Dark Falls (Open)

Florence climbed out of the fountain and solidified, then looked around.

"I think she saaaid...thats my cabin?"

She walked over the grounds and opened the door to see a young girl sat at the desk writing, and apparently talking to herself.

Which was a little strange. Not That Florence wasn't strange herself.

"Howdy do! Im your roommate! I think?"

(If you had a differnt roommate in mind just say im wrong, just wanted an excuse to interact mainly )
Kiki tilted her head to see another girl. "I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong cabin. I requested one for myself - alone." She quickly said, sounded a little closed. She thought about what she said, and she never meant to make it sound so different from other conversations. She just wanted to be alone. Kiki may sound very much alike to someone who is depressed, as she liked being alone or on other days she would be filled with laughter. But today was no exception. She wanted to be alone.
"Oh. Okay. Im sorry. I don't read so well. Or like, at all, really. I was going to sleep in the fountain, but they said I gotta buddy up with someone."

she was silent for a few seconds, still hanging around the doorway.

"Um..Could you help me find number 4?" she asked, eyes wide and innocent."
Kiki smiled. "Of course." She leads the way to cabin four for this one girl. "Oh, by the way I'm Kiki. Dark Angel." She said, before telling her we were already standing in front of Cabin Four. "And you?" She asked, waiting for an introduction of her own.
"Im Florence! Or Flow. Im a water Nymph." she said, giving an exquisite curtsey.

"Oooh, really? Theres another Angel here too. She said she was falling, but she looked like she was standing up fine to me."
Sukai sighed. She was getting a little tired after the trip here, so she thought she'd go back to her cabin. Maybe Taylor would be done with whatever it had been that she was doing.
Florence walked to the outside of her cabin.

Evidently this numbering business wasn't going to cut it for her; she'd have to think of another way to make her cabin identifiable.

Aside from wetting it, there wasn't very much she could do for it with her powers without breaking it.

And besides, being wet wouldnt even make it stand out.

She ran into the room and took out a can of sky blue paint.

"Huh. I guess paints got alotta water in it." she said to herself, startint to levitating it out of it's can.
She heard Sukai walk in. "Do me a favor, and don't walk in the bathroom!" She called to her, still disecting parts from the Xenon.
Kiki then returned to her cabin, and she's all worked up on writing - her eyes are red, her hair is up and static. She decided to go on a nice walk through the forest before orientation, just to clear her mind.
Although Taylor knew she must get her own armor; but lousy Iron or leather armor won't last a second against Ssypher metal weapons. And she especially knew that this was a sacraficial Xenon. The only thing she could do to keep her own armor, is to re-shape the Xenon's. "Better than nothing..." She muttered, morphing back into a CyberDragon to carry the armor parts into the main room. She set them down on her bed, disecting each parts that looked alike. "So, this is me in my powerful form.." She murmured to Sukai. "And again, don't go into the bathroom. If you do..." She gave her a quick glare. "You. Will. Scream..."She chuckled a bit, but kept sorting out the parts.
"Hm. So what room are you? I'm number seven."

Rayne blinked three times before tilting her head in a questionable way, " Room....? Ah..! " Quetzal must be talking about the different cabins. Suddenly she held into her own skirt tightly, a bit too tight perhaps. It did amused her to share a room with someone else but what if, what if her roommate was someone who'd hate her? Usually she wouldn't care but still.

" Meow~ " the kitten jumped from Raynes arm and began heading outside, ' Bye bye ' she thought then stared at Quetzal like a clueless girl. " I don't want to share a room with anyone else. "

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