[DB/Fae Recruitment Closed] In the service of the senate...

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Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

After reading over his article, yeah he's very much a "Justice Bao" concept. Just didn't realize that. But yeah, very much the justice before priviliege mentality.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Not going to be popular with various nobles.... :lol:
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Yep, which just makes it that much more fun :D
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

The Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circus, Magdalene Farandole

Concept: Walking Horror/Relentless Hunter with some sort of creepy doll fixation


There are places in the Wyld where there is no sound. Only the silence which from Time-Not onward could never be shattered for such was the will of those ancient lords sleeping within, madly drunk on their own sentience they dare not disturb the peace of their blind eternity.

However, if only for the single scream one would awake and take note. From the depths of the abyss swirling with untold dreams and wellspring potential, the single black thread of the lot would be called nothing more than a nightmare.

And so from the cold place without sensation the screaming voice would echo and reverbate endlessly, shaped by whims yet itself influencing wickedly and none would know the provenance of such a portentous omen.

Change brought to this static strata of the Wyld at long last and so carnage and the rising scarlet demon. Nameless and yet riding the mount known only as pestilence the many mouths sealed shut by thread of supplication and obligation, the formless entity would rise and prey on her fellows and consume in mad revelry.

For such is the nature of the drunkard mad gods of the Wyld, their wicked and queer methods begging the question of death with the dance of consumption, that which in tranquility invites the daring in the dark maw so that they may feast on the innards of the mighty beast yet still they too shall feed it. For such is the sole law of such an empty yet overwhelming story that those with violence as their shape should use it without restraint or boundaries.

The distant past now and she no longer speaks of it, the memory itself perhaps has been lost to the strange linear flow of time that is Creation's. Once upon a time there was something nameless and malicious but it has been replaced by something different yet perhaps better. None can tell but the lady herself and she speaks not of the subject, for it pains her and that is no pain she would share with the reckless and they only would inquire.

Now, she is the Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circus.

She is Magdalene Farandole.

She came to glory during the darkest hour, the hour of trial and the hour of need. The screams of despair, the strife festering with the piles of corpses as the mounting dread of complete decay offered itself to sight as if a black angel of salvation, the lying void the only remittal from the miserable future.

Yet they came in droves with sealed letters of the great Houses and they knelt to the Realm and offered their services willingly. Theirs were prowess unlike anything ever seen before and she came without hesitation or wait. She came when she heard the cries. She came for the cries. And once there, she realised the opportunity to involve herself in this story and so she would drink from a bottomless well of despair and fear and she would exult like never before.

And so she did and she wore the visage of the reaper with many faces and so did legions of gossamer dolls walk under her command and their devastation was unlike the worst nightmares of that foolish toy Empress who played at being omnipotent. Yet her narrative broke no defeat against the united masses of the Raksha.

For they overwhelmed her pathetic tale until her very hope of victory, the very concept of her existence as an unstoppable force was wiped from the very wheels of fate without a trace. Such was their conceit that there would be no true rememberance of her previous glory.

Such was their prerogative as the Liar Kings.

Magdalene however did not join them in this revelry and their petty revenge against the 'Fallen Empress'. She cared not for such petty sentiments, what she craved was much richer and ran much thicker as blood itself.

The taste of real fear still ran sweet in her veins and her addiction to it could be described as nothing short of instantaneous and profound. She felt it sing to her wyld soul, she felt it resonate with every Grace of hers and she felt it crawl across her skin so delightfully.

She had found the deepest meaning of her nature, that which previously unknown had ampered her so greatly. So her Ring before mediocre rose to greater heights and she found her self without a doubt.

She found her calling as the vassal of the Realm who would provide her with the promise of war. With the promise of conflict. With the promise of strife and the sweet reward of fear.

So many victims for her to drink from headily, until in a drunken stupor she forgets herself and for the briefest moments reach ecstacy and enlightenment impossible.

The Shinma of Fear whispers to her and she whispers back and as it devours her from inside, so does she dream of feasting at the table of its core.

Such is her desire that she who was born from nothing but the quiet nightmare of the fear of the dark rose to be this dread creature, known as the unmatched embodiment of terror, known as the herald of fear without restraint.

Even those closest to her couldn't help but feel abject horror at some of her more grotesque behavior. Yet still she survived for centuries and she even thrived and she knelt before the Senate and she earned much distinguished service in its name and so many heard of her dual-nature. That if they kept her busy, she would be most rewarding and that though some may find her distasteful, who could earnestly pretend to easily rid themselves of such a potent noble of the Sword?

They did not try and thankfully the status-quo endured even to this day.

She is one of the most powerful and efficient agents of the Realm. Her loyalty is nigh unquestionable and she fully understands her place in the order of things. Though few would admit to any affection toward her, many do respect her prowess and dedication. She is the peerless hunter and her savagery is found by some to be almost artistic in its depth and depravity.

She is wicked yet admirable, as fitting one of her stature and fame.

For the longest time with her dolls at her side she needed no partners to accomplish her duty, yet however this is about to change. Recently she has been assigned to a group of troubleshooters for some of the most dangerous, tricky and sensitive missions that the Senate could give anyone.

Magdalene herself still accepts secret missions from members of the Senate whenever anyone is capable of assembling any sort of bribe that can satisfy her. Often, the only kind that shall satisfy her will be fear unlike anything she's tasted before, something that few can pretend to procure her with. As such, she is often incorruptible.

Nevertheless, she has been known to indulge some random noble and accept one of their missions despite their bribe being unsatisfactory merely on the basis of her personal interest in the proposed activity.

Currently, she is easily one of the most colorful Raksha of the new Realm and the legend of her deeds is widely acknowledged on the Blessed Isle by those who pay any attention to that sort of thing.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Just so you know. Stuff from your stories/backstories/write-ups will influence the setting. Even if it's by inference. :twisted:
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Well because a few have put up more defining and interesting concepts I went back and edited mine to flesh him out a good deal more. Hope you don't mind what I added in for him.

Another question comes to mind, when operating in Creation what do Raksha do for magical weaponry? That's the one thing I was having issues wrapping my mind around. Since I was still trying to figure out what to spend my artifact points on.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

don't be silly, better concepts/ideas/stories help. those always help.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Orzhov said:
Well because a few have put up more defining and interesting concepts I went back and edited mine to flesh him out a good deal more. Hope you don't mind what I added in for him.
Another question comes to mind, when operating in Creation what do Raksha do for magical weaponry? That's the one thing I was having issues wrapping my mind around. Since I was still trying to figure out what to spend my artifact points on.
I believe you can buy Treasures as mundane creation-based weapons or tools...Instead of MM's, i guess they'd be made of gossamer. (oh okay I just found the mentioning in the book)

GWM said:
Aside from the Ring-shaping weapons listed here, the Ring can also become a traditional artifact—an enchanted sword, mask or other object useful to the Creation-born or a raksha in Creation.
Though i'll leave it up to the discretion of the ST how he'd want to run it.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Orzhov said:
Well because a few have put up more defining and interesting concepts I went back and edited mine to flesh him out a good deal more. Hope you don't mind what I added in for him.
Another question comes to mind, when operating in Creation what do Raksha do for magical weaponry? That's the one thing I was having issues wrapping my mind around. Since I was still trying to figure out what to spend my artifact points on.
Treasures act as shaping weapons. But often, they also act as an equivalent value artifact weapon in Creation. Minus the magical material bonus. Hence, Treasures are inferior to typical artifacts, and no you can't compensate by using actual mundane artifacts. No magical material resonates with the Raksha.

There's probably ways around that problem though, if you look.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Don't Gossamer weapons add +1 atk/def or something?
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

A gossamer weapon allows you to add an addtional two +1 to two of the following: Accuracy, Damage, Defense or Rate. Any strength requirement for a gossamer weapon is also reduced by one.

Gossamer weaponry is excellent if you don't want to get a Treasure as your weapon of choice, but you still need the Gossamer background to justify having bought it.

Alternatively, having the charm Gossamer-Forging Art is good justification too if you've got a high Craft (Glamour) rating.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Okay, okay, there, totally added my character sheet! Thaaat took a little longer than I expected.

(still, even with 200 XP, abilities get expensive!)
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Rime said:
Okay, okay, there, totally added my character sheet! Thaaat took a little longer than I expected.
(still, even with 200 XP, abilities get expensive!)
One small itty bitty problem I noticed.

Anugratha Oath (Staff, 4 dot artifact): On a bracelet made of intertwining threads of amethyst, Prism swore- "Never shall I kill a Creation-Born incapable of defending themselves." This allows her to always be able to defend herself, even without a weapon, granting her Root of the Perfected Lotus and two incantations of Glorious Hero Form.
Anugratha Oaths can only have 6 mutation points in it. Root of the Perfected Lotus is 4 MP, Glorious Hero Form is 2 MP each. So erm... yeah.

Also, while mechanically Root can be placed in an oath, it's not a good idea as you kind of have to internalize the martial arts... and with this 'fix', breaking the oath results in you -losing- the martial arts charms.

Which is why martial arts IS a serious investment and should be taken as a mutation.

Also, what is the 'native' language? High Realm is the language used by the nobles. Old Realm is what raksha from the wyld pre-PC era should know.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Alright, done a bit more fine tuning but I think it all adds up correctly. Also accounted for artifacts, etc. Opted to go mainly with treasures since Silvanus is so much more bound to Creation and its people. Also posted the more completed sheet with my rewritten concept on page one so its easier to find.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Orzhov said:
Alright, done a bit more fine tuning but I think it all adds up correctly. Also accounted for artifacts, etc. Opted to go mainly with treasures since Silvanus is so much more bound to Creation and its people. Also posted the more completed sheet with my rewritten concept on page one so its easier to find.
You might want to look at lures and Bedlam. Also a lot of mundane artifacts... :lol:
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Also, for what's its worth... I should note that you do NOT need to have come from the Wyld, unshaped going shaped and so forth. And as ancient as the war. You can, but it's not necessary to explain the XP, the high heart grace... :lol:

New raksha are birthed even now in the Realm, commoners, heroic commoners, nobles...
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Alright, fixed the missing Bedlam and Lure. Can't believe I forgot that. As for the age, I just thought tying him more to the history of it all would be interesting. But that can change if it needs to.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Last time I checked, the Raksha suffer from all the curses. All of them.

And I just noticed something interesting, why did you get hearthstone bracers? You do realise you don't get motes back from one or the special effect of the stone right?

They only allow you to exist without an Assumption in Creation.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

I imagine I could have taken Freehold instead, and as I understood I just needed to indicate the one that I had an actual Lure for. More editing it seems is needed.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

My point is that you don't need those bracers to benefit from your hearthstone.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Well, it was an amulet, not bracers. But considering I just decided to say to hell with it and took Freehold instead of Manse I suppose that will shift things around a little.
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

Well, since we have so many Fae, I may as well go for the Combo Breaker and post a concept for a DB. ^_^

Castellan Artagnan: Water-Aspected Noble of Incorruptible Pure Pureness

"By all the elements combined I am whole. Enlightenment can only exist through understanding of all Creation. As such I am whole. As such I am righteous. As such I am pure.

I know no corruption for my passion is as the flame that licks the sky, for my resolve is as the still earth that moves not for time nor force, for my wisdom is as shifting and all-encompassing as the sky and the rain, for the breadth of my vision is as stark as the air that surrounds all life.

Yet even in this I do not stagnate, I still grow for I am too as the Tree of Life everlasting.

I am not perfect, but I know myself as pure and I know the path that I walk and I will not lose my way.

That is who I am, and no tricks of fey will change that. Now stand aside."

-Thanks to Danakir for that. ^_^


The Castellan Family was a little known patrician family in the Old Realm before the Change. It owned a small bit of land on the Blessed Isle, and its members lived out in near anonymity for generations. This changed when Castellan Marik Exalted with the Blood of the Dragons in 4 PC.

Marik was a cunning man, rapidly establishing a power base and streamlining his family's organization as only an Exalt could. His ambitions ran beyond his own personal foresight however. He knew that he would not last forever, and the Blood ran weakly through him. Further generations of the Castellan Family would need more Exalted, and his weak blood would likely result in only mortals.

Not desiring the family he worked so hard to build into some sembelence of greatness shrivel and die for lack of Exalted progeny, Marik saw his opportunity to secure his legacy in the new mountain folk. Marik married Of Auspicious Dawn, a mountain folk noble.

He was gambling with his very soul. He hoped with all of his heart that their children would bear the Dragons' Blood. He was relieved when both of their children Exalted, their bloodline purer and more potent than he, but with a touch of Fae that was apparent in their inhuman beauty.

Marik entrusted both of his daughters to mate with only those who would ensure without a shadow of a doubt that their offspring would Exalt, and left his house to them.

This continued for generations, evolving eventually into a very selective breeding program. Every Exalt in the House was scrutinized very carefully, their mating habits examined with exacting precision. Those that did not Exalt were significantly fae-blooded. Fae would marry into the house on a near constant basis, as would Dragon-Blooded of increasing potency.

Generation by generation, the Castellan Line would grow in potency and power. The small estate near Sdoia eventually grew into a very large one, as the Exalted expanded their power base.

Castellan Artagnan is the latest in this now proud and noble line. The first-born son of the Castellan Family, he bears the weight of the family upon his shoulders, showing an ambition unseen in its intensity since Marik founded the House.

Not that anyone would notice.

Artagnan grew up as any normal patrician child would, spoiled, rash, not for want of anything really. He was put through a rigorous education, as only the best and brightest could hold any hope for the Castellan line. By the time he was 12, he was placed in charge of one of the family's many textile mills, the primary source of the Castellan Family's wealth, overseeing the production of Cotton and fabrics of such fine quality that it was selected for overlaying with Gossamer Dreams and Jade Filaments. He ran his first factory into the ground, rashly driving his workers with the whip and chain. It was not until an industrial accident that lost the factory and all of its workers, that the Artagnan of today began to form.

Artagnan, stricken with grief, was sent to the dojo of Master Bertoran Arando, the man who taught him the way of the Faith of the Ten Thousand Lords, and began to shape Artagnan into the man he is today. It was here, meditating on his failures and the Faith, that he Exalted. Arando taught him Martial Arts, and instructed him in the ways of the Water Dragon. A decade passed, and he returned to the Family, much changed. Gone was the rash, inexperienced youth, instead replaced with a placid, aloof exterior.

Time passed. Artagnan was instructed in courtly etiquette, in preparation for his future place as head of the family. At age 40, however, he decided that he could not ignore the new calling in his soul. Returning to Arando, he requested to begin instruction in the Wood Dragon Style, stating that at one point, he would seek to master all of the elements.

His family obligations loom over him, however. As the stated heir to the family, he will eventually have to take over complete control of it. He can only hope now that he will do well once the time comes...
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..


Kuchiki Byakuya? :lol:

"Tricks of the fey" - the mountain folk don't use tricks... they shape reality. :wink:
Re: [DB/Fae Game Recruitment] In the service of the senate..

They're tricky in the sense that they'll change your armor to lava. Or butterflies. And your sword would make a nice sunbeam. And let's make the sky be made of wood. And then...

Stuff like that, yanno.

(also, fixed all that stuff! Finally that sheet's done.)

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