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D&D 5e City of Shaldra~Zin


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My barbarian in my other DnD game was also recently mugged so I think I just have bad luck with these kinds of things. :<
DoomyGloom DoomyGloom
As far as I know unseen servants cant take damage can only be unsummoned if you are knocked out. Which you were.

Your familiar is dead unless you put it back on yourself when you were thrown out of the temple.

This thread is better for ooc chat and questions.

Put yourself at half health.

If your familiar is just an animal like hunter companions or something found and befriended, they are dumb. If the familiar is given by god or patron like warlocks or paladin steeds, they are smart.

Magic is too abundant for a hogwarts. All schools would have those classes available.

I find background is best delivered between players through in character means. But that is up to each player.
I was thinking of Faithful Hound rules.

If you didnt lose the frog during your tumble, its fine.

Round your hp up. You may need it.

Your family is smart enough to talk with. It might not win any awards or solve any puzzles, but feel free to have a chat with it.
We decide where we go; we decide (mostly) where the plot's going. :P If there's no affirmation nor argument, Cade'll just pull us to the plot point no problem.
The explosion was the temple at the north end of the city. If that is where you want to go. There are also safe places to go if you want to hide.
I wanna check out what's going on in this temple.

And 'hide'? What do you take me for, some kind of rogue?
I wanna check out what's going on in this temple.

And 'hide'? What do you take me for, some kind of rogue?
Yes :P
DoomyGloom DoomyGloom : I don't mind either way but Keaxusha himself would be interested in your characters family background because well it is a tabaxi thing. Now I wonder what it could be like playing a tabaxi bard storyteller. (never played a bard before and this is my second tabaxi first one was created for more of a fit to situation)

On familiars thing Find Familiar has this particular line: "When the familiar drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. It reappears after you cast this spell again." so it does not really die just 'poofs' for familiars intelligence there is also this line in the spell "the familiar has the statistics of the chosen form, though it is a celestial, fey, or fiend (your choice) instead of a beast. " in other words it is not any more intelligent than a normal representative of its species but some of them have really high wisdom which is something people often miss.

One thing I found strange is cat not having darkvision. I mean whoever stated cat obviously never owned or met a cat i suppose. They can clearly see in darkness better than some nocturnal hunters.
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DoomyGloom DoomyGloom

You started with 3 guards. One has been pulled into a building and possibly killed. Another has been attacked, but you are fighting them now. The 3rd guard has not been hit at all. The last guard is still shielding you from debris.

1 armor is attacking you.
Go ahead and post again. I want to keep things moving.
Your familiar is within 30 of the first armor to attack the group. You are within 30 of the one attacking now

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