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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

Mizu began to freak when his only team member surrendered instantly. "Blond-- I mean, Yuki! Get back here!" He did not want to be abandoned, especially if it meant that he'd be captured and taken to the angry Shiro. Without taking a second to think about it he squirted the other girl with his water gun then took off running.
The other girl frowned when she was squirted. "You big doo doo head!" She groaned angrily as they both stomped away. Blondie was currently behind a blueberry bush twirling a piece of his hair and whimpering softly.

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Mizu pulled the blonde boy out of the bushes to return to sitting ontop of his shoulders. "Some teammate you are," he muttered sarcastically. Though he quickly got over it since it seemed too hard to stay mad at Yuki. "Just tell me where to go."
Blondie squirmed a bit when Mizu had suddenly picked him up and placed him on his shoulder. "Im sorry. I freaked out." Blondie pouted as he rested his chin on the top his his head. When Mizu asked for directions Blondie looked around before just pointing down to the path. "Just follow the yellow brick road~" he giggled.

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With a shake of his head Mizu sighed happily, "You really do remind me of Lori." Hopefully he'd run into Lori sometime soon. At the mention of the yellow brick road he immediately got that Disney song stuck in his head. "We're off to see the wizard~ The wonderful wizard of oz~" He could still sing.
"Really? Is that good or bad?" Blondie questioned before laughing when Mizu sung a song from the wizard of oz. "You're funny Mr.Mizu. You can sing too." He complimented. "So you and Lori are going to get married? Where at?" He asked twirling and playing with Mizu's hair.

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"I'm not really sure. I'd say a little boy of both." Mizu smiled like a dork when he had been called funny then complimented. The blonde boy moved onto another question before he could even reply to the first. "I was thinking about flying with him to Italy, but I'm not sure that's something he'd like."
Blondie smiled slightly as he stopped playing with Mizu's hair and just wrapped his arms around his neck lightly so he didnt choke him. "Italy? That sounds fun im pretty sure Lori would probably love to go to Italy. He does like travelling a lot." Blondie said. "Hope I can come though." he giggled but only being playful. Soon enough the sound of the intercom beeped on and it was Momo. "Alright little soldiers...and Mizu. The game will be ending in a few minutes since your parents are back so we have to hurry this up. So far Shiro's team is in the lead with now only two players. Yuki's team has been completely wiped out and Yuki is now the only one standing but he has a statue of liberty on his side so i'm pretty sure he will be easy to find. Good luck!" and with that the jungle was silent again. "Thanks for the encouragement Momo.." Yuki whined before seeing the chest up ahead. "Yay!" he cheered as he tapped Mizu's shoulder's rapidly. "Go go go go go go!" he whined.
Mizu tensed up slightly when his neck had been touched, but relaxed as he soon got used to it. "You're not coming along mister," he chuckled softly but found himself being interrupted by the sound of a very familiar female voice over the intercom. That announcement made the two feel like crap, but their confidence rose again at the sight of the chest. Mizu raced forward, determind to reach it before the other team. "Get the key out!"
Yuki pouted a bit when he was rejected but either way he smiled a bit. When they reached the chest Yuki quickly squirmed off if Mizu's back and pulled the key out only to get squirted with a water gun by the blonde boy who told on Mizu "Dang it Vladimir!" Yuki groaned as Vlad hopped out of the bushes. "You may be my brother but this is war." He laughed before getting squirted in the face by Yuki. "You cant do that you're dead!" Vladimir complained. "Oopps my finger must have slipped." Yuki said playing innocent as he tossed Mizu the key.

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Mizu recognized the tattletale almost immediately. He let his laughter slip out when Yuki had "accidentally" squirted his dear brother. Catching the key he quickly opened the chest, begging to figure out what was inside, wondering if he had already been told but stupidly forgotten.
When Mizu had opened the chest it was empty besides a small note inside that said 'Look up' Yuki looked up and saw Shiro sitting on a tree above the chest, a large pink water balloon hanging from a branch above Mizu. "Idiot." Shiro glared coldly at Mizu before cutting the water balloon free, getting all three of them wet when it landed on Mizu.

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Mizu blinked a couple after reading over the note, slowly tilting his chin up to see his doom hanging overhead. The giant water balloon absolutely drenched him! "Shiro!!" Mizu growled angrily, not pleased that his clothes were now tight and clinging to his body. "I was really looking forward to getting some cash or some sort of prize."
Shiro just rolled his eyes and hopped of the tree, holding a large sack of candy as he walked out the exit. "Alright everyone time to go in!" Momo called on the intercom. Vladimir shook his hsir dry and groaned. "Man..cheater." Vladimir mumbled at Yuki as they walked out the greenhouse and into the house.

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"Oh, I'm not finished with you!" Mizu called as he followed after Shiro. Now they both were upset with each other -- over dumb reasons. "Shiro was that about me going into your room?"
Shiro groaned "Sure.." he shrugged even though that wasn't really the appropriate answer to the question. He walked into the house, quickly going upstairs along with the two boys who went away.

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"Dammit Shiro, you shouldn't smoke...shouldn't attack people either!" Mizu didn't chase after that boy anymore. Instead he leaned against the wall to pull out his phone, dialing Lori's number.
Lori answered the phone with a sigh. "Yesss Mizu?" Lori asked through the phone as he ran a hand through hid blonde hair.

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"Why do you keep ditching me?" Mizu sounded annoyed for he was still frustrated about getting soaked, but brought himself to calm down and toned down his voice. "If I'm making you upset then I can just go home. The rest of your family seems to hate me."
"Im pretty sure Shiro is the only one that hates you here." Lori assured before just shrugging. "Jm not purposely ditching you Mizu there are just a lot of things I need to do." Lori said sadly into the phone. "But im on my way soon. Just hang out with Miya or Momo. Ok?"

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Mizu didn't answer Lori, he just hung up, not even replying with a mere "okay". Today was not his day.

Wished Lori hadn't taken the cigarettes away for he was really craving one now. Couldn't go to Shiro for one because that boy would snap his neck if he dared even look him in the eye. "This is just ridiculous," he grumbled as he departed down the stairs. Almost convinced himself to walk right out the door, only ending up collapsing onto the couch, tossing his wet shirt aside before cuddling the pillow.
It was about an hour when Lori had walked into the house, the sun already setting. He saw Mizu on the couch and frowned, laying ontop of him. "Did you really have to hang up on me? Not even a single I love you..." he pouted.

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Mizu had been asleep, his slumber being disturbed when a smaller isn't had spread itself out across his own. With a soft groan he peeked his eyes open, dropping the pillow to the ground. "Lori.." He was glad to see that young man again. "If I said it now, would that make up for it?" His hands found their way up to begin fiddling with Lori's blonde hair.
Lori smiled slightly as Mizu played with his blonnde hair "It might help though my feelings are hurt." He pouted before stroking Mizu's cheek softly. "Im sorry Mizu I didnt mean to ditch. I dont like making you feel alone." Lori said in an apologetic tone.

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Mizu pulled Lori in close enough to give him a quick but sweet kiss. "I love you Lori. I love you more than anything and I'm sorry." When Lori apologized he just brushed that aside. "Don't worry about it. I'm used to the feeling."

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