One Thousand Club
Kagura stood there ready to be Lynched... The crowd had no sympathy for her, While she helped around town just like Ember, they just didn't have it in them to cry anymore. The Mayor once again asked if kagura had anything to say, Kagura spoke "You're all hanging the wrong girl." "Well, the Village however has spoken" the Mayor said, he nodded to the man ready to pull the lever. As the Man tugged on it, it got a little stuck giving Kagura ample enough time to let out a Howl that the village could tell was sad in sound. The man then finally pulled the lever just as she finished leaving her... Lynched...
Also, All Players can reveal their Roles, if they so choose.
Kagura: Lynched - Evil
Werewolf in the village of Hoius Vicus is done, and the Villagers (even with Werewolves) managed to kill off both Traitors and Werewolves. This is the First win for the Villagers, YAY!
So, Those that Played and/or Watched it being played, what did you think of this Werewolf?
Also, All Players can reveal their Roles, if they so choose.