Darkness Rising (Sign-ups)

Ronka- You just press the spoiler tag and put the picture in the middle by clicking on the insert picture button.
Name: Eon Jonn

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Pure Heart

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):





Transformation Name: White Rabbit

Attacks: Eon has remarkable skill with a scythe, and fairly remedial skill with a sword. He is able to gauge whether or not he can take an opponent on. It is shown that his ability grants him a boost in power .He has the gift to manipulate gravity .He is fast on his feet as a bunny should be. Just like the white rabbit he holds a pocket watch. The pocket watch is used as defense when he tries to protect himself. The watch can also reverse damages that has been done but can not bring back life.

Weapon: Scythe , pocket watch

Personality:From the outside, Eon seems like a carefree character, never serious and always smiling, with a weak spot for all kinds of sweets and cakes. Sometimes he even eats sugar cubes that he always brings along with him. When needs be, however, Eon can also be sinister and dangerous.

Familiar: Bunny

Bio: Eon was a carefree boy with nothing but a care free life. He ate, he slept he read. He had the life every small child wanted. His world soon ended when four demons approached his house with the intent to kill. His mother screamed for help and his father tried his best to fend them off. Using magic Eon was shocked at what his father could do. Turning himself in to a tiger was amazing. When his dad however was killed in front of his eyes, he himself went on a rampage. Turning in to a form he slaughtered two and let the others leave with his mother. He hated them for this and for him being so weak. When he turned back toward his normal self he began to cry. He hated this, his family was gone. On that night he made a goal for himself. He would pay the demons back ten fold and learn how to use his magic. The world must be redid of this horrible crime, the demons had to die.
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Can I reserve a female position (since they are limited) and then I'll work on some boys as well~ Probably one of each persuasion.
[QUOTE="Renn Skye]Can I reserve a female position (since they are limited) and then I'll work on some boys as well~ Probably one of each persuasion.

Sure thing. We need more girls.
I'm assuming all girls have to be of the light/pure persuasion? 
....also does everyone's transformation form have to involve wings? Or can we do something else? I've just noticed a lot of winged people in general.
Yes they do and no not all of the transformations have to have wings.
...like, would it be okay to make a dark magical girl as well as a pure hearted one or are we only allowed to have pure hearted magical girls? 
Oh. Okay. Darn. Hrm. Okay. I'll make do~
Name:Faust Ganzenfort

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Dark Heart

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):





Transformation Name: Dani


Psychic Assault/Mental Manipulation: The user can manipulate, modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions, allowing render others unconscious, suppress their memories, and negate the use of abilities, increase/decrease mental capacity, modify minds to be agreeable, sway sensations to induce altered perception, bestow mental disorders or break down mental barriers

Weapon: Nothing

Personality:Faust is dangerously witty and seductive, often deceiving and thoughtless. Aside from this, he is normally placid and calm. He believes in righteous revenge, and if someone causes him harm in any way, he will take it upon himself to murder them, and feast on their soul. He prefers not to engage in battle, only using it in extreme cases of dire emergency. When he does battle, he normally comes out the victor. Should he lose, he has his own means of coping with it.

Familiar: Nothing

Bio: Faust was born to an abusive father and a crack of a mother. None the less he was raised well thanks to the help of his cousin. As many know there are only two ways that end with families like these. Orphan or messed up child. He was niether, he still kept his manners to anyone he crossed by and that made him popular amongst people. He did however grow a hateful side, beating up those who treated others wrongs. Some would say this to be evil justice or your own way of thinking. Faust finds this justice, but he didn't stop there. He began to detest the world seeing how everyone lacked manners and the need to treat others right. He became dark and hateful, killing off his family and those who tree him in such a rude manner.
Nico, when Marcos doesn't want to transform for his magic, he calls himself "The Puppeteer", and he dresses like this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/normal_1171596199881-300x400.jpg.8ce85ac2a5589f1b1d6e25cbd1bce058.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/normal_1171596199881-300x400.jpg.8ce85ac2a5589f1b1d6e25cbd1bce058.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And wears the right half of this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Ninja_Mask_1_by_Neiru.jpg.83b0d93880550daeecc3dd62503bee40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3481" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Ninja_Mask_1_by_Neiru.jpg.83b0d93880550daeecc3dd62503bee40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Alright. I'll have to pick which one, then. Ronkaime are you making your girl good or evil? I'll pick whichever one you're not doing, since I have both.
[QUOTE="Renn Skye]...like, would it be okay to make a dark magical girl as well as a pure hearted one or are we only allowed to have pure hearted magical girls? 
Oh. Okay. Darn. Hrm. Okay. I'll make do~

[/QUOTE]Go ahead and make your dark girl 
[QUOTE="Renn Skye]Alright. I'll have to pick which one, then. Ronkaime are you making your girl good or evil? I'll pick whichever one you're not doing, since I have both.

That is three girls to Ronka, Skye and Inne. Only three more girls left.
Name: Ilia Voxus

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: 'Retired' Dark Heart

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bde49496c_Dark.Precure.full.161268(2).jpg.d11498e0ffdb16126a7150615c52e076.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3577" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bde49496c_Dark.Precure.full.161268(2).jpg.d11498e0ffdb16126a7150615c52e076.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Note: Her transformed and untransformed state are almost similar. Remove the wing, really.

Transformation Name: Schwarz Regale


Major Arcana: Death Ilia gathers pure energy from the surroundings, polluting it with malice and hatred, before releasing it in a powerful beam of dark power that is able to eradicate almost everything that stands in its path, short of demolishing concrete.

Major Arcana: Judgement Ilia throws her dagger-wand upwards, and drops her hand to the ground, felling a giant black cross emanating darkness upon the target.

Major Arcana: Hanged Man Ilia gathers malice and hatred from the immediate area, channeling the dark energy onto her wand, and transforms it into a cross-like weapon, holding it unlike a long sword. The pure reach and destructiveness of the weapon makes up for its slow speed and channeling time.

Major Arcana: The Fool Ilia ‘blesses’ the area around her with darkness, channeling the unrested souls to reach up and grab hold of her victims.

Major Arcana: Chariot The final spell in her arsenal. Ilia spins her wand, and shrouds herself with her one wing, as she calls upon all the negative feelings in the area, and channels it to herself. Upon full channeling, a whole minute, she gains a second wing comprised of darkness and her wand is transformed into a cannon upon her right arm, a large monstrous thing that fires pure energy at the target.
Weapon: A black wand with a dark ruby set upon its tip.

Personality: [placeholder]

Familiar: Who needs that? Weaklings.

Bio: [placeholder]

Urrrhhh I’m too tired to finish this as of yet. It’s 3 in the morning.



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...going for light after all, since the Dark one seems to be taken after all. Aymee is fun though so I don't mind~
Name: Ayra Jones

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Dark Heart

Appearance (Normal and Transformation):


Transformation Name: Bittersweet Lullaby


Bitter Beam- Sends a blast of dark light toward his opponent dazing them.

Sugar Bomb- Unclips a candy shaped bomb from his belt causing smoke to arise so he can take his enemy by surprise.

Summon Gugar- He can take the dark bear from his belt and summon a demonic bear called Gugar to fight for him.

Weapon: His staff (Shown in Picture)

Personality: Ayra is surprisingly bubbly and hyper for one of a dark heart. He has a sarcastic tongue and tends to like to make trouble. He has a vengeful side that shows very often he is overly insane, he things the sight of blood is funny and death is amusing to him. He is that one kid that laughs at scary movies and doesn't mind if he kills someone, in fact he finds it quite enjoyable.



Bio: Ayra was born into an abusive household. His mother was an alcoholic who beat him till he was blacked out. His father left him when he was a baby not caring for him or his b!tch of a mother. He, over time grew darker and resentful having fantasies of brutally murdering his mother. Soon he put his fantasies into action, it was one of the normal nights with his mother drunk off her arse and she came to his room to beat him.

He was waiting for her with a kitchen knife in hand he fought back with a wild grin. He stabbed her multiple times in the chest and head. He after ran away from home and was greeted by a contract demon who promised him power. He greedily accepted and soon became Bittersweet Lullaby.

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Name: Rhia Milo

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Dark Heart/Pure Heart: Pure Heart!

Appearance (Normal and Transformation): Normal:


Transformation Form:

Transformation Name: Sailor Lucky Love

Attacks: Rhia uses mainly magical attacks, but'll whack people with his large sceptre when he doesn't have enough mana to conjure another spell.


Love Ribbons: Ties the victim up with strong ropes of "love" (can be used to suffocate)

Beautiful Bunny Rain: Acid rain pours from the skies and onto the selected area (WARNING: try not to hit your allies)

Loving Jewellery: A beautiful ruby necklace appears on victim's neck and chokes them

Lucky Beauty: Shoots rays of "love" out from the heart of the sceptre


Weapon: A golden sceptre with a heart on top of it. Is very heavy and hurts to be hit with.

Personality: Rhia is an outgoing and uke spontaneous young man. He's somewhat of a ditz and rushes into things without thinking. Rhia's very cheerful, but is very sensitive about his feminine name.

Familiar: Rhia's familiar may look cute at first, but it's sharp teeth can chop you right in half.

Bio: Rhia grew up in a pompous and rich family, and they spoiled Rhia silly with gifts and toys. When Rhia went to school, he was bullied about his girly name, but Rhia always hid his pain with a happy smile. Even after the kids had stopped bullying Rhia, the scars were still there. As he grew up, Rhia became quite popular and well known, he had many friends after that. But, Rhia could never really trust them completely. His parents were very disappointed with Rhia's grades, considering he's a complete idiot, they paid many teachers to tutor Rhia, and much to their dismay, not much had improve. After a few years of failure, Rhia's parents finally accepted that their son was an idiot. When Rhia had learnt of his magic, he immediately told his parents. And of course, they didn't believe him. Deciding that no one would listen to him, Rhia began to practice magic in secret, getting better and better every day.

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