d.grayman rp (accepting)

Kayle said nothing, his usually sweet expression growing stormy.
soon they made it to komui's office to get the mission. komui said"sit sit and you two love birds..." smirking. nichole rolled her eyes and sat down.
komui said"the mission is two of you have to go undercover as a couple in this town there were several disappearances and we need you to find out why. kanda you will go with them." Nichole said"its me and kayle isnt it..." komui nodded and gave them the file on the town. "leanalee!" leanalee dragged nichole away.
nichole was knocked out while they injected a serem into her akuma weapon arm. kanda carried nichole to a boat and they had some suitcases. "cmon..."
then they got on the train on their way to the town. nichole woke up and kanda tossed her suitcase to her. "put on the dress..." nichole went and changed in the bathroom. her akuma weapon arm was a normal one. she said"hey guys can you help i cant get the zipper!" their guide smirked walking inside. "need help?" Nichole said"yes please!" turning around. the guide stared at her caramel colored skin and smirked unzipping the dress. nichole said"what are you doing?" THUD! Nichole said"NO GET OFF!"
the guide covered nichole's mouth."everythings fine!" Nichole kneed him in the balls and he winced and glared at her. BAM! Nichole screamed and tried to push him off. "KAYLE,KANDA!!!!"
Kayle opened the door and pushed the guide. "What is wrong with you?!"
Kayle punched the guide. "Don't you dare touch her ever again." He said, his voice dripping venom.
the guide hit the wall and rubbed his jaw. kanda said"dont ever do that again!" breaking his arm. "get her out of here..." nichole was still trembling scared.

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