Darkness Rising (Sign-ups)


Care Bears... prepare to stare!

Demons have invaded our world making contracts with those with impure hearts. Offering them wishes and promises of power when they rule. These dark hearted humans have become dark Magical Boys. This isn't the first time that this has happened, 20 years ago they tried to take over the world.

They where stopped by the magical boys who are pure of heart and hold magic within them. When the demons where stopped the pure hearted moved on with their lives. Soon the leader of the old group found out the demons were rising again. He soon found that their was a new group of those pure of heart and he had to find them. He soon found them in the small town of Corine and told them of their destiny.

Those chosen work in a small Cafe by the name of Little Acorn Cafe. There they work and plan their next plans of action. They rival the magical girls who work in Kira Kira Cafe on the other side of town. He dark hearted meet in a night club on the edge of town.


  • Please post 1-2 or more paragraphs. I cannot stress this enough, if I catch you posting a one-liner I will kick you so hard your head will spin.
  • I have a limit on girls. Only 6 girls are allowed.
  • Romance is allowed but nothing over PG-13. If sex has to happen then fade to black.
  • No killing another person's character without their permission.
  • No powerplaying, godmoding and metagaming.
  • No OP characters, make them have flaws.
  • You can have up to 3 characters. Exceptions could be made.
  • Be nice to the other members.
  • Have fun!





Dark Heart/Pure Heart:

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):

Transformation Name:







Heart Seeds- The Demons plant these into conflicted souls. Using them to do their bidding. As a Soul fighter your job is to cleanse their souls and trap it in their seed collectors.

Soul Fighter- The magical boys that are pure of heart.

Seed Collectors- Devices that the Soul Fighters have to collect Heart Seeds.

Dark Contract- The contract that the Dark of Heart sign to become dark magical boys.

Dark Magi- The magical boys that are dark of heart.


Boys- 12

Girls- 3

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Name: Tom

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Pure Heart

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):


Doesn't transform.

Transformation Name: Caricon

Attacks: Life and Earth.

Weapon: Bow and Long sword.

Personality: Smart, Charming, and always one step ahead.

Familiar: His eagle (is always on his shoulder). It can turn into a staff or a bow

Bio: One day when he was out in the fields harvesting crops he smelt burning. Well he quickly ran home to tell his parents to see it was their house that was on fire. He cried as he watched the house brun nothing he could do. Once the house was done burning he search the ashes. He found evidence that his parents were magic users of the old invasion. They were kidnapped by the demons hoping they wouldn't have anything in their way. That left Tom on the streets were he learned to fight for his own. And met a man that taught him magic. He was a friend of his parents and taught Tom in Earth and Life magic. Sadly he did not have enough time to teach him anything else because he too was kidnapped by the

demons. Tom will do anything to get his parents and the old man back. So he entered the war and got a job and Little Acorn Cafe
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@Hunnyhelp- All the characters transform. Please include your Appearance and lengthen your history and personality. 

BloodyRaze said:
(Their magical boy transformation)

  • Pure: Lux

    Dark: Obscurum

Main Theme music: This is War by 30 seconds to mars

Transforming between forms: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
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Name: Marcos Entrev

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Dark all da way

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/smile-anime-guys-12082279-850-1002_large.jpg.4c40e87df0cffe961e9007d52e07e0c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/smile-anime-guys-12082279-850-1002_large.jpg.4c40e87df0cffe961e9007d52e07e0c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Transformation One:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/EresAnimeGuyWinged.jpg.2dbe012340e5b2751a7ed9bf7869d1b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/EresAnimeGuyWinged.jpg.2dbe012340e5b2751a7ed9bf7869d1b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rage form:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Anime2.jpg.34d67d97e35c0a745b255c52eae50fd1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Anime2.jpg.34d67d97e35c0a745b255c52eae50fd1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Transformation Name:

First form: Shade

Rage Form: Ender


First form: Dark Manipulator; Controlling the opponent by linking with their mind through shadows. Doom Blast: Orbs of dark energy.

Rage Form: Rift: Opens a gate way, similar to a black hole, to the underworld, but this uses all of his energy and he usually passes out.

Weapon: Two obsidian daggers.

Personality: He's a very uppity guy, he grew up rich and privileged, and has no problem stepping on others to get what he wants. He doesn't let the demon control him, he controls it. He enjoys destroying people's hopes and dreams, and can't seem to make friends.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/thCAXM737D.jpg.728f7bad6f114ab7427122c27ea56aa9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/thCAXM737D.jpg.728f7bad6f114ab7427122c27ea56aa9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Marcos was always a spoiled kid, never worked a day in his life, and was always a power hungry kid. When he was given the opportunity to get these magical powers, he jumped on them. But Marcos wasn't stupid. He used the contractual flaws to his own advantages, allowing him to rewrite it so he was in control. You don't have a dad that's the most respected lawyer in the city and not learn anything. He is under full control of his abilities, and the demon that gave them to him, and he loves exploiting his abilities.



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Name: Xavier Vastman

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Pure Heart

Appearance: Normal- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.bc6491fdd0758636f542165ce0447b05.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.bc6491fdd0758636f542165ce0447b05.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Transform- Hair becomes white and eyes turn gold

Transformation Name: Xura

Attacks: Xavier uses a variety of magic based attacks, while also using his weapon in normal combat. He also has experience with using his fists.

Weapon: A small rod that changes form by applying magical energy.

Personality: Xavier is a very quiet person. He never talks and is believed to be mute. He tends to sperate himself from others. He can be described as aloof, as he doesn't stay in one place for very long. He isn't quite sure how to intergrate with others, so he isn't too good with social interraction. Despite these faults, he is actually a very kind person if you can get close to him. He has a soft spot for animals and can often be found taking in strays. Although he is a pure magical boy, a small part of him retains darkness from a past event that he can't recall, due to slight amnesia.

Familiar: Sol and Umbra. Both are shapeshifting demons that Xavier managed to be friend. Unlike the other demons who roam the planet. Sol and Umbra are very docile and friendly. They are very affectionate towards Xavier and have the ability to telepathically communicate. They can become very frightening when angry and they possess massive strength in battle.

Bio: Xavier grew up in a poor neighborhood hood, along with three siblings. They weren't dong very well in life, but Xavier was content. His parents were often busy with work, so he was left with the task of taking care of the two younger siblings. His older brother was barely home. After coming home from school and waiting a few hours, his parents never came back. There was no phone call or letter, they had simply vanished. After a few years, Xavier had moved past the event and was left to raise the younger children, while his brother still went out every night. On one particular day, his brother had come home looking frantic and started rambling on about things he couldn't understand. Without realizing it, he had blacked out for about a week and couldn't recall anything. His brothe simply told him that he didn't know what he was talking about. After a few more years, his brother had gotten a job and was able to support the family. They soon moved to a nicer neighborhood and things seemed to be looking up. However, after the events in recent years, Xavier's personality had changed to what it currently is now. He had discovered magic not to long after they moved and he began practicing in secret. He didn't know why, but he felt a need to practice his skills with it. And that's just what he did until today.



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@BloodyRaze- ACCEPTED


@Hunnyhelp- PENDING

@Lucem Tenebris- ACCEPTED
Familiar Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.1e2b95d24e638ab131a439160fc214e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.1e2b95d24e638ab131a439160fc214e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sol- Mainly white and some black, along with blue details. (Female)

Umbra- Mainly black and some white, along with red details. (Male)



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All of the characters are Magical Boys/Girls meaning they have a transformation form. You said he doesn't transform all of the characters must transform. So add a transformation and the attacks that he has when he transform. Then I will accept you.

Name: Tom

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Pure Heart

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):




(Looks old because he was taught by a old person)

Transformation Name: Caricon

Attacks: Earth normal. While transformed he can control Earth and Life.

Weapon: Bow and Long sword.

Personality: Smart, Charming, and always one step ahead.

Familiar: His eagle (is always on his shoulder). It can turn into a staff or a bow

Bio: One day when he was out in the fields harvesting crops he smelt burning. Well he quickly ran home to tell his parents to see it was their house that was on fire. He cried as he watched the house brun nothing he could do. Once the house was done burning he search the ashes. He found evidence that his parents were magic users of the old invasion. They were kidnapped by the demons hoping they wouldn't have anything in their way. That left Tom on the streets were he learned to fight for his own. And met a man that taught him magic. He was a friend of his parents and taught Tom in Earth and Life magic. Sadly he did not have enough time to teach him anything else because he too was kidnapped by the

demons. Tom will do anything to get his parents and the old man back. So he entered the war and got a job and Little Acorn Cafe
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Lucem- Please make your character pure or dark. 
@Hunnyhelp- ACCEPTED
Name: Cheren

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Pure heart

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):


(Just, replace the purple eyes with brown eyes.)


(Yes, that's right. He's barely recognisable when he transforms. )

Transformation Name:

Attacks: Normally uses a weapon in close combat but has varied lessons of dark magic which he prefers not to use.

Weapon: Zirconia dagger

Personality: Cheren is a shy boy. For a while he has given everyone the cold shoulder, apart from the people that he works with and fights alongside. His past has affected his personality a lot. Cheren has never believed that his heart could ever be pure. He has never believed in himself, and he never will. It's the way he likes to think. He likes to think that he's hopeless and he's probably right.

Familiar: His pet Raven.

Bio: Cheren was found alone in the streets begging for food as a child. His mother had died during his childbirth and his father who had raised him alone was slaughtered by demons because of a cause to this day he cannot understand right in front of his eyes. Cheren was found at the age of 6 by a woman. The woman took him into her arms, raising him to his teenage stage. The woman taught him only dark magic, knowing no good magic. But soon, the woman disappeared leaving what seemed like a crime seen that had demonic evidence scattered everywhere. Cheren was alone in the world. Always has been and always will be.

Just wondering, could I make a female character too?
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Thank you. Kaze has special permission but, we don't need a lot of those guys running around.


Name:Angel Ferri



Dark Heart/Pure Heart:Pure

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):

Transformation Name:Cure Cielo

Attacks:Fist of Fate,Celestial Arrow,Golden Noose,Star Shower,Holy Light


Personality:Angel is a cheerful and upbeat person,He loves sweets,food and to just have fun People are naturally drawn to him as he has a certain are around him that people like


Bio:Angel was born into a rich family where he got everything he wanted,His ancestor was a previous pure heart who helped portect the world ages ago and now that responsibility was passed on to him,He enjoys his work and does the best he can to make his family proud

Nico (How do I use spoilers because the pictures are pretty big)

[Angel Civilian]


[Angel Transformed]


[burst Mode]

[Perfect Form]
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BloodyRaze- I don't know but mine is going to be Dark.

Hunnyhelp- I guess cause this is something new and different.

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