Daydreamer Barn V. II

Em shook the girl's hand, her grip tight and warm, and released after a moment. "Yes, That's me." She looked around, her eyes flicking from each bed. The sheets were very...Girlie. Em sighed and looked at Marella. "Have you picked a bed yet?" she asked, her face straight. If not, Em was going to claim her own bed immediately. She sighed and looked at the bed she wanted, the one that was against the dresser. For some reason, Em liked sleeping in corners. Any where else, she wasn't comfortable.

(*pumps air in to muse* Breathe, darn you!)
"Well I'd prefer the bed not beside the dresser, it is so hard to make a bed against the wall. I mean we can work something out though if you want that bed," Rosa said hoping to avoid conflict. She resisted the urge to twist her hair between her fingers, it was such an annoying habit and it made her look un-confident.
"No, I want that bed. That was easy," Em said, smiling something sly. She took her suit cases and put them on the bed she had claimed, unzipping the one containing her clothes. "So, Marella...Where do you stand on the whole room mate set up?" Em was just curious. She wasnt't going to kick this girl out, or anything, she just wanted to know if she was the only one who was going to dread it. Why not gather the opinion of the girl she would live with all Summer?

(GAH lazy >.<)
"Well we don't have much choice do we?" Marella asked returning to her unpacking. She had already lined the drawers in the dresser with paper, she wasn't sure why but her mom had always done it so she figured she should too. Most everything was folded but she had a few things she wanted to hang. That left the closet problem, there was only one. "Do you want to split the closet in some special way or what?" Marella asked hoping to get through this process quickly and painlessly.

( Chastity, Farren and Meg's room

I am going to go ahead and time skip to night time, I am sorry if this is not the best timing for some people, I just think people need more interacting.)

Meg patted Violet on her check and kissed her lightly "Good night." she said quietly as she walked away from the stall. As she exited the barn, she grabbed her pony tail and pulled out her scrunchy. She took a breath and wiped off some of the dirt from her shirt. Walking up the steps to the dorm house, she wondered what her room mates would be like.

She gripped the door nob and turned it, swallowing all of her doubt. "Wow," she said to herself slowly in amazement. As she walked into the amazing room nothing like anywhere she had stayed before. Smiling from ear to ear, she saw that they had already brought over her bags. Looking around some more, she was so exited. Giggling a bit she jumped into on of the already made beds messing it up a bit.
"No, but I want to know how you feel about it. What you think," Em clarified, slightly annoyed. Like some sort of animal, Em could sense that this girl's confidence level was nearly non-existant, while her own was pretty healthy. She folded her arms, a little apalled that Marella was so wary with how she acted. It was a bit pathetic. Then again, even Em had gone through that once. She was getting second or third place in shows for almost three months solid. It was very frustrating, especialy with her ego. Then she decided to ake a break from show jumping for a couple months and focused on dressage. Her next show, she won. It wasn't a one-show-win, either. She was a champion again.

Em sighed and came back to the present, looking at the closet. Ugh - one closet would not do at all. She folded her arms and looked at her suitcase, then at Marella. "My show outfits and jodhpurs need to be hung up...What have you hung up already?"


Em loved riding at night. She wasn't sure she'd really get the chance to, though, since she had already ridden with Ash that day. But...Mucking his stall wouldn't hurt, would it?

After she put Ash on the cross ties, she started mucking. It was a clean stall already - only two or three piles to clean up. But it wouldn't hurt Ash to sleep in a clean stall. She wasn't sure how much she liked the fact that the grooms here only mucked, like, once a day, in the morning. Plus, she was pretty bored. Once she finished that, she walked over to her horse, who was calm and happy on the ties. Ash was relaxing; he had one hoof propped up on to the edge, and his head was hung low. Em smiled and picked his head up, stroking his nose and studying his face, trying to read the expression on his equestrian features. Em wanted to ride. Or at least
work. Most people thought that a girl as spoiled as she would die before she mucked her horse's stall, or even tacked him up. But, Em grew up doing the work. Her mom bred horses for crying out loud, and once she was old enough, saw no harm in putting her daughter to work. Em couldn't even remember her first ride - horses had always been a part of her life.

But, all buckets have been filled. All the stalls had been mucked. All the horses were clean. All the hooves had been picked. Every thing that needed to be hauled, scraped, cleaned, or tugged had already been done so. All the work was finished. Em sighed, feeling spoilt, and decided she would give Ash some well-needed excercise by walking and trotting him around the arena. It would be good for him to get to know the arena, and besides - lunging, if done longer for 20 minutes, was bad for their joints. So, why not take a walk?



Chastity sighed deeply as she flopped down onto her bed. She had never seen a bed setup like this, with each bed in a small compartment, and was becoming a bit annoyed with it. She felt enclosed, like the walls were flames, engulfing her in ash and smoke. She turned on her lamp, and bent over the side of her compartment, unzipping her suitcase's smallest flap. She seized Secretariat, a book she had been reading on and off for a while now, and flipped through the pages almost angrily, clearing upset that she had not had much time to do anything with Treasure today. She had tardily arrived at the barn at around dinner time, and was not exactly welcomed with open arms due to the fact that everyone was grumpy from hunger. As Chastity found her page that she had marked with an origami bookmark, she scanned the page, trying to find out where she had left off.

Finding her place, she set her bookmark delicately on her lap, and began reading her excessively detailed book.




Farren placed her hands on her hips. Everything had been taken care of by the attentive grooms. Etch and Magic's buckets had been carefully monitored when she was not present, and they had been refilled with fresh feed and crystal clear water. There was not even a piece of straw floating around pathetically in the water, bobbing up and down. Her horses' stalls had been carefully mucked out, and bedded deeply with a fresh supply of straw. This annoyed Farren deeply. They were her horses, and she wanted to care for them.

Farren was an competitive, snobby rider, and surprisingly, if anyone even so much as
stroked her horse, she would have their stalls monitored closely. She shrugged, telling herself she would deal with it tomorrow morning, and strolled down to Etch's stall. The stallion nickered softly, his head hanging wearily over the stall door. Farren grinned, and stroked his velvety nose. Giving his muzzle a quick kiss, she muttered softly, "I'll see you in the morning." She walked off to Magic's stall. Immediately noticing his 'airplane ears', she sighed.

Her horse seemed full of energy, and he was extremely jumpy. Magic's 'airplane ears' also gave her a sign that he was either bored, or tired. And bored it was. Farren slipped Magic's halter over his ears, and buckled it up, making sure it was not too tight, nor not too loose. She clipped the lead rope to his halter, and unlatched the stall. Magic threw his head fiercely into the air, and charged out of his stall. Farren set her jaw, and gave the rope a slight tug.

As Magic calmed slightly down, she locked up his stall, and led him out to the arena, shorting the rope whenever her exited stallion arched his neck or threw his head into the air wildly.
Why is Magic acting up like this? she sighed in her mind. Maybe he is just restless after the tiring trip. Farren unlatched the arena's gate, and latched it back up. This was just another continuous rule you had to follow at any barn-locking up the gates. Farren took off with Magic's trotting him along the barrier of the large arena. Magic lashed out with his hind legs, clearly exited.

Farren tugged back on the rope. Gritting her teeth, she cursed under breath. Magic was annoying her to a point where she wanted to just lock him up in his stall. He was being so difficult.
Take a breather! she yelled at herself in her mind. After settling down a bit, she walked along the arena with Magic, cooing to him softly, and sneaking a peppermint to him in the pitch black darkness. The only thing that lit up the arena was the occasional light bolted to the fence.

She patted his neck, and sighed, knowing that when she arrived in her dorm, two people would be awaiting her arrival. She shook the though off, having a faint thought of never wanting to leave the barn.

"Okay the sounds good to me, I just want to my hang my show clothes too," Marella replied pulling the crisp shirts and gorgeous jackets. They were all hand sewn by her grandmother who thought the prices of the show clothes were just ridiculous. The only thing they had really splurged on were all of her jodphurs. It was just too hard to sew them.

That evening Marella made her way out to the barn. She loved slipping out to the barn when the sun was low and the crickets were out. It created a different feeling in the air. Everything was peaceful but at the same time so alive. The trees and bushes practically glowed as the light dwindled.

Rosa was waiting nervously in her stall, she was sweating, heaving in fact, a groom stood in front of her stall looking exasperated. Marella had worried about this, she had always been the one to clean the mare's stall even at the rescue.

"I'm Marella, her owner, did she give you trouble?" she asked extending her hand to the man and peaking in the stall. It looked kind of clean but the straw was uneven and some water had been spilled.

"I think we may have to put her in the crossties from now on but she doesn't seem to like us handling her. Is there anything you recommend?" he asked obviously tired.

"Not really, she is fine as long as I am here so I'll just come clean her stalls in the morning and evening. I am sorry she gave you so much trouble, I can handle it from here," she said knowing he probably had other things to deal with.
Em nodded and unzipped her suitcase, pulling all of her riding clothes. Most of them were brand new and expensive, but a lot of her practice garments were her mother's once. She looked up as she was unfolding a pair of black jodhpurs, catching sight of Marella's handmade clothes. She knit her eye brows. They were pretty, but Em couldn't help but judge. She slapped her self mentally. Maybe this girl couldn't afford new show clothes. Then again, why wasn't every hing hand made? But, at the same time, it was a bit...Inappropriate for an English rider. Em shook her head at herself, her opinion left undecided, and started to put her riding clothes in the closet.


Ash nickered as Em undid the cross ties and clipped in his lead rope. Was he going in to the pasture? He snorted and looked at her. She pat his neck and garbbed the piece of rope that was under Ash's chin. She caught sight of Marella and nodded to her roommate, then walked out of the fancy barn. Ash's hooves clicked on the tile. Em relaxed in to the sound, which immediately softened when the same hooves tapped packed dirt. She released air from her mouth and walked him to the arena. Ash cocked his head...Was she going to get on bareback? He wasn't sure he wanted that at the moment. Instead of mounting, Em chose a path around the outdoor arena and followed the imaginary lines she set in her head. Ash looked around, deciding he didn't mind the walk. Em just wanted an excuse to spend more time with her horse.



Farren jerked her head around as she heard the beating of another horse's hooves churning up the ground. Her reddish brown curls flung around wildly as she turned her head to the noise. An elegant, graceful stallion was being led into the same arena that Magic and her were taking a peaceful walk in. Well, their reserved walk was now ruined. Farren sighed, and chirped her stallion onwards, who was staring at the other stallion, and portraying a dominant appearance. Magic held his neck elegantly and gracefully high, and his ears were pinned back against his skull. Farren chirped her stallion onward once more, also giving the lead rope a quick tug.

Magic, with anguish, turned his head, and began walking along. His hooves churned up the arena's soft ground, making the footing uneven and lumpy. Farren turned her head to the girl, and giving her a look, she annoyingly turned her head back to her path.
Her stallion better not act up, she grumpily mumbled in her mind. She pulled out a bag filled with a variety of partially melted Junior Mints, peppermints, and round-edged sugar lumps from her pocket. She ripped the plastic baggie open, and pulled out a Junior Mint, offering it to Magic. Magic sniffed the treat, then lipped it up happily, feeling it's smooth texture on his tongue.


Meg saw a blonde haired girl enter the room and immediately start flipping through a book. Realizing the girl did not notice her she crawled out of her small compartment and straightened her back. Slowly she walked a bit closer to the girl and raised her hand in a wave. "Hi," she began quietly. "I'm Meg, you are?" she asked feeling somewhat awkward.

Connor patted Dash on the nose and turned away. As he walked out of the barn he lifted his hand and brushed away the dirt and sweat from his face. Breathing heavily, he slowed his pace, exhausted from his day. He gribbed the door knob o his assigned dorm and turned it open. Stepping into the room, he imedietly plopped on a bed and layed back. Sitting there a moment he propped himself up and saw his things half already been unpacked and put away. He did not like the idea of strangers touching and going through his things, but shrugged off his discomfort knowing there was nothing he could do now that it was done. Taking a steady breath he pulled himself to his feet and glanced around, examining everything with a close eye.

( This is what I was thinking for Connor and Marcus's room.
(That's fine)

Sighing Marcus entered the room rolling a trunk in front of him and a backpack over his shoulder. Compared to some of the girls he had passed, he was packing light. Upon entering the room he saw his new roommate. "I'm gonna assume your Connor and not some random dude in my room," he said dropping his trunk lightly and extending his hand. His bedding was already here and the rest of the furniture too so all he had to do was fill it. "You want the top or bottom bunk?" Marcus asked not really caring either way. It would make sense for the person who woke up earliest to take the bottom bunk but it would be weird to jus flat out ask the guy 'what time do you wake up?'
Connor turned his head and ut down a book he was looking at, as he heard the door open. He grinned at the boy who seemed about his age. Extending his arm out and shaking the boy's hand firmly he thought about his question and how he could answer. hey were no hard questions, but it was things he had to take into mind. "Yeah, I'm Connor, Mark is it?" he asked not quite sure about the boy's name, he thought about what time he got up for a moment. "Around nine, if I can i try and fit in another hour every now and then. I will take the top if that is fine with you?" he said as he unclenched his hand, walked over to the oppisite side of the room, leaned aginst the wall and crossed his arms. Running his fingures through his hair he climbed up to the top bunk, not even taking into mind that the boy might object o him having the top.
"That's perfect because I get up around six and that way I won't wake ya up," Mark said rolling his trunk over to the bunk bed. Once he finished unpacking he would stuff it back into his trailer because it took up so much space. He wasn't a neat freak but he sure hoped the guy could keep the room some what decent because it was kind of tight in the dorm. He hated setting up house though, unpacking everything would be a pain but he knew he would regret it later when he hadn't. "So how are the chicks around here?" Marcus asked, he hadn't said it in a degrading fashion it was just what he and his friends called the girls.
Em was smiling, in a place she hadn't been for far too long....If any thing, this feeling of being deprived would wear thin with in a couple of days. She sighed and looked to the side, seeing another girl with another horse. Ash noticed them first, of course, reacting to the other staillon's dominant position. He stood straighter, head collected, tail held high, neck arched, ears pinned....She sighed and walked a little slower, holding Ash's halter postioned so his vison was eased away from the other stallion's. Of course, though, the big bay couldn't ignore a challenger. He snorted and trotted a few steps, held back by Em, and placed a dissaproving set of eyes on the horse who was stealing his spot as lead stallion.

(I literally feel like dirt, so if y'all could be patient with my posts, I'd appreciate it..)



Chastity slightly jumped as she spotted a figure out of the corner of her eye, climbing out of its bunk. Realizing it was only one of her roommates, she stood. She ducked her head down as she slid out of her compartment, making sure not to bump her head, and brushed her hands on her pajamas. "Nice to meet you, Meg," she sighed. Filling in Meg's question quickly, she spurted out, "Chastity. You must be my roommate." Doing a double take of her dorm card she sighed. "Well, one of my roommates."

Chuckling lightly, she plopped back onto her bed, and opened her book back up with her free hand, reading as she asked firmly, "So, Meg, how long have you been riding?" As Chastity waited for a reply, she paid full attention to her book. This girl was very skilled with multi-tasking.




Farren sighed. Wait until that stallion met Etch. Magic flicked his tail that was held extremely high, keeping his ears pinned against his skull. He squealed at the other stallion, satisfied that the stallion was being topped. He struck out with his hoof, pawing at the unstable, lumpy ground. He showed every trait of dominance, and was approving his newly earned position, although it could be revoked by another stallion immediately. He began prancing off, but was immediately slowed by Farren.

Rolling her eyes, she chirped her stallion on.


(Hey let's make this really interesting and throw a mare into the stallion dominance thing lol)

Marella looked into the stall and was surprised to see that it was actually clean even though the grooms had had trouble. "Silly girl you gotta stop doing that," she whispered slipping a halter of the mare's ebony head. The perfect star stood out perfectly against the velvety fur and when her mane isn't braided it was completely hidden. "Come on let's take a walk," Marella whispered leading the mare towards the exercise facilities. Of course all the arena's were in use but she could walk around the outside of some, she picked one that was kind of quiet, it only had two horses in it and they were both hand walked by their owners. One of the owners was her roommate Em, but she decided not to make a big deal about saying hello.
Ash was giving Em a very hard time. She would stop him and let him go again, then have to pull him away from the other horse. When the other stallion squealed, Ash screamed. Better must mean louder. "Hey, could you control your freaking horse?" she said to the other girl while Ash was going in to a bouncier gait. Em caught sight of her roommate, Marella....Leading a mare in to the arena. Oh, great. Guess who was going to act up?

The stallion, while looking elegant and in-charge, caught sight of a pretty mare....A good stallion could always win the heart of a mare. He stood even straighter, carrying himself wiith an air of elegance. Oozing intelligence. Screaming charm. He didn't forget about the other horse, though. His spine was still stretched, his tail still high. Overall, Ash looked regal and noble simply stunning. No stallion in his right mind would ever challenge him. No stallion crazy enough had ever walked away victorious.

(Sorry for my lazy post....I will try to post a lot more often, I have been sick and shcool has swamped me. =))
Rosa was a bit skittish of stallions but she wanted to have a little fun. On top of that Marella was here and wouldn't let anything happen. With a snort she lifted her head replying shrilly her eyes flashing wildly. Her tail began to flick, pin wheeling behind her and her steps became a collected and her legs popped with each step. Marella jingled the lead shank getting her to calm down a bit.

"Oh, sorry I didn't realize there were stallion should I leave?" Marella called nervously. Rosa wasn't in heat but she sure as heck was acting like it.



Farren stopped on her heel as the girl snapped at her. "Excuse me? You were the one who led your obnoxious stallion in here when you knew the arena was already occupied! Take a look at your horse, for a change!" Farren retorted in reply. Magic kept his tail held high, and kept his neck arched as high as he possibly could. As the other stallion got closer to Magic, he suddenly nipped at him, just grazing his skin. Snorting with satisfaction, he pranced away, carrying an elegant head. Farren spotted a girl leading a mare into the arena. She sighed with disappointment.

"Great, just what I need," the girl muttered under her breath. Magic was already being quite obnoxious. Catching sight of the beautiful mare, his fixed his appearance to even make him look even more superior, and regal than the pathetic stallion in his midst. Farren chirped her stallion on angrily, and raised her eyes at the other stallion. In her mind, she was comparing the two. Magic had never walked away with nothing, and no other stallion had walked away from him victorious. But the other stallion
wassss pretty charming.

She popped her fingers, then clucked Magic on again. Magic was finally slightly cooperating, moving forward reluctantly. But he still portrayed his dominance by keeping a regal position. Rolling her eyes again, Farren sped up a bit, trying to get as far from the other stallion and mare as possible.


"Well, excuse me for just wanting to take a walk with my horse," Em muttered, deciding not to tell the other girl that she had only just noticed her after she picked the arena. She was that desperate to spend time with Ash. Maybe she should just leave? But....That would give the other girl satisfaction. Plus, Ash wouldn't be happy. Then again, Ash was being...A guy. A typical guy who wanted to beat the crap out of all the other guys. A typical guy's attitude that was in at least one or two of Em's ex-boyfriends. She sighed and shook her head, pulling back on the lead to slow Ash down. His head was collected nicley, so that would reduce his speed. Still - this horse was a pain to lead when he was like this.

A stallion and a mare. Em said nothing to Marella, just studied her and her horse for a moment. Should she have Marella leave? The mare acted like she was in hea. Perhaps she was a bit early. With a sigh, she just said nothing. It was way too much. She should just go. Put her own stallion away. Ash was such a typical stallion...She shouldn't be surprised by his behavior one bit. Any stallion would act like this. Even a few geldings....

Ash whinnied and swung his tail. Impressing the mare would mean he won the popularity contest, and maybe even dominance. He picked his feet up in to a trot, a nice bouncy gait that was smooth and comfortable undersaddle. Em pursed her lips and started walking backwards, not about to let her horse lead her. Ash let out a protest sound, and went forward again, only to be yanked back by Em. Wha - She was was throwing every thing off! Come on, Em...The stallion whinnied and stopped moving altogether. Em stopped, too. She stood a moment, and started walking forward. Ah, good! Now, he could get a move on! He went back in to his trot, and Em started walking backwards again. What was she doing?
Marella could feel the tension in the air and she did her best to stay out of it. She was busy with Rosa anyway, the mare was behaving like she had never seen a stallion before. What had gotten into her, she was usually the most skittish equine. She hadn't exercised the mare today and she was beginning to regret it. Out of the corner of her eye Marella spotted a lunge line and a whip, she had a set in her tack room and it would provide a good outlet for the mare. She quickly left the arena and made her way into the barn.

Once Rosa was in the cross ties Marella pulled off her "pjs" as she called them. In other words a light blanket in a rich red with black trim and and silver buckles. She folded this setting it one top of tack trunk before pulling out the mares bell boots and leg wraps. Her bell boots were red paisley and in the front she wore red legacy boots but on her back legs there were red galloping boots. Red was Rosa's color. It looked so good on her black coat, it was such a stark contrast. Next came the cavesson and the training roller, she set the narrow pad down on her Rosa's back and tightened the girth. She hooked the side reins on the training roller letting them hanging for a moment. She then slipped the cavesson onto Rosa's head and hooked the side reins to it. Rosa grabbed her lunge line and headed back to the arena. It was big enough for them to lunge a fifteen meter circle in the corner and it would put Rosa's energy to good use.

Rosa flicked her head frustrated by her new constraints. She couldn't have as much fun with stallions but now she could show off. As Marella adjusted the straps, she flicked her tail and shuffled a bit. The girl tapped her shoulder getting her attention. With a sigh she relaxed the muscles in her neck then set to work using them. She knew this never lasted long, and it was really hard.

Bell boots:
Connor was shocked the boy could even function getting so early, he would die just having to get up at eight. He swung his legs over the bed and jumped to the ground, landing this a thud. He made his way to the bathroom and looked into the mirror and smiled. Looking away he turned the hot water on and cupped his hands catching the running water, he splashed it into his face and sighed. Connor laughed lightly at Marcus's comment, he was liking the guy already"Yeah, there nice, got your eye on anyone?" he asked, stepping out of the bathroom and putting his back against the wall. He thought for a moment and then it hit him, they should do something fun "You want to go out?" he asked, looking at Marcus with a sly grin. Meg smiled at the question. "Since I was ten, I was riding on and off. But when I turned twelve, I was a full time rider." she said, looking at the ground thinking of her riding when she was younger.
"Nah, not yet I just want to avoid the crazy ones so give me a heads up if you spot any," Marcus said tossing some stuff into the drawers. He threw his sheets lazily on the bed figuring he would make it later but for now he was doing the bare minimum. While Connor washed off his face he tossed on a clean pair of jeans and a different shirt. His aunt had worked him hard all day today and stunk but now he at least looked cleaner. When Connor said something about going out he looked up his eyes glinting, "Whatcha have in mind?" he asked running his hand through his dark brown hair.

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