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Dawn of Man (Main Story Thread)

Three units search for food
Two units collect wood
One unit (headed by Liviander) Scouts areas where a settlement could be set up for the next day.

BarnaB BarnaB

The Tyrien set about their tasks. Finding food inside the petrified forest was nigh-impossible -- the largest animals they found inside the wood were small birds and insects, and try as they might they could not make appreciable meals of these creatures -- besides, the birds were friendly to the Tyrien and often picked stinging insects off of them that were common in the petrified wood. Travelling south they found a giant sloth especially low in the trees (these beasts were usually only heard much higher in the canopy) and they were constantly passed by rolling armadillo creatures, great boulderous ones rolling along with smaller babies -- bouncing through the underbrush.

The great hunting party decided to set their eyes on the giant sloth -- with the easiest route to catching it flat-footed being to uproot it's tree. It was hard work and took time, but with crude rocks and flakes of stone they set about chopping the tree down. When successful, the Great Sloth fell to the forest floor and, typical of it's speed and biology, could not put up much of a fight. They found strains of palatable algae growing in the back-fur of the beast as well as the beast itself totaling SEVEN FOOD. With a great harvest of bananas (and some juicy tarantula nests found with them) an additional FOUR FOOD was gathered after the hunt (Total of 11) -- The tree they felled to catch the sloth was also good for burning -- granting 4 WOOD.

Tools could be made from the sloths claws and other things made from it's pelt, but it would be up to the Tyrien to see to these if desired as night projects.

The second sizable group of tribals gathered wood near the hunters, and while not cutting down trees of their own, each tribal gathered armfuls of wood to return to camp. (SIX WOOD GAINED -- total 10 counting sloth tree)

Searching south, Liviander and the chiefs personal guard found three points of interest that could make potential places for the tribe to move the following day... to the Southeast there was a clearing that seemed especially shielded from wind and the tall trees did their part to keep away much of the rain... to the south there was a collection of strange stone structures -- made of a kind of stone that seemed to weather the elements and obviously the sands of time -- as they were seemingly very old.

These structures were surprisingly cramped inside given their size, and all seemed to contain silos or shafts underground. But the tribe wondered how defensible they
might be against the myrdrall, the signs of which inside the development seemed very slight.

A third potential place to move the tribe was a seeming step-stair of treestumps that made their way off the ground into the understory of the jungle -- taking to the tops of the lowest and thinnest trees there was plenty of area to sit and settle in the understory of the greater trees that meshed with the top of the young wood. The Tyrien might not want to move into a cluster of ancient structures, nor take from the ground to live in the trees, but the scouts proclaimed these were options.
Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon

1. Baal makes a blood sacrifice to Luna and her agents such as Cletepoc and Bullrathi, Luna's spirits/agents sent to guide the tribe.
Baal, Chipped Full Moon, Congealed Myrdrall Blood, 3 Units of Behemoth Hermit Crab Blood, Orfex Blood, Elken Beast Blood, Fish Blood, Cinnamon, 4 Units of Orfex Bodies, Essence of Cletepoc

2. The entire tribe takes part in the festival of worship, blood, pacts and fertility.
4 Units of Luna, 1 Unit of Flos, 2 Units of Orfex, 2 Units of Food (Elkenbeast Flesh and Purse Fruit), 3 Units of Wood, Bullrathi Fortune, Star Maps (From Flos)

NIGHT 3...

The Children of Luna would never know how close they had come to death.

Covered in blood, cavorting in ecstasy, Pouring vital essenses on the ground and on their bodies... The Myrdrall in the darkness looked at them like they were seasoning themselves, and baring themselves for the slaughter -- their camp littered with juicy corpses of the Orfex. Their spirits however, would not abandon them... The Bullrathi itself came down river to adulate (from afar and out of notice) the worship and regard of the Luna. Cletepoc too, sensed the Myrdrall's immanent attack, and concentrated hard on redirecting them. There was another, more vulnerable meal in the wilderness, Cletepoc whispered into the minds of the Myrdrall -- smell their lassitude, find their weak fire.

And the myrdrall, driven to caution by the bullrathi's proximity and the cletepoc's wiles, sought easier prey... and found it... elsewhere.

In total, the ceremonies and fertility rituals were great for morale and the strength of the tribe. The blood spark grew in Baal's hand, and with it expanded his power (+2 spells)

The elders talked deeply in confidence with Baal of his thoughts in the afterglow of the festivities. They were developing the seed of a culture, more than a personality of their tribe, but beliefs and ways. The Flos had brought the trance of the poppy into the ceremonies and the ritual burning of sulfur. The Luna would dream colorful dreams, and from them would spin the pearls of ideas...

In the morning, the children of Luna found themselves covered in veritable clumps of making red butterflies that fled, all at once, out of the camp as the Children rose. The tracks of the Bullrathti were found by the first morning's scouts, and a sweet song rang from the cenote as the water played in it's cistern. Baal knew Luna was pleased, and that the spirits were pleased. But he would never know that they had spared him that night. That the true fate of the tribe, without God and Loa, was to be eaten by the myrdrall at the height of their frivolity and ritual-making...

Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon
KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor : Night 3

The ratkin move went pleasantly and well organized. By the time the Ratkin had left, the myrdrall themselves were left with an empty ratkin lair and scratching their heads as to where they had gone.

Soft piles of grass and leaves were piled with tufts, scraps and layers of fur -- the "Cozification" of the fastidious ratkin continued until finally everyone took their time of slumber.

The Flos who were adopted were adapting to the lives of "True rats" with difficulty, but were making progress. It was not like the Star clan to not be able to see the stars as they slept -- but the warmth and comfort of the ratkin warrens and the power of the ratkin's great fire gave them succor and peace as they made their adjustments. They also found the ratkin to be especially "Physically Friendly" to the new outsiders-come-family, with the ratkin grooming and embracing each of the Flos to let them know they were wanted, protected, and a part of the clan. Much work was done to get the smell of the foreigners off of them and the sweat and dirt of the tribe onto these new additions. Flos no more, they turned their backs on the stars and joined the ratkin proper.

The Ratkin, in all their digging and rummaging for a new camp -- found TRUFFLES -- delicious commodities that when added with other food made everything delicious, if not at least more palatable. (Ratkin gain COMMODITY "TRUFFLES" -- +1 Permanent morale as long as the tribe does not starve - can potentially be shared with other tribes)
AngelCloud AngelCloud :

The fire was MASSIVE in the Raptor's camp -- Bullsworth and Raptora lay close to it curled around the clutch of eggs, giving them maximum warmth while shielding them from the worst of the heat.

And the Demons WERE out there. As log after log and branch after branch was piled onto the fire, the circle of light would grow and the Raptors could SEE the Myrdrall's feet move back into the darkness -- they stood at the EDGE of the light, sometimes their hanging drool or falling saliva would catch in the light of the fire or the flames would reflect in the eye of a Myrdrall just right and the Raptors could see they were waiting. Close... But thanks to the great blaze, they dared not come closer. Still... the tribe had to move soon -- as even fire, alone, would not hold them at bay forever.

The expedition sent to find the Flos found them approaching and pleading to be let around the fire... it was visible from far away even before the sun fully fell and the Flos were desperate to find safety in the dark. The Flos elders brought with them opium poppy plants (which they demonstrated how to enter trances with, treat pain, and simply enjoy -- as well as how to find and use sulfur to make brighter fires and heat magic. (Morale +1 Permanent if the tribe uses poppies passively. Raptors gain ONE UNIT of Flos tribespeople to integrate into their tribe.)

And so the night went on... log after log, branch after branch. The raptors were proud of their camp, their fire, their TRIBE...

...But oh the darkness beckoned to them just beyond the faintest shadow. Death had come.

And it would soon tire of watching.
Karcen Karcen --- Night 3...

the fire roared in the camp of the bonetakers, and those who were not napping were hard at work -- tending the flames, or tending their duties.

All night the bonetakers fashioned their stone statues to make vessels for the souls of the dead. Stone skulls, approximately a score of them -- were fashioned with precision, hard-work, and tools. Attak could tell immediately the potency and usefulness of these vessels -- and Attak and the elders wasted no time calling the souls of the Human dead to the statues so they could be bound to serve them. The great Device, the campfire built right beside it, was used to thin the veil between life and death once again. Turned back were the dead of Kokylos, who demanded gold, and turned away were the dustmen of ages past, for all they knew was hunger. Attak called forth the recent dead from beyond the valley -- who joyfully put their souls in the carved icons of stone.

Tireless, Bloodless, Pitiless, Fearless --THREE UNITS of skeletons joined the bonetakers in their camp -- moving slowly at first, as if learning to wield a skeleton and learn to ambulate a second time... But all would be agile and ready to work by morning light... Attak and the Elders would be exhausted with their investments of power and binding the dead to their will and true loyalty, but by the end of the process the task was complete. It would be interesting to see what the bonetakers would do with their new puppets -- having for the first time in living memory succeeded in such a ritual as this... though the elders spoke of powerful sorcerors before the myrdrall that called forth the dead to work for them, tonight they reclaimed that vital part of their birthright. (+2 morale, Temporary)

Elsewhere around the fire, long supple branches, bits of cane, wicker, and indeed bones as well were used to make the baskets the bonetakers would use to increase their yields at harvest and carry more from expeditions. With the success of the ritual morale was high, so many baskets of great quality were produced.

Also, the ivory the clan had captured was fashioned into armor and ornaments, every part became a sleeve, or grieve, or chest-cage, or conical helmet... and with the plenty left over after the suit of hardened bone plate was complete the rest was fashioned into ornaments and decorations, large and small. (+1 morale, Permanent) -- the bonetakers culture circled around the use of such materials, so it was only fitting they wore ornaments of the finest ivory in necklace, bracelet, piercing, and ring.

The Myrdrall strangely were not to be observed -- perhaps the power of necromancy or the presence of the walking dead repelled them. The Bonetakers would just receive this as another deserved blessing... though many of the tribe talked about the importance of FINDING A LOA to empower them and their magic.
General Deth Glitch General Deth Glitch -- Night 3.

The nature of the beasts... that was what Maaravi surveyed. Standing at the edge of the firelight -- his own torch casting an arc of light into the deeper darkness -- HE watched THEM. He saw mighty thewed grey beasts that walked like men -- almost daring to poke their giant vicious heads into the light of Maaravi's torch... great teeth gleamed at him and withdrew, for he... somehow... was not afraid. Then he saw something more... the skulkers. These walked on all fours, and were more brown than grey. These did not show themselves on the edge of the light... the skulkers turned their heads towards the light and turned away hatefully. In their eyes Maaravi saw fear of man -- and the decadence of a race that had for far too long remained dominant to the point of decline. There was more to the myrdrall than what they seemed... something they hide with them in the darkness. However, Maaravi could not deny their number nor their persistence -- they must fear something even more than man for the skulkers to remain circling, something absolute that held them to circle the fire even as Maaravi stood in defiance of them. Maaravi was not struck down by the loping bipedal ones -- perhaps because he watched them too, and did not flinch. In the eye of a Myrdrall, what did a fearless man seem like? Maaravi wondered if it was even prey. Maaravi, son of Drakkosh, was not... and this he resolved was why he lived, and dawn came to his tired eyes with his brethren bidding he finally rest even after his torch was guttering, the sun had rose, and the Myrdrall were nothing but a memory etched in his brain... he saw their footprints, still saw their silhouettes -- he would never forget the great face of teeth that ALMOST dared to challenge him. He felt he had confronted the Myrdrall -- that that even after they had tasted the blood of his blood, they were given pause. The experience changed him. (Maaravi not subject to Myrdrall terror -- +1 permanent morale to tribe for the story of Maaravi and the true nature of the Myrdrall.)

The Ivory-tipped spears, attached to hardened wood, were deadly indeed and longer and lighter than the spears of any other tribe. Using the spirit of the goring animal and the fine point sheared with the sweat of man, these weapons were vicious tools of hunting and war. (Spears can be THROWN at +2 on 1d6, or standard +1 in combat) -- the ivory also served as decoration to the finest warriors, their spearhead having notches of kills or the symbols of beasts slain with them to empower them with totems. The warriors were much emboldened with these weapons... They were Drakti, the first of blades, and they prided themselves by their weapons.

The absorbtion of the Flos was not easy, nor was it fast. They did not have the stalwart heart of a Drakti, nor yet did the flame of Drakkosh burn in their hearts. They mewled about portents and fates and stars when the Drakti saw only the will of their god. While the Flos had some powers of prophesy it might seem, the Drakti disregarded this. There was one fate for them at that was the will of Drakkosh. This idea would have to die in the hearts of the Flos before they could truly be called kinsmen. (FLOS UNIT MUST OPERATE INDIVIDUALLY UNTIL NIGHT 6 -- after which they are no longer referred to as Flos, but become Drakti in their own right, they must work separately until then.) The Flos did however teach the Drakti of the marrying of fire to the wild poppy, and the trances that could occur, and the pain that could be relieved on burning of this plant. Surely this was a secret Drakkosh had intended for them, put the flos into existence perhaps for them to find. Still more compelling was the secrets of Sulfur -- a rock and dust that promised larger, brighter, more brilliant fire magic and ritual. How they would use it would have to be discussed with the elders or determined by Maaravi but there was no doubt that Sulfur in the Hands of the Drakti, the people of fire, was a great tool and even greater portent. One elder dreamed a poppy dream of a Pottery filled with sulfur, scored along it's sides so as to break outwardly with a violent sulfur explosion when lit. Another elder tranced that these great pots could be made small, hand-thrown by the Drakti to sow great noise, confusion, fear, and damage in the ranks of enemies or prey before attacking. (Primitive hand grenade idea unlocked -- further applications may be discovered, created)

The great fire did much to balm the souls of the two tribes, Flos and Drakti, as did it send a potent message to the Myrdrall -- their fire was great, the fire in their souls were greater. The Flos felt safe in the bosom of the Drakti, but they were not ready to become true Drakti, yet. Still, the great fire, the poppy, the sulfur and the bravery of their chieftains vigil made discussions sincere, colorful and true. The Flos mourned with the Drakti, but more than that they began to feel the strength and defiance of the tribe...

The Jade medallions, cut into whorls and tongues of flame -- were passed among the warriors and donned in lesser decoration by the whole of the tribe. The jade gave the tribe a greater personality -- a greater pride -- a greater culture. (+1 permanent morale) -- Wearing these trappings they felt less naked, and feeling less naked they felt less afraid. Symbols of fire and the effigy of drakkosh itself donned the very necks and arms and weapons of the tribe. It was a new day, Drakkosh was in the heart, but it was also in the eye of one's brother.

Maaravi is changed by his all night vigil at the edge of the fire -- he gains 2 1d100 Epiphanies to be determined in the adventure channel. (TBD)

General Deth Glitch General Deth Glitch
BarnaB BarnaB :

The fire was not mighty, nor did it need to be, it seemed. There was not a sign of the demons at all but for an occasional howl in the distance, a baying at the moon. This stood to reason with the Tyrien farthest away from all the other tribes... perhaps this... somewhat paradoxically afforded some level of protection... that the demons followed the "Herd" and not an outlier? Liviander did not speculate on this for long.

The Flos were not swift kin to the Tyrien, the Flos being a sky and river people and the Tyrien more attuned to the land and forest. The Flos appreciated and adopted the Totem animal of the Tyrien quickly however, as the Triceratops was a mighty symbol. It would be some time before the Flos could truly be considered Tyrien, but their education was proceeding on the new ways, and the Flos shared ways of their own -- particularly the reading of portents in the sky (Tyrien gain perk "Prophesy" allowing one reroll per adventure) -- the Flos also shared the secrets of Sulfer and the poppy plant (+1 permanent morale) both of which gave rich trance inducing smoke and treated pain or cleansed wounds with fire.

The short sticks combined with sloth claws made excellent gathering canes, fishing tools, and instruments for hunting. They were indeed useful devices and the tribe celebrated the spirit of the sloth for bequeathing their spirit to the richness of the Tyrien people. (Bonus FOOD and WOOD gathered when using hooks!)

The sloth was huge and had thick fur... enough for the entire group to have at least some for warmth, and ornamentation. (+1 morale permanent) -- the Tyrien would hunt for furs in the future no matter how small the animal and passively gather it as a commodity for clothes and blankets (Furs tradable commodity by Tyrien) The furs promised to keep them ever warmer in the colder part of the year and also promised sufficient warmth, though not necessarily safety, from a smaller fire.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood :

The great fire of the Arlan once more spread over the beaches of the lakeside camp. The demons did not come close... but they knew they were there -- the morning would show the clay-flats to the west and south covered in their tracks, and even some of their tracks on the dark corners of the beach and behind dunes near the camp. The Arlan scouts and firetenders kept their eyes out so the rest of the tribe could greet and adopt the Flos in true sincerity and verve -- the words of the Arlan stories, the dance of Alle and the spinning dances of water until many fell dizzy... the Flos felt at home with the Arlan, conveying their power of prophesy to the Clan. (Arlan gain PERK: Prophesy)

After the great dance of the beautiful lobster, Anaya herself told the story of the Bear Loa Bullrathi, of diplomacy, friendship, and lack of fear when one could be embracing a friend. A great bull skull was hoist on a long cane with a banner of tattered leaves to symbolize the peace of Loas, and hopefully the peace of tribes. (Arlan gain "Herald Banner" giving bonus to diplomacy and a chance to speak or appeal to peaceful natures before combat.) The Striking lobster was eaten at the height of the ritual and it's colorful shell was made to into a beautiful crown for Anaya to wear with chips of the creature made into diadems (headpieces) for the elders to mark their association with Anaya's symbol of leadership. More dancing, waving of the banner, collapsing, laughing, embracing... and a fertility ritual commenced to the beating of the tides on the shores...

...The elders said this crown was a symbol that Anaya and her bloodline was to lead the tribe forever or until the fates decreed otherwise. This provided (+1 morale, Permanent) and a potential culture bonus! (Arlan gain perk: Right to Rule)

A great deal of labor was put into turning wood into some form of defense. It cost THREE UNITS OF WOOD (any Negative wood is owed!) with all of the redesigns and mishaps shaping the wood but before the night was over The tribe could choose between small shields for all the tribe or great barrier shields, wielded only by the strongest of the tribe. The great shields would aid champions in battle and provide cover from missile attacks, while the small shields would confer a small defense bonus to all units of Arlan. Also it was found that the wood plates could be used as flotation on the river and even as a means to skirt the waves in a form of play... The Arlan discover surfing. (+1 morale permanent) as such play on the river and lake became quickly popular gingerly by night but with great gusto the following morning. The Myrdrall did not stalk the waters, so to play on the waters was to be safe -- at least that was what was thought. Alle gave no alarm... so the tribe considered themselves blessed with peace.
Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii :

The fire of the Yamna was the smallest this night -- and the demons were on the hunt. Where great fires and high activity gave the demons pause when confronted with a camp -- the Myrdrall did not encounter any of this at the camp of the Yamna.

The weak fire dared the myrdrall to approach...

...And approach they did.

The majority of the tribe at rest tempted the myrdrall to attack...

...And attack they did.

The watch was dead before they could raise an alarm... the last of them looking down at the blood pouring from his throat as a one-handed myrdrall pulled his lungs, one by one, through his back in some disgusting parody of the wings of an angel. Half of the tribe was killed mercifully before they could even awake, but the rest had a far worse fate in store. In the hours before dawn, shrieking of bones, crushed one by one, broke the silence of the night.

The Myrdrall took delight and pleasure in feasting on this tribe, or reminding who owned the night and what it's gifts truly were -- pain, misery, and death.

No, night was not for rest or the calm watching of birds and beasts.

Night was for the Demons, and what they may take.


the story of the Yamna would become a cautionary tale and a tale of fear throughout the valley. DAY was for the gathering of resources, NIGHT was for the application and spending of them. It was not time yet for man to slumber beneath the stars, nor were the demons something to dismiss with a swift warning. The Yamna were eaten, and the Yamna were tortured, and the Yamna were never seen nor heard from again...

What WAS found were all of the right hands of the Yamna -- like one demon hand taken by the Drakti General Deth Glitch General Deth Glitch -- the Demons took a tribe of hands in recompense. They were crushed into the husks of plants and pinned to the trees of the Yamna-camp glade with bloody talons pulled from the hands of the demons themselves to serve as nails. Thus reminded who were the hunters and the hunted... and how the demons would speak to their prey...

Locklaklazarii Locklaklazarii : You may want to create a new tribe, or consider that the story, at least for the Yamna, is finished here.
To Everyone:

The sun rises on the valley and the tribes turn their faces to the sun. It has been a long night, but the sun has pulled itself up. Not all tribes have come this far. The cold nights, the Myrdrall, the work that is simply what must be done to subsist.

But the tribes have come this far -- and they may yet go the distance. (+1 temp morale until further notice for all tribes)

More to come!
Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon :

The luna stood proud over their new place -- in the shadow of the Yamna camp. Meant to be a place of terror -- the Luna defied the Myrdrall here and made the area so near to the massacre their new settlement, at least for now. Leaving the Cenote, they gave their rich offerings of food to the Cletepoc, who manifested as a swarm of butterflies to eat the food and flew back into the cenote ostensibly to allow the Loa time to digest this offering.

The Luna searched the Yamna camp, and found two bolts of spidersilk that the tribe had hidden away, and the bear-tooth talisman that had come from the bullrathi. FOUR WOOD was salvaged from the debris of their stores, but nothing else was left. The Luna gathered the talons of the Myrdrall and saw they could be made into weapons -- DECISION POINT: Make 2 units of Myrdrall-talon javelins, or add the myrdrall teeth to their weapons to increase their effectiveness. The inside rim of each talon was filled with jagged serrations, so they knew such wounds with these weapons would be hard to treat, and deal telling blows. It was simply a question of how to utilize them.

With Bronze tools they cut away the concealing foliage and with baskets gathered all of value.. in the creek that separated the river from the lake, they found ONE UNIT OF STONE and ONE UNIT OF GOLD... it also became apparent that panning for gold at this focal point (and perhaps in the lake at the mouth of the river) could be an especially good place to look for gold. (+1 bonus to searching for gold gained by tribe)

The Shrine was built over the grave of the Yamna. Pearls arranged in small constellations would catch sunlight, moonlight and firelight. The Crescent Blade was held before the completed wood structure, and the magic of the crescent revealed itself, compressing the entirety of the shrine into one near-unbreakable piece. (Crescent gains "Constructive Compression" Power)
With rings and spirals of blood decorated on the area over the carnage and consumed in offering, any curse on this area would be lifted.

With their new tools and blood to keep their energy high, they cut a vicious swath of young trees down and harvested TEN WOOD. This both improved sight lines around the camp (that the Yamna probably wished they had) and brought in a bounty of good wood to the tribe. They uncovered one unit of Sap-filled wood and one unit of ancient golden wood buried under the remains of the infant wood they destroyed -- it seemed all the new growth seemed to rise from these more ancient woods...

The Geodes were DIFFICULT to break, even with the strange advanced tools they were given, and one unit of tribals was exhausted (must rest the night) for their production with them... but it yielded a considerable supply of purple, orange, and white CRYSTALS and GLITTERDUST that the tribe now had access to. The Flos decorated their star-tatoos with both, and the ornamentation uplifted the tribe to a new level of sophistication as necklaces, bracers, and even the odd protective garment woven with crystals began to be made. (1 Unit of crystal armor) -- new CRYSTAL resource raises Clan morale by +1 permanently.)

OF THE NATURE SPARK... nothing was found...
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AngelCloud AngelCloud :

One egg shook. Then another. One bounced against another and it rattled as if to reply. Bullsworth and Raptora wrapped their tails around the eggs to keep them extra warm, and soon the Raptorlings were born. Nine altogether, they were incredibly small (the size of a chicken, at largest) but COMPLETELY rapacious... as hungry as hungry could be defined. The speed and health of these creatures would be very much do to the amount of food that could be Devoted to them for the next 4 (in game) days. They would see investment in the new brood flounder or fly on the basis of what they could spare. The elders gave the babies little saddles to begin their training, and the biggest of the hatchlings -- which has a particularly square head and armored ridges on it's back and skull, was already pulling tiny loads on the end of a line of fiber. From birth they would be taught to be members of the tribe -- but their lessons would MUST include that the tribe feeds it's own, and feeds them well.

Time spent gathering poppies paid off -- and the tribe gained an effectively limitless supply with how skilled they became at gathering the plants and sprinkling some of their seeds around as they travelled to ensure that more wild plants would always be available. If the Raptors do not already have a Permanent +1 morale from Poppies, they gain one now.

With Obsidian tools, the Raptors gained EIGHT DARKWOOD -- and learned more about it. Burned dry, it produced no smoke at all, but when burned wet it produced large amounts of choking but fragrant smoke. How the tribe might utilize this was not clear -- but the elders took their poppies and contemplated it.

The hunting group came back with baskets of succulent green spiders, a baby hippo, and some elk Totaling SIX UNITS of Food. This would feed the tribe, but there would likely need to be more and greater hunts to feed the hatchlings and improve stores.

Lastly, the tribe learned to gather sulfur and could effectively find it wherever they needed in reasonable amounts. Introduced to the fires, they would "FLARE" away lurking myrdrall during the night at random intervals, increasing safety in the camp... for now at least.
BarnaB BarnaB :

The Hunt of the Tyrien was highly successful. Their totem animal foraged to the east in the direction the tribe explored and they found a badly wounded mammoth resting in the Pampas grass and descended upon it quickly and efficiently, bringing EIGHT FOOD into the tribe's stores.

Collecting wood however was not easy, and too late in the day it was decided to fell new wood to make up for the shortcomings... only THREE UNITS OF WOOD were gathered, despite the significant work crew. Application of tools and baskets (stated in orders) would likely increase yields, if they were available.

The gathering of stone was likewise slow-going, but a thoughly cracked boulder was found in the densely wooded area near the camp and ONE UNIT OF STONE was ultimately gathered.

Plant fibers, be they vines, cane, wicker grasses and the like were found aplenty in the wooded area the Tyrien had been growing accustomed to. The tribe became skilled in gathering these materials, Access to plant fibers can be considered infinite/renewable for the tribe, and they can be used to make (more?) tools and baskets as needed, as well as enable the creation of clothing and simple adornment.

Exploring east, the tribe discovered an alley of deep pampas grass making a corridor in the woods... they observed the hunters of the bonetakers, and signs of their passing -- and discovered various "burial grounds" of bones in the deep grass where apparently a lot of animals were hunted or had gone to die. The greatest discovery was a deep pit filled with the ribs and tusks or many mammoths... giving the Tribe Access to a rich supply of IVORY, if they choose to exploit it.
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood :

The Arlan carried their baskets of fish to the loa's wood -- laying them around an unnatural looking crevice in the ground in the center of a glade. The earth ground up the baskets of food one after the other, like a vast chewing maw in the dirt, filling the area with the smell of fish and fertilizer... Then the Trees shook as one, dropping EIGHT UNITS OF WOOD in the form of mounds and near walls of sticks and dry branches, new growth quickly taking their place. As the Arlan filled their baskets and prepared to leave... the crack in the earth gurgled a request. "The bounties of the water are delicious and pure -- like the Arlan -- You will find a water Loa and encourage them to take residence in my glade and we shall unite in partnership... My lonliness must end -- the Arlan's pleasant disruption of my silence tells me this. Do this for me and we will make a sacred lake for the Arlan, where land embraces the water in my tranquil glade... there you may freely gather your wood, and your fish, in one place. I am your Loa, heed my words...

A great number of Arlan tribesmen stood at the shore and performed the dances of fisher's bounty -- casting their fibrous nets in elegant and wild seeming patterns. Alle herded schools of fish into the vast area the Arlan had laid for capture And the spear-fishers pinned down and drew the nets closed bringing VAST amounts of food into the tribes stores... TWENTY UNITS OF FOOD were gathered, A massive sum that left the Arlan wondering if they must find some rapid way to preserve this food before it spoiled, to trade such a massive surplus, or to use it to grow the tribe further. With such an orgy of hunting fish achieved, there was little surprise that a Loa appeared at the height of their gathering abundance -- a great watery fish -- it's scales seemly made of reflected light and eyes of ice looked to the Arlan and spoke:

"You do not only hunt these waters -- you PLUNDER them. There must be a price paid for what you have taken so freely, the lake is abundant, but will not be if you plunder as you do -- unless you make some way to give back and achieve balance with the land. Answer this Loa and appease me, or your rituals may fail in the days to come."

Meanwhile, Arlan training was relentless and devoted with their new shields and with all variety of weapons. Many ideas for strategies were born, the Arlan had to focus on a particular shield doctrine that they would officially use as their combat style.

DECISION POINT: (Choose one Option)

"The Spitting Hedge" -- This doctrine is most effective with multiple units (3-4 or more) where the outside units hold up a surrounding wall of shields while everyone inside the shield wall throws rocks, slings, and javelins keeping distance with enemies to maximize casualties until two-handed weapons are adopted to strike over the shields when the unit is engaged in melee. Very promising doctrine, but useless with small numbers of troops.

"The Press" -- Oversized shields become characteristic of half Arlan troops, each shield bearer is accompanied by a fast, light-armored trooper who uses the cover of the large shield partner. When not directly shielding the pair, the larger great-shield bearer carries their ally on their shield as a head or shoulder platform allowing commanding missile attacks from height. Works with as little as two tribesmen, scales very well in larger units.

"The Ramp" -- Every unit has a shield that either moves in formation with some covering the front and some covering above in a kind of "turtle" formation... in close combat the front of the unit locks in place and the shields from the back ranks are used as ramps to run and leap over the front ranks and into the heart of the enemy. May cause fear. Risky.

Finally, the tribe moved... and none too soon, it would seem... the myrdrall had left beyond apparent distance skull-laden totems in a circle around the camp of the Arlan... proving that they were going to be, and still might be, the next selected prey of the Myrdrall....
Karcen Karcen :

The Bonetakers took to the new day and set about their tasks... working beside their dead allies, much would be learned.

Firstly, The Skeletons -- the necromancy to keep them aloft, radiated an aura that repelled animals -- kept the vermin out of stores and from discomforting the tribe (creatures like mosquitos and rats avoid Bonetakers and their camps like the plague... in turn making for happier and healthier tribe. MORALE GOES UP BY +1 PERMANENTLY FROM THIS COMFORT.

The bad news that came was this was that skeletons COULD NOT be used for hunting as they scared game with their far-radiating presence. They could however, be counted on to gather fruits, nuts, Berries and edible grasses/grains tirelessly given close supervision. Hunts with the skeletons failed completely, but Static gathered food sources yielded a GREAT harvest... TEN FOOD was gained in non-meats. The bonetakers were saddened that their meals did not come with the bones they needed for their decoration, rituals, and magic -- but they saw that food could potentially be gathered in great amounts with the tireless and fearless and near-mechanical work of the skeletons.

The skeletons were FABULOUS at collecting clay, digging large clumps of the stuff and sticking it inside their ribcages to carry even when their baskets were full. FIVE UNITS OF CLAY were Gathered, with the bonetakers wondering if gathering static resources with skeletons would always be so gainful or if it was the luck and newness of the enchantments that delivered such great yields. The Bonetakers would have their clay, and with it, food preservation, and a means of preserving their stories and traditions.

The Flos gathered an effectively unlimited amount of poppies -- and taught the rest of the tribe how to gather them as well... if the Bonetakers do not already have a morale bonus from poppies, they gain a permanent +1 now. Fortunately, their clubs were un-needed except to beat the grass to startle snakes away and take down a particularly adventurous and territorial boar. (PLUS 4 UNITS OF FOOD)

Then they learned a limitation of the skeletons -- they did not feel pain, nor understood the principles of weight relative to their frame... they were wholly inappropriate for gathering stone as they repeatedly shattered themselves dropping heavy loads or broke their arms trying to prize stones too large for even a muscled human to carry. If skeletons were to gather stone it would have to be small stones only, and therefore with large numbers of skeletons for the project to be substantial. before the elders could bring a stop to it, the entire unit of skeletons assigned to the task of gathering stone had broken itself to pieces, and their spirits, without a frame to cling to, were lost to the ether. (One unit of skeletons lost) That said, their sacrafice gained a high yield of stone, and the superior number of bone takers working the project GAINED THREE UNITS OF STONE. (minus one unit of skeletons)

Attak returned to the tribe and spoke of the loa and the odd arrangement they had struck with the dwarf. The elders consulted each other (and the poppy) for guidance. A dwarf willingly surrendering his head? Some trickery had to be afoot...
General Deth Glitch General Deth Glitch :

One Unit W/Maaravi search west W/Armour and Swords and Spears

Wood was Light. Wood was Life.

And Gather wood the Drakti did. Fallen wood along the river, strong wood of the deep forest they occupied, dead wood and branch wood that could be pulled free. Fire not only held off the Myrdrall, but it shed the light and warmth of Drakkosh, and she would not be denied. With faith and fury, ELEVEN units of wood were gathered around the new camp and along the river, less so by the floss to the east, as they crossed paths with other moving tribes that disrupted their work... still, it was a find yield.

Maararvi and his tribespeople moved west to investigate the strange barrens to the west. No plants grew, no animals scurried -- and a cloud of dust thickened the closer to the middle of the region one approached. But Maararvi was not afraid, and nor was fear in the hearts of his people. They found a RUIN -- something that looked like an ancient human settlement -- humans clearly from long ago who evidently did not fear the myrdrall... but time if not the nightmares had taken them. The chieftain looked among the buildings and found ONE UNIT OF GOLD in various bangles and ornaments left around in the footprints of the houses. When they came to leave... they found their path was partially blocked by a small unit of men made of wood and metal who spoke a strange language -- the babbling of dwarfs perhaps? Then in seeing the Drakti did not understand, a click sounded in the heads of the artificial men in unison, and they spoke a very old dialect of trade talk, which only Maaravi could make any sense of -- though it still sounded like nonsense.

"Ruled by Queens but Never by Kings. What is Protocol?" The tallest of the artificial men questioned. Was it a riddle? A word salad of a magical construct that spent too much time under the curse of years? Maaravi was given pause at possible meaning as the artificial wood and iron men seemed to await an answer.

It was clear the constructs would let them go, but they constantly faced the people as if waiting for an answer... Drakkosh knows whatever that might be....
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KindlyPlagueDoctor KindlyPlagueDoctor :

The Ratkin had their orders... and today, for the first time since times remembered, the rats and mice went out with the ratkin on the hunt! Numerous times the rats in the grass drew delicious birds perfect for roasting down to the ground or in the air at spear-range... and the rats sifted through the grasses to find eggs and nuts in the bush... some the rats ate on the spot, and some they brought back on the backs of the swarm to be given to the tribe. Such rats with offerings were pet and stuffed in pouches of the ratkin to strengthen further the bonds that seemed to be growing between the animals and humans in the tribe. The rats showed their intelligence... and in time they began to be used as scouts to find game. EIGHT UNITS of FOOD (mostly boars and shoats the rats surrounded and riled into the way of the tribe) were harvested.

The rats were less helpful in gathering wood, with only THREE UNITS OF WOOD being harvested, despite the number of people assigned to the task. A great tree, thought to be dead, was set upon as an easy target for a high yield... until the TREANT awoke to see it being chopped upon, Kicked at the ratkin (luckily striking none with it's deadly limbs and roots) before running deeper into the wood. It seemed the offense against the treant cast a pall over the endeavor. what little wood was found, only half of it was good.

Scouting yielded it's own discoveries... To the east, strange pits of QUICKSAND were found, that seemed to trap animals and fill with carrion... in suspiciously dry-looking areas of the clay-flats. The ratkins quickly identified these dangers and would know to avoid them in the future. (Ratkin can use quicksand strategically operating in clay-flat squares)

Besides this, The scouts caught up with the Treant, planting itself in front of a cave hidden deep in the forest, yellow shiny rocks glittering within. Sap like blood dripped from the leg of the treant by the inflicted wounds of the ratkin, and the scouts were slow to approach or engage the treant without speaking to the chieftain.

Lastly, in the scouting -- rats found the skeleton of a dwarf in the deep woods... ancient and mouldering half buried by the ravages of time. Everything on the dwarf but the bones was weathered away, except for a single belt loop and apparently a rectangular ingot or weight of some kind made of a metal that apparently did not wear away from the elements. (ANCIENT DWARF INGOT can be added to tribe inventory)

Back at the warrens, the rat swarms seemed to be having a fertility ritual of their own, and the ratkin did their best not to disturb them, busy as they were everywhere... both man and rat. <3
Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon Eliasdagood Eliasdagood :

THE EGGS OF THE GIANT HERMIT CRABS BEGIN TO SHAKE, AS the tiny (fist sized) Zoea -- delicate and transparrent, look ready to break free from their eggs!

What steps will these tribes take to cultivate these prizes? Will the baby crabs survive?

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