Writer of Tragedy|Art by ROYTHEART|
- One on One
- Nation Building
No one was coming for them. At least not at the moment. Good.
If they were worth anything they would do a search of the perimeter, so Lucan did not want to stay too long. But it would take enough time for them to collect their bearings and properly disperse to do a search for him and Ava to get a good headstart if not lose them altogether. But, Lucan realized, he may have just damned them both to a constant life on the run. Everyone there knew Ava well enough, and though they did not know Lucan's real name, well, he was a rather noticeable person. Lone traveler with guns strapped to his hips? Not many of those walked around anymore.
"Good... Ava, before we go, you hurt at all?" he assumed it was nothing drastic being that she seemed able-bodied enough, and had her bearings. He wiped the sweat from his eyes with his good hand. Now that they were out of immediate danger and did not need the horse to be riding through perilous trees with the threat of slamming headfirst into something at high speeds, he looked down at his mangled arm again. When he flexed his wrist he could feel pain shoot up through it, a sharp and intense pain at that.
"You know how to ride, right? We're going slower now- eh, do you mind?" He held out the reins to her if she said no, he could certainly still guide the horse with his legs and one-handed if he wished, though his thighs would be killing in him for days. But he wanted some time to collect his bearings as well. "And the book, you still have the book right?" he turned back to look at her. He assumed she did, but he wanted reassurance, as he might cry if they had to turn back and look again.
Perhaps not cry, that was quite unmanly. More of constant disappointed sighing.
If they were worth anything they would do a search of the perimeter, so Lucan did not want to stay too long. But it would take enough time for them to collect their bearings and properly disperse to do a search for him and Ava to get a good headstart if not lose them altogether. But, Lucan realized, he may have just damned them both to a constant life on the run. Everyone there knew Ava well enough, and though they did not know Lucan's real name, well, he was a rather noticeable person. Lone traveler with guns strapped to his hips? Not many of those walked around anymore.
"Good... Ava, before we go, you hurt at all?" he assumed it was nothing drastic being that she seemed able-bodied enough, and had her bearings. He wiped the sweat from his eyes with his good hand. Now that they were out of immediate danger and did not need the horse to be riding through perilous trees with the threat of slamming headfirst into something at high speeds, he looked down at his mangled arm again. When he flexed his wrist he could feel pain shoot up through it, a sharp and intense pain at that.
"You know how to ride, right? We're going slower now- eh, do you mind?" He held out the reins to her if she said no, he could certainly still guide the horse with his legs and one-handed if he wished, though his thighs would be killing in him for days. But he wanted some time to collect his bearings as well. "And the book, you still have the book right?" he turned back to look at her. He assumed she did, but he wanted reassurance, as he might cry if they had to turn back and look again.
Perhaps not cry, that was quite unmanly. More of constant disappointed sighing.