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D&D 5e - Godlike Envy

Don't waste your spell slots on healing unless you really need to. I've got a really high base HP and a lot of damage potential. Just worry about debuffing and controlling enemies and everybody will be fine. You don't need to heal when there's no damage, right?
Wise words. 

Being clever in positioning and play can work wonders. 

Once came upon a room in a giant ruin, filed to the brim with kuatoa, ugly fishie things, annoying little sticky shits. No really, sticky is a annoying point of them. 

This room, we opened large door upon them all chanting to a a cleric riding a large toad in the back. They noticed us, DM expected us to charge and ensue shenanigans. 

What did I do as the front man? 

Close the door and hold it.

Gave us time to set up and do whatever we need, plus funneled the smaller baddies into a workable point.

Simple shield wall tactics won the day. 

Also fireballs helped, really helped.
Yeah, we've had similar situations. We were bum-rushed by a horde of gnolls. I was the party cleric, so one Spirit Guardians spell killed about 65% of them. Only two of them survived the initial damage to actually attack me on their turn, and Sanctuary quickly put an end to that. To this day - we're level 10 - and Spirit guardians is the most versatile spell I own.
Lovely how low level spells can stay relevant, just by increasing the spell's slot.

Cantrips as well, for an evoker, can be deadly.
I'm an Arcane Domain Cleric that spent a feat to learn Shillelagh, so when I hit somebody, they feel it. 1d8+6 (+2 Club) + 1d8+4 Thunder damage on every swing thanks to Booming Blade. Turns into free crowd control and massive damage.
Booming blade and greenfire blade. 

Lovely cantrips for a spell and sword warrior.

Also easy to get!
Indeed. I took Greenflame Blade as well. I also learned Goodberry with the same feat, so food is never going to be a problem on that character.
Alright, you two can join, but you have to come up with a reason to be at an Orc camp. My best idea is imprisonment. How you're imprisoned is up to you, but you're largely devoid of your gear. I'm available for PM if you have questions. @Cynthiera @Cashdash25
Okay, what classes have we got already?

I see what I'd assume are a pair of fighters and a bard, not sure on the others.
We've actually got a Fighter, a Paladin, a Bard, and a Barbarian. I can't remember the others at the moment. No fighting has started yet, so nothing's really going on.

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