Dark Falls (Open)

She was finishing eating the cookie then stared at her [ Kiki ] "Rayne..." she replied, she didn't want to say her full name since she hated it. She waited for her to also say her name and introduce herself, while waiting she placed her hands in front placing it together, her skin was surprisingly cold, but she had never noticed it before.
Taylor had hoped no one was talking to her, most likely the girl who wanted food. She gave a quick stare to them, and then went back to sketching out the details of the dragon.
"I'm Kiki.." She said. Kiki caught another girl's stare and peaked into a book she had been so busy with. "Hey.." She started, "What're you doing there?"
"Kiki..." she repeated again then walked back to Quetzel feeling very happy, she had a huge smile on her face while she was tugging on your shirt yet again, "I made a new friend..." her voice was still soft like always. This was her first time to feel happy on making another friend, then curiosity came to her, "Your my friend too, right Quetzel...?" she asked with a wondering look on her face.
Quetzal looked down to see Rayne speaking about a new friend. She had asked him is he was one. This question really stumped him. He knew the right thing to agree, and he really did feel a connection. But what about his thoughts at the beginning? At first all he saw was a gullible little girl.

"Of course.."

He said with a fake smile, one that showed absolutely no ill intention whatsoever. The dragon boy strode over to Kiki, hokding Rayne's hand as if he were her father or at least her brother. He did a wave," Hm. Quetzal Coatzyl. Half dragon." He said with a chilling tone that hinted a bit of hate for his race. "You?" Quet hid inside a vicious sneer, replacing it with a polite smile.
"Uh, nothing..." she murmured, giving the girl [Kiki] a barely understandable voice. Although she didn't want to talk, nor put all these people in danger, but, she'll need someone to help her around. "I'm just... Drawing..." I said, a little too shy. 'What will the gods do with me?!' I muttered in my mind.
( Maybe not, ask [MENTION=3487]totherescue[/MENTION] )

Rayne had a blank expression when he grabbed her hand, though she was feeling happy inside, he was her friend, he accepted it. Once she realizes she was talking to the girl she had met, she peeked over at his right side and waved a bit, "..Kiki...." she said softly while doing a small wave.
Even though that Taylor was highly shy, she said words. For almost like the first time. But if she had to live with these people, then she'd have to get used to them. Taylor also didn't understand why Urichak wouldn't allow friends nor relationships, since she's a big difference in CyberDragon history.
{ No. It's not too late to join. Go ahead. }

Kiki's attention went over to Rayne and a boy. After his introduction, she stood up to do one of her own. "Kiki Michell .. Ange- Dark Angel." Kiki's original mother used to call her an angel, because her mother is one - but some how she's turned dark. Her pristine, white hair covered her one eye and she pushed it back to her ear.
'Phew.' She murmured mentally, She went back to sketching out the details of the dragon, to make it complete. Her headphone's were put on, and she listened to her own music. This got her calm and no longer frustrated. She knew she had to keep a low profile, Taylor also remembered that the Xenons are still looking.
Full Name: Sukai Sora Hiryuu(just called Sukai though)

Age: 16

Appearance: (I don't think the picture will show up, but if it doesn't she has really long blond hair and dark blue eyes with large white wings, they're small in the picture if it showed but they're larger in real life)

Personality: She's kind of quiet, but lonely. She doesn't really make that many friends because of her differences from society, she doesn't wear the popular cloths or listen to popular music and basically just sticks out like a sore thumb in regular society. But despite that, she's really kind and just wants to feel like someone, anyone, will care about her. She is extremely protectful of anyone who's kind to her and hates them to her hurt, but will not be fazed if a person she seems bad is injured or killed since she sees it as justice for the sins they committed, however small. She has sudden spurts of anger sometimes and is extremely dangerous when that happens.

Background / Biography: She was an angel, and a happy one. She lived her life in the clouds with her friends and family, watching over the world and helping when she saw bad things about to unfold. Although she couldn't be seen, she still knew that the people she saved were grateful of the unknown force helping them. But when she was thirteen, something happened. Sukai was just flying overhead when she saw a house on fire. There were people gathered around it in panic, a child was still inside!! Sukai flew down and into the house, searching for the boy. Since she was an angel, the smoke and fire didn't do anything to her. Sukai spotted the boy crouched in the corner. She grabbed him and flew him out of the house, setting him down in front of his "parents" As they couldn't see her, everyone was amazed as to how the boy got there. The mother exclaimed that it must've been an angel, and all crumbled to pieces. As soon as she said that, Sukai's invisibility wore off. Everyone gasped, staring at her... And her wings. Sukai fled from the scene, back to her home, but she was no longer welcomed. A rule among angels was that they couldn't, under no circumstances, be found out, otherwise they'd be banned forever. Sukai fell to earth for good. She wandered the land, depressingly knowing what would happen to her. Her wings were still amazingly mostly pure at the age of 16, three years later, but they were starting to turn black. Eventually, her wings(as well as soul) would turn black and she'd be evil.

Species: (He/She can be anything.) Angel, but in the process of falling to a fallen angel.

Abilities: Flying(well, she does have wings xD ), invisibility(she has to make herself invisible on command, sometimes she can't do it though since she's not fully angel anymore), immunity to hot or cold temperatures.

Other Information: She carries two sword-knives with her in case she has to fight off danger, but prefers not using them if possible... Though usually they get used to kill something during her sudden anger spurts, which are caused by the process of falling to a fallen angel.
Full Name: Goto Crone

Age: 17 (130)

Appearance: View attachment 13648

Personality: He quiet and doesn't talk much. He doesn't like to make friends or get close to anyone since his past. If he does talk , his words are like wisdome but can sometimes bet that of a childs. No one has really gotten to know him but his pet crow, who truly understands him to where if he hurts some one he is truly pained by it.

Background / Biography: Before he was born the elders in his town told that the child would be the child of death. Disregarding the fact his parents gave birth to goto. Strangely when he was born he was born as if he was a 10 year old. His body different from a normals child. Standing over his mothers dead body due to his birth, he began to rage not knowing it was him who did it. Black flames began to burst through the building as crows could be heard. The elder told him at the door he was the one who caused it. Ashamed of what he did he left the town burnning with everyone else in it.

Species: (He/She can be anything.)
Jaki - "Evil spirit". Malevolent supernatural beings in general with few other traits

Abilities: Voidwalker- can summon portals, Black flames, Deaths from- able to turn into a reaper

Other Information: Weapon is shape shiviting harvester. His pet crow is always around him. When he gets angry you can hear the crys of the dead ones he's killed, and crows screaching.
Sukai sighed, walking into the office. For some reason when she saw the flyer blowing by, she just had to go... Not really like she had anything to lose by going, she didn't have much point in her life left. And... maybe while she was here, she could make some friends. Her heart felt a slight squeeze at that thought. She was so lonely it was unbearable, if someone even held a conversation with her she'd be ecstatic. Sukai opened the door to see several people milling around the space. She felt a bit nervous now, what if they didn't accept her? She made sure her wings were firmly tucked against her back and out of sight before grabbing a form and a pen off of the front desk counter and beginning to fill it out. Name, date, gender.. Those basic questions were easy. But a few were a bit troubling, such as where she lived before... Since Sukai had no answer to that, she simply filled in a random city, hoping they wouldn't look into it.
Taylor had noticed another girl walk in. Apparently there are more people different than expected. She kept drawing, keeping a low profile. The symbol on her right shoulder was now exposed since she was in the 'Drawing Mood'.
Sukai smiled politely at the intern, handing her the paper. She looked around. It looked like there were many differnt people in the room.. Most of them had traits that identified them as being abnormal. She saw a girl with pink pigtails and pink eyes holding hands with... Another girl? Or maybe it was a guy... But they looked kinda feminine. He/she had blue hair and a kind smile, but cruel eyes. She also saw a white-haired girl and a girl with water for hair... Neat. She spotted a seat next to a brown-haired girl drawing. Trying to be polite, she sat down. There was some strange mark on her shoulder... A tattoo, perhaps?
Quetzal sighed," Guess that's all then." He quoted abruptly. The reptile cracked his neck, still holding the hand of his buddy. To be honest, Quet was starting to get a bit attached to her, even though they had only met not long before. He shook his hand, trying to get Rayne's attention," Oy, do you wanna go anywhere before bed?" He said in a big-brotherly way. Quetzal was beginning to feel like a guardian of somesort, but he knew that could never happen. He was a diamond dragon, and dragons aren't supposed to have mercy.
She noticed that the girl who just walked in was looking at my shoulder. 'No, it's exposed!' Taylor faught in her mind, as she covered it up eagerly. Who knows if she was a CyberDragon in disguise or a Xenon? Only that person. For the first time, she made a conversation. "Hi..." She said, taking off her headphones.
Sukai looked up, surprised. The girl actually talked to her!! "Hi..." She said quietly. Hi? A greeting? Sukai felt full of nervous energy, it had been so long since she hasn't had an actual conversation with someone that hadn't started with "Get out of my way, woman!"

"U-um... Hi t-there..." Sukai muttered. She cursed herself. Why does she feel so nervous? It was just a harmless nice girl, calm down... "So.. You're at this camp too, then?" She said. Wow, what a pointless question! Sukai thought to herself. Of course she is, that's why she's here. Just like herself.
'She's actually talking to me? Pfff....' She put down her pencil. "Um yeah... I see tha you're kinda a shy girl like me, eh?" She said quietly, hoping that this is going to be the best conversation and long-lasting one on her record.

Goto slowly walked along the rigid dirt raod path toward the camp. His mask bouncing against his chest as he swayed a bit. His head was down as he looked at the small bugs walking past his feet. Thikning about what the old man said at his last stop he deiced to join camp. The crow upon his shoulder cawed into his ears making him look up. He glanced toward the bird then looked up. His red eyes looking over the people who were entering the camp ahead. Tired of his traveling he thought this would be the best place to rest but that was all he was looking for in this camp. A rush of wind passing by him making his hair move sdieways along with his jacket.

Making it to the entrance. His eyes trailed over the camp and the entrance. Stareing at it for awhile he could imagine his old town in flames. Closeing his eyes, he looked back down then walked through. He didn't know where to go but had common sense to know that the lady infront of him would help him and give him what he needed. "excuse me..i have currently joined this camp..what do i need."
Wow, she guessed it! "Um, yeah, I am..." She blushed a bit. "I don't really have many.. Well, any friends and I haven't been near my family or anyone for--" She gasped. She was saying too much!! The first conversation in forever was making her shell crack... No! She had to be more careful. "Uh- I'm sorry, that was really random, I'm sure you're not interested in my boring past!" She mumbled, looking down. For a first conversation this was turning a little awkward because of her. Why couldn't she just be able to be social like normal people?

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