Dark Falls (Open)

'Bet you'd be scared of mine....' She muttered mentally. "No it's fine... So what's your ability?" She asked. 'What did I just doooooooooo???? No she'll ask mine and avoid me forever!'
Quetzal Coatzyl looked at Kiki, flicking his snakelike tongue," Hm? No. We're...... 'friends'." He said blankly. He blinked deep azure eyes, ones that showed a tint of uncertainty, but he kept his gaze confident and strong. He didn't want his appearance to give away his slightly wicked intentions. He actually didn't want to be nasty on the inside, but Wuet was broken. And no glue or duct tape can fix his broken.
S-she wants to know my ability?! What if she doesn't like me? But I can't lie... "I-I'm an angel..." She started. "Wait--Well, kind of... I'm currently in the process of falling to a fallen angel... So I'm really sorry if I suddenly... Well, attack you at any time, I'm pretty unstable. As I fall, my wings and soul will turn black and evil... So while I'm still partially pure, I'm sorry if I ever do anything horrible in the future." Sukai said, looking away. She forced a smile, looking back. "So.. What's your ability?" I'm sure it must be cooler than mine."
Getting his things he nods to the woman then continues to walk on. The crow pecking at his head as he enters the full camp. Looking down at the paper he tired to find his cabin number. Curious on who he was bunking with. The crow pecked harder but he didn't mind. He decided to take a seat on a boulder closest to one of the cabins as he read the paper.
Kiki, again, raised another eyebrow. The way he said 'friends' was .. different. "Oh well, you sounded like you were her brother back then." She said quickly, not trying to think of any words. She sat, resting her back. She crossed her legs and took out a book to read. The book looked old, it appeared to be something that was a thousand years old - with all yellow and crumpled edges of the book and inside of it. But that's the way she liked it - old and creepy. She waited for her key to her cabin, just like everyone else.
She gulped. Why did she say so?! "Uhhhhh..... Well. I'm a-" She paused. What will Urichak do when he finds out? Oh well.... "I'm a CyberDragon..." She gulped again, and showed no fear. "I'm part human and CyberDragon.... CyberDragons are things from a nearby G-g-galax-xy...." She murmured. 'Friggin' kill me already!'
Sukai was surprised. From another galaxy? She'd heard of cyber-dragons, but never thought she'd meet one... "Wow, that's really neat..." She paused. "I mean a but scary, since you're so powerful, but it's also neat. There must be a lot of diverse creatures in this camp..." She trailed off. Looking to the left she saw the white-haired girl reading an old book. What could she be? Suddenly, Sukai felt curious. She wanted to find out who and what everyone was. No, no, that's rude. Don't be so nosy, if they want to tell you they will.. Which they won't since you're an unstable, falling angel.
"But here's the thing... The Commander, Urichak, is looking out for me... He doesn't trust me. He doesn't want me to make friends or have any relationships... Too late I guess.." She muttered, hating Urichak and his sayings.
Sukai was shocked. Did she just... Refer to her as her friend? She felt a squeeze in her chest. She's made a friend!! "I'm your... Friend?" She asked. "Well... If he ever tries to punish you for having a friend don't worry, I'll protect you. I know I might not look like it... But I can fight really well. It's horrible to try and stop someone from having friends..." She muttered.
"Well, it'll interfere with the mission, or war." She sighed. "He's letting me live down here for awhile, but you can't really stop him. the only damage you'd probably make on him is 2%. Things from different worlds are more powerful than legends on Earth, even Gods maybe.."
"...I see..." Quetzal said, raisingan eyebrow," My apologies for the misunderstanding." He said politely. Quetzal raised a clawed hand, scrayching his chin. He noticedone of the people that had come in earlier talking to a girl that was doodling. That was nice.
She looked out the window, fearing that she felt a Xenon's prescence. "Oh noo nonononno!" She was extremly scared, especially for the others inside. I waited for awhile, hoping they'd just not notice my worried look.
More powerful than gods? Wow... Sukai was way in over her head. "Wow......... Well, if I do weaken him 2% at least it'll be 2% less likely he'll be able to badly punish you." She said, attempting optimism. Sukai also saw the blue-haired still undetermined guy or girl glancing at them... She smiled a little at him. Might as well be nice if she'd be here for a while, or at least try to.
Kiki nodded - she was just accepting every single thing everyone said because she was only interested on reading this one book. However, she was bored. She wanted to do something. After reading a couple of chapters, she walked towards the person behind the desk - her duffel bag was slung across her shoulders. "Yeah, can I have my key now. I'm done with this place." And she was referring to the Office. There wasn't much left to do, so the person gave Kiki her keys to her own cabin - as requested by Kiki herself. Kiki took one last glance at Quetzel and Rayne, she waved at them and pushed opened the door so she could leave.
"Um.. Is something wrong?" Sukai asked, turning away from the blue-haired one. Taylor looked terrified. "Are you remembering a bad dream or something?"
"Yeah, but I'm even more powerful than anything in CyberDragon history. Recieving a punch from a regular CyberDragon, is like getting 50 punds thrown at you, but mine averages around 150 to 200 pounds. It's insane, and I mostly kill Xenons- I mean other things within one punch...." I murmured.'I'm doomed, I know a Xenon is around here....'
Finally getting everything down, he walked to the second cabin. Pushing it open then closeing it, he spotted a bed to the right. Walking over to it, the crow jumps off his back and lands on the window seal. He laid down ona the bed then closed his eyes. Finally something he could lay on that wasn't hard.
Sukai was surprised. "Wow... That's really a lot, I guess you wouldn't have much trouble against him then, would you?" Sukai replied. That was good, her first and only friend since getting kicked out of heaven wasn't going to be killed... That was a relief.
She was called up to the desk, saying that Sukai was my dorm mate. "Who's Sukai?" I asked, looking around.
Who'sSukai? She laughed a little... "Sorry, I never properly introduced myself... I'm Sukai." I told her. Looks like you don't have a weirdo for a room mate, that's a relief.
"Oh, duh." She stuttered. She made her way to the door and walked outside. "Something's not right...." She could feel the Xenon's power. She gave Sukai the keys. "Go, run to the cabin..." Taylor put her bags down, and looked around, and smelled the air. "Show yourself, you pesty Xenon!" She scoffed, morphing into a CyberDragon as a surge of power dove to her. "Xenon!" The Xenon had clearly have an invisible device. The Xenon appeared, lightly armored, and lunging at her. "Come on!" All she had was a thin suit on her. She dodged, punching the Xenon in the head, sending it 10 yards away. Her expression: 0_0. It just layed there, not moving. Taylor walked to the body, and flipped it over, the Xenon's helmet was... bent..? "No way!" She had never bent Ssypher metal before without tools.
Sukai was confused, but she obliged. She went to the cabin and put her stuff in the left chest. She also claimed te top bunk, hoping Taylor wouldn't mind... speaking of which, I wonder what Taylor has to do?
She looked around, and took off the helmet of the Xenon. "Ohhhh snap....." One of the Xenon's top fangs broke. "Baah!" She surged, dragging the Xenon to the cabin. I barged the door open, and dragged it inside. "Don't, freak!" She said, panting, the body was very heavy. She then dragged it into the bathroom. "Oooohhh mmyyyyy goood......" Taylor collapsed to the ground in the main room. "That was unexpected...."
Florence walked out of the sign in desk and looked around.

She'd of been quite happy sleeping in the fountain, but to 'promote bonding and group happyness' she'd been told she had to sleep in one of the cabins along with some one else.

"Hmmm...number 4?" she sais, wandering over to see if anyone else was inside yet

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