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Nation Building Darkest Depths - Rules



Mister Zero
Roleplay Type(s)
Each Turn will be a Season. The game will begin in Spring, representing the fall of the Dark Lord and the new Era of Light that has been declared by the heroes who have slain your former master. During a turn, each Dark Scion will get 2 Actions to carry out along with one Agenda.

Actions cover a number of things that can be done but you must always choose only two to focus on for each season to commit your attention and resources to.

Actions Types
-Muster (Gathering minions for Forces, must designate a type)
-Recruit (Recruit an Agent, either seeking a specific sort or tapping into the Agent Pool posted
-Build (Build or expand a Dungeon Chamber, spending resources to do so)
-Crafting (Forging or repairing items, building things beyond the Dungeon, constructing projects)
-Divine (Religious workings appealing to the Dark Gods for aid or some other dark ritual or research of divine origin)
-Magic (Workings of magic whether if be casting spells, disrupting the magic of others or performing various rituals and research of a more arcane origin)
-Martial (Military actions from raiding to sieges and fighting ongoing wars)
-Merchant (Moving goods, making deals and handling funds)
-Shadow (Spying, assassination and discreet investigations)
-Social (Influence and intrigue actions to gather power or disrupt the workings of others)

Note: You can attempt to apply an action to another field if you have the suitable reasoning, such as a Magic Action in place of Martial if you bombard a city with spells. Actions WILL be vetted, so have good reasoning and means if you try to use an alternative type.

An agenda is a policy your Dark Scion chooses to pursue. Each Dark Scion will start with three Agendas. Your first agenda is Well of Darkness. Your second is Corruption. Your third is a personal agenda your Dark Scion can exert power over and pursue. You have 3 Charges in your Shard and most Agendas take 1 to operate.

-Well of Darkness (Free): Drink deeply of the Darkness, recharging your shard and providing a +1 to the defenses of your Lair while it draws the Darkness into it from your well. Your Shard is restored to its full strength.

-Dark Whispers (1 Charge): Dark Scions can boost their ability to lure Dark Kin to their services. Gain +1 on recruiting actions for Dark Kin. Dark Kin covers Drow, Duerger, Oozes and all other things that dwell in Darkness whether in the Mountains of Madness or the Underdark beyond. This agenda will ALWAYS generate one free random recruitment of a Dark Kin Agent or Forces if no recruiting action is used this Turn.

Dungeon Lairs require expansion to be more effective. All players begin with a Well of Darkness as their foundation. This nexus of dark power is shaped into a preferred state by its Dark Scion but all can sustain a small force of Workers which are your labor force nd weak defenders. It cannot sustain large forces, requiring a Dark Scion to stabilize the Mad Maze around their lair. The initial ring caverns around the Well are stabilized by its presence and can be built. Each Ring around a Dungeon must be filled before expanding into another one. Each Ring is increasingly expensive to expand into.

Note: All players begin with a Well of Darkness, 1x Minion Cavern, 1x Dwellings (8 slots remaining in Ring 1)

Well of Darkness - Your power source and personal hold at the center of your Dungeon. It supports and produces Workers.Your Ring Level dictates your workforce. A Well generates a Ring 1 rating allowing the building of ten structures around it and 10 Wellspawn. The Well may be upgraded twice.
Ring 2: ten more structures, 20 more Wellspawn.
Ring 3: ten more structures, 30 more Wellspawn.

Minion Caverns - Your minions dwell and eat here, providing space and supplies for 50 Minions. These caverns can be upgraded or even modified depending on the needed of its Dark Scion.

Dwellings - Your Agents require more luxurious or spacious accommodations. Each Dwelling section can support 5 Agents.

Skill Buildings: These aid in the workings of specific skills, often making actions cheaper or providing locations to perform more impressive workings of that skill with fewer issues. It is advised to have therefore attempts at major workings in a skill area.

Work Camp: Produces Resources for a dungeon. The first Work Camp is staffed by Wellspawn. Each additional Work Camp needs Minions, Slaves or some other variant of labor force to operate it. Each Work Camp produces 10 Resources.

This is a generic term for the gold and materials you gather. More exotic resources MUST be listed if you find them during your actions. Failure to do your bookkeeping will result in the loss of the resource. You are responsible for maintaining your bookkeeping. The GM will audit players from time to time to ensure nothing is amiss.

Individuals sworn to the Dark Scion, carrying out their will either in Mad Maze, Surface World or Underdark. Agents will have specialties when recruited, indicating what they can be set towards. A Dark Scion can focus on an Agent Type or allow random chance to determine what they get. Random agents will often be slightly more powerful, their own Darkness pulling them to you. You will only get a maximum of +3 from Agents assisting an action no matter how many are assigned. Unused Agents form a Reserve in the Dungeon Lair that can help defend it or be sacrificed to mitigate losses.

The cannon fodders of the Dark Scions. Minions act ast the muscle and manpower for actions taken during a Turn that require more than your mewling Wellspawn. They might very well be staff for business or soldiers for armies. One must declare the sort of minions they are recruiting when carrying out the action. Recruitment cannot be split between types, if you want two types of minions for a turn, do two recruitments.

Dark Scions may improve or develop a variety of things with Research. Generally they should consult with the Game Master and results may vary depending on the success of the roll. What benefits are generated fall into Bookkeeping Rules. You MUST list your benefits/developments or they WILL NOT be accounted for.

All actions in the game are based on rolling. This is a 1d100 system and from the start, all Dark Scions get a 50 percent chance of success. All actions are based around the stats. Each point in a stat gives a +5 (Maximum of +50 if you are at 10). A roll of 01 will ALWAYS SUCCEED. A roll of 100 will ALWAYS FAIL. What players want is degrees of success. Simply beating the roll is an automatic degree of success. The difference between the tens place of your roll and the target number will generate additional degrees of success.

Example: Gorblat the Flatulent rolls 10 under 50. Gorblat has the initial degree of success, followed by 4 degrees of success (5 - 1 =40). Gorblat ends up with 5 degrees of success, resulting in a very successful action. This same principle applies to failures though. Degrees of failure will influence how badly things go.

It should be noted that actions will have Difficult Ratings attached to them dependent on your chosen action. Defiling the temple of a god is one thing. Defiling their Main Temple is another. Layered actions over several turns can help result in better Difficulty Rating for something major. Such things will be taken into account and players may consult with the Game Master.

Difficulty Ratings
Trivial +60
Elementary +50
Simple +40
Easy +30
Routine +20
Ordinary +10
Challenging +0
Difficult –10
Hard –20
Very Hard –30
Arduous –40
Punishing –50
Hellish –60

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