
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There'd been a bit of a black mood running through most of the Organization's troops for weeks. Ever since news filtered in that Frieza had been beaten--hell, torn to pieces--by an unknown enemy on Namek, no one was quite sure what that meant for the future of the PTO. For the higher ups, it would no doubt mean a great deal of political maneuvering and figurative and literal backstabbing. Not for the first time, Edama reflected how lucky he was to be considered in the middle-lower tier of soldiers. Just useful enough to not be a liability, just useless enough to not be an asset. He came, he saw, he conquered, he got paid. And if he could've been paid more for more dangerous assignments so what? It wasn't like he had a family to pay for. He could eat himself sick and drink himself blind on his current salary. Why mess with a good thing? His only family left was his kid sister. As far as he knew, Kaikaina was still back home on planet Space Hawaii.

As was usual, the massive Saiyan had a wide margin of space around him. He supposed that was a side effect of being as big a guy as he was. Or being one of a handful of the surviving members of his species still working with the Organization. Most, after all, had fallen under Frieza's personal jurisdiction, Planet Vegeta having been in the area of space controlled by King Cold and his sons. Edama'd never even seen the place. He'd been born and raised elsewhere, and its laid-back ethos had at least as much influence on his personality as the traditional Saiyan warrior pride. Well, more than, really. Still. It'd been a good mission. He'd barely even had to look funny at the residents before they surrendered. That'd been a few weeks back. Then came the days of bed-rest while his aching muscles repaired themselves from his pod's busted gravity settings. And so he found himself eating and drinking, alone as was the usual, outside the barracks building, feet propped up and just about one sheet to the wind.
As the Overlord, the Fangirl, and the anonymous mercenary all continued in their own business, a new rousing shout resounded through the bar.

"What? Those fools failed? I guess Planet Lagos is too much even for those idiots," a hulking brute garbed in a battle jacket shouted.

"I know! They managed to kill Acorn, but Pistachio and Macaroon escaped. the rebels are pretty tough. I hear that Worchesta wanted to send in the Princess, but she's off in the west, surfing or something," a Brench replied, burying his face in a plate of fried food.

"Figures. The moment anyone needs her, that hothead is off relaxing," the brute muters.

"Shut up, man! What if they hear you? Lord Rime gives her special leeway! He might send you there if he hears you griping!"

"In any case, where are the other officers?"

"No one knows. lord Rime has something planned, and he's keeping his cards close to his chest," a sheep-person replied, sidling into the conversation.

"Mm." Was the only reply, as the conversation closed, each participant mulling over these new tidings.

What will you do?
Merrick skids to a halt, thinking. He grins widely, as he slides over towards the Brench and the Brute.

"Mrm...? And my fine gentlemen- what's this? Something about a... Planet Lagos and some rebels..? My, as an enterprising recent recruit- this interests me! Just what kind of a thing is this, then? Some idiots managed to get themselves offed or something..?" He inquires- a gleam in his eyes and a grin on his face. "I don't suppose either of you know how this Lord Rime you speak of would take someone conquering the planet and giving him it as a gift, would you...?" He inquires, a grin on his face, as the red tatoo's over his chest shift and gleam.
"Oh, fresh meat, eh? Well, listen up. Planet Lagos is the way to NOT do things. A cleansing crew got sloppy and let the natives survive, and now there's pockets of resistance across the planet. Lord Rime' s officers are loathe to pop the planet because the mineral wealth isn't what makes it special; it's the planet's beauty. Lagos is a paradise world the likes of which you rarely see. Add in that a few Elites got too reckless and got themselves killed, and you got yourselves a real pickle," the brute said.

"On top of that, the natives are towering mothers with long legs. Apparently, they can kick attack balls out of the sky. Nasty business. That's probably how they got Acorn. He tried landing in their capital, and got shot down for his trouble," the Brench replied," as for Lord Rime, no one here knows knows him, but everybody knows of him. How can you not? He rules this region of space. Hells, he even has a manor north of here. If you want to meet with him, you'd have to meet with Worchesta first. He's a Brench, like me, you can' miss him. He's usually over at the manor, on some business or another. I'd get your battle jacket, though, newbie. Worchesta hates anyone out of regulations. Says it's bad for business if people are out of uniform and out of line with their behavior. "

What will you do now, then?
Merrick nods understandingly- he's well accustomed to the Evil Overlord Handbook about Uniforms. He smiles warmly, putting on his best smile.

"Right, right. Where's the quartermaster then, so I can talk to him about getting my kit and stuff?" He inquires with a gentle grin. "I'd not want to get this Worchesta guy all pissed at me, or anything!" He says firmly, a gleam in his odd red eyes. He looks mostly like a Terran, an Earthling- but his eyes, and the tatoo's on his chest, throw that image out completely; being blatantly inhuman features.

"I have work to get started on, after all."
A new figure seems to be walking through the street. She was a young thing, perhaps fourteen years of age. She was wearing a modified form of the female saiyan armor. The girl with the curly mane of blond locks had ditched the leg warmers and knee pads, adding an armor plate skirt to the emerald green unitard. Her boots and gloves were of a dark blue shade.

Hoshiko loved the respect she was getting. Without her diplomatic father to dispel the threat that her light brown tail denoted, people were fearfully clearing space for her. She read their fear as respect... it was something a young girl could get used to. But she had to inform where the concert she heard rumors about on the ansible about first...
Edama stretched and eyed the other organization souldiers balefully. "Can you keep it down already? Makin' it hard to nap with all that yapping." He shook his head, took a long draught off his beer, and denuded another chicken wing, leaving the bare bone amid a pile of its kindred on his table. After a few moments of desultory chewing, he shook his head the newcomer with the tattoos. "Yeah...keep on being keen. Ever heard of a planet called Namek? That's what keenness gets you."
Merrick turns to face Edama- a reckless smile on his face. He shrugs as he thinks for a moment- then blinks. He stares at Edama for a long moment- noting the tail, and the general huge musculature.

"The fuck's a Namek?" He asks bluntly, scratching his head; never having heard of the place. "Sounds boring." He adds on after a moments thought.. before chuckling and shrugging. "As for what being Keen gets me... it gets me where I want to go- to more power." He states in a smooth composed voice, seeping arrogance as he smirks faintly. "And a lack of it gets you where you are right this moment- a grunt, indulging in Gluttony and Sloth. I have higher class Sin's to attend to, myself- like Pride, Wrath, and Good ol' Fashioned Greed." He states with a proud tone and a wild grin.
Edama rolled his eyes and returned his attention to his meal. "No. Dead is what keen gets you. Dead on a no-name rock in the middle of fuckin' nowhere with half the best fighters in the organization dead with you." The burly saiyan made a shooing gesture with the back of one hand. "You're boring me, buzz off."
@general ostruppen : Of course, you're welcome to join. You ought to look over the rules, which can be found here, and post your character in the character thread when you've settled on what you want to play. If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to pm me or post in the OoC thread. Whichever.

The crowd parts for the Demon and the two Saiyans. Partly to avoid the imminent brawl that is invariably coming, and partly to avoid the new Saiyan and her chilly demeanor. The party there has had enough of chilly Saiyans. Especially when they inevitably turn into rampaging woman-children who smash their heads in. Those are the worst.

However, a skinny insectoid in a battle jacket appears beside Merrick and produces a measuring tape, measuring his body in various places, clicking his mandibles together. He then produces a battle jacket and matching red leotard.

"Your uniform, sir. Courtesy of the Planet Trade Organization. I am Tempura, quartermaster of the Issi branch. Is there anything either you or your comrade require? Oh, don't mind me. I can also send you to the medical machines if you desire to settle business first," the insect says in a buzzing voice, turning to look at both Merrick and Edama.
Edama rolled his eyes and gave the quartermaster an unamused stare. "This is about those uniforms I ruined isn't it?" He offered the insectile logistics officer a wry shrug. "A guy just so happens to be wearing a few," dozen, he added mentally, "uniforms when he is valiantly wounded in battle, and you make it out like he's a part of some grand conspiracy to make your job harder." Turnin from the bug to look back at the would-be Demon Lord, he caught sight of a section of the crowd rippling out in a bow wave from what (judging by her furry tail and blonde locks) could only be a halfbreed Saiyan. Edama hated other Saiyans. He tried to hang out with them...once. Once was enough. He just couldn't get the hang of Saiyan small-talk. It was all, "Proud warrior race" this and "used his skull for a codpiece" that. The halfbreeds were worst of all, every one of them carrying a chip the size of a respectable planetoid and so edgy diamonds could use them to shave. Stretching his limbs, he gestured to the crowd, then unclipped his Blutz wave generator from his belt. "Might wanna give them time to clear out. After all," he thumbed the generator to life and tossed it airborne, "I'd hate to insult you by taking it easy on you." Grimacing internally, he wondered how badly he was about to get his ass kicked and prepared himself to go Oozaru.
Hoshiko looked a bit baffled at the sudden activity, but knew enough not to look at the strange light device the older saiyan activated. Blutz waves were nothing to mess around with.

She left the scene with the crowd, not wanting get caught up in a fight that included an Oozaru. That just spells bad idea, cause it always ends with tensions between Saiyans and Non-Saiyans increasing.

Quickly making it to the edge of town, she decided to fly west and check out the surfing scene she's heard about, let this mess fall on the local militia.
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Merrick blinks a bit- surprised that the obviously Lazy Saiyan is actually rising to the challenge. He sighs, and cracks his shoulders as he looks at the large man rising up. The other individual is taller than him- as he flares his Ki to life, visibly powering up as an aura of red and purple energy begins to flare to life around Merrick. He smirks as he looks on, taking a step back; the highly recognizable rock-star grinning wide as his fur coat starts to blow behind him.

"I really don't think you know who you're messing with... now, I could still be convinced to let you back down, and maybe even give you a free ticket or two to my next concert, but if you're going to keep on being rude.... Then, well. You can just burn in hellfire, a'right?" He says teasingly- a wild grin spreading on his face. In his arrogance, he refuses to consider the other man a threat. What is more, while he'd rather avoid making noise... it's always good to make a presentation of himself- it's the difference between minor league evil, and proper Evil.

"And when your done burning, you can kneel and apologize." He continues calmly- as he snaps his fingers... and orbs of flaming energy begin to form in the air around him; four raging inferno's of force, and anyone watching on a scouter notes that his energy barely shivers with the act; an imposing show of force, no matter how weak those orbs may or may not be.
Tempura blinked, rubbing his mandibles together absent-mindedly," Yes, well, you think battle jackets grow on trees? When I present our business expenses to Lords Macaroon and Worchester, you think they'll be okay with a low level warrior going through uniforms and equipment like they're tissues? I think not! But, whatever! Do what you will. it's your head on the chopping block, in any ca--" he says, before stopping, his eyes wide. Beside him stands a towering figure in a battle jacket, with whiskers, bloated cheeks, and bulging eyes.

"L-lord Macaroon. I-I...Hahahaha, are you alright sir?" Tempura manages, before the towering officer puts a finger to his lips.

"Imagine my surprise, coming back from a disastrous meeting, and what do I find? Young, idealistic warriors seeking glory and honor. I need fighters with hot blood like you two. Very well, continue in your duel. Whoever survives, I will have a proposition for you," he says, sitting at a nearby table.

The mood of the room went from tense to worse. Macaroon's declaration meant a bad fight was going to break out any second, the only thing being who was to swing first.

Very well, @SephirothSage , @Thief of Words , roll Agility for initiative.
Merrick smirks wide- taking this as a chance. Already, he get's a chance to prove himself before the command tier of this organization..? Glorious. His fur coat ruffles in the wind, as he tenses his entire body to leap back- his aura burning the air around him as he laughs.

"Hot Blood..? Why thank you. Though- I'm not so sure I'm young.." He admits softly, as he braces to let his balls fly, charging energy into his attack as he dances backwards.

(To the far west)

The city of Issi gave way to rolling plains and grassy hills before giving way to a green ocean. There, Hoshiko sees various windsurfers of varying races, either trying their hand at the waves, or relaxing between attempts. Of particular note are a pair whose higher than average power levels ping off of Hoshiko's scouter. On closer examination, these two are a tall tailed humanoid, who wouldn't look out of place at a children's soccer match as someone's mom, and a lounging young woman, sitting underneath an umbrella.

"What is it, Liika?" the lounging woman asks, lazily.

"I'm not sure, ma'am. You there, what business do you have here?" the older woman demands of Hoshiko.

What will you do?
[What's average civilian power level on this planet... and what are these two sporting?]

The young girl smiled casually. "No business, just heard the beaches here was worth a trip, decided to come check them out." She said simply, warmly. If the matronly figure was supposed to be intimidating, the effort was lost on the young Saiyan.

Hoshiko wonders if there was a place around here selling beach attire... it's not at if her armor couldn't handle the sun, sand, and salt water, but it just wasn't exactly the most comfortable beach wear. Although striping down to her armor durable leotard could do in a pinch.
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Edama winced mentally as Lord Macaroon spoke. Dammit, now even if he won, he lost. Affecting a cocky grin, he released an element of self-control, and allowed the Oozaru to take over.

Edama then acts first in the battle. What will you do?


(The average power level is around 100. This pair, however, is much stronger. Much, much stronger.)

Liika eyes you, then says, "I'd recommend you move on. My misstress isn't in a good mood right now."

(If you're interested in finding a shop, it'd be a Int+Search check)

What will you do?

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