Daydreamer Barn V. II


Chastity grinned, and nodded politely, still paying full attention to her

captivating book. Glaring up, she spoke quietly, "Well. It was great

meeting you, Meg." She softly placed her book on her bed, and got up,

watching her head. She strolled into the bathroom, and turned the

faucet on. Running her fingers through the cold, numbing water, she

suddenly cupped her hands together, and flung the freezing water at her

face. She then rubbed her face with a towel that smelled with lavender, and quickly

washed her hands carefully with soap and water. As her stomach

grumbled, she walked into the kitchen. Leaning against the marble

counter, she questioned herself,
What to make, what to make?

→ Farren ←

Farren grinned slyly with satisfaction. She had not heard

any retort from the girl. Chirping her stubborn stallion on

again, she nodded her head as the girl left with her mare.

Finally, there was less tension between the stallions. Magic

swished his tail menacingly, and fixed his position again.

Why did the mare leave? Well, he could keep his dominant

position until the other pathetic stallion and his irritating girl

left. She had been bothering his girl, and that made him

even more irritated. Prancing onward, he squealed an ear-

splitting scream at the other stubborn, competitive stallion.

Connor tilted his head and thought for a moment, not had thought his plan through. He pushed his foot on the wall, pushing forward and walked closer to Marcus. "I don't know..." his voice trailed off, "We can see if the girl want to go to eat and then dancing for something, sound fun?" he asked crossing his arms.

Meg didn't like how the girl was not fully listening to her and reading her book as she spoke, but tried to not show it. Taking a sigh she grabbed her bag and started to take everything out to put away as she watched her roommate trail into the bathroom. She aimlessly made her way to the small kitchen, sized perfectly for three teenage girls. Opening the refrigerate half expecting it to be empty, but to her surprise she spotted sodas, milk, orange juice, turkey slices, cheese, and more. She took a breath, letting the aroma of various foods enter her nose, filling it with a strange but nice smells. She was also surprised at how there was also food in the cabinets, this place was so nice. Not being able to decide what to eat she gabbed her milk out and placed it on the marble counter. She opened a few cabinets looking for the glasses until she came to one filled with what seemed to be freshly cleaned glasses. Smiling she picked on up carefully and placed it next to the milk. She turned the cap on the milk and grinned at the satisfying sound, meaning it was open. Lifting it from the counter, she poured it into the glass filling it to the brim. She put the milk away and picked up her cold class being carefully not to spill it. She held it up to her lids and sipped a mouth full of creamy milk, coating the sides of her mouth. Just as she swallowed her last sip Chastity walked in. She smiled at her and placed her cup in the sink.

(Sorry, sucky post! It was kinda mess, sorry!)
Marella sent Rosa out on a fifteen meter circle asking the mare for a smooth collected trot. The harness always did wonders for the mare's frame and her movements freed up, however tonight she was a bit distracted by the stallions. Marella clucked a few times and clapped her hand against her thigh, Rosa's ear flicked towards the center and she refocused. She was still showing off though.

Rosa flicked her glorious white tail with each step. She knew she was pretty but she was also cautious. Flirting was fine as long as she was careful. Did that make her tease, maybe but she was allowed to have fun.

Marcus listened thoughtfully, "I'm game, tomorrow's my day off and it sounds fun," he said with a smile.
As Em was leading her fidgety stallion backwards again, Marella walked back in...With a lunge line and crop. She sighed, and decided that if it came to arguing between the girls, she would stick up for Marella. At least a little bit. Afterall, how did Em look, leading her stallion in here when there was already another one? She mentally cursed her one-track mind. Ash, though, wasn't happy at all. The mare was paying no attention to him, Em was throwing every thing off, and the opposing stallion gave a shrill scream at him. He whinnied and stopped moving. Em let him stop, then moved forward. Ash had finally learned his lesson - no more trotting. As the pair passed the other pair of girl and stallion, Ash snapped his teeth, glad to see he was the bigger stallion by around an inch. Em could do nothing about the snap but yank his head back - which she did. Ash was a Hanoverian, and Em guessed that the other stallion was a Lipizan...Lipizzans are generally bigger horses, but Ash was a pretty hefty stallion who came of a tall broodmare and even taller sire. This gave Ash about an inch's advantage.....Em also knew that Ash would use it, and that one inch could get him in to some trouble.
"Great, I am going to go get dressed and then we can go get the girls and drag them with us," Connor said with a grin, racing to the bathroom. Quickly he slipped into favorite blue jeans, his black v-neck, and his leather jacket. He stepped out of the bathroom, grabbing his sunglasses from the table and turned to Marcus "How is this?" he asked gesturing to his clothes. Only cool guys wear sunglasses at night. Well, cool guys and loser-wannabes. He spun around and walked over to his bed, snatching up his car keys and stuffed them into his pocket along with his wallet, cell phone, and some girl's phone number on a crumbled peice of torn paper.

(Noooooo!! Sucky post, writer's block sucks!)
Marcus nodded, "Its fine, hey you head out I need to shower real quick. When I'm ready I'll text you and come help you coax the girls into going with us," he said sliding into the bathroom. There was no way he could go out smelling like a barn, to him it was a cologne but other people thought it stunk. However, he knew girl's, especially barn girls, dug the scent of leather soap or hay and he had concocted his own mix of cologne that made him smell like the barn minus all of the manure and sweat. First he had diluted some molasses and a small amount of leather soap then he had gotten some alfalfa flowers and crushed them up. All of this was mixed in an old spray bottle and girls loved it. Marcus always rubbed a little in his hair before going out.

He showered quickly tossing his clean jeans back on, a pair of cowboy boots, a plain white v-neck and blue plaid shirt. His blue eyes were piercing and striking against his tan complexion. He dried his hair mussing it up a little bit then put on the smallest amount of his special "blend".
Name: Monica

Age: 16

Personality: Reserved and quiet. To most, she doesn't choose to speak, nonetheless is an excellent rider. Of course, there are human flaws, but despite this she uses her mortal abilities very well. When she befriends someone, is a tad more outgoing and buoyant. Is very attached to her horse, or animals in general. Isn't known to have many friends.

Appearance (Photo or description, please. No anime): View attachment 2698 (Except she wears the dress only to formal occasions, usually wears leather jacket and jeans, and doesn't wear crown)

Number of Horses: 1

Horses (names, please): Fair

Discipline: Show-jumps, (Not as good at) Dressage

History: As a young girl, her father had died of cancer, but her mother was a strong-willed person. Monica was a tough girl, and though she wasn't completely accepted in her school, she didn't mind. She lived in a rural area, and after completing schoolwork, she always practiced jumping as her hobby. Though her school was far, she got transportation by a bus. After completing HighSchool, she got a job as a counselor, and used the money she'd raised to go to this prestigious farm.

Crush: None

Other: N/A

Barn Name: Fair

Show Name: "Justice's Cry"

Age: 8

Appearance: View attachment 2699

Breed: Arabian

History: After Fair's parents were bought and sold, she was purchased by Monica, who fell in love with the filly at first sight. Their bond is extremely strong. Fair isn't as loyal and devoted to any other human, but will comply.

Owner: Monica

Other: N/A

Note: I'm not completely horse-knowledgable, so if I get something wrong, please correct me.

Mind if I join?

Celine 'Celly' Martinez


Celine is loud and sometimes obnoxious. She loves to have fun. Celly is outgoing, but still prefers animals over people. If she got invited to a party, but she had promised the night to Tee, then she will blow off the part and spend time with Tee. Celine loves the night time, and usually stays up late. Her favorite thing to do is go out on summer nights in her sweats and tank top and ride Tee bareback. Celine is very nice and helpful, and usually doesn't hold grudges. She likes to be strait-up and hates drama. If Celine pinky promises something, she keeps the promise and always goes through with it. Celine is rebelous, though. She has been suspended from school many times, and what to other people think is immature, Celly thinks is hilarious. Somethimes when she says things, she talks to fast and the sentences comes out sounding just like a blob of words. Celine is always trying to find the best in people.

Appearance (Photo or description, please. No anime): Celly is 5'4. She has dark brown hair that falls about four inches past her shoulders. She has big, hazel green eyes and a tan complection. She is thin, but has curves. Celine has done sports all her life, so she is in good shape, and very strong. She is usually seen with straight hair, but when she rides, she always puts it up in a high bun that has hair falling out of the ponytail. Occasionally, she will have curly/wavy hair. She has sort of thick bangs that go over her face, she is always pushing them away and out of her eyes. Celine wheres tight but flared and the feet jeans, mostly light demin. She wears confortable tees every where she goes. Her favorite shoes are Jordans and Vans, but she also loves cowboy boots with a pair of tight strait-leg jeans.

Number of Horses: 1

Horses (names, please): Tee

Discipline: Barrel Racer, Beginner Peir Rider

History: Celine came from the city, she grew up with dogs. When she visited her family in Mexico, they went and stayed with her grandfather on his ranch. The 'Martinez de la Finca' is where Celine discovered her love for horses. Her grandfather has 32 horses on his ranch. He taught her how to humanely train a horse in the art of Peir, or what he call "The Horse Dance". She card for a mare and her foal her entire visit, and when she came home, she saved up her money from work, she worked at the loca Pizza Hut, and bought a young and fiery colt, Atticus Tee. She boarded him in a small feild on the outskirts of town. Celine hasn't seen her father in almost 5 years, but is still very close to her fathers side of family. Celine feels the family is most important in life and she would do anything for them.

Crush: No one.. yet.


Barn Name: Tee or AT

Show Name: Atticus Tee

Age: 8

View attachment 2701

Breed: Arabian X Fresian

History: Tee was bought from an auction at a realitivly low price. He was awkward and clumsy, and his previous owners didn't see much in him. Celine heard that their was going to be cheap horses their, so she gave it a look. Celine fell in love with the young horse, who was almost 3 at the time. Celine trained him in Barrel Racing, he was not the best, because he was bigger than most barrel horses, but Celine didn't give up on him From the day he was bought, Celine has been training him non-stop. He is still working on Barrel Racing and Celine is working on teaching him the art of Peir.

Owner: Celine 'Celly' Martinez





Farren grinned slyly as the stallion approached her and her stallion. She knew Magic could grow about an inch more. He was weary, but he could still be the more dominant stallion-he was a Lippizaner after all. And the other stallion-well, he was a Hanoverian. Lippizaners were known for their amazing skills focused in Dressage. And Dressage was known for elegance and grace. Farren clucked her stallion on, irritated as his neck arched about one inch higher, slightly more or less.

Her stallion was straining-Farren could feel his rippling muscles streching out uncomfortably. But, Magic was not showing this to the other stallion. Magic struck out at the arena's soft clay ground, churning the clay up until it was no longer compacted. He snapped his teeth as the stallion's tail, grabbing a few stray strands of the stallion's long hair, only to be pulled back angrily by Farren and being given a pointless scolding. After his girl was done chiming him, he lifted his tail, and pinned his ears back to his skull again, his rippling muscles gleaming in the moonlight. He was portraying a royal and regal appearance-and needed to keep it up if he wanted to dominate over his rival. The other stallion was a tough, muscular Hanoverian that was a difficult contender.

(Spottedstar and Martimars, you are both accepted!) Connor nodded at Marcus, opened the door and walked out into the hall way as he closed the door behind him. He trotted through the building, occasionally loosing his way and having to trace his steps until he fond the one dorm which held some of the many girls. Quickly he took his phone from his pocket and texted Marcus to meet him there and that he was going to go ahead and ask them. He fidgeted with his hair and shirt before knocking three times of the thick door.​
Meg walked from the kitchen and to her bed. She pulled out her sketch book from the smallest pocket on her gray sling over backpack and curled up in her blanket. Flipping through her sketch book filled with a majority of well executed drawings of nature scenes and horses, when she cam capon a blank page. Picking her pencil up from her bed side table she thought of what she should draw. After about a minute of thinking she decided on drawing her favorite flower, camellia flower. The moment the tip of her pencil touched the paper it seemed to be moving on it's own. As drawing, Meg felt safe and happy. If her horse career did not work, her plan was to go to an art school. Her hand moved across the white background making a flower and shading it to seem as if he sun's light was coming from the right. When the picture was completed, she took out her colored pencils and decorated the elegant flower with an assortment of pinks.​
Meg's head shot up from her work as a loud knock at the door interrupted her focus. Her drawing half finished and laying on her bed, she made her way to the door. Turning the doorknob and pulling it open she found herself face to face with one of the boys from the barn. "Hi," she said immediately "What is it?" she asked narrowing her eyes. He grinned at her reveling perfectly straight white teeth. "Hey," he began, stepping into the dorm. "Two of us are going out and we wanted to know of you wanted to come with, we are going to a restaurant?" he asked. Meg was not quite sure what she wanted to do. "Chastity!" she yelled through the dorm, hoping she would have an opinion about the idea. "Could you come here?' she asked, just as loud​
The soft ping of his phone startled Marcus, he had been wrapped up in some paperwork the Vet had left. He picked it up and glanced at the miniature screen. All of his minimal pay check went towards the necessities and show entries, a new phone was not high on his priority list. Marcus made his way through the hallways, he knew this place like the back of his hand but this was the first year he was staying in it. All of the other years he had just stayed in the farmhouse with his Aunt but recently he had wanted some independence thus he moved out of his Aunt's house to the dorms that were less than a mile away. IT really wasn't a big change but at the time it was the best option.

Once again Marcus's thoughts were interrupted by his arrival at the other dorm room. Connor was standing with another girl who at that moment was yelling for someone named Chastity.



Chastity looked up from the stove as she was called from across the room. "Om... just a minute!" She took out the pot from the oven, and threw it on top of the counter. She scurried to the door where she had heard the doorbell ring earlier. She stared at the two boys in the doorway, her eyes narrowing. Turning her head to her roommate, she asked nervously, "What do they want? I'm a bit busy..." She pulled a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear, eyeing the two boys with curiosity.


Em was getting sick of this.

She was sick of the horses competing. Of walking in two different directions; one being very unnatural. Of her roommate just leading her mare in circles as if that would stir no trouble whatsoever. If the horses weren't already high-strung and frisky, she would have screamed
STOP! at the top of her lungs and took off to tackle the girl with the Lippizan. Instead, she stopped leading Ash and looked at the stupid girl was was either encouraging her horse, or ignoring Em. That irritated her. It also irritated her that Ash was snorting and trying to walk on so he could out-stupid the other male. "You know what?" Em said to the two other girls, her finger tracing the knot work in Ash's lead. "This is, in my lifetime as an equestrian, the dumbest thing...I have ever done."
Marella really wasn't paying attention to what was going on around her however when Em started talking she listened. All she could do that point was be disgusted, was this girl seriously getting pissed at her? Teasing the stallions was the last thing on her priority list but at her barn the stallions were well-mannered and manageable. Yes sometimes they got squeamish but they quickly reprimanded like any other horse and eventually they figured it out. Also Rosa would have taken another arena but all of the others were full and on another note she did not feel like coaxing Rosa into one of the other contraptions right now, she would save that battle for another day.

"Excuse me but in case you haven't noticed, I put my mare to work and she calmed down and all the other arenas are full so its not like I had an option!" she growled slowing the mare to a walk. She had had enough anyway.



Farren turned around to look at the girl with a cold, glowering face, and tucked a stray strand of auburn hair behind her ear. Giving the girl a sarcastically respectful nod, she turned around toward the arena's entry gate. As she neared the gate, she looked back at Magic, who was sweating lightly, and unlatched the gate's lock. As she closed the gate, it slightly brushed Magic's rump, and he took a nervous step forward. Striking at the soft clay ground, he sent dirt flying into the air. Farren looked at him with a scolding look, but couldn't help but grinning sly. She lead him into the stable, beaming even more as the soft click-clack of hooves on cement sounded throughout the barn. Her tightened muscles immediately relaxed, and she felt her adrenaline from the past battle fade away. The only sounds that could be heard were the midnight crickets constantly, and the sound on hooves on the concrete. Farren clipped her stallion into the grooming stall closest to his stall, and walked off towards the fancy tack room, preparing for a long grooming.

Em's lips, though pressed in a tight line, curved in to a smirk. Ash whinnied as the opposing stallion walked out, and stomped his hooves, seeing only that he had won. His girl looked at her room mate. "Okay," she said simply, but that one word contained every ounce of poision, sarcasm and hostility Em could bear to express. She clicked to Ash, deciding she would walk him around to cool him down a bit. He had to calm down, otherwise she would put him away for the night. Em didn't really want to meet that other girl in the barn, either. WHile nameless, voiceless as well as a little brainless, that girl had told Em all she had needed to hear.

(Stupid short post is stupid and short...)

Meg turned to her roommate and explained what they wanted, "They want to know if we want to tag along with them to a restaurant." she turned back to the, now two boys and raised her eyebrow with curiosity "Where exactly did you guys have in mind?" The blonde haired boy looked at them as if thinking. What was his name? Cody? Cameron? Connor? Yes, that was it, Connor was his name. She brushed her hair behind her ear and shifted her weight to the side. "Well," the blonde haired boy, Connor began to speak. "I was thinking Italian food, there is a place close to here we can go." he offered. Meg loved Italian food, the idea made her smile. "That sounds great," she turned to Chastity again "I am in if you are?" she asked, not wanting to go alone.

Connor smiled as the girl tried to decide weather to go or not. He knew they would come, the dark haired girl seemed pleased about it. To give them a better offer he spoke "We are going to see if the other girls want to come, too. We also might go dancing after." he said, knowing it was an offer they couldn't refuse. He figured the more the better, he loved going out with friends and since he didn't really have any in the area he might as well be friends with the people at his barn, they seemed nice enough.



⒞⒣⒜⒮⒯⒤⒯⒴ ⒠⒨⒨⒜ ⒲⒣⒤⒯

Chastity leaned against the door's frame casually, considering the boy's offer. After about a minute of thinking, she said with a sigh, "Italian food... Ah, heck. I'm in." Backing away from the door, she blurted out, "Just let me grab my keys." With a polite nod to excuse her from the conversation, she scurried off to her bunk, and grabbed her purse from the small shelf that was bolted to the wall under her circular mirror. She zipped open her purse hastily, and rummaged through it's contents, finally finding what she needed. It only took her a minute to fix her makeup, and check it through her mirror that was bordered with deep, cool colored mosaic colors-blue, purple. She threw her makeup case back into the bag, and raced to the doorway, zipping her purse up when she arrived. Slinging it over her shoulder, she questioned patiently, "Ready?"




Magic stomped his hoof impatiently on the rubber mat. He had lost the battle between his adversary, and only because his girl had thought he was tired. Although, he wasn't too worried. He was an elegant, regal Lipizzaner who dappled in dressage, and his adversary was a slim stallion who was skilled at show jumping. Farren entered the grooming stall again, with the grooming bag decorated with colorful spirals and swirls. He nickered a low, soft greeting as Farren cupped her hand gently over his velvety nose. "Hey, pretty boy," she cooed in a soothing voice as she began make circular motions around his neck with the curry comb, loosening the dirt, grime, and sweat from his filthy coat. After quickly brushing Magic down with the soft brush, Farren lead him out of the barn and toward his private paddock. Magic was back to his now weary self, his neck lowered, his airplane ears slightly twitching at times. He was alert that there were crickets in the deep grass he was walking on. Farren led him into the paddock, and turned him toward the well kept fence, slipping his halter off before giving him one last peppermint. She strolled off toward the barn, where she,"apparently" needed to do more chores. Was she that freaking desperate to spend time in the stable?


Marella turned around and rolled her eyes. Now she had pissed off of her roommate, the person she was gonna be living with for the next year...AT LEAST. Sighing she clucked her tongue and flicked her hand in the opposite direction. Rosa obeyed the signal and turned the other direction picking up a lofty trot. She really did have gorgeous movements for a horse that had been rescued from a less than ideal situation.

After ten minutes of trot and canter work Marella decided enough was enough. "Woah," she called softly, the sculpted ears flicked downwards her and Rosa's pace slowed. She walked for a second then turned towards her owner. She breathed heavily and leaned her head into Marella's chest snuffling for a mint. Smiling Marella pushed her away softly and unclipped the cavesson, "Let's go Babes," she cooed leading the mare out of the arena and into the barn. All the way Rosa nudged her owner softly and playfully for treats. "I don't have any," she laughed feeling more at ease around her.
Em watched her room mate leave while her temper boiled down to a simmer. That girl...She was going to keep an eye on that girl, but Marella didn't seem like any sort of threat. She barely seemed like a rider Em would take seriously. But, she saw the passion in Marella's movements and when she touched her horse. If Em wanted any, she probably would have made an effort to be friends with Marella. She didn't want any friends, though, and could easily see Marella's fragility. She treated herself like a butterfly - like she could crumble if any one tried to touch her.

With a sigh, Em decided it was probably time to bring Ash in. She didn't want to, though - the girl with the other stallion was most likely still there with her horse. Em wan't afraid to start fights, but that didn't mean she went looking for them. "Ugh...Come on, baby, let's go. Just don't blame me if we run in to any trouble," she told Ash, and brought him back to the barn. Surely enough, Farren and Marella were both there. Farren's horse was gone, probably in the pasture, but Marella was taking care of her mare.

Her head high, feeling no remorse and letting them know it, she walked in to the barn with Ash on her shoulder. Ash was still on edge, but he flirted with the mare anyway. Flicking his tail, glancing at her from the side, putting more weight on his hooves as he walked. Em rolled her eyes and pat his neck, then put him on crossties. She gave him a quick brushdown, deciding that any serious grooming could be saved for tomorrow and no harm would be done.
(You know what I think this barn is missing? A random miniature donkey or horse, a barn mascot or something)

Rosa took notice of the stallion and flicked her tail swooping white tail from side to side. She shook her head but a sharp but soft whistle brought her attention back to Marella. Her owner was less than happy with her behavior. Sighing she lowered her head but she still made eyes at the stallion as Marella brushed her down with a soft brush and took off her leg wraps. Her "pjs" or red cooler was tossed over her back and strapped on for the night and Rosa was led back to her stall. Thankfully it overlooked the other pastures so she wouldn't be bored the entire evening.

Marella kept her eyes focused on the work at hand hoping to avoid another fight. Really why had she even stooped to Em's level, nobody had handled the situation properly. It was obvious they wanted different things in life. Marella loved competing but it was for the thrill of the even not the ribbons. Her real goal was to train rescue horses into something more than they are. To bring them back from nothing and turn them into something.
Meg smiled "Just one minute," she said before sprinting off to her room. She slipped into her favorite purple blouse and black jeans. She ran back to the door, grabbing her keys and purse on her way. "I'm ready." she said stepping out into the hallway. She turned to them"I know where the restaurant is, so I will just meet you guys there." she waved lazily and ran off to her car. After turning on her car, she got settled and pulled out of the dirt driveway and headed off to the restaurant.

Connor smiled as Meg left and then turned back to the rest of them. "I am gonna ask if the others want to join us and I will meet you guys there," he said before trotting off into the barn where he thought he would find Em. "Hey, Em?" he called out just loud enough to not spook the horses, just piercing the silence.

(I think that is a great idea, in my next post I will make a miniature horse. Thanks for the idea. =3 )
"Yes, Connor?" she replied, looking at her friend. He looked ready to go clubbing, and, knowing Connor, this made her a bit worried. She smiled and finished brushing Ash down, then put the brushes away. "What's up?" she asked, leaning on Ash with one arm slung around his neck, the other resting on her hip. Her stallion flattened his ears at the sight of the boy, but ignored him and paid attention to Rosa. He was glad the mare paid him some mind, and he couldn't seem to stop flirting with her.
{Haha, at my barn we have two donkeys, a mini, and a lot of chickens. We also have a stray duck... That apparently thinks it's a chicken... xD }

Farren toward Etch's stall, who was portraying a dominant appearance as the stallion she had seen just a while ago past. Giving the girl a piercing look, she cupped her hand over her stallion's velvety nose. "Hey, boy... How are you?" Etch shoved his girl's hand away, clearly busy with what he was doing. Sighing, Farren checked his feed buckets for the night, and started toward her dorm, eager to get a good rest after the long trip.
Connor trotted closer to Em and leaned against the stall. She seemed agitated, but at the same time focused as she normally appeared. Like a mare she was focused on what she was doing and refused to let anyone get the upper hand, but at the same time her features were gentle. He understood why he had liked her when they were small. For a reason he just wanted her to like him, because she refused to do so. He smiled at her; the girl who used to beat him at video games in his mom's basement. She had out grown that. She seemed so different and so calm, yet with a mean edge. "We are all going to a restaurant and I wanted to know if you wanted to tag along?" he asked pulling himself out of a flashback.


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