Dark Falls (Open)

"Howdy Do! How are you? Whats your name?" Florence said brightly.

"Do you know where cabin four is? I um, I dont actually know how to read. Not much need for it in a lake."
(Oh... Wow, oops I didn't see that ^_^ " Sorry!)

Sukai looked around, wondering way Taylor had done. She checked the office again and she wasn't there, hmm... Bathroom, maybe?

"Oh yes, sure!" Sukai said. "What's your cabin number?"
(Wow I'm an idiot today...)

"You're cabin number four.. That's right over here! It's next to mine, number five. Im Sukai." Sukai told her.

(Bye, [MENTION=4678]TechnoDragon[/MENTION])
Excited to meet new people who werent directly related to her, Florences hair started flowing quicker, a musical tinkle like a waterfall coming from her.

"Thankyou! Im Florence. Or Flow. Im a water Nymph. Have you met many people?"
Sukai smiled. This wasn't too bad, she was making friends! "I've met a few, my room mate is Taylor, she has brown hair but I'm not quite sure where she is now.... And I saw a blue haired.." She paused. It would he safer to mistake a guy for a girl than a girl for a guy she thought.. "A blue-haired girl and a pink haired girl and a white-haired girl. They all seemed pretty nice, I think..."
"Thats nice!" I haven't really meet too many people yet. Dont worry, Im sure she'll show up. What species are you? Oh! Sorry if that's rude. I've never met a differnt species to know if its rude or not, and my Momma always says I should be polite. Oh! I didn't curtsey either. Im sorry, I should have curtsied." As she spoke she gave an exquisite little bow that went beyond simple politeness and nearly into art.
Sukai was surprised. "You didn't need to curtesy, it's absolutely fine... And I'm a- well a... Falling angel." She looked down. "I haven't fully fallen yet, but I'm going to fall and become evil sooner or later... Sorry, I'm be bit depressing." She smiled sadly.
"Aww, I don't think you will. You're too nice!" she said with a warm smile, complete and total trust in her eyes. If you were bad you couldnt be my friend. But you are my freind, so you can't be bad!" She pushed to door to her cabin open. Rather than a pair of beds there was a bed with a bathtub sat next to it.

"Yay! My new house! Ive never had a house with a roof. Or walls. Or a house."
Sukai thought this girl was nice, if not very strange... But if she wanted to be friends, that was great! "Wow... I guess this whole camp experience will be nice for you, then?"
"Uh huh. Well, im not used to not being with any of my sisters. But, I'll be fine. It's nice meeting new people." She cocked her head and stared at Sukai for a few seconds, then her form flowed into a fairly accurate, but not quite perfect, glassy copy of her.
Taylor ripped the amor off of the Xenon's body. "Can't beleive they've already found me!" She yelled, putting all the parts aside and inspected the body that had a thin, black suit on just like Taylor's. "What am I going to do with you?!"
Florence giggled.

"Im really made of water so I can sploosh myself around a bit. Have to concentrate on holding it though."

She relaxed and flowed back to her normal shape, hearing a noise from Sukai's cabin.

"Are you living with a poltergeist or something?"
Quetzal, due to his accurate ears, heard someone speak about a blue-haired female. Not again. He sighed to himself and decided to ignore it, quietly stepping up to the person behind the desk.

"I would like to have my room key, please."

He said politely, and was given a shiny pair of key. Cabin 7. Quet flicked his tongue in graditude, walking back to Rayne. "Hm. So what room are you? I'm number seven." He spoke vaguely, trying to hide his interest in cabin buddies.
Sukai sighed, closing the door. She'd letTaylor do what she wanted, see just wanted to check on her to make sure that she could handle what the situation was.. Which she obviously could. Sukai want sure what to do, so she decided to take a walk. Perhaps she'd meet someone new, everyone here seemed so social.
Flow hummed happily to herself. Her room mate wasn't there yet so she may as well wait somewhere public.

Walking aimlessly she came to a small fountain in the middle of the school, and happily sat in it to watch people come and go, her bottom half melting into the water.
Sukai sighed, enjoying the dusk falling over the camp. Most of the people were probably here; seeing as it was nearly dark... She sat on a bench near the office, wondering if anyone else would come. She was on a roll today, two friends in one day when she hadn't had any for three years!
Florence sat against the inside edge of the fountain, almost entirely out of view without peering over the edge, and started to sing out gently, the sound wafting through the camp. Her new house was nice. The people were nice. Everything was...nice.
Rayne has been in deep thought until she had heard someone asked, "Hm. So what room are you? I'm number seven." she stared at him then blinked, she tilted her head then covered her mouth slightly, "Room...?" she had never heard of sharing a room with someone else, she grabbed Quetzel's hand tight, a bit too tight perhaps then began walking towards the table, once she was about to ask for the room keys she heard a small cat from outside then looked at the door. "...Kitty....?"
Kiki situated herself, laying on the bed. Her duffel bag was dropped carelessly onto the hard wooden floor. As she knew she would be staying at Dark Falls camp for a long time, she knew that she had no choice but to stick with it; she had no where else to go. She escaped from home and chose her own life at Dark Falls ; it was her choice. She walked up the the desk provided in the cabin and started to write notes on a scrap piece of paper with the Dark Falls crest on the middle top of the paper. "It's a piece of paper." Kiki said to the dead spirit right beside her. This spirit has actually been Kiki's friend for quite some time. She could feel the energy of at least fifteen dead spirits around her cabin - this was the usual thing.

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