Dark Falls (Open)

"He'll feel much better soon, I promise."

Quetzal said, almost coldheartedly, and walked closer to the badger, his face barely giving off much emotion. "I'm just letting it take a few more breaths, just to make sure it's ready and whatnot." he spoke in a hushed tone, as if he didn't want anyone else to hear him. The reptile kneeled down on one leg, petting the animal gently.

"Let your spirit fall into a lovely, crimson death. Upon you I grant my utter graditude..."

He mumbled and flicked a finger, causing a final jemstone spike to burst from the ground.

Quetzal Coatzal stood up, his eyes bleak and calm, glancing back at Rayne,"That seems to be enough. We should head back to camp."

He gestured his head to come along, walking ahead silently.

No one could see it,

but there was a slightly twisted smirk on the corner of his lips.
"O-okay..." it hurts, it hurts so much. The way he could do that calmly, just like a murderer does it. Before standing up she looked back at where the badger was, "Bye, bye..." she said in a very soft tone, her voice was a bit shaky from what she had seen,no he did it for the badger so he's a good person right? that's what she thought.

She stood up then ran to catch up, then stopped when she was exactly behind him, digging down her pockets she saw a box of pocky sticks then opened it up. She got one then placed it on her mouth, how big was her pocket anyway? Everywhere she does she always had food, she looked up and stared at Quetzal, "..." she said nothing but showed him the box offering if he would like some. She waited for him to get some, her expression darken a bit she didn't mean to be rude but, "Hey.... were you really helping the animals there?" she really wanted to ask about it.

"....Forget what i said," she told him, no she doesn't judge people that easily, what if he really was helping the animals? She might just make him feel bad, she quickly ran up to the camp leaving him a bit behind, she looked around and saw a cat up in the tree, "Pretty..." she said to herself complimenting the cat. Once she saw the cat about to fall down the ground she pushed the kid under the tree and fell down catching the cat, her outfit was all dirty luckily her face and hair wasnt, "Meow~" the cat purred and licked her face, animals were much better that human beings, that's what Rayne believes.
Quetzal was a surprised when Rayne suddenly darted forward, catching a small cat from a tree. 'Hmph. How cute. Guess she really is that innocent, huh...' he thought to himself. The reptile stepped forward, clapping slowly," Good job." was the only thing he could utter. Quetzal was starting to have this piercing emotion. Was he feeling bad for her? Was he upset with himself for taking advantage of a sweet little girl? He shouldn't. He was a dragon, for goodness sake! Dragons don't take any pity or regret. At least that's what he had known.

He walked up, in a calm, laid-back manner, to the cat. Quetzal gave it a light pat on the head, pretending to act relieved for its safety. "You would've fallen and bled to death, little kitty." he said in the nicest way he could, even though deep down he oh-so wanted that feline to plummet to its end. Quetzal glanced warily at Rayne," Hm, so you love animals this much?"

(waaagh DX i feel so bad when Rayne figures out Quet has been lying :*/
[ ( xD Me too, heh but i think in Rayne's character she's used to this. :/ this happened before though. ) ]

Rayne looked up to Quetzal then nodded, she sat up her back aching a bit then carried the cat to the sky, "Kitty's... are my favorites... they always come around when i need them the most..." she said staring at it, "Meow~"she stood up ignoring the pain, she had worst when she was younger. Looking over at him she passes him that cat and gave one of her rare smile, "See, it likes you" she said in a pleasant manner. She was wrong, he acted nice to the kitty so he must be saving the animals in the forest. She felt kinda bad for judging him really quick.

While she was looking around there was one place that interested her the most.'The.. office!' she had forgotten all about it, she never even registered because of her pestered uncle, now she had forgotten about it.
Florence was inside the office, and looked around to find the desk to sign up at.

there were a ton of people she'd never met before, and her waterfall of hair flowed rapidly in her excitement, but never quite reached the floor or dripped off.

After signing in she stood, figuring the best way to find new members would be to wait here
Quetzal sighed. He almost felt like he was looking after Rayne, not exactly her friend. Yet judging by her bubbly nature, she probably already thought of him as a pal. Quet nodded," Alright, let's go to the Office and whatever..." He shoved his hands in his pockets, blowing off some bright azure hair that fell onto his face.
Full Name: Taylor Ridly

Age: 16

Appearance:View attachment 13518

Personality: Taylor is sort of shy, but only to other people her age. She loves to sketch dragons, make her own Techno/Dubstep, and stay away from most people.

Backround/Biography: Taylor's family were basically nomads. Her father and mother moved alot when she was at age 11, since the police and government were trying to harness Taylor. Though no public community knew why she was to be hunted, dare to find out?

Species: CyberDragon/Extra Terrestrial. CyberDragons are 8ft. tall, croc-like heads, plain green epidermis, unknown metallic claws, and have a strange symbol on each individual's shoulder.

Abilities: All happened at age 11, she touched an artifact that changed her life-Perminantly. She transformed into this green, alien. She could transform into it whenever she wanted, and could tdo hardcore parkour. Her bones and muscles became stronger, but never told anyone this.

Other Information: She's also in contact with other CyberDragons. They are living right over Earth, and no one will notice. She's not in the mood for any relationships at all... None. ^-^
Rayne dusted off her clothes to remove some dirt in it then carried the cat while heading to the office, she stared at Quetzal and noticed something, she hadn't even told him her name, she also didn't know his. While walking towards the office it was quite, she didn't say anything so did he, it was really, really awkward. "...Rayne..." softly she whispered, she had a plain looks on her face looking at the direction she was heading, "...that's my name..." then remained quite after that. "Meow~" the cat began making noise to, she was quite thankful so it wouldn't be that quite anymore.
[ TechnoDragon - Accepted. Man, I hate being so busy. ]

Kiki - was already dressed - wrote her letter to her 'parents'. It says 'Bye. Forever. Don't bother to look for me.' She leaves the note on her bed, and scurries to get her duffel bag and escape through the window. Dark Falls was the only place for her next.

It didn't actually take her much time to enter the Camp hidden in the woods. You can tell from her eyes she was afraid.

She fixed up her outfit, and runs to the office to register herself. There, she could see that she was in a rush while everyone else was calm. A hint of her white hair falls onto her shoulder, she gives a smile before heading to register.
Quetzal nodded calmly, repeating the the girl's name," Rayne, huh..." He thought for a moment. Rayne. That was a pretty name, but he didn't say it out loud. Quet thought it would be polite to introduce himself also," I'm Quetzal Coatzyl. Half dragon." He muttered, not really wanting to get on the touchy subject of his species. Quetzal decided he wanted to change the subject," So what're you, Rayne?"
"Gashadokuro,..." she said softly, not much people knew about this since it was yokai from a legend only, she couldn't be surprise if he too didn't knew about this. She stood in front of the office and stopped walking, he was a dragon? What was that? She used to hear stories from her parents but never once did she encounter a dragon. She remained quite for a while, there has to be something about it that she knew about it but no, she never had learned about it. "Dragon...." she softly said hoping he wouldn't hear it, then continued walking to the door and knocked, "Meow~" the cat said then jumped away from her arms going to another road. "Bye-bye..."
Quetzal opened the door to the front office, seeing others who had been standing there for registration. He saw Kiki, blinking a silent hello. He stepped inside, taking in the sweet scent of the office. Clean and tidy was the only thing that came to mind. "Hm.. Guess wait here and sign stuff, huh?"
Florence turned round as she heard to door open, and saw a slightly cruel looking boy, and an innocent looking girl come through the door.

"Hi! Who are you guys? Thei sign up sheets here, you just gotta put your name and stuff." she said, gesturing to the sheets on the desk.

"Im a Naiad. Well, a Crinaeae if you want to be technical, since I live in a fountain. Or, if you want to be nice, Im Florence."
"Ah... Yes." Quetzal nodded and picked up two sheets of paper, handing one to Rayne. He took out an old pen from his pocket, filling in the little blanks in slightly messy handwriting. "Name..Quetzal Coatzyl..age...gender...mhh.." He mumbled to himself while scribbling in the form. The paper was rather thorough, causing him to be a bit uneasy about some of the questions. The ones he absolutely didn't enjoy, Quet simply doodled only barely legible answers, hoping the person reading wouldn't be able to understand them. "Uh huh.." He read over his answers.
Taylor didn't want to go outside, she didn't plan on making any friends since her life was hard enough. Every night she wanted to go out to a lone, grassy hill and spot out some greenish dots, which were the ships watching down on us all. Taylor sat on her bed, and listened to music, watched videos, and maybe played a few entertaining games. (I dunno if I should be in some cabin... Or class :L)
"Huh, cool" Florence said looking at his sheet.

"That's what writing is? I've never had any reason to write anything so I had to do a speaking interview. Not all that many words in water. Or forms. Or, well, anything much other than water really. Or fish."

(Dunno either, don;t think weve been given rooms yet)
(Oh) Taylor found a hill, and sat on it. She picked the grass, and hid from others. unfortunately, She has bright colors on, so she can be easily spotted. "Ok, if someone asks,'Why are you here if you don't have anything different in you?', Just say..." I was practicing that if it happened. I don't really know what to say. "I'll just, walk away..." I sighed, still hoping no one would find out except for the instructors.
Rayne took her time to stare at the sign up sheets, she didn't even asnwer a single thing, she got a pen from her pocket then stared at the paper again. Once she got her pen and removed the cap she placed down the paper on the table then answered really quickly, about a moment or two she was already done answering, her handwritting was script and quite understandable, she placed the correct puntuation marks in every sentence which were quite long for explanation then handed the paper. "...i'm sorry if it's not that neatly written...." she said with a soft sweet voice but a blank expression that ruined it.

She looked back at Quetzal and tugged the end of his shirt,
"...hungry.." when she placed her hand in her pocket looking for a pen she realized that she had no more food left, not even a piece of candy. She was hoping he would have or at least maybe Florence also had.
She checked the time, and it was time for her to find camp, and sign up. She grabbed her small bag, and walked to the main office. She opened the door, to find 3 more people there. "Mrrrphh...." She mumbled, wanting to sign the sheets alone. She took a sheet, filled in everything, and the only blank spot were the abilities. She tapped her pencil, looked around, and filled it out slowly but quickly. "There..." She handed it to the person behind the desk, and sat in a seat.
Kiki smiled at the boy who apparently noticed her. She makes her way to the desk to fill out the form. She took a pen, a sheet of the form and started to fill it out with her messy cursive as fast as she could as she didn't bother for a nicely done form. She handed it to the person behind the desk and took a seat before she did anything else.
​She looked around apparently Quetzel looked busy, she saw that girl [ Kiki ] sat down and stared at her with a blank expression, maybe she could talk to her. She went towards her direction and stood in front of her, she held out her hand then tilted her head slowly, "...food..." her voice was soft and her expression looked poor but her eyes shined brightly, as if she was a dog thrown off at the streets. Actually she has been using this expression since she was young, whenever she goes hungry she just did a small yet sweet puppy face then someone in her family would give her as much sweets as possible.
Kiki tilts her head up, noticing a girl was standing in front of her. She smiled, "Food, huh?" Kiki, was a big fan of food and of course a big fan of food should have food somewhere around. She took her medium sized box from her duffel bag which are filled with cookies. She took one and took a small bite, and offered the girl one.
Rayne blinked once she saw the cookie then gently got it from her, she slowly placed it on her mouth then hugged her tightly. "I love you.." she said in a gently voice. This is what she normally say to people who gives her something that she wanted, she did it once to a guy in middle school which actually freaked him out and started avoiding her, but she never mind it at all. She then looked back at Quetzel hoping he would come here, otherwise she would drag him here without hesitation.

Actually he may not think of it but she thinks of him as a close friend, even though they just met just today, since she saw him 'helping' the animals she wanted to be very close to him. Since all her friends before only wanted to torture those poor little creatures. '...dragon...'she remembered what he said he was, that was a useful thing right?
"Hmmph..." I mumbled, realising the black symbol on my shoulder was exposed. I made a quick spasm to cover is up, hoping no one had noticed that quick, weird spasm thing. Taylor also took out her sketch pad, and began to draw a dragon. One that would be a nice collection, since that's the only thing that she really drew. She tried to ignore most of the others, and she drew.

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