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Fandom Danganronpa


Real life has no appeal
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Hey There hopefully new Hope's Peak Academy we are sending this email to tell you that you The 'Ultimate' that you are accepted into the great and wonderful Hope's Peak Academy and I hope that you will accept the Inventation.

~ Hope's Peak Academy School Board ~

You Can't Turn down the request and go to the school and when you walk in you start to feel dizzy and sleepy and then you pass out and you wake up in you're own classroom and there is a note to go to the gym
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"Well would you look at that!"

*~More players required~*

"I can't believe it!"
"More people please..." She says as she looks at you with gleaming eyes, making you feel like it's your obligation to create a CS and join the Rp
It was a nice and sunny day, in the city rested Hope's Peak academy, a school for gifted children that really needs more students. "My oh my, if only more students could enlist, haaawww hawww hawww!!!" The principal bellowed at the top of his lungs, "There's free food, free tuition, all for the price of... JASON! HA HA HA! YES, YES YES, JASON!"
Bold= Actions so i can tell you if something happens

Private talks that you do not won't to know just roleplay in the PMs


The moniters in class 1-A flicker to life waking up all the people in the classroom and a figure that was to dark to see show's up on the screen. A somewhat childish voice fills the room "Wakey Wakey rise and shine student's of hope's peak academy I am your headmaster and I would like you all get to know each other and head to the gym pupupupu." Then the screen turn's off and the quietness of the room fills the room.

Piper Liken

Piper was one of the first people to wake and listen to the childish voice "Who does this kid think he is." But then Piper realized that she was not home but in a classroom with 15 other people who were awake or starting to wake up. "Wait one minute were are we the last thing I remember is i was going to Hope's peak academy and I wait were in hope's peak academy right." She started to wake up all the way and saw the metal plate windows and the cameras with moniters and a note on each desk saying to go to the gym and meet each other

(Just going to do Piper right now)

@Trust @OnceDarkness @NANANANANANANANANANA @McMajestic @Theflamre @Scrubnoppon @BennyAxC @Murlock Chief @Laughing Lunatic
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Kiyo Kano

Kiyo awoke shortly after the announcement. She looked around to find other students around her sleeping, 'That's weird... Why..?', she thought in her head as too why there were other people here sleeping like her.. Or better yet, Who brought them here? She remembered stepping into Hope's Peak Academy.. Then passed out? She saw another girl who appeared to be younger then her and was awake. She would probably know something, "Excuse me, miss? Do you know why we are here and what in the world was that announcement?" Kiyo really hoped that this girl knew something. Anything.

@Blue Fire

Keiji Sore

"Ohw,my head."

That was the first thing Keiji thought when he woke up because of that annoying voice.His vision was blurry but he can see...students,he thinks?There were 15 other teenagers in the same room.They must be students.Yes,he remembered now.He was joining Hope's Peak for....ugh don't remind him.He just wanted to go to Hope's Peak like a normal student and not be told about his "talent". So,he was walking into Hope's Peak and then.....nothing.He passed out,he thought.That's the only possibility.But why?

The conclusion that he thought of was the most likely.72.4% chance to be exact.That's why he sprung up from sleep with absolute horror.His vision sharpened.He saw the two other people who were already up,a lady with luxurious hair and a petite girl.On his left.....metal plate windows.In front of him....monitors.Then he look down.It was an innocent note asking him to go to the gym.He turned white

"Hey,"Keiji said in an uneven voice"is this some sort of initiation or something?" he pointed the question to the two girls. @Blue Fire @BennyAxC

"I have a theory about what happened but....you won't like it."

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Piper, Alexis, And Kinjin

Piper got up and out of her desk and looked at the student's "Listen what I think is happening is that this is some student initiation or something it can't that bad I mean I guess were in Hope's peak Academy." Kinjin who was now awake got up and started to the door and opened it and peaked his head out and Alexis was holding her head because she had a bad headache



Keiji Sore

"I mean,yeah sure.That would be nice to think,"Keiji answered while he straightened his glasses."But what about that?".Keiji pointed at the metal plated on the window.

"If this was an initiation,why would there be metal plates on the windows.Either my theory is right or I miscalculated and this is one realistic prank for initiation."Keiji let out a sweat bead. @Blue Fire

"Hey,you weirdo, @Murlock Chief .Are you from Hope's Peak academy as well?Please answer,"Keiji begged.​
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Kiyo Kano

Kiyo nodded and took a look at the other students who woke up, there was a boy who got up and peaked his head out the door, a cloaked figure who straight away pissed her off with his cussing, and finally a girl woke up and she held her head. She looked like she was in pain. "Listen, I'm sure that whoever's doing this has a really weird sense of humor, in fact I know many people who would go this far for a "prank", she said to the man with glasses, she then directed her attention the girl with a headache, "Hello there. Is your head alright? Anything I can do to help?" Kiyo asked her politely, in case she was one of the many humans who were anti-social.

@Blue Fire
"I really don't know " came a voice from next to the cloaked figure. "But I can say that I'm glad that none of you do ether" came the small girl in the white school uniform chimed in.

Kiyo Kano

"I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you there sir." Kiyo said as she put up her hand as a signal to stop, "We should wait for more students to wake up before we introduce ourselves. We wouldn't want them feeling left out now, would we?" Her face was completely calm, she really believed the fact that this was all a stupid prank. The note said that they all had to meet at the gym, so that's probably what they were waiting for. For them to go the gym, and then reveal that this was indeed a prank.​

Eleanor "El" Livid


First she catches her hands on fire because the acceptance letter burns for no reason, then you pass out on the first day of school? "I hate my luck..." She was one of the first few people to wake up, and one of the first few who wanted to cry. "Why is it always me?!" Eleanor sighed and put her head on the desk she woke up on, but somehow the desk just broke down and made her entire body fall to the floor. "Aaaahhh!" To top it off, the chair catches on fire, then magically douses itself out. However, Eleanor's foot was touching it... So someone is going to have some toasty feet tonight, "Whhyyy!"

@Blue Fire
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Suddenly, two men walk in the room, one with a camera and one wearing a dumb shirt. "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO, THE CAMERA IS RIGHT THERE!! OOOOOHHHH!"

(This is a joke post. Please don't take it seriously.)

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I don't know if I feel comfortable going with that... It kinda ruins the atmosphere in my opinion)
BennyAxC said:
I don't know if I feel comfortable going with that... It kinda ruins the atmosphere in my opinion)
If you're talking about me then I am staying in character, Eleanor is SHSL Unlucky... And $h1t like that always happens around her.
Not about Eleanor she's fine. What I mean is, are you serious about the two men?)
BennyAxC said:
Not about Eleanor she's fine. What I mean is, are you serious about the two men?)
*Desk breaks and chair lights on fire*

"No, she's fine."
Nagisa Taketora


Nagisa had already awoken before the announcement was made, he waited at the door with crossed arms for the other students. "Took a while, but now most of us are awake?" His voice had a strange charm to it, almost as if it spelled 'YANDERE MAGNET' or 'SENPAI'. All the chaos unraveled before him, lots of confused students talking about things and what was that? "Woah, did that chair just catch on fire... And did that desk break?" He was staring at Eleanor, a seemingly cursed student. But for now, he'd shut all their voices away and think.

'How did we get here? Why are there steel plates on the windows? Is it possible to get out? Whats the square root of pi? Am I thinking too much? Do I like boys? Do I like girls? Is my name Giovanni?'

He knew one thing already, and it was that the steel plates couldn't be installed in a single day. The rest of his questions would remain unanswered until the days go by.
(Well then i feel like an idiot once again, and I totally mean it she's fine..)

Kiyo Kano

Kiyo watched the cursed girl, but did nothing to help. She normally would've, but she remembered reading online that an Unlucky student would be joining them. It seems that that girl is the candidate for this, and in any case, it's pointless trying to help someone who is just bound by bad luck. So instead she said, "Listen darling, if you would please, go in a corner and sit there quietly. I don't want anything else bad to happen to you and anyone around you. If you do nothing, then nothing will happen." She tried to say this in the less mean way possible, but it still sounded rude to herself no matter what.



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