Daydreamer Barn V. II



Jabberwocky19 gave me permission to post a few photos of Daydreamer.}

{Farren's jodhpurs:


Farren fixed the crooked chocolaty brown pad, running her fingers delicately over the matching stitching. As she began uncoiling the lunge line, Magic knew what to do, and began traveling to the side with it, continuing side-stepping until he was only a few feet away from the barrier that separated him from the walker. Farren backed up a couple of feet until it seemed that she was in the middle of the lunging arena. She brought up the tip of the whip, directed it at Magic's hip, and ordered him to walk. Magic began walking clockwise, his head slightly bobbing to the rhythm of his hooves pounded fiercely on the soft ground. Farren walked in a tight circle, following her stallion, and kept the whip directed at his hip, but the tip pointed toward the ground. She brought up the tip of the whip again, and using a sharp t, she commanded, "Trot!"

The Lipizzaner stallion transitioned into a medium speed trot, and Farren, after a moment, brought up the tip of the whip again. "Canter!" Magic threw his pure white mane into the air, and transitioned into a quick canter, following his girl's orders. He kept his necked arched elegantly and gracefully, clearly trying to show his dominance to any other stallions nearby. Farren chuckled, and continued in a tight circle, her gleaming brown eyes concentrated completely on her horse. After about twenty minutes of transitioning into different gaits and reversing, Farren suddenly began singing in Swedish under her breath, just loud enough for Magic to hear. This was her special call to Magic, which had developed from a soft lullaby into a unique calling method.

Magic's ears shot forward, and he stopped, dead in tracks. He delicately walked over to Farren, who was still singing the lullaby under her breath. He lowered his head, and gently nudged Farren's stomach. She continued singing, until her words slowly faded away into the sky, forgotten. Farren cooed under her breath, "That's my good boy." She skimmed one of her fingers around the edges of Magic's ears, and started singing the tune more quietly, in a whisper, just loud enough for her Magic to hear. She murmured, "Dina hovar pund takten, sjunger mitt hjärta låten...-Your hooves pound the beat, my heart sings the song," ending the soft call.

She stroked Magic's velvety nose, and sighed, beginning to relax from the trip. No one could ever break the bond between Farren and Magic-they were inseparable. Farren suddenly felt a stinging sensation in her eyes. The girl pulled away from Magic, and rubbed her eyes. An acrid stench filled her nostrils and irritated her eyes. What the he- she suddenly heard the sound of a dying engine, and wondered who had just pulled into the barn. She unclipped the lunge line from Magic's halter as the stallion whickered, and clipped the lead rope to the bottom hook.

She clucked to Magic, and the stallion began walking alongside his girl. Farren wanted to see who this new rider was, and why he/she was stinking up the barn. Farren spotted a boy unloading a horse from a trailer, and a girl racing up to him, leading a tacked up and ready-to-be-ridden stallion. Magic snorted irritably as he spotted the stallion, and held his head high, and arched his neck, trying to illustrate a dominate appearance. Farren rolled her eyes at her horse, and began walking up to the pair, a glowering look on her face. Her brown curls bounced on her shoulders at she stormed up to the pair. Magic threw his head into the air, whinnying fiercely as they approached the pair. Why did his girl seem so irritated?

What was bothering her? As Farren reached the duo, she asked angrily, "Could you please stop that stench from pulverizing the barn!? Fix that truck of yours or you'll end up making this stunning barn smell like crap!"


Marella guided the mare through a few simple transitions forcing herself to ignore the other amazing horses and riders around her. Rosa was picking up the training at a rapid pace but it still took time. Lifting her inside hand a bit she asked the mare to come up and into her hand. A little pressure with the outside leg and... there she was. Rosa flicked her tail and her ears began to relax as they continued down the long side of the arena; she chewed on the bit and flecks of spit landed on her chest.

The sputtering of an old truck startled Marella more than it spooked Rosa, it had broken her from her concentration wrenching her back to reality. Rosa's step had merely faltered but now she was waiting for Marella's next command. With a smile she asked her to cross the diagonal changing bends, once they had gone around the arena Marella asked for a canter. She grit her teeth as the mare popped in a few speedy steps, they would work on that time. She began to move the bit back and forth in the mare's mouth until she softened and the quality of the canter was perfect.

Deciding to end on a good note she had the mare canter across the diagonal performing a nice simple lead change. After one circle around the arena she slowed the mare to a trot and trotted her down the centerline, halting at X. Smiling she let the reins slide through her fingers and asking the mare for a free walk. As they walked around the arena, Rosa listened to the beginnings of an argument. As the girl went off about the truck's small Marella shuttered knowing her truck occasionally gave off the same smell/.
Connor's head jerked around to see who had called his name. Em! he thought as he looked at her in amazment. He couldn't believe it was her, one of his best freinds from forth grade that he has been e-mailing for about seven years. He was about to walk over and say 'Hi' when some obnoxious girl ran up to him and started yelling about a stupid trailer that wasn't even his. "Wow," he started, holding up his hands in serender "It's not mine." he said a bit apologetic. Wait! he thought to himself, as he relized he should not be the one being apologetic. "And even if it was, you would hev no right to just run up to me and start barking at me about it! I would appreciate an opology." he said, just wanting to get this over with so he could catch up with his childhood friend.
Em snorted and looked at the girl who was pestering Connor. Way to ruin what could have been a sweet reunion. And what the heck was she spazzing about, anyway? Some smell? What a little brat! She walked up and folded her arms, Ash's reains tucked between her elbow and wrist. Ash's ears went back at the other stallion. He extended his spine and leaned back on powerful haunches, obtaining a dominant appearance. Em, had she been a horse, would have had the same menacingly dominative look. "What is your problem? Step off," she snapped.




Grooming bag:}

Farren sighed almost disappointingly, and rolled her eyes at the boy, clearly showing that she thought he didn't deserve an apology. She clucked to Magic, and slightly yanked on the lead rope, only to run into a girl, complaining about something. Well, clearly the two were friends. She rolled her eyes. "Excuse me, but when was this your business?" she retorted, and shoved past the girl and her horse. Magic's nipped at the unfamiliar stallion's barrel, missing by just a few centimeters. He squealed a warning at the stallion as his head was yanked away, and still kept his ears pinned back to his skull.

Farren led her Lipizzaner stallion into the grooming stall, and clipped the cross-ties onto the side buckles of his halter. She unclipped the lead rope from the bottom buckle, and as her hand met the halter's side, she ran her delicate fingers over the deep engraving in the coppery nameplate on the side of the halter. Trailing away from her horse, and into the enormous tack room, her eyes widened. She still couldn't believe how large the room was. She scanned the walls for a distinctive bag, and finally spotted it hanging over her trunk. She briskly walked towards the bag, which was decorated with a sensation of flowers and swirls, and snatched it from it's hook attached to the wooden wall. She carried the bag back to the grooming stall, and set it on the marble countertop that separated each grooming stall from the other.

She snatched up a brown, sturdy bucket from the corner of the stall, and plopped it down into the heavy duty sink implanted in the top of the marble countertop. She turned the faucet on, and adjusted the temperature a perfect lukewarm. After the bucket had been filled to the brim, she heaved the bucket out of the sink, and squeezed a bunch of soap into the bucket, stirring it with the sponge she was going to use to bathe Magic. She then pulled the sponge out of the bucket, and then immediately dunked it back in. She began scrubbing off the dirt, grime, and sweat from Magic's pure white coat, the mucky water slowly running down his barrel and legs, and then down the drain it went, disappearing without a trace.


Connor rolled her eyes at the annoying girl as she yelled at his old friend after she tried to defend him. Taking a sigh of relief as the girl lead her horse away, he turned to Em. "Hi!." he said, a bit to loud than he meant to. Brushing his blond hair out of his face, so he could see better. "Long time, no see!." he said a bit calmer than he had in his comment before. It was strange seeing Em after all the years, she had changed so much. It was almost as if he was looking at a completely different person, yet she still had the same smile and eyes. He wondered if Em remembered how big of a crush he had on her when they were younger. Blushing a bit, she smiled a bit wider.

Meg lead clipped secured Violet and went to get her bag and take out her grooming tools from her bag. Grabbing her pick, she walked back over to her horse standing patiently were she had left her. Running her hand gently down Violet's leg, she continued to speak softly to her horse. As her horse resisted, Meg grew more and more frustrated with her stubborn mare. After about a minute of struggling, her horse finally let Meg pick up her hoof, quickly, but carefully and making sure to avoids, one hoof at a time she picked away all of the gunk from the hooves.

(Mag's bag

Mag's jodhpurs:

Meg's shirt : )
Marella dismounted from Rosa's back and began to loosen the girth. The fight hadn't reached aclimactic ending but the tension still ran through the air.The mare's head dropped as she sniffed the arena floor relaxing the muscles in her back and neck further. Once the stirrups were rolled up Marella lifted the reins over Rosa's head and began to walk back to the barn. As she passed the two people by the truck she paused, "The truck doesn't bother me," she said quietly before continuing into the stable.





{Jabberwocky19, do they live in dorms, or?}

Farren continued leading Magic around the barn as the sunlight soaked up the water droplets clinging to the stallion's pure white coat. Dust particles were able to be seen fluttering through the rays of sunlight flooding the barn, entering through the dutch windows of the stalls. The barn's floor was dappled with dark and light spots because the army of trees lining the barn's exterior blocked some of the sunlight from barraging through the windows. After Magic's coat was quenched, and actually almost burning up, Farren led her horse back into the grooming stall. She then began rummaging through her organized grooming bag, quickly finding her curry comb. She began using circular sweeps to dislodge the dirt in Magic's coat, being careful to be gentle over the bony areas. She knocked out the curry comb against the wall, and slipped it back into the bag.

She then chose out the body brush, and began sweeping it in long strokes along Magic's neck, and down his body. She then placed it back into it's compartment in the bag, and picked out her finishing brush. She stroked Magic's ears and face with it delicately. She then gave his coat a final polish, and placed it back where it belonged in the bag. She was a neat freak, and always made sure everything was in it's place. She drew the mane and tail comb out of the bag, and began brushing out the knots and tangles in Magic's mane and tail. Farren placed the comb back into her bag, and picked out her hook tool.

She lifted Magic's leg, and began picking out the muck from her horse's hooves, avoiding the sensitive frog. She then brushed any loosened dirt away from the frog with the brush side of the hoof tool. She did the same with Magic's other three hooves, and then sighed, relieved she was done with her work. What time was it? She checked her wristwatch. It read
1:01 p.m.. She usually released Magic into his paddock at about 1:05.

Farren unclipped the cross-ties from Magic's halter, then clipped his lead rope onto the bottom buckle. She clucked to her stallion, and walked out of the barn, and into the sea of grass. She walked towards his special turnout, which he only had because he was a stallion. She unlatched the gate, closed it, and locked it behind behind her, turning Magic towards the fence. She unclipped his lead rope, and backed up towards the gate, watching Magic self-centeredly buck and gallop away. Farren chuckled, and clambered over the fence, watching her horse prance around in his paddock.


Ash aquealed and, as the stallion walked off with his girl, slapped him on the rump as hard as he could with his own tail. Em cllicked her tongue and yanked him to the side, rolling her eyes. Honestly - her horse was just as bad as she was. She sighed and folded her arms, She looked at Connor and smiled wide, glad o see him. He looked really, really differnt....Almost attractive, but at the same time, the same dorky fourth grader she wrestled with at reccess. She was never sure, but she was almost positive he had had a bit of a crush on her when they were smaller....What ever. If he had, it was probably dissolved now in to average feelings. By the way he stammered and swayed, though...Above average? Em smiled and pat Ash. "Yeah, it's been a while. How ya been?" she asked, all her weight going on to her right leg. "I can't really talk long...I have to excercise this monster. You've met Ash, though, right?"

(Em's jodhpurs$productimage$ Her boots Smoky MountainPaddock1002.jpg And, sweatshirt

Ash's tack )
(Yes, they do have dorms. There will be two people in each dorm, here are the twos who are sharing: Farren and Meg, Marella and Em, and Connor and Marcus. If you have any problems with the groups, tell me and I will try and change it.)

Connor looked at Em, trying to find feature hat reminded him of his old friend that he used to have spit ball wars with during class. "I'm great, I just moved back, I have been meaning to e-mail you, but I have been busy with Dash." he began "Yeah, I remember Ash." he finished, as he held his hand out to the horse.
Hug or hand shake? Hug or hand shake? He depaded with himself, in his head. Getting frustrated, he went in for a hug, praying that he would hug back and not go for a hand shake, which would just turn the whole thing into an akward hug, hand shake thing.

Meg finished of the last hoof and let Violet's leg down. Putting down the pick, she grabbed the brush and gentaly brushed her legs, making sure to get all the dirt out of the fur.

(Meg's boots

Connor's johpurs

Connor's shirt$oldimage$)




{Farren's boots:$oldimage$

Gloves: Back Glove.JPG


Saddle pad:



Lead rope:}

Farren glimpsed at the card again, scanning it for the dorm number. Dorm number: Thirteen. She nibbled on her granola bar, and began dragging her luggage down the hall, reading the large numbers on the doors. She counted in her mind, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Farren passed the door, but quickly stepped backwards. She turned the doorknob, and stumbled in the room. A cool sensation of air blast into her face, and she sighed a breath of relief.

At least the room wasn't smoldering hot. She flung her baggage onto the bed closest to the window, and unzipped it. She started placing her neatly folded clothing into the tall mahogany dresser that sat completely still before her head, looking down on it's kingdom. She closed the drawers silently after she had finished, then pulled her blankets and pillows out of her bag. She quickly made the bed, throwing the blankets over the mattress, and then smoothing them out until everything looked decent, then lined up her pillows with the headboard. She moved to her bag to organize her other belongings. She placed her many books onto the shelves that were hammered into the wall above her bed, and then glanced into her bag again.

The only thing left in her suitcase was a small rounded case which contained her glasses. The case had been untouched for a long time, as Farren only used contacts. She seized the case, and placed in onto her nightstand gently. She smoothed out the creases in her jodhpurs, and sighed a breath of relief. Farren plopped onto her bed, and collapsed onto her plush layer of blankets. She gaze trailed toward the window, and she suddenly shot up, and leapt off of her bed. Farren stared outside the window, and smiled.

She had a stunning view of both Etch's and Magic's paddocks. Etch was rolling around in the lush grass, and Magic was drinking from a trough. Farren slid the door that led into the small deck open, and plopped down into a chair, adjusting it's soft cushion every so often. After a few minutes, she stood, and walked back inside the dorm. She could finally marvel at it's coziness. The walls were blue and red, and the furniture was made of pure cedar, giving off a countryish scent to the room. Farren had also plastered posters of horses all over the walls on her side of the room.

She stared into the poster she had bought when she had went to see Cavalia, it's blue and green depths mesmerizing her.


Marella assumed he hadn't heard her and continued into the barn. The sound of one set of hooves on the cobblestone walkway was glorious and she silenced her boot steps with very carefully place steps so that she could just listen. Rosa started to get fed up with their slow procession and nosed Marella gently in the back. Sighing she picked up the pace and led the mare into a cross tie where Marella promptly unbridled and haltered the mare. She gave Rosa a peppermint to keep her occupied as she undid the girth and removed the saddle. She carried everything back to her tack trunk resting the blanket on top so that it could dry. Next came the polos which Marella rerolled as she unwrapped them and this was followed by the bell boots which had to be brushed off with a hard brush. All this time Rosa was still messing with her mouth trying to taste every last bit of peppermint.

Marella brushed off the mare with a hard brush because by now she was already dried off. Once the fur was laying smooth against Rosa's side she used the soft brush to shine it up. She tossed the turn out sheet over the mare's back tightening each strap to perfection. Taking a step back Marella admired her work; Rosa was obviously relaxed and her coat shone. On top of all of that her mane and tail was braided so that it would stay nice and clean. Smiling she lead her out to her private paddock. She was surprised to see it was right next to two stallion's paddocks. She released Rosa into the pasture and watched as the mare took off.

Turnout sheet:



{Farren's shirt:


Farren slipped out of the bathroom, sporting a long-sleeved shirt and red skinny jeans. She had taken out her contacts because she needed to order new ones, and now stumbled across the room to her nightstand, quickly slipping her glasses on over her face. She rarely wore her glasses, and it was only on special occasions that she wore them. She sighed, wondering who her new room mate was going to be, and when she was going to arrive. Climbing slowly on top of her bed, she opened her nightstand's drawer, picking up her book by the spine. She opened the cover quickly, and turned to her paper bookmark, which neatly marked her page. She began reading, but soon gently placed the novel back into the drawer, and stood, looking around pointlessly.

Farren check her wristwatch. 2:06. She usually hooked up Magic to one of the walkers at 2:10. She left the dorm, closing the door behind her, and walked towards Magic's private turnout.


Ash sniffed Connor's hand, and, remembering him from when he was younger, let the boy stroke his nose. Connor came in to hug Em, which she didn't exactly expect. She sucked air in to her mouth and gave him a one-arm hug with her left arm, patting his back three times before pulling back. "It was great to see you, we have to catch up later. Now isn't so conveniant, though. I'll see you later, okay?" she told him and lead Ash away to the indoor arena. He swung his black tail back and forth as he walked, suddenly excited that he was going to get to jump. The big bay stallion snorted and half-trotted alongside Em, hardly able to contain himself.

Em took one look at the indoor arena and was immediately ecstatic. "Ash, it's huge." She looked at her horse. "Ready for a work out?" She walked in to the arena and studied the jumps set up, wondering if she could run a zig-zag course with these fences in their current positions. She liked the zig-zag courses because they were not as challenging as a tight-turn course, but they were just as interesting.

The girl set up the course in her head, mouthing which direction she was going to go and how she was going to go about it. Once she was happy about a minute later, she housted herself up on to Ash's back and in to her saddle. Tightening the reins in her hands, she tapped him in to a walk, going half-way around the large arena before tapping him into a trot. She trotted him for a full lap and, now that his muscles were loose and ready, kicked the stallion in to a canter. Ash's canter was smooth and comfortable, easy to control. When people asked her to describe it, she simply said he had a nice rocking chair canter.

Ash, listening to the girl on his back, steered right. Em put pressure on the right rein and pressed her heel down on her right stirrup, changing his lead and balance as they turned. She steered him in front of the first jump, a five-foot oxer. The stallion jumped over it with grace and balance, the girl leaning in to the jump and grabbing his mane, looking as pretty as she could as she went over. If there was one thing Em would be bad at, it was hunting. She wasn't, however, going to admit that to anyone.
(Odd, I can not pull up the picture you posted for the dorm. Sorry, lazy post, I was in a hurry.)

Connor was releived that Em had hugged back. He pulled his hand away from Ash as Em pulled him away and did a slight wave as she walked away. He took a few steps backward, watching her walk away. Turning around he headed towards the barn. As he entered the barn, he glanced around untill he spotted his horse stting in his stall, will his tack already on. "Hey, boy." he said calmly. Dash's ear's perked up when he saw his human. Connor walked over and lead him out of the stall. He felt bad that he had to pay some stranger to tack him up that day, but he had slept in to late and only had so much time to ride. As he lead dash to the race track to practice

Chastity Emma White

Chastity is around seventeen years of age.

Personality: This bubbly girl is such a sweetheart, and always sees the glass as half full, even in the worst of situations. She can be a bit too bubbly, and can be completely insane at times. She respects others' beliefs, but will state her opinions, and they will always be based on logic. Her parentswere always pushing her to do her best in school, and did not approve of public schools, sending her to equestrian boarding schools all her life. She was a bit shy until she started riding at age three, meeting new people at her barn. She became a bubbly, crazy girl at that age, and always enjoyed meeting new people. She can be obnoxiously bubbly at times, and completely change the subject of what everyone is talking about.

After the accident, she became more muted and reserved, but it still doesn't take much to tear away her thin shell.

Number of Horses:
Chastity owns one horse.

Horses (names, please): Chastity owns Treasure.

Chastity competes in dressage competitions, and is very advanced.

History: Chastity grew upin a small community, but with great influences and mentors. She started riding at age three, and when she was four years of age, she began school at a prestigious equestrian boarding school in Kentucky.She began riding there, and at age five, her mother allowed her to lease a horse, but under the condition that she got A's and B's on her report cards. She started competing at age six, and just loved it. She started competing as much as she could, and eventually, she moved up to more prestigious competitions. On her seventeenth birthday,she was gifted an Arabian stallion, which she started training with.

As soon as she could, she entered a competition, but her stallion spooked, and she was thrown, bearing terrible injuries to her neck, ribs, and spine. She began undergoing intense care and physical therapy, and after months, was sent to Daydreamer Barn to recover from the shock.



Barn Name: Treasure

Show Name:
Aladdin's Treasure

Treasure is around eleven years of age.

Treasure is an Arabian.

History: Treasure was born on a blazing summer day at a well-known breeding stable, which specifically bred Arabians. As soon as he was old enough to start dressage training, he was immediately sent across the sea to a famous dressage training facility. He spent years and years there training, and received only the best care. When he became ten years of age, he was transported across the ocean back to his home stable, where he was soon sold for an enormous amount of money to the farm in which Chastity's mother rode horses for. Chastity's mother began riding Treasure in the most prestigious competitions, but, disappointingly, the Arabian stallion became sour, and his value plummeted. He was sold quickly at auction to Chastity's mother for a low price, and for Chastity's seventeenth birthday, she was gifted this magnificent creature.

She began slowly working with him, trying to bring him to the top of the dressage world. After the horse had been brought to a sufficient standard to enter an extremely prestigious competition, Chastity entered him in the dressage show, and before she knew it, it was finally her turn to enter the ring. Chasity and Treasure were making great progress, and doing very well in the competition, until Magic spotted a child sprint across the stands above him, screeching. Magic spooked, and fiercely began trying to buck his rider off, in which he succeeded. The girl sustained atrocious damage to her neck, ribs, and spine, and was rushed to the hospital. After months of intense care and physical therapy, the girl's mother shipped Treasure and his girl to Daydreamer Barn, in which her mother thought had a nice atmosphere, and thought her daughter would be able to recover nicely at the center. Chastity and her stallion still have a lot to do to trust each other again, but slowly, their bond is progressing.

Owner: Chastity White




Farren pressed the button, and watched her horse follow the gate, the water sloshing around him as he slowly moved around the circle. Should I turn on the jets? No...Farren glanced at the screen, and checked the temperature, wanting to make sure it was perfect. She beamed, loving it that this stable had a water walker, and all other kinds of walkers, too. The walker walker soothed the horse's muscles, but also gave them a great workout. It was very effective.

Farren closely monitored the machine, making sure her horse was not having difficulty moving through the water. After about twenty minutes, she checked her watch, and decided Magic had had enough workout time for the day. She pressed a button to stop the walker, and it creaked, slowing, and finally stopped. She clipped the lead rope to Magic's halter, and clucked to him, urging him up the ramp. She made sure everything was in order, not wanting to leave it a mess, and led Magic up to the barn, and into his stall. She listened closely to the sound of hoof beats on concrete, thinking, I am in loveee with this sound! She frowned as the sound stopped, but knowing she would hear it again, turned her frown upside down.

She checked Magic's buckets, and gently stroked Magic's velvety nose, trying to target any noise about the barn. It was silent, except for a few horses nickering softly down the row of stalls.


Marcus moved lithely through the barns doing a quick last minute check of his portion of the barn before catching Thunder. He had already mucked the stalls and measured out the feed for his line of stalls and his exercise rider had run smoothly so now he had a chance to ride. He nodded to one of the many new students at Daydreamer before slipping into the tack room and grabbing his stallion's leather halter and the brass and leather lead shank.

Marcus strides led him outside to the private pasture where Thunder stood stoically under his favorite oak. A lazy ear flicked towards him but it wasn't until he whistled did Thunder trot to the gate. "Hey Bud," he said scratching the stallion's neck as he buckled the halter onto Thunder's head. Marcus threaded the lead shank through the halter before leading him back into the barn and to the cross ties. Today was a jumping day which meant extra gear and extra warm up time.


(Em and Marella's room??? )

Marella watched her mare for a few more moments before walking back to her truck. She had luckily already brought and unloaded most of the heavy stuff but now came the clothes. She had at least two suitcases and a duffle bag of all her clothes and some other essentials she hadn't brought on the other trips. She slipped the duffle bag handles over one of the suitcases and made her way to the dorms.
Meg gripped the reins a bit tighter as she walked her horse into the huge arena. As she closed the gate behind her she hummed softly and stroked her horse's silky mane. She pulled herself up and swung her leg over the horse, to mount. Quickly giving her horse a pat on the neck she eased Violet into an extended trot. Meg stopped humming in order to focus on her posting and keeping her heals down. As Violet moved away from the fence, Meg constantly had to pull her to the side to keep her from leaning to the middle of the arena.

Connor sighed and mounted Dash, being tired from the little sleep he had gotten the night before. As always, Connor started his practice by taking a walk around the track. He thought about how little boys he had seen at the barn and many cute girls he saw at the barn, he could not decide if that was a bad thing or a good thing.
Em skirted the next corner and lead Ash to the next jump, a ramped oxer. Her horse seemed to step over it, his hind legs kicking the air above him and his tail spinning like a wind-up toy as he landed. Ash loved jumping. Even more than dressage, actually. Dressage wasn’t as fast-paced and unpredictable as show jumping. He liked the rush, fed off the energy and Em’s stride for victory. After all, if there was no drive to win, you would never take home a ribbon, now would you? And that was what him and his girl wanted the most - a ribbon in a classical shade of blue.

After the course was ran and the horse cooled down, Em lead him back to the barn. She was in an incredibly good mood, from riding after over a month with out horses. That was the worst thing ever - being starved of the scent of manure and a horse's sweat, not being able to to feel a horse blow air in to your face. If Em had had to face another day with out digging her heels in to stirrups, she probably would have ripped her hair out and screamed until her vocal cords shriveled. She put Ash in to the wash rack and threw the reins over his head, clipping the ties in to the rings on his bridle. Ash stood still, swinging his tail, while Em undid his tack. He was on a runner’s high, and Em thought he would start bouncing in place any second.

The stallion’s bridle was replaced with a halter, the hose dribbling water with a girl's hand under the stream, checking the temperature. It was cold, slowly warming up. Em decided that Ash could use a bit of cold water, and sprayed his neck with it. After his neck was soaked, he shook out his mane. Em rolled her eyes as drops of water soaked in to her clothes, then ran her fingers under the water again. Once it warmed up to a comfortable temperature, she ran it all along Ash's body, soaking him thoroghly from wither to hoof. She turned the hose off and grabbed her sweat scraper. She scraped the water off of his coat, listening to the hallow
plop, plop, swoosh! as it hit the floor. Once the horse was as dry as possible, she unhooked the cross ties and clipped in the lead rope. Em lead her horse back to his stall, and, after closing the stall door and slapping his hind quarters, walked out of the nice barn. Her heeled pasture boots clicked on the tile floors.

Em confidently stroed out to her car, and pulled her suitcases from the trunk. She rolled them out and over to the dorm areas, looking for her number...Really, what job could be any better than this one? Ash was boarded at a discount, she got to work with horses, and had a nice place to crash. The only downside was....Was the room mate. She walked in to the door, not bothering to knock, and looked around, seeing a girl in the midst of unpacking. Em dropped her bags and folded her arms. "Hey, roomie," she said smiling, more attitude than cheer in her voice.

(I like it =))
(This could be the Dorm building: interface/Images/Itinerary Item Images/USA/TN/Murfreesboro/Best4/USA_TN_Murfreesboro_1.jpg)

Marella turned as the heavy mahogany door creaked open. In came a girl just as laden as her with suitcases. "I'm Marella, you must be Em," she said putting down the shirt she was folding and extending her hand to shake. She knew she was probably being a bit formal and quirky but she relied on manner whenever she was nervous. Maybe it was because she hated when people were rude, or maybe it was because her parent's had always drilled manners in her head. Either way Marella had always been this way.



Farren set down the bucket with a loud 'bonk '. She let the handle fall, and opened a large container labeled Oats. She scooped out the correct ration of oats, according to Magic's feed schedule, and then poured it into the bucket. She opened the container that lay next to the Oats container, which was labeled Sweet feed. She scooped out about a quart of sweet feed, and added it to the bucket, along with the oats. She spooned a bit of molasses into the bucket, then mixed it around, adding the flavors together. She picked the now heavy bucket, her footsteps already becoming ponderous, and walked to Magic's stall.

Unlocking the stall door quietly, she strolled into the stall. Farren stroked Magic's velvety nose, and turned, fitting the bucket into it's place.



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