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Fandom Dashing through the Lane

"Storming finally," Kaladin said as he was transformed back to normal, "Do you have any idea how hard it is fight when all you want to is to crawl in a hole and die?" He watched with increasing confusion as the incident with Z23 and the redheaded commander played out before the little bunny ran off. "What an odd group," He whispered to Syl.

"I like them," Syl said as she landed on his shoulder in the form of a young woman with a flowing skirt.

Kaladin rolled his eyes and responded with, "You would." It was then that the redheaded commander suggested that they find their accommodations, "That's probably a good idea. By the way, you do have highstorms here, don't you? I have plenty of spheres with stormlight in them for the time being, but I may eventually run out without a highstorm to recharge them."

Crow Crow
"Ja, they're Zerstorers! Fastest of the hull types!" the redheaded Commander adds, "until the devs wanted to powercre- nothing!

We actually have a few of dem foxes around base. Nine tails, one tail... In fact, there's one stalking me in the shadows right now!"

"Saying it so casually is not a talent to be proud of!" Katsuo exclaims.

"Nyeehee, sorry, I don't know what a highstorm is, so I assume not. Maybe we call it something else here, so describing it would be good," the blonde Commander responds.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless P PopcornPie Flintstone Flintstone

"What... makes you happier about being a rabbit? And what even made you a rabbit to begin with?" Jupiter asks in return.

P PopcornPie

"You're looking for a leaf? A feather? In any case there are a lot of those... can you lead me to where you last saw it?"

P PopcornPie

"The description has been identified with the Tennis Court."

"Well, let's go then!" the girl says, then turns to Hermione, "I don't think you've actually told me your name."

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
"Oh, is that true?" Senko's eyes brightened. "I would enjoy meeting them. I assume they help with housework, too. Though, with the size of this place, I doubt the poor things get a lot of rest. Speaking of rest..." She stretched out her tails as she yawned. "...I have exhausted much of my power in that battle. I suppose I can spend a night here, before I return to Kuroto."
Pookybear tapped his fuzzy chin some more. Smartypaw did tell him that her quill was in the hospital, but how would he communicate a hospital?

He had an idea.

Grabbing his throat and gasping for air, he flopped onto his back, with squeaks imitating the beeps of a heart monitor. Then he sprung up and pretended to resuscitate an invisible body with defibrillators.
"Same thing that turned everyone else. It was a beam I accidentally activated." Smartypaw admitted shyly. "Hear me out. The old me couldn't have possibly pulled off what they saw from me today. I'm harder, better, faster, stronger. I even have a sidekick. But, most importantly, I can leave everything behind. Forget Erinn. I can just go to Jamaa and forget about my mom and dad, and especially Lapatido."

Crow Crow
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--Sougo Tokiwa || Woz--
Interaction: Crow Crow

"Thank you. We appreciate you getting us back home." Sougo nodded, hearing that they could spend the night here before they could return home. He pondered how he could repay their hospitality, but hopefully, he would be given that chance. Luckily, since Swartz now gone, he'll have a chance to live a normal life...That means he could go to college now, too...But what would he take? Sougo didn't have a career in mind other than being a king...Maybe he'll stay as a silent king for a little while longer until he can tap into Ohma's powers once more.

For now, it's for a bit of rest!...Also, dinner.
"Ja, they're Zerstorers! Fastest of the hull types!" the redheaded Commander adds, "until the devs wanted to powercre- nothing!

We actually have a few of dem foxes around base. Nine tails, one tail... In fact, there's one stalking me in the shadows right now!"

"Saying it so casually is not a talent to be proud of!" Katsuo exclaims.

"Nyeehee, sorry, I don't know what a highstorm is, so I assume not. Maybe we call it something else here, so describing it would be good," the blonde Commander responds.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless P PopcornPie Flintstone Flintstone

"What... makes you happier about being a rabbit? And what even made you a rabbit to begin with?" Jupiter asks in return.

P PopcornPie

"You're looking for a leaf? A feather? In any case there are a lot of those... can you lead me to where you last saw it?"

P PopcornPie

"The description has been identified with the Tennis Court."

"Well, let's go then!" the girl says, then turns to Hermione, "I don't think you've actually told me your name."

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
"Oh! It's Hermione. Hermione Granger." She replies, smiling.
"Nein, they're more on the warrior side of things," the redheaded Commander adds, "Nagato, Mutsu, Kawakaze, Kaga and-"




"Oh, guten tag Akagi," the redheaded Commander says in response to the fox-eared woman ambushing all as she revealed herself from the top of a tree. "How's it hanging."

"Our sense of humour truly is where our opposites come into play, my beloved~."

"Ja, that one was old and crusty anyways, ahahaha... so, you wanna join us? We're gonna have dinner soon."

That was when Kanna's stomach growled.

"I truly do wish I could, but I have already promised Kaga that I would join her for a drink..."

"It's fine, it's fine, your sister's an important part of your life too."

"Sounds like my cue!"
the blonde Commander declares. "Nyeehee, I'm on bartender duty today!"

After being shown your rooms, a luxurious dormitary zone where you had your own room each, you had a choice of going to the canteen, where most were, or the aforementioned bar, if you needed your sorrows to be drowned.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless Flintstone Flintstone

"Medical... medical..." she seemed to get it, "so one of our doctors has it? Is it Vestal? Or Akashi?"

She paused, waiting for the hamster to shake or nod in response.

"Wait... I guess we should look at a place before we start finding a person..."

P PopcornPie

"That explains why that girl called herself Laffey... well, I put two and two together anyways. There are some dots I can't connect however... you were so focused on getting back to them when you were Yuchino - so hopeful, but now that you've become someone without their oil flowing inside you, you just want to leave them?"

Jupiter had concern in her voice.

P PopcornPie

"And I'm Cooper! Allen M. Sumner-class Destroyer Cooper."

As they went by, they saw someone at the Tennis court.


"Yo! Cooper!"

"Hey! Baltimore-senpai! Have you seen my sister, she has the same uniform as me... I think..."

"You think? Oh! I get what you're asking - you're looking for someone who may or may not exist - but shouldn't our Commander know about this before you or anyone, in terms of who's on board and who's not? If anyone knows, it's her. I'll go get changed, then we can go ask her together, alright?" This 'Baltimore' replies, "I hear she's on barkeep duty today. She really pulls the look off well."

"Barkeep duty? I'm terrible around alcohol! Not really, just the people around it... I really don't want to be near a drunk Prinz Eugen..." Cooper adds, "I'm uh... considering asking tomorrow for a change. Away from the alcohol, away from the alcohol."

"So, who's this young lady here?" Baltimore gazes upon Hermione.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
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--Sougo Tokiwa || Woz--
Interaction: Crow Crow Topless Topless

Sougo couldn't be helped but be in awe of the dormitory rooms. Quite spacious--luxurious, even, for a man who had lived in his uncle's store for all of his life. Instead of a simple futon, there's a bed. The cabinet's still a cabinet, but not on the wall. There's also a desk and some fancy lamp. Overall, 10/10 room.

After bouncing on the bed of his room for a few minutes, there was knocking on the door, followed by a familiar voice.

"M'lord, may I come in?" It was Woz, who showed the common courtesy to knock.

"Ah, Woz." Sougo slightly got up from the bed and glanced at the door in realization. "Come in, the door's open." He said as then got up, sitting on the bed.

"Pardon my intrusion." Woz bowed as he walked in. "Quite the room they've offered us." Woz glanced around Sougo's room, impressed. "Shame we couldn't share it."

"Haha, well, we got lucky enough that our rooms are next to one another." Sougo chuckled, letting out a smile. "So...What's up? Got any idea on what we should do next when we get back?"

"I'm afraid we'll have to leave it up to fate whether or not your changes in history were applied." Woz says, not bothering to sit down near the table. "Rather, I'm here to inform you that a canteen does exist. We could get ourselves a filling feast for our hard work today."

"I am rather hungry..." Sougo says as he stood up, getting off of the bed. "Oh, and Kanna-chan?"

"If my predictions are correct, she should be joining us pretty soon." Woz says, "I've noticed she's taken quite a liking to you."

"Weird, huh?" Sougo says, "A dragon that happens to like me...It's really flattering to think about."

"Yes, well, I should inform you that Dragons have a very long life span." Woz says as he accompanies Sougo out of his room. "Judging by her child like appearance, I deduce she's over 600 years old."

"S-Six hundred?" Sougo was shocked to hear this. "Where did you learn about that, Woz?" He asked, curious.

"Let's just say m'lord, Ohma, had an interesting selection of books." Woz simply chuckled as the two Riders made their way to the Canteen...
"Nein, they're more on the warrior side of things," the redheaded Commander adds, "Nagato, Mutsu, Kawakaze, Kaga and-"




"Oh, guten tag Akagi," the redheaded Commander says in response to the fox-eared woman ambushing all as she revealed herself from the top of a tree. "How's it hanging."

"Our sense of humour truly is where our opposites come into play, my beloved~."

"Ja, that one was old and crusty anyways, ahahaha... so, you wanna join us? We're gonna have dinner soon."

That was when Kanna's stomach growled.

"I truly do wish I could, but I have already promised Kaga that I would join her for a drink..."

"It's fine, it's fine, your sister's an important part of your life too."

"Sounds like my cue!"
the blonde Commander declares. "Nyeehee, I'm on bartender duty today!"

After being shown your rooms, a luxurious dormitary zone where you had your own room each, you had a choice of going to the canteen, where most were, or the aforementioned bar, if you needed your sorrows to be drowned.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless Flintstone Flintstone

"Medical... medical..." she seemed to get it, "so one of our doctors has it? Is it Vestal? Or Akashi?"

She paused, waiting for the hamster to shake or nod in response.

"Wait... I guess we should look at a place before we start finding a person..."

P PopcornPie

"That explains why that girl called herself Laffey... well, I put two and two together anyways. There are some dots I can't connect however... you were so focused on getting back to them when you were Yuchino - so hopeful, but now that you've become someone without their oil flowing inside you, you just want to leave them?"

Jupiter had concern in her voice.

P PopcornPie

"And I'm Cooper! Allen M. Sumner-class Destroyer Cooper."

As they went by, they saw someone at the Tennis court.


"Yo! Cooper!"

"Hey! Baltimore-senpai! Have you seen my sister, she has the same uniform as me... I think..."

"You think? Oh! I get what you're asking - you're looking for someone who may or may not exist - but shouldn't our Commander know about this before you or anyone, in terms of who's on board and who's not? If anyone knows, it's her. I'll go get changed, then we can go ask her together, alright?" This 'Baltimore' replies, "I hear she's on barkeep duty today. She really pulls the look off well."

"Barkeep duty? I'm terrible around alcohol! Not really, just the people around it... I really don't want to be near a drunk Prinz Eugen..." Cooper adds, "I'm uh... considering asking tomorrow for a change. Away from the alcohol, away from the alcohol."

"So, who's this young lady here?" Baltimore gazes upon Hermione.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Hermione smiles and let's out a hand, ”Hermione Granger.” She lets out a pilote smile.
Kanna was amazed by room give to her. She went on the bed and bounce on it for a moment before she goes out to find the canteen. She is rely hungry at this point.

Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
The place was a bit homely, its most prominent traits were the white walls with a navy blue underhalf and the various wooden tables with their respective wooden chairs - some circular, some square or rectangular, with a parquay floor to match.

"So glad you could make it. Naval curry with rice on the menu today, so feel free, take seconds, we have plenty," the redheaded Commander adds, "careful not to confuse the tanker oil with the soy sauce. And the tempura torpedoes with the tempura shrimp. Most of our members are shipgirls, and they can eat certain foods and additives that humans would no doubt find inedible in many ways."

"... this is usually the part where something goes wrong, isn't it..." Laffey comments, biting down as her teeth grinds against the bending, screeching metal that is presumably one of the aforementioned 'tempura torpedoes' being chewed for digestion.

"Don't jinx it, little fella, saying that is how things go wrong," the redheaded Commander shakes their head.

"Maybe you all could tell us what you all do, did, or did one time!" Javelin suggested, "nothing's better than sharing a few stories! It's no campfire, but it's still great!"

"A good opportunity to share the story of how I met my Commander," Ayanami lightly smiles.

"My first day on the job! It'd be great to hear your perspective, Ayanami, first impressions and all."

Ayanami simply turns to face her Commander, still sporting that light smile.

"... Nein, nein, nein, nein, nein, it's not about my first day on the job, is it? I mean, I wasn't even a Kommandant back then. I think I was waaaay too young for the Navy! Well, technically I still am, but you get what I'm saying."

Topless Topless Thepotatogod Thepotatogod @Canteen

"Great to meet you, Hermione! Name's Baltimore," Baltimore had a strong grip. "Since Cooper here wants to relegate her search to tomorrow, why not we all head for dinner after I get change. They're having curry with rice today. I don't think there's anyone in the world who hates the base's curry."

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
"I mean, it's been so long." Smartypaw went on. "They've probably forgotten all about me by now. What's the point?"

Meanwhile, Pookybear nodded rapidly, forming the shape of a building with his paws.

Crow Crow
--Sougo Tokiwa || Woz--
Interaction: Crow Crow Topless Topless

Arriving at the Canteen, they were greeted with the sight of the black clad, red haired german woman known as one of the Commanding Officers of the New Arzure Lane--or NAL, as Sougo would abbreviate it on his own. They would be told that there were two major differences that they should be aware of. One, they served Oil along with Soy Sauce as condiments for the Shipgirls. Two, they fried Torpedos.

"Wouldn't the Torpedos blow up when they're fried like that?" Sougo couldn't help but ask, sitting near the Commander and her harem of Shipgirls after getting a can of red bean soup to drink along with the curry. "I mean, they look delicious and all, I just hope they took out the explosive part of the thing." He said. Just then, Woz arrived with a tray filled with two plates of curry, a bowl of tempura, and a bottle of what he could assume to be soy sauce...Hopefully.

"Here, I took the liberty of obtaining our food, m'lord." Woz said, setting down the tray as he put the plate

"Err...Did you check if that sauce is oil, Woz?" Sougo asked, "Also if the tempura's torpedos."

"Don't be ridiculous, m'lord." Woz chuckled a bit, soon sitting down, "Torpedos are straighter than shrimp. Anyone could tell the difference."

"I-I see." Sougo nodded as he picked up the spork, just as the discussion about stories about what they did began to take off, starting with the Commander's first meeting with the blonde shipgirl. The latter mentioned that they didn't meet when the Commander first became the commander, it's sometime long ago.

"I take it you met when the Commander was simply a Private?" Woz deduced Ayanami's intentions, rubbing his chin in intruiged. "Please, do tell us more. We're interested."
"Probably? You're basing it on a probably? You won't know until you see them..." Jupiter says. "... you're not outright avoiding them, are you?"

P PopcornPie

"Well, here's the Medical Bay, this is the place you're looking for right? I don't think any of the rooms are occupied tonight, though..."

The girl leads Pookybear to the building where Yuchino rested for a period after being poisoned. The outside of it, to be precise. One might have a hunch that the inside wouldn't be easy to traverse.

P PopcornPie


"Aaaaand done changing! Let's go!"

Baltimore, Cooper and Hermione would walk to the canteen, where Hermione's predictions were correct - she would immediately identify Woz, Sougo and Kanna at one of the tables.

"What does your party look like?" Cooper asks.

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"Even before a private..." Ayanami drags on, "I don't think I've actually seen Commander as a Private before, except in photos. I guess you could say that Commander was a civilian back then..."

"Ja, that confirms it." the redheaded Commander rubbed their temples.

Ayanami began to tell the story.

Our setting - a stormy night. Thunder and lightning's forbidden tryst birthed droplets of demonic offspring - a downpour of pure, unadultered madness.

A redheaded woman was going into labour. The storm went on for a long time with no gaps, relegating her to her home in a dire time like this. Even without the aid of the most advanced hospital equipment, all in the room were hoping for a miracle.

Holding her right hand was Z23.

"Push, Kommandant, push!"

Holding her left was a man simply described in the story as the woman's husband and Ayanami's former Commander.

"Hang in there, dear..."

Ayanami's perspective was one who was helping to deliver.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" the woman was clearly not feeling comfortable, but deep inside, she knew what came at the end of the rainbow, and that knowledge numbed the pain.


With the help of her husband, Z23 and Ayanami, cries could be heard. The woman smiles and looks out of the window, the barrier protecting her from the outside world a layer of glass.

"Ahaha... to think that it is only now that the rain decides to subside," she laughs with the whatever little energy she had.

"I don't know why," Z23 says, looking at the view of the brightened sky, "but this rainbow is a lot more beautiful than any other rainbow I've seen before."

Ayanami walks to the woman, handing a wrapped baby to her. The woman prepares to hold the baby in her arms, elated at the sight of her firstborn child.

"Congratulation, ma'am, it's a-"

"- and that was how I first met my Commander. The very first meeting," Ayanami ends her story off.

"Mein gott, I knew it was going to be that," the redheaded Commander digs face in palms, but quickly shrugs it off.

Topless Topless Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"Sougo! Woz!" Kanna called as she approaches them, holding a tray of food which amount doubles in comparison with theirs. She sat with them and starts devouring the food with no trouble at all. In fact, a few bites in and she doesn't feel bloated.

Crow Crow Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
--Sougo Tokiwa || Woz--
Interaction: Crow Crow Topless Topless

"Eh?! You helped deliver the Commander as a baby?!" Sougo stood in shock, clearly surprised by what she has revealed. "Then you're...How old are you guys?" He asked, trying to guess it himself as he then sit down, still confused as all hell. But that doesn't matter, because Kanna now arrives, sitting beside Sougo. He chuckled a bit at sheer size of Kanna's own food, deciding to not dwell on the logistics of the Shipgirl's age. He soon nodded to himself, taking a few bites of his curry.

"That is most unexpected." Woz gulps, feeling a bit inadequate that even he wasn't present in his lord's birth as a child. Clearly, this is challenging Woz' obsession to his loyalty. "Well, I suppose I could tell you all about the first encounter between Tokiwa Sougo and his loyal friends." Woz says, soon taking a bit and chewing on his curry as he brought up his book on the table, opening it as he finished that bite, clearing his throat in the process. "It all started in the year 2018, the 2nd of September." Woz began recalling as he read the contents of the book aloud. "Average Highschooler, Tokiwa Sougo, was destined to embark on a journey to become the king of time, Ohma Zi-O. However, what I thought would be a slight insignificant anomaly would play a major role in altering the course of history itself--Time Travellers."


Woz' face curled to a smile as he then continued to recall the tale of their Sougo's first adventure with vigorous detail...Allow me to do that in slightly less detail.

Essentially, Sougo back then was exactly that--an average Highschooler who was barely passing school. He aces in History but fails miserably in Algebra. One day, when he was out on a weekend, he encounters a scarfed man, clad in brown. His scarf covering most of his face, yet he's holding a large book.


The man congratulates Sougo, telling him that today is a special day for him, soon warning him about a particular red robot. Oddly enough, the red robot appeared right as Sougo arrived at a shopping district. The robot attacked Sougo, chasing him halfway through town, barely managing to outrun the robot on his bicycle. Sougo thinks he's safe when he reached a roofed building where the Robot couldn't fit, but to his surprise, the robot flew over to the glass Roof and crashed through it. Panicking, Sougo attempts to flee again, only to be saved by another similar looking robot, black in color. A woman's voice came from the speakers of the machine, telling Sougo to simply enter.

Fearing for his life, Sougo entered, and the two fled the scene, travelling though time...Back to the Cretaceous Period.


There, the pilot of the robot, a woman clad in a white dress and cape, revealed herself as Tsukoyomi. She showed Sougo the future of him becoming a tyrannical ruler known as Ohma Zi-O. Confused and conflicted, Sougo exited the robot to take a breather, only to get attacked by a T-Rex! Tsukoyomi saved him, soon travelling into the Edo period to hide from the pilot of the red robot, resting in one of the shops, paying for their tea with her strange pad that was able to reproduce the currency of the era.

Sougo, who became increasingly curious about the future, questions his future. Tsukoyomi reveals that everyone knows him, but not for the reasons he wants to. Shaking off the topic entirely, Tsukoyomi warns that Sougo should throw away the strange watch in his possession, a Ridewatch as she calls it, stating that the power is too dangerous.

Oh boy was she wrong.

Anyway, their discussion was interrupted by a fight nearby. Tsukoyomi, the cunning woman that she is, decided to test if Sougo really was Ohma Zi-O by having him try to stop the fighting...He failed to do so, and got thrown into the river. As Tsukoyomi doubts that Sougo is really the demon king she knew him to be. Sougo, however, saw the good side of the incident, stating that somehow, the fighting stopped because of him. Good for him.


Not a moment of rest and enjoyment was provided to the two as the feared pilot of the red robot appeared in the era, walking through the streets in a red armor with a yellow text in its visor, which read Rider in hiragana. His name is known to be Geiz Myokoin, Tsukoyomi's ally from the Resistance in the future, whose goal is to kill Zi-O and nothing more. Because of this, Tsukoyomi led Sougo back to the robot and began to time travel once more. However, with the red robot on their tail, Sougo was thrown off of Tsukoyomi's ship, soon landing in a snowy area with a great wall with a fierce red glow looming in the distance. There, he was attacked by a strange life form, only to be saved by two armored men, revealing themselves afterwards to be Kiryu Sento, Kamen Rider Build, and Banjou Ryuga, Kamen Rider Cross-Z. Having never heard of them in his life, Sougo asks what year it is.


It is last year--2017.

After a simple examination back at Sento's base of operations at a simple Cafe Nasita, Sento was surprised that Sougo's story of coming from a year into the future was true. However, even he couldn't figure out the mysterious watch that he carries. Before anymore topics were continued, Tsukoyomi barges in and shot the three into unconsciousness, bringing back Sougo into the present day, 2018.

There, several atlethes went missing in the past year. However, that wasn't too important as Sougo now began to walk around the city he lives in. Suddenly, he hears a commotion, and the cause of it, was a monstrous creature of red and blue, similar to the likes of Kamen Rider Build, but more monstrous and distorted--these are what Sougo refers to as Another Riders, as informed to him by Tsukoyomi.

Worried by the friends the Another Rider absorbed into empty bottles, Sougo tried to fend off the monster, throwing punches at it. However, he was weak, causing the Another Rider to punch him of, sending Sougo flying. Tsukoyomi arrives and attempts to defeat the Another Rider in his place so that Sougo wouldn't have to use the Ridewatch at all.

That's when the mysterious man from before arrives, whom Tsukoyomi identifies as Woz, informs Sougo that yes, he can become a king, only if Sougo uses the Ridewatch, which Tsukoyomi was desperately opposed of. Sougo questions this choice for a mere moment, before deciding for himself, claiming aloud that he won't become the most despicable, most hate demon king he's described to be. No. Instead...He'll become a king that's the exact opposite--the most kindest, and the most beloved.

Much to Woz and Tsukoyomi's surprise. It was then that the Ridewatch finally glowed, taking form of the Zi-O Ridewatch. It was then that Woz produced a Ziku Driver on a red velvet cushion, kneeling down and presenting it to his king, stating that he should know how to use it by heart.

Sougo, despite seeing the watch-like device for the first time, manages to use it perfectly. Putting the Ziku Driver on his waist, a watchstrap-like belt locks it in place. Twisting the place of the Ridewatch and pushing it's button.



Afterwards, Woz raised his book and began his speech:

"Rejoice! For he is the heir to the power of all Riders--The Ruler of Time; travelling throughout the past and future to reign over Space and Time. His name is Zi-O! And you have all bore witness to his advent!"

Afterwards, Sougo gains confidence that he can finally take down the savage Another Build. That he did, learning to summon his sword for the first time.

After dealing with the Another Rider, Sougo was then confronted by a young man in a black jumpsuit, sporting the same belt as he is, but has a red Ridewatch of his own.


Kamen Ri~der~ GEIZ!

The two Riders engaged in a duel, with Sougo losing the fight as Geiz donned on the Ghost Armor--the power of Kamen Rider Ghost condensed in Ridewatch form that Geiz stolen from Ohma Zi-O along with the Drive Ridewatch.

Sougo was about to be defeated without Tsukoyomi's intervention, prompting a Sougo to escape with a motorbike he procured with a transforming watch.

Spitting on Tsukoyomi, Geiz chased after Sougo. . .

"...Thus marks the first step to Sougo's ascendance as the Demon King Ohma Zi-O." Woz concluded his tale, closing the book with a loud clap.

"That's scarily accurate, Woz..." Sougo gulps, "I don't even remember telling you half of it."

"Oh, I was there...I was simply observing you in the silence." Woz answers, soon promptly resuming on his meal.
"Well, yes, I am basing it on a 'probably'." Smartypaw answered sadly. "I haven't seen them in what could be months. Let me explain." She balled herself up. "My home world, Erinn, was invaded by a demon named Lapatido. Everyone was running around, and panicking, and the crowd pulled me away from my mom and dad. Then I ended up falling through a portal to another world. I've been wandering the multiverse ever since." She sniffed, wiping her eyes with her eartips. "If my parents still cared, then they would be looking for me, wouldn't they?"

"Chewtu!" After jumping for joy, Pookybear scuttled inside the Medical Bay, sniffing and listening for any clues.

"Ooh, this tastes lovely!" Senko piped up, taking ladylike bites of her meal.

Crow Crow
"My original body was launched on 1929 so I'd say I turned 90 pretty recently," Ayanami explains, "in terms of manifesting as a shipgirl, I-"

"A- Ayanami? Are you really alright with that?" Javelin was a bit shocked.

"They asked a question and I replied."

"A girl's age is one of their most important secrets, you know~."

"There is no point if that information can be accessed publicly via the Internet, is there?"


"Most. Important. Secrets."

"I'm sure my senpai would still be fond of you even if you were an old lady, Javelin. I mean, she gets along pretty well with Warspite."

After Woz described the story, the redheaded Commander added, "well, that was-"


"INCREDIBLE! So you're telling me this guy beside you can transform? Do the thing where you put a belt on your waist and shout 'HENSHIN' and all that while kicking butt?"

Someone seemed to have interrupted their little get-together.

"That's kind of our thing too, you know?" Katsuo adds, pointing a finger to both him and Hikaru.

"There's three of you?"

"Well, Katsuo and I are a two-in-one Rider - we're half each," Hikaru adds.

"Cooper? Wasn't expecting you..."

"Hey Laffey," Cooper adds, "oh right, now that you're here, I gotta ask, have you seen a girl that looks different from you but shares your name? Bailey says that I might have a new little sister around the Port, but I can't find anyone named Laffey that isn't you, so I thought you might know something about someone with your name."


Both the redheaded Commander and Javelin let out awkward laughing, the kind you let out when you try to dodge a question.


"That is Benson-class Destroyer Laffey; DD-459. We are currently looking for Allen M. Sumner-class Destroyer Laffey; DD-724," the strange drone that hovered around Cooper, resembling a black pyramid with some of its top cut off, adds.

"Wow, that guy knows his stuff. I can't even remember which hull number the pioneers gave Zerstorer 23. Some Kommandant I am."

Javelin, Laffey and Ayanami all looked at the redheaded Commander. Javelin was the only one who gave a funny look, since the other two didn't really want to bother with their face muscles.

"Uuuh... what?"

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"Multiverse? With something as wide as tens and thousands of the world over and over, it's difficult, but not impossible. How are you sure they're not on the other end of the multiverse scurrying?"

"An interesting conversation you're having. It would be rude to interrupt with my views," another familiar voice sounds.

"Le Malin? What are you doing here?"

"I figured it wasn't elegant of me to not properly apologize for what I did yesterday, whether it be on accident and purpose."

"How much of this have you seen?" Jupiter questions, "how did you know that was Yuchino..."

Le Malin doesn't reply.

Something was tossed down the hole - a powder puff with some powder?

"Do accept my apologies. Besides, it's better to put on a disguise than to be cramped up in that hole for too long. It's a popular Vichy brand. I do hope my Commander wouldn't get crossed if he found out - that, or Jean Bart."

P PopcornPie

"Eh?" the girl was shocked, "what are you-"


A few of the Royal Navy's maids patrolled the area. Sheffield was one of them - and that was bad news for infiltrators. Yuchino- now Smartypaw- would know how tenacious she was.

In any case, Smartypaw would've known that this was the greatest threat to Pookybear's mission.

"There's a new smell in the air, but what exactly is it?" Sheffield looked left and right for a smell that was different from the rest of the Medical Centre, but first, she stopped by the now-empty reception area to press some hand sanitizer out of its bottle and rubs her hands with it.

Someone else came to join Sheffield from the left side of the reception area.


"Well, Sheffield, it took a while but my half of the place has been fully sanitized. The smell's everywhere... I hope it doesn't bother everyone if it lingers..."

"The smell is supposed to signify that the place is clean and safe for the sick, Sirius. If I were a patient, I would be more worried if it wasn't there," Sheffield replies, "it appears that Belfast is still on the job... it is a bit amazing that you're the faster one for once, a bit too amazing. I suppose I will inspect your work."

Sheffield leaves for where Sirius had just emerged from while Sirius stands guard.

P PopcornPie
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--Sougo Tokiwa || Woz--
Interaction: Crow Crow Topless Topless PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"Woah...You look really young though." Sougo complimented, impressed by the dissonance between her age and her appearance.

"By technicality, there are 4 if you count myself." Woz interjected after the new, short haired girl asked if there were three Riders in the room at the moment. A diamond shaped drone floating around the girl revealed that she is looking for another Laffey--not the pink haired one, but one Sumner Class Laffey. "Sadly, I don't believe we've seen her as of late...Was she perhaps hit by the changer ray?" Woz asked, willing to help out after they've eaten.

"What would she even look like now?" Sougo asked, rubbing his chin.
"If they were around, still, Nao probably would have talked to me about it, somehow. I tried so hard to remember where I came, but I can't find Erinn." Smartypaw admitted. "It's possible that my parents are also-"

Someone interrupted them. Someone new. Someone who knew that our heroine used to be Yuchino! The bunny pressed herself against the wall of her burrow, bristling nose to toe. "I'll take it from the top! I don't want to go back to being some poor, meek, lost girl on an endless chase!"

Pookybear, meanwhile, managed to evade Sheffield's sight, but nothing he could do would help him escape the putrid smell of sanitizer. Even worse, everything was now all slippery! Poor Pookybear was left to slip and slide across the floor, trying his hardest to hold in terrified screeching.

Crow Crow
"Changer Ray?" Cooper tilted her head.

"Oh, he means-"

Laffey grabs a spoonful and shoves it in Javelin's mouth.

"During an accident in Akashi's lab, Laffey was one of the few altered by this 'changer ray' as Woz puts it. After which, Laffey's appearance and personality was altered. In this state Bailey passed by me and Laffey tried to tell her that Laffey was Laffey, but Bailey thought Laffey was a different Laffey and so she said she was going to tell you about this different Laffey."

After taking a deep breath, her head dazed, Laffey quickly took out a bottle of questionable, crystal clear contents and begins to chug it down her throat to replenish herself.


"Yeah what she said. You know, I thought we were gonna keep that a collective secret."

"Akashi's working on transformation devices?"

"Is that really what you derived from that?"

"Well, the less I think about not having a sister around, the better. It'd be neat if I had another one or two Sumner-classes hanging around me while we did sister things, with hands. Having a family to spend time with... it's great, isn't it? Benson-class, Akatsuki-class, J-class, you all look so happy when you spend little moments with them."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Topless Topless PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"As I said - it would be rude to interrupt with my views," Le Malin adds, "this situation isn't a simple scenario where one is better than the other. It seems that everyone has a different view of which is the disease and which is the cure. Medicine is just very diluted poison, after all. what one dilutes it with is another matter altogether."

"So you're saying Yuchino can't do all that?" Jupiter says to Smartypaw. "You're a lot braver now, but I'm sure that Yuchino herself has that potential too... I'm sure everything you're doing now, Yuchino can..."

"Jupiter, there is something you need to know about decisions," Le Malin whispers things into Jupiter's ears.

"I don't know about this..."

"Everyone has to do it someday. I did, you did. A cruel fact is still a fact."

"It's different... we're KAN-SEN, and she's-"

"She's what?"

After a period, Jupiter looks down at the hole with a soft sigh.


"Well, I guess I'll miss Yuchino's face, but we're still friends, even if I'll need a bit to get used to the new you... and that means that if you insist on sticking to your guns, I should respect your decision..."


"It's settled. Jupiter won't talk you out of your decisions anymore~. Well, I won't either, I understand the futility of words," Le Malin peeks into the hole, "but I can't promise that no one else- or nothing else will."

P PopcornPie

"Wha- who's there?"

Sirius seemed to detect Pookybear's presence through smell and the squeaking of the floor, but she wasn't clear where the hamster was. As she took a step forward, she tripped and fell.

Sirius' face was now right in front of Pookybear, but her eyes were still opening, her vision still blurred from the clumsy manuveur.

"Wha- what's that? Izzat a rat?"

After whatever move he made next, Pookybear could choose to stay about to do something, or slide to the left or right of the unoccupied reception table.

P PopcornPie
The first thing Jupiter and Le Malin would get in response was a tiny sob.

"You're right, I don't know if my parents are still around, let alone looking for me. But I'm scared to find out. Can't you imagine traveling across hundreds of worlds, only to find that the parents you were searching for stopped worrying about you?" She choked up. "I don't know what's best for me. I'm tired of wandering, but I do want to see my mom and dad again. I really do, but it might not even be worth it." She broke down completely, holding her paws over her runny eyes.


There it was again! Upon being called a rat a second time, Pookybear let loose a tirade of chatters and squeaks. Through angry charades, he spelled out the whole situation.

Crow Crow
--Sougo Tokia || Woz--
Interaction: Crow Crow Topless Topless PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

"Cooper-san..." Sougo would utter as she explained why she seemed to focus on the fact that the changer ray was made rather than her sister deciding to remain as whoever she turned into. Just then, the unknown ability hit him. He seems to take a peak into Cooper's memories, seeing that all her life, she had remained the only Sumner-Class ship in the entirety of her career. Unlike humans, shipgirls do not have parents--only creators, directives, allies and targets. Family must've been a privelage to those whose Classes produced more ships, with the Sumner Class being left with only her, Cooper. The news of a new Sumner Class appearing out of the blue must've brought her joy.


"I think I understand...Not having someone else in your family really is hard, isn't it? Especially if you're an only child." Sougo spoke, gaining a better understanding of Cooper by the sudden flash of memories. "Even if this other Laffey doesn't exist, you already have the others--same class or not, the girls of Azur Lane are not only your friends, but your own great, big family as well. I think that's all that matters." He smiled, "I know this for sure because...I also didn't have any siblings, and when my parents got into that accident, I once wished at the bottom of my heart that I had one to share my guilt." He recalled, clutching his chest, "Then they came...Tsukoyomi, Geiz...Woz...They may not be born with the same blood, but they're like family to me now." He says, a noticable gulp at the end. Something must've happened to Tsukoyomi and Geiz back where Sougo came from.

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